
Who Is He?

"Okay, so we are done and we are happy that you guys did take a look at Jade, so when are you guys going to come over and have a cup of tea before we say goodbye to Jake who is going through an operation?"

Both Dee and Jake looked at each other. They were not planning to go over and say goodbye. They had other plans in mind. Dee was going to accompany Jake to Canada and then be there with Jade as he waits for his operation after the treatment they will fly back home. That was Dee's plan. 

They had to change everything after Claire asked if they can swing by for a cup of coffee to say goodbye to Jake before he goes. She agreed but Jake was uninterested. Seems like he was tired that everyone wanted to take the operation as some big news. 

Her girlfriend here was trying all means to make him drop the operation so that he can think of other ways to come up with a solution, now her sister wants them to swing by for a cup of coffee so that they can say goodbye. He felt like these people were worried about him so much but they didn't need to be worried even a little. He left Dee to decide for him everything. Deep inside, he wanted to go through the operation without much pressure and call it a day.

Jade was picked as he was sleeping and they remained two in the office. It was already home time but they didn't seem to be in a rush to get home. Dee piled up the files and sent the needed file to the ministry of finance before standing up. Jake was busy on his phone. He was looking for nothing in particular. Dee felt like he was bored and wanted to spend some time alone. Though she couldn't let him feel like there is no one supporting him in this.

"I will stop asking you to drop the operation because I know you always choose the correct thing for yourself. You don't make hast decisions and for you to come up with this conclusion, I know it took you a lot of time to do that. I am with you on this and I will make sure that I hold your hands, that's if they allow me to do that on the operating table. If I am told to stand by and look at everything from the screen, I will also be obedient, hun. Please, don't feel like I don't have your back in this. Whatever outcome it's going to bring, let it be, I will be with you throughout everything."

Jake raised his head when Dee was done talking. As much as he felt down, at that moment he realized that someone had his back and wanted something good for him. She was wishing him all the luck that he could get in this world. He smiled and signal for her to come to him. sitting on his lap, Jake held her ass gently while squeezing it. It was nothing sexual, he was trying to massage her. He smiled not talking about anything in particular. 

"Thanks, this is all I needed baby. I mean, I felt like you were afraid that anything might happen in that room. I am also afraid as much as I am trying to act like nothing is going to happen in that room. I am afraid that maybe the operation won't work but that doesn't make me chicken out. At least I would have tried than not trying at all. Please, just go on with the same spirit, that positivity is what we all need in this, I am grateful."

Dee lowered her head and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. She was trying to make him feel better than nervous.

"What about we ask Claire to make the tea a dinner? I would be happy if we get home early. What do you think?"

Jake looked at his watch and nodded when he was sure nothing was going to be disrupted. He had a lot of 'plans' in mind and wanted to make sure that those plans come to life. 

They walked out of the office, Dan had said goodbye to them some two hours ago. It was five in the evening and that was a good time to pass by Claire's, and have a good meal before resting at Jake's. 

       "I was thinking maybe we can go to Greek after the operation?"

That was the same discussion that Jake had been having before Dee came to unity with the nagging idea that they should stop the operation. 

"You might be tired after that, they will probably ask you to have bed rest, that will be helpful hun."

Jake had to have another gentle talk from her. He loved being in the Greek sun where he had not gone for a long period.

"Maybe we can just stay and then go there after the operation. We can visit very many places after your surgery. We will be cautious and you won't even get some time to yourself to be in the swimming pools or any important place."

Jake nodded to her idea though he was not happy with it. He thought that going there after the operation will symbolize some good luck. 

Arriving at Claire's, they found, Claire, Dominic, and Pete already setting the table. Dee joined to help them set the table while Jake was busy trying to coo Jade who was awake from his sleep.  Done with the table, everyone was allowed to seat at the dining table. Dee had previously told Claire to avoid talking about the operation and speak about something else to make Jake feel relaxed. That is what they were doing and after some three hours of bonding and talking together, they were done with the goodbye meal, the couple walked out of the compound leaving the owners to themselves.

"Where are we going? I thought we were going home because home is just a walk from here, Dee, why would we use a vehicle as if I am crippled, I can walk, it is not like I broke my two legs?"

"I know that very well, hun, you are not crippled, but if you keep talking like that, you are making me feel like maybe you have a talking disease that has crippled you down. I am just taking you for a ride to avoid being at home at this time. It's Friday, you can lose up, take a drink and be happy, what about that? It will be helpful."

Dee wanted Jake to relax before the operation but he didn't seem to like that idea. So she drove him through the city and then through the other city until Jake couldn't understand where they were going.

"Why are we taking the airport road? I thought we are going to the club to relieve my mind.'"

"yeah, but a plane in the air is a good way for you to relief your mind, don't worry, I have guards in front of us they will make sure are safe,  so you have nothing to worry about, okay?"

Jake felt uneasy in the chair, he wanted to believe that Dee knew what she was doing but he was not satisfied that she knows what she is doing. Maybe she was just trying to mess up his head.  They arrived at the airport and they were met by Dee's pilot who was very keen on every detail.

"This is a check you know that very well, I usually don't go through checking."

Dee looked at him and pouted. 

"Why are you trying to destroy everything? Enjoy this while you can, I am happy that you don't go through checking, but on my plane, sweetheart, you have to go through checking."

Done with the checking, the pilot smiled at Dee and she smiled back.

"Hello Salma, are we ready to go for a spin? I would appreciate it. Is your co-pilot ready too?"

The pilot nodded and they were ushered into the plane.  A fine-looking gentleman walked from the interior of the plane and walked to them to ask if he could serve them.

             "Who is he again?"

"That is my air host, he is the one who serves me and makes sure that I have everything in the plane."

Dee smiled at the gentleman and asked for a glass of water.

"Wait a minute, why didn't you just get a female one, has he been serving you while we were not together?"

Jake was now having some wild ideas in his head. Nothing was sitting well with him. He envied the fine-looking gentleman in front of him and the way he had the chisel-shaped body though not nicely built like his, he had this cheeky smile while looking at Deee and Jake didn't appreciate that.

                 "Can you excuse us, whoever you are?"

Dee raised her brows when Jake dismissed the guy. She didn't understand why Jake would