
Would You Be My Dessert?

Our appetizers were served, and Jake settled for wine and asked for a glass of juice for me. I don't know what he was aiming to achieve by making me take a glass of juice but he didn't want me to take any alcoholic drinks. It's not like nowadays I shout when I drink, no, I am always well mannered and wine doesn't drive me nuts the way it used to. I am a civilised human being who knows what to do when drinking, I take some small quantities.  Still, Jake doesn't think I am responsible to do anything right after taking wine.  I wanted to ask him about it but I ignored the topic. He might have his reasons but I don't think it had anything to do with me being a designated driver. We just live a stone's throw away from this beach. The juice was sweet though, just normal mango juice with a blend of watermelon but it was soft. 

Jake was now on his second glass of wine, this surprised me because he was not supposed to be taking a lot of it. It's like he wanted to empty the bottle before our main meal arrives. I am worried though that he might start staggering around this place and I would have to call the bodyguards to help me take him to the house. 

All the hopes of tonight being the night I would get ro taste how sweet it is to be deflowered escaped my mind. I was just there. I know we had anticipated this day but turns out we will have to just close that chapter. 

Let me ask you a quick question, do you think I am ready for it?

"Any plans you have?" Jake asked when he was downing the second bottle. 

I looked at him, what plans is he talking about? We started this day on a very high notch but looks like we are not going to finish it on the same notch. It's going to go down the drain and we will have a normal day. A night with us cuddling, him naked on my side and my feelings just there alone like they don't matter. 

I can say, I know nothing as far as sex is concerned. Well when people talk about it, it sounds entertaining. When you watch it in movies, the way they enjoy everything. I am just anxious to do it and feel the way other people are feeling. So don't take this the wrong way, I might end up just being a church mouse for another year. 

"Trying to achieve the plans I set this year hope that come next year, I will opt for my masterclasses and look into the gold business further. Plus I am planning to rebuild the rentals in Wood Creek. That place needs to be re-innovated. People need to stop being afraid of going there because some people were assholes," I said.

That was my idea. Fern has never been in touch ever since her mother and father were imprisoned. I don't know if she is blaming me for all those problems. I hope not because I had to do whatever needed to be done.  Someone said that maybe she left and gone to German or Dubai.  I will try and look up to her. We needed to make amends. I know we started on the wrong foot. I don't know if she will forgive me. I hope she sees this from a different perspective.

"Are you sure it is a nice idea to rebuild the houses?" Asked Jake looking at me. 

Building apartments in the area would be good, I know I don't know anything about rentals but I am going to work on that. Many people have moved out of the area and the government is giving out the area to the willing investors.  It will take a long time for people to move into that area but I am not going to give up on that. I will make sure that that area is transformed. The cemetery has been rebuilt and fenced. This is to make sure that no illegal activities are going around the area. 

This doesn't mean that I am going to reopen some healed wounds, no. All that is behind me now. I need to focus on new things and develop myself.  Jake gave me the torch to light the way, now I need to walk through the path and conquer all the obstacles on my way. 

I shook my head at him. 

The chef brought our meal. I had lobster, some salad and another glass of juice.  I felt that the juice was enough and asked the waiter to get me a glass of champagne. There was no way I  going to take lobsters with juice as a baby. 

"Hun, do you think it's a nice idea?" Asked Jake in a concerned tone.

"Yes, I am not a baby you know and I can take everything given to me," I said looking at my meal.

"There are some things you can't take yet and the champagne will make you drunk for the whole night. I don't want that hun."

What is he talking about? He is starting to irritate me now. It's just champagne and not some alcohol, he needs to be serious a bit. 

"I am fine, I will sit take it."

Surprisingly, with his wine bottle almost done, he didn't look tipsy. He was still strong and looking at me as if he was just drinking water. How does he manage that? I can't even take a whole glass and act normal you know. I know I said I drink responsibly, but that means just half a glass and I am done.  More than that, I will turn out to be a wild woman.

He didn't say anything, the chefs got me champagne and we ate our dinner in silence. It was an awkward situation that I didn't know how it was going to be. He took some crabs and salad too. The dinner was light. I didn't want something heavy today because we already had taken something during the party and the cake also was too sweet to have another sweet thing right now.

"I love the lobster though, never taken one like this," I said to him. 

Jake smiled at me. As he turned his crab around and picked the salad using chopsticks.  Up to now, I don't know how to use chopsticks, I prefer using forks. Though sometimes Jake helps me and shows me how to use them, they are still hard you know. 

"Do you want a taste of the crab?" Asked Jake. 

I looked at his plate, I have never been interested in one but I won't mind having a taste of it.

I nodded and he gave me a taste, placing it in my mouth and making sure that I suck his thumb, so arousing. 

"Mmh, this is so sweet, though a bit salty," I said looking at him suck the same finger I sucked.  

I nodded and we went on eating our meals like strangers we are.  After our dinner, we sat back staring at each other. I was feeling awkward and I just wanted to leave this place now. Though Jake said that we have to wait for the salad. I didn't feel like having it anymore. 

I looked at my fingers and played with them because Jake was looking at the beach, not sure what he was staring at. I didn't have my phone. I wish I had it, I would have played candy crush or even video called Jade. 

Suddenly his phone rang and he picked it up. He looked at me and moved closer to me holding the phone in his hands. 

It was baby Jade and Claire on the phone. 

"Hello," I greeted baby Jade who had puffy eyes.

"He has been crying since you guys left, he just misses you already," said Claire. 

Jade looked at the screen and started smiling again. I could fear a tear moving from my eyes down to my cheeks.  

We talked with Claire a little and I kissed baby Jade on the screen.

"Hey, you take care of him, we will be back in a day or two," I said and Claire threw her glances at me. 

"What the fuck do you mean a day or two? I thought you were going to stay there for a week sweetheart?" Asked Claire.

I walked back a bit and left Jake in his seat, I just wanted to talk to someone about this. Claire was the only person I could talk to but it was weird to talk to him about his brother's sexual activity.

"I don't think we are ready to have the thing you know, Jake doesn't act like it. He is sweet and at the same time he is afraid so I don't get him you know, I just feel I could have stayed there with baby Jade."

Claire placed baby Jade on his dad's lap and walked out of the room.

"Maybe he is afraid Dee, you know he has never stayed this long with a girl and failed to have sex with her. Plus you are new to all this. Just try to understand him you know"

"He said that there are some things I can't take yet, I don't even know what he meant by that," I said.

Claire laughed at me and winked at me, "I don't know maybe you should try and ask him."

I decided to change the subject and thanked her for the dress and all things she did on the island. She was happy that I loved it.

"My brother loves your new figure and he can't stop taking pictures you know, I saw a picture of you guys at the beach and that dress, meeen, you are killing it, baby," said Claire.

"You know, your motivation works and I feel like sometimes it's nice to come out of our comfort zone. Some people can change and for some, they will remain who they are" I told her.

We talked a bit and said goodbye but still, I could hear baby Jade shouting from the background. I told her goodnight and walked back to Jake.

"Claire had said hi and goodnight," I told Jake. 

"That only? This conversation looks to have taken a long time," asked Jake. 

"It was Jade, he was crying, so I had to sing him to sleep you know," I lied. He was not satisfied with the answer. 

We watched as the waiter brought the dessert in a trolley. I didn't know if it was a fish cake or what was it. I was just waiting patiently for him to arrive. 

Suddenly there was a loud bang followed by a 'puff!' On the ground. Looking around the chef was on the ground with the trolley. 

"Is he okay?" I asked, rushing to look at him. Jake stood quickly from his seat but the bodyguards were quicker than us. They were helping him stand up. 

The cake was all over his face and sand had plastered itself on his face too.

"I am so sorry sir, I got distracted and fell," said the man.

"Hey, it's time, you don't need to be sorry, you go off, we can take it some other time," said Jake. 

Jake looked at me and I nodded with him he was trying his best, looks like he didn't see the stone that was in front of him and fell with the cake. 

"So no dessert?" I asked and Jake looked at me. 

"Maybe we can go to the house, the manager said he has the key," said Jake. 

At last, I just wanted to get back. Maybe sleep until one tomorrow and forget about all these. 

"Did you enjoy your night out?" Asked Jake holding my hands. 

"Kind off, the funny part is the dessert that the waiter got on his face, I know he is worried you are going to fire him," I told him.

"Should I fire him?" Asked Jake holding my shoulders.

"No, hun, don't do that, people deserve a second chance you know, be patient with him, it was a mistake," I told him. 

We kept walking until we arrived at the gate, there was no power, but the villas had power, this was surprising to me. 

           "Is everything okay?" Asked Jake.

"There is no power in our building but there is power in the villas," I said and Jake called someone and after a few minutes, there was power back, he said it was just that no one was home and they didn't want to put on lights. 

We walked inside the house and Jake excused himself, he told me to go ahead he needed to take care of things. I knew it, this is how I am going to be. Maybe I am not ready the way he thought. Maybe I am just trying to make this happens and I should take my time to figure things out.

I placed my heels on the floor and grabbed a bottle of water, I was drunk and wanted to take some time at the kitchen counter but I decided against it. I just wished that there was a  television in our room because that is what I just want to do, watch. 

I picked up my heels, and some snacks from the fridge to entertain myself and headed upstairs but not before placing my hands on the piano to give them a meaningless rhythm.

The walk felt like forever, I mean, how was I going to do this? The stairs felt long but I walked quickly to the second floor. Taking the stairs to the second floor, I felt my feet step on something smooth, I didn't have a  flashlight hence it was hard for me to know what was going on the stairs. Maybe when they were cleaning the place they dropped some things down. Stepping on the next staircase, I still felt the soft thing under my feet. The light on the stairs was dimmed hence I couldn't see anything. I decided to wear my heels because I feared I might be stepping on something dangerous. 

Getting to the second floor, I saw red, on the floor, the whole place was covered with red. Red petals. I couldn't help but be surprised. What were the flowers for? I thought Jake said he had some business to do. I moved closer ad saw a bouquet on the ground. I picked it up. It had a card with it. Opening the card, it had this beautiful cursive handwriting and I knew this was Jake's. I wanted to be happy but I knew he was not here with me. He might have decided to postpone the activity for the night because he was afraid maybe.

I read the card;

                 If I say take my hand

                 Will you please, because, 

                 I am list hun, I want us so bad but, 

                 I dont know how to say this.

                 So maybe I would say, 

                Would you be my dessert?🤪

I had to re-read the card twice. What was his game here? Asking me to be his dessert? I mean, yes, I would want to be his dessert.

I walked and came to the candles lit. They were aromatic giving the vanilla scent. My eyes were now puffed as I felt tears pouring down my cheeks.

The door was opened but it was dark, only the candles were emitting sone dim light. I walked carefully and once I was inside, the door closed with a thud scaring me. 

I tried to look back but it was just dark. The light suddenly opened and behold!

             "Hello, baby girl?"