
You Stupid Bastard.

Driving through the city. Jake was busy on his laptop, Dee was busy sipping a huge milkshake that she had cried for. He didn't want to deny her anything. Only for the harmful things that she was not supposed to take. For those, he didn't even place them in the house. The tiresome part was when the appetite came through at one, they had to order and get them sooner and sometimes it takes longer and by the time they arrive, she is not in the appetite anymore. Jake has been used to that but yearns to make sure that he at least tries to give ninety_nine percent if not a hundred. 

       "Hun, let's go to that baby shop. Can we please go there?"

Jake turned his head but they were past it. Looking at Dee, he knew she was going to pout and leave him there or even start crying all over again. Jake had to stop the driver and they headed in the same direction that they had left. 

It was a big mall that held baby clothes. Dee has not done any shopping for the baby and she didn't want to know the gender. All she wanted to know was that the baby is fine and nothing is wrong with it but for the gender, they made sure they kept it to themselves. 

Claire had volunteered to give her some of Jade's baby clothes and Dee agreed but she also felt she can't just get some boy's clothes and not think about the girl's clothes. They walked into the mall, their shades on and they had nothing to fear because Jade added a cap to it and Dee made sure she placed a hijab over her head to avoid scrutiny. Dee wanted to keep this pregnancy to herself and even told Fern to avoid telling anyone about it. She hoped she is going to keep the secret with her until when she is ready to reveal to the world the pregnancy or the baby.

Jake was walking behind her like a bodyguard waiting for Dee to pick something specific. Dee on the other hand was walking while checking here and there. She saw a blue dress that was paired with a pair of blue trousers and got it. Looking at the price, it was a thousand dollars, and die returned it.

"Why are you returning it, it looked cute you know?"

Dee shook her head and pointed at the price. Jake looked at her and shook his head. He was going to buy anything for a baby even if it cost a million shillings and nothing is going to prevent him from doing that. 

"You know, Dominic and Claire never looked at the prices, they picked everything beautiful in front of them and paid for it. Dominic said he was not going to think twice about his child. That is why we are going to buy everything that you feel is good and beautiful for the baby, I don't care about it."

He picked up the dress and trousers and placed them in his hands while holding Dee's hands. 

"The problem is that we don't know the gender, hun, so if we knew the gender, then it will be easy to pick any that we want. What if it's a boy or what if it's a girl?"

            "What if they are twins?"

Jake asked and Dee looked at her belly. She wasn't sure about that. Her belly was big for a four-month-old pregnancy. she knows the baby is fat, the same way she was chubby and has nothing to worry about. 

"Stop being stupid, they can't be, you know I was chubby when I was young, maybe this baby has taken my genes and we have nothing to be afraid of."

"That means, I am going to pick one pair for a girl and the other pair for a boy, is that correct?"

Dee shook her head and they went ahead shopping here and there. They wanted various things. Dee got matching socks for the baby and the same for Jade whom she loved very much. 

           "Come, let's see this section."

Jake grabbed her and they went to another section. They picked various hats. They wanted something for summer and others for winter. They then stood near a jacket section. 

"Hello, welcome here, we can customize some leather jackets for your babies."

The attendant said and the couple looked at each other with raised brows. Dee didn't want to get anything from the shop but Jake asked the attendant if they had wool.

"We have a sheep's wool, the soft ones and the sheep were pure white without any of it woolen dirty."

Jake nodded and showed the man a picture of a certain design. The attendant looked at it and shooked his head. 

"I can't lie to you, I am not in a position to make it but I can refer you to the guy. I know him. He is young and makes very beautiful designs. I will make sure I give you his contacts."

Jake looked at Dee who was not sure why Jake wanted those designs and the guy in front of him can make other designs. They were given the card and Jake asked the man whether he can make one for Dee but Dee disagreed quickly before even he could finish.

"He is joking. We got some from Russia recently, and I am satisfied."

Jake raised his brows and was seriously questioning Dee about the Russian jackets that he has never seen her wearing. 

"What? You give me warmth, or do you want some Russian sheep on my body? Maybe for the baby and the man better make something valuable because I am not going to take something that is not well worked on."

Jake chuckled while drawing her closer and hugging her. 

"What about the baby's room?"


Dee opened her mouth and realized she had forgotten about it. She was not having that in mind and thought it would be nice to start working on that. 

"What color did you have in mind now that we are inside this place."

They walked around until they saw a direction to a child's decor room. There were various equipment and various beds. There were trolleys for carrying babies.

"I think we are going to settle for a neutral color because we don't know the gender. What do you think?"

Dee nodded and they walked to the area but decided to pick those up when she is seven months pregnant.  Walking out, they picked some shawls and other items. 

By the time they were arriving at the counter, their basket was full and Jake had to carry some using his hands. 

Dee decided to pay for them and told Jake to pay for the baby's house next time.  They were done with the shopping when they walked out and Jake saw some maternity dresses which could be good for Dee. He grabbed her as their bodyguards placed the other items inside the vehicle. 

              "What now?"

"I want you to have those dresses, I swear they will look good on you. See the way the blue one is perfect and the white one?"

Dee walked closer and they asked if she can try some out. She was already tired and Jake had to help her with the dresses. 

           "You want me to come in with you?"

"Yeah, the room is big and it has a big door, plus, we won't steal something from here."

Jake looked left and right before getting in and closing the door behind her. 

"Open the zip, I don't have the strength."

Jake opened it slowly making sure that the zip doesn't break. Done, he was surprised that, the baby girl didn't have any briefs with her. He gasped and Dee turned around to look at him. 

