
Bad Project

"I do not think that would be the best action," one of LY tech's investors stated

"I disagree with you. It will work. This company does not follow trends. We do things as it comes and we make money from it," another one tried to defend Leila's goals

"And you think a spaceship will help? It will not. I can accept something us but certainly not that," the first man countered the other

Every investor had one thing or the other to say. They did not like the new plan Leila had, and they were not hiding it. Only a few were in support, putting in mind their previous inventions that were not in trend but promoted the company significantly.

The rest did not buy this. They could not see a reason why they need to spend so much money on something that was just too absurd. They just could not see the possibility of it profiting the company and most especially them, for that matter.