
With.......Hanging behind her.....

🥀Dedicated to Jeniffer A.KA Babby J❤🌹

         Back in the mansion.

Jake was busy preparing himself for the meeting and he was trying to put his things in order. He still had not decided to have his meeting at home or go to his office. He was in a bad mood and didn't want anyone to talk to him. He had been avoiding Dee and all he could think of is how stupid that was though he was not acknowledging that he has done anything bad. He wanted to make sure that Dee tells him sorry instead of just letting matters slide. He was surprised that Dee we not asking for forgiveness yet she has always been the first one to ask for forgiveness even when she had not wronged anyone. 

He looked at his phone and shook his head. What was he waiting for? It's already ten in the morning? 

'Why hasn't she even called to check on me? Am I that invisible to her?'

He shook his head again and went on to fix his tie but nothing was fixing itself. Anger was dancing in front of his face and nothing was working okay for him. He tried to look at himself in the window but he didn't feel okay the same way he used to feel whenever he does anything. He had even forgotten how to tie his tie because Dee used to tie it and even for his cufflinks, they were always done by Dee. The only thing he did was to wear them but from picking them up to where he looked okay, that all was Dee. 

He threw all three ties in his hands to the ground and left without fixing himself any tie. His shirt was just bare and the cufflinks were hanging like he don't care. He felt frustrated about his looks. 

'Fuck me, how am I going to do this on my own without the help of someone?'

He didn't know what came over him and it was killing him. It's not like he never did this on his own, before Dee came he used to fix everything on his own and it was okay, but right now, he is finding everything very difficult to do on his own. 

He felt like the colour of his suit was not that perfect and the shirt was wrinkled to him. All he was seeing was Dee on his face. He left the dressing table and headed to the bedroom to find that he had even forgotten to make the bed. This was unlike him. At this time, the bed would have been made, his shirt laying on the head and cufflinks neatly placed in a container waiting to be fixed. His shoes were yet to be polished because they were not placed in the bedroom. They used to use the bedroom though they have a big good dressing room Dee loved the space in the bedroom.  Right now, the sheets are thrown all over and all he is seeing is a mess and nothing is fixing it. 

'Why am I even thinking about her when I can do this on my own. I don't need to depend on her for anything? She is a normal girl and what we know about normal girls, they are bound to leave and nothing can change that. So I better fix things on my own because that bitch is never going to feel sorry for me again!'

He started adjusting his collar but folding the sleeve of his shirt up and the collar was adjusted not to perfection. 

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and he allowed the person to get in. Fern was walking. She started walking a few days ago and she was very well without any problem. Jake watched how she is standing by the door. She smiled and waved at Jake. 

         "Hello, are you okay? Your room is a mess today?"

Jake looked at her and went ahead to fix himself but by the time he was done, nothing came out perfect as he was led to. It was just a mess and he hated it.

"It's a mess because I can't fix my fucking suit properly! Are you blind?"

His range shoot up and he was now looking at Fern with anger. He couldn't believe himself. He lifted his head to look at Fern still looking at him scared and decide to tell her how sorry he was because he is not being himself today.

             "It's okay, okay, let me help you out."

Jake wanted to protest but Fern was already in front of him holding the collar of his shirt. He gently closed the buttons for him and with that, he was done. Later she took the gold cufflinks and inserted them inside his shirt's hand and he was fine with everything. Placing the left hand down, she gentle passed her hands the flyer of his trouser. 

Jake was busy looking at her with lust. Her wrapped dress was showing her tits that were now standing erect in front of her chest. He could see how her breast was rising and falling without any problem. He swallowed hard and didn't realise that Fern was done and was now gazing up at him.

"Is everything okay? You look out of place. Can I do anything to help?"

Jake looked at her and shook his head facing the mirror. He shook his head to clear everything with Fern standing there. Her blond dyed hair was wavy today. She decided to make some curls on it. Dee didn't know that she would follow everything that she did. Right now they were wavy and bouncing while looking at Jake. 

"Is everything okay between you and Dee? Two weeks ago she complained about you guys not having sex and she said she will do anything to get it from somewhere else because you were not giving her all she wanted."

Jake raised his Brows listening to what Fern was talking about. 

"So, that's why she didn't even say sorry when she messed this up? She doesn't care. She is just like everyone. She doesn't fucking care!"

Jake hit the table in front of him making all things to l down. Fern raised herself to him and he bent to pick things while holding Hake by his back. 

"That's how my sister is, she will be complaining that no one loves her but in the real sense she is making it difficult for anyone to love her. It's not like we never loved her but it was hard to deal with Diana. Especially now that she had everything at her fingertips, she will make sure she destroys you to the ground. She will even kill you to get the top place in the world. Trust me even about getting a man, he will go a headband fuck any moving thing in a trouser. Plus if you think she was a virgin before you met her, my friend, you are stupid, that bitch paid doctors so that they can have her virginity fixed, ever heard of that? So Diana is just a whore who doesn't care. She got what she wanted. Walked her way to the top and now she doesn't care about you, she doesn't care about anybody. All she cares about is herself!"

Jake looked at Fern and what she was talking about. He couldn't believe anything that she was saying but to some extent, he felt like she was saying the truth. 

"Is that why she can't say sorry for something she knows very well she did? I can't imagine she even told you about the sex thing. I didn't want it at that time and that was a personal matter it's not like she was supposed to share. I can't believe her!"

"Trust me, darling, you don't know anything about my sister. She will take you to the ground but I am here to make sure she doesn't, okay?"

Fern was busy trying to press her body towards Jake's body. Placing her hands on his body while taking all his attention. 

"Let's do this so that it can repay for all those that she did. Who knows maybe she even had sex already with someone else. If she had not, she could have talked to you and everything would be okay. Let's give her the show she wants. Just dip it in my warn and let her die with jealousy. I know she doesn't want me, she always tells me I came here to mess up her life. She said that I should start looking for a job and somewhere to go instead of living here. I dont have a place yet she gave me an ultimatum. Can you imagine that?

Jake watched as Fern was shading tears and for once, he felt like Fern was saying the truth, Dee was a liar and a pathetic one. 

Fern moved closer again and placed her hands on his dick massaging it gently. 

"I want you so bad Jake, can we please not give her a chance to mess you up?"

 Without even thinking about it, Fern crashed her lips into Jake's. Jake was taken aback but then he remembered that Dee was also fucking someone else and she didn't care about him. He pressed his lips further into hers and quickly they removed their clothes. Jake quickly reaped her clothes off and threw them on the ground. 

"Yeah, Jake, I want it rough baby, so rough, I want to feel you in me, place your dick in there, I want this so bad baby."

Fern was moaning while calling on Jake's name. Jake was not talking instead his lips were trying to work on Fern's body but Fern took the chance and threw him on the bed. Seductively ripped all his pants off and placed her hands on his dick. Jake let one hell of a groan. Fern sucked him very nicely making sure that he became hard. Suddenly he stopped. 

"Why are you stopping? I need to you suck it!"

Fern smiled and deeper her head further and sucked him till cummed in her mouth without caution. 

"Uuh, you are so warm, by that was so fast, why don't you try to take it slow?"

"Hell no, there is no taking anything right now slow. I want this to go in you within a second."

Jake looked at his drawer and removed the rubbers that he had but has never used with Dee. He never sees the point because he was not capable of making her pregnant. He quickly tore it and wanted to put it in his dick but fern held his hands.

"Why are you wearing one? We need to kill her by telling her we had it raw, there is no need for protection."

Jake raised his browns and threw Fern to the bed, dipping her head deep into the mattress. He didn't want to look at her face while drilling into her. He made sure the rubber was fixed nicely on his stick to avoid any drama. He was drilling on Fern forcefully making her moan loudly.

Fern wanted to lift her head but she couldn't because Jake had pressed it on the mattress making it harder for her to raise her head.

Jake on the other end, was moaning as he drilled his dick deep into her. He wanted to enjoy it but all he could think was Dee's face when they used to make love. Dee made sure that she got the good part of the sex by raising herself to her but Fern couldn't do that. He became frustrated and decided to lift Fern the same way he used to do to Dee but he couldn't see the two dimpled behind Fern's back like he saw in Dee. He ended up slapping her ass painfully. 

"Please, you are killing me and I can't take you whole, please stop!"

"You said we are making her jealous, we only don't have a camera, make sure you are screaming very loudly. Scream my name as you mean it."

Fern was now panting from the force she got by Jake forcefully entering her.  She couldn't take anything any and her body was now aching. 

     "Say my name you fucking bitch!"

"What the fuck! Jake, what the fuck dude, what are you doing?"

Pete stood by the door, he couldn't imagine what he was seeing. He jumped on the bed and punched Jake's face. Jake staggered backwards falling on the pile of sheets that they had thrown on the floor. 

His left hand was still holding his phone. See was on the other end and he didn't want her to know what was happening. He decided to end the call after he promised to call her back.

Looking at the girl Jake was fucking, his anger grew even more. He couldn't believe that Jake was fucking Fern. He knew that one day this was going to happen. But not some three months after Fern presented herself in this house.

Raising Fern from the bed, he watched as her face was red and she was shading tears. He didn't care about anything else. She slapped the cry out of her face.

"You do t even care? You have been given accommodation in this house. You have high qualified doctors but all you can do is mess up your sister's marriage? What the fuck. You dont have any bit of shame left in you! Were you even sick to come here or do you just want to mess up her life? You wanted to make sure that she doesn't get anything in life?"

Pete threw another slap on her left cheek making Fern stagger again. He didn't let her fall though, he threw her out of the room with a condom hanging behind her back like a parachute.


He walked back to Jake who was now standing in front of him. Punching him on his face he broke his nose making Jake bleed.

"Are you that blind? What got onto you? Is this why you have been avoiding Dee, is this why you don't want to talk to Dee. I have seen how she is beating herself every day for the last three weeks. Is this why she ordered you flowers and some special lunch for your stupid ass? What was her need for saving you in the first place? You can also well die like a bitch you are. How did it come to this? What type of a man are you Jake?"

"Don't raise your voice at me, I am not Alex! I didn't lie to you and had you fucked all over, so, I don't care, when she went ahead to fuck another man and then leave me here alone, I didn't care!"

Jake retorted back at him trying to support himself. He said looking at Pete who was bow burning with Range and charged towards him with anger. 

Pete grabbed his neck and almost choked the air out of his lungs. Pinning him to the wall. 

"You know what Jake., it's one thing to be rich with everything in life, but it is another thing to be stupid. It's another thing to think that Dee would go ahead and cheat. I have been walking with her, why didn't ask me? She has been frustrated that you are avoiding her and if she had fucked someone I would have known, maybe I should tell her to fuck someone else so that she will feel good, what do you think?"

Jame laughed and looked at him. Wiping his bleeding nose, he walked out on him and went towards the door. 

"You can tell her all you want. I have nothing with that. I dont care. That bitch is a liar and a whore. Do you know how much I have heard?"

"So who fed you all that information and how much were they paid to feed her all that? Thirty cents to Judicize Dee? You need to open your eyes!"

"Maybe you need to open your eyes and stop opening your dick to everyone."