
You Okay?

Jake picked a private place for their lunch, though it was more secluded, it provided a good view of the city below them and much more extension. Dee was able to admire the area and its beauty. The people down looked so tiny to her that she couldn't see them but just things walking all over the place. 

Jake looked at how amazed she was with the beauty and had to request a hotel binocular from the management to help her look at other places more easily. He knew that wood Creek won't be more visible here but at least she should see its suburbs. 

"Here, this will help you see other far places that you need to see," Jake handed the binoculars to her and she stretched her hands to get it excitedly and tried to use it to see various places. 

"This is so amazing, I mean, I can see far places though not in detail what I wanted to see," she said and Jake had to snatch it from her to view the areas that she was boasting about. The way she gave her explanation, makes you feel like you are missing a lot so he had to look at it by himself. 

"Hey, why did you take it, I was looking at some kids playing from school!" She shouted when Jake grabbed the binoculars from her hands. 

"I also want to see this not you alone," said Jake jokingly as he looked at her sad face. This forced him to ask for other binoculars. He wanted her to be mentioning something she is excited about so that he can also look at it. 

Before another one could arrive, Dee saw a hot air balloon and was excited about it. She shouted like a baby, making other people around look shocked at her nativity. Jake didn't look at her that way, she was the mini version of her older sister who was always excited about some little stuff and would shout every time she sees what she wasn't expecting. 

'She deserves it, unlike you who sees it every day,' he thought as one lady was busy staring at Diana as she pointed at the hot air balloon that was flying up the air.

"Do you want to climb it?" He asked her after she couldn't stop jumping after it when it went far.

Diana's face lit up and she smiled wider and nodded her head in agreement. "I would love to, I mean it's fascinating being up there." 

"Okay, I will try and make your dream come true," he said to her and Dee excitedly hugged his waist because he was taller than him.

"Thank you, at least I will have to tick one of those activities off my bucket list," she told him.

"A bucket list?" Asked Jake with a raised brow. This made him want to know more about her bucket list. It seems that this little girl had so many things planned apart from reading books and getting lost in their fantasy.

"Yeah, it's a written out ideas or activities that you've planned to do and you are willing to try them that's why it's called a bucket list, once you are done with them you think of other activities to do," she had to explain everything to Jake so that he can understand. 

Jake knew what that meant, but he enjoyed listening to her say everything over and over again. He swore if it's was not for being busy he would just sit down and listen to every detail, whether child-like or mature as he would love to listen to them. 

After their little sightseeing, Jake led them to their specialised eating place. He wondered what she had planned to take for lunch today. For him, he was just from Pakistan and was hungry after eating lots of bread in Pakistan he wanted something with more proteins and vitamins in his food.

He pulled a chair for Diana, She blushed pink as she murmured, "thank you," before sitting comfortably in front of him.

The waitress was quick to serve them, something Dee knew it would take forever in a normal restaurant, she hoped that in her restaurant and hotel the waiters and waitress do the same thing.

"What would you love to have sir?" Asked the waitress focusing her gaze on Jake and leaving Diana a sneering look. Diana was not bothered about it, she knew it was bound to happen. I mean, why would a fine ma like Jake be with her and not a petite and slim lady like her?

"Ask my lady first, sweetheart, order what you want to eat," Jake said sweetly at Diana making her blush even more  

"Are you sure? I can order the whole restaurant and I won't be full," she joked and Jake laughed making the waitress feel uncomfortable.

Too bad she couldn't excuse herself and walk out then come back later.

Stretching his hands, he caressed her hands on the table and winked to her, "you can order everything sweetheart," Jake wanted the lady standing beside them to know that Diana needed to be respected as another lady.

"Okay, let's begin, a steak, rice and some side salad will be okay," Diana said and Jake raised his brows looking at her.

That was a normal meal for him. He eats that every day, he thought she was going to take advantage and order something like a silver marinated fish or edible gold since they had that as a 'special' meal of the day but she settled for something simple.

The waitress nodded to her and looked at Jake waiting to get his order but is instead Jake told her to make the same as Diana's order. 

They were given drinks but Dee settled for a simple juice instead of wine like Jake, "are you seriously getting drank with this hot weather?" Asked Dee as he watched him sip his drink in big gulps almost emptying the bottle.

Jake laughed and looked at her,' so naive she is,' he thought as he watched him take a slow sip of her juice like it was something fragile she didn't want to break it.

"Look at that kid over there, she is pretty isn't she?" Diana turned around to look at the kid that Jake was talking about and Jake quickly poured some wine into her juice. He knew it won't taste bad but she might feel the taste from afar. 

"She is," she said turning her gaze back to gaze who spent answer her question.

Taking her drink, she felt there was a difference from the previous sips that she had taken. Looking at Jake's grinning face, she knew that he must have poured something into it.

"Are you planning to drug me and do something to me?" Asked Dee while looking at her drink that was now unpleasant in her mouth.

"What would I probably do? Kill you? No, the cone I just wanted you to taste it," defended Jake as he lifted his glass in the air.

"It's so bad, maybe just a bare wine is okay but not with the mixture of the juice," she replied expressing her goody face as she drank the juice.

Their meal was served and they both dug into it. Dee was too focused on her meal that she didn't notice someone taking a picture of them. Jake's concentration was on the girl opposite her. You could te she was a foodie with the way she munched the rice with the steak. Slicing her steak carefully, sue placed it in her mouth and closed her eyes savouring the moment while chewing her meal, sneaking a picture Jake laughed at her.

"What?" She asked opening her eyes when she heard Jake's laughter. She thought that she had attracted attention but it was only Jake facing her.

"Nothing, I love the food," 

"To make you laugh?" Asked Dee in dismay.

Jake loved that she was starting to he free around him. Unlike when she was all to herself not wanting to open up to him.

After their meal, Jake excused himself to use the washroom as Dee was left admiring the area for the last time before they all go back to their work.

She felt a buzz from her phone, pickup looking at it, there was a message from an unknown number. 

Opening it, she almost threw her phone on the floor, luckily her course was still open and it fell inside with the naked pictures of her still showing on the screen.

'Better get your sister some money before you taint your boss's name,' 

That was the message written on the bottom of the picture. 

Her hands were shaking as she tried to pick her phone from her purse. Throwing glances left and right to see if anyone had seen her frightened, she picked the phone but her hands were shaking so much to have it in her hands.

She walked quickly to the door they had come from and asked her jacket to hide her shaking hands from Jake.

Standing by the car, Jake walked to her smiling, " sorry it took longer." 

Dee was not listening to his words instead, what was running in her mind was' when did they take that picture?' She thought of many ways she could have displayed her body but she can't remember any of that incident.

Jake noticed she had zoned out and had to shout her name, she jumped back a bit Jake held her from falling.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" Sue asked and Jake raised her brows.

"Are you okay?" He asked 

"YES!" She shouted.

'No, I am not, I am going to ruin you and the new hotel that you built, I don't know what to do but how can I tell you that. You will look at me like some girl who lay around and displays her body without care!'