          "What? I don't have panties, you like it?"

She placed her hands on Jake and pulled her closer to her. Directing his hands on her flower, Jake was afraid and withdrew his hands quickly placing them back on his shoulder. 

"I want you, baby, right now and right here. I can't take it anymore. Just feel me please, I am so wet and my legs are trembling. I don't wear my panties because every time, my hormones want you."

Jake was confused. He thought, she wanted him here so that he can help her change the dress but that was not the deal. Dee had other plans in mind, and those plans include having Jake take her to the changing room. 

"Hun, the guys might come in, are you sure about this?"

Dee got hold of his phone and typed something quickly into it before placing it on the small table beside that someone can use to place his baggage. 

Dee pushed Jake into the wall and asked him to climb on that table. Jake was more confused and he had to ask her again but Dee stopped him with a kiss on his lips.

Jake quickly climbed onto the table and Dee removed his belt quickly without giving him any break, she grabbed his brother who was already standing in front of her. 

Settling Himself nicely, Dee held the rim of his brother and placed it in her mouth. Jake couldn't believe it. dee couldn't look at him, she was afraid that he was going to see how hungry she is for him. She did her magic and Jake was groaning while calling her name but Dee was not giving him a break. 

She threw him clothes and asked him to moan silently because maybe someone is in the next changing room. 

"I want your hands on my head, push my head further into it."

      "Baby, you gonna throw up."

Dee grabbed his hands that were covering his mouth and placed them on her head pushing them in. Jake went on with the pushing until he felt his brother exploding inside Dee.

         "Fuck, hun, all that?"

Dee swallowed everything not giving Jake a break. Done, she pushed her blond hair backward and looked at Jake who was now surprised with her. 

        "There is some on the corner of your mouth."

"Don't be stupid, I swallowed everything and there is nothing that was left."

She asked him to stand and quickly closed his trouser and tightened his best nicely just the way she does in the morning. 

"I thought I was supposed to give you some help, down there."

Kissing his lips, Dee winked at him. She was hungry for his brother and not him, she was hungry to have his brother inside her throat that's why she wanted Jake to push her farther.

"I fucking hate your hormones sometimes, are you sure we don't have two human beings inside there because the way they alternate is worrying me."

"Hun, don't be weird, I know you loved the BJ, and say thank you for doing that."

Jale looked at her and pouted like a baby. 

          "I want to be in you, so bad and now I can't."

"Maybe later. Can we now try these clothes and decided which one is the best?"

Dee tried some clothes and they picked six maternity dresses, walking out of the room, they met Claire and Dominic outside. 

        "What the fuck are you guys going here?"

Claire was wiping her mouth while taking a bottle of water and she had one clothe on her shoulder. Dominic had three clothes on his shoulder and was buttoning his shirt.

Dee looked at both of them and cursed loudly while grabbing Jake's hands. 

She then looked back at Claire and Dominic who were now following them.

"Seriously, you guys can't keep it in your pant for a second and get home? How long have you been in there? You know what let's all pretend we don't know each other because Claire is selling everyone here."

Up to now, Jake had not realized what was being talked about. Until he saw Dominic's flare was not closed and he pointed it for him.

      "You know we also did it, just let them be."

"Shut up, they don't need to know, maybe we should make sure, they know, that we busted them here, what do you think?"

Dee and Jake were whispering to each other. They knew very well they were culprits too and should stop accusing Claire and Dominic still scrolling behind them and followed them to the counter.  Claire had come to buy a dress for Dee but they were here earlier than them this is why they didn't know that they could be found. 

"Hello aunty Dee, how are you doing?"

She didn't even see Jade until now. Maybe they used the other entrance.  Dee said hi to Jade who chose to go with them to the car. Claire promised to pick him up later. They walked back to the vehicle and they drove off. 

Arriving at the house, dee placed her bag on the sofa and then saw the cake on the table and suddenly remembers that she was supposed to eat some cake from Fern.

        "What is it now, hun?"

"I realized that I forgot the cakes that Fern brought me, too bad they will go into the dustbin tomorrow."

"Good, because you can't eat something that had stayed overnight. It's not healthy."

"How did it go? Did you manage to give her the cakes?"

Fern looked at Christopher who was driving them to a hunting ground. Fern was still a true believer and she manipulated Christopher into believing that they can get saved by doing this. The only thing she didn't tell him was about the sacrifice that her mother wanted to take place. She nodded her head and they settled in the dark tunnel where they know some pretty girls love to stop and get some rich men for money. That was their hunting ground too.

"Now, we wait to hear how she will call and tell me that she was sick. That's after a day or two. Don't be worried, it's going to work."

Christopher agreed and they waited to see the various girls around. They were keen on the girls that they were picking. Beautiful girls, nice bodies, and naive. Sometimes they can pick just some men when Christopher wanted to enjoy himself. 

Christopher looked at Fern and smiled inwardly while looking at her. 

'You stupid bastard, I wish you know what is in store for you. You won't see that Jake that you want so bad. I will make sure that I take him, kill and then bury his body or even sell him to the north prison where other people are taken for cash, you belong to me and if you think that can't happen, then you are wrong. That is what is supposed t happen.'

Fern stared at him from the corner of her eye and was laughing loudly at him. She knows she is good and will make sure that she steals the baby, help Christopher to take good care of the baby, and after that, kill him and Dee then sacrifice the baby before her mother's death row.  That was the plan and she was very ready to do anything that needed her to do.