
Why Are You Shy?

Jake was lost in his thoughts, he wanted to do something but his brain suddenly snapped and just remembered that they were not in the penthouse but inside Mr Li's shop, they can't try to be explicit inside here, he restrained his hands that were almost grabbing his waist and placed it back on his side pretending to be feeling the material of the suit. Dee became conscious too, she quickly removed her hands from his beard and looked ahead in embarrassment.

Mr Li stood there as the scenes unfolded in his eyes but were disappointed that they suddenly became afraid of him, he knows that's Jake lost his sister Clare and things have never been the same for him, he didn't mind him having a girl because he felt Dee was not the type of 0erson to let you down, a woman who can change your perspective is great and that is the vibe that Dee was emitting. 

"Mr Li, I think I will take this and if you have three others like this one I will love it if we take a look at them," said Hake as he walked back into the changing room.

Mr Li was startled from his thoughts and nodded in agreement as he walked to get some other pieces from the opposite room. Jake walked out with the suit neatly packed back, Dee watched his strides and avoided his gaze, he didn't know whether it was good to stand there and stroke his beards in front of Mr Li and if Jake liked it but she felt she did a big a mistake.

Jake watched how she was focused on looking and feeling the materials around the office but he knew her kind was thinking about something else apart from the material, he felt like, they will have to strain too much if they don't want their relationship to be public, something he doesn't know if it will work or not.

He walked and placed his hands on top of hers," I know this has nothing repeated to the material but you don't need to be shy okay, it's only that we are trying to be respectful around Mr Li."

Dee lifted her eyes and looked at him, she understood him, respect was paramount and Mr Li deserved it, "sorry about the beard thing, u really shouldn't have done it."

"Don't worry, I loved it, that's was not disrespectful, it was you showing support," Jake smiled before stealing a kiss from her lips," let's wind up our visit here and go home, okay?"

"Why don't you try on other colours hun, I think we might pick amazing colours for you," said Dee as she pointed at the sky blue suits and other colours that Jame couldn't figure out what they were.

He raised his brow and looked at Dee, "I thought you wanted this colour on me, do I need all those too?" 

"Diversify them, you won't he amusing only navy blue with Black, come on," said Dee in a pleading voice but Jake knew how this works, she is going to give him her puppy eyes, flickering her small eyes every second just to convince him that it's necessary but he was just going to do one at a time.

"What about I try each type one at a time, I will get used to it," he said and Dee's face brightened up. 

"That's good, and I love it," she said and hugged him before Mr Li walked back in.

He has packed the suits properly and handed the bag to Jake but Dee's hand were the one stretched to carry them.

"Okay, I thought they were mine?" Asked Jake.

"You might just start walking and forget you had bought a suit," said Dee and walked out of I'm his face after thanking Mr Li. 

"Why are you not free when I am around?" Asked Mr Li when Dee's walked out of the door. 

Jake removed his wallet and looked inside for the credit card, "we are trying to avoid publicity, not that she has something to hide but I don't want her life to be ruined all of a sudden."

Mr Li agreed with him, it's hard dating a celebrity in this town, and he knows Dee's life will be turned upside down any time when the media knows about their little relationship. 

"I like her though, take good care of her," said Mr Li as he swiped the card before handing it back to Jake. 

Walking out of the shop, Jake revered that Dee had asked to but something at his expense but it looks like she had forgotten about it because right now sje was busy talking to Mr Li's secretary about Korean soap, 'Jesus sje even watches Korean drama, I have never watched that shit.'

He sneaked and walked away leaving Dee to her conversation. He was not sure what he wanted to get Dee, he wanted to surprise her, something he was never good at. He roamed around the mall and he didn't know what will make her happy, he has never asked her what fascinates her. He unlocked his phone and looked at the picture he stole from her phone, which she had captured while in the closet, 'this is a whole five-star meal,' he thought to himself as he smiled.

He was and stood in front of a shop and decided to order.

Dee was engrossed in chit_chat that she had forgotten that Jake was supposed to be walking out. "Hey, did you finish watching the final episode?" Asked the receptionist. 

Dee had found out that Mr Li's receptionist who was a Korean was a fam of Soaps especially the ones from her country. They had spent almost forty minutes talking about Korea and the BTS, though they have other amazing singers, the BTS were her favourite band. 

She looked at her watch and realized that Jake has not walked out of Mr Li's office, she walked back to look for him but was informed that Jake had walked out of the place. Dee decided to call him but he waved his hands and she placed her phone back into her handbag.

"Where were you?" Asked Dee.

Jake just gasket at her while portraying his mischievous smile, "taking a leak, you wanted to come?" 

Dee blushed and hid her face with the shopping bags in her hand. They walked over to the Secretary and Dee waved her goodbye.

"I see you've got yourself a new friend?" Asked Jake as he opened the door for him.

"Friend, I just met her today plus she is into Korean Soap, obsessed with Jungok—"

"Who is Jungok?" Questioned Jake as he ignited the vehicle.

"You can't be serious, I am not telling you about them, google!" Exclaimed Dee making Jake raise his brows at her.  

Je decided to use Siri for that Job and he got the answers asap, "so you also have a crush?" Teased Jake as he placed his hands on her thighs. 

Did don't want to show the effect he was giving him, she tightly clenched her fist to avoid gasping and breathing rapidly.

The questions threw lots of images in her head, she knew she had crushed on Jake the first time she read about him in a tabloid but had to brush him off because he knew it was stupid and it will never work, so she focused on some characters in her books because she didn't know any of them making it less awkward for her. 

"My characters, the ones I read, they were amazing and every time I could imagine them in my head," she replied and looked at her phone.

Jake knew she was lying, every time she says something and does look at your face, that's all false and none of them is true. He didn't want to ask her about it, probably she is ashamed today who it was but he knew one day she will talk about it.

"Can we take our supper in one of the restaurants?" Questioned Jake.

"Why don't we cook, I won't mind getting some lessons," suggested Dee as she looked at him.

"Why am I not convinced about that? Is there something you want to see while I am cooking like my ass?" Asked Jake.

"Don't fool yourself, as much as I want to know how your downstairs is doing, I don't wanna see your booty, try some squats, I might be interested," she kicked jokingly and Jake threw her an empty water bottle that was beside his seat.

"You are a pervert you woman," they both laughed and Dee ducked the bottle.

They parked their vehicle behind the hotel building before taking a private lift upstairs, Dee offered to place the goods in the closet as Jake prepared the ingredients for their meal.

"What are we having?" Asked Dee after she changed into Jake's huge sweatpants and t_shirt.

"Just normal steak, rice with some salad," said Jake as pointed at the vegetables he was chopping on the board.

"Good because, I suck at preparing a good salad but for rice, I know how to boil one," Jake smiled and asked her to take the wheel, while he gave instructions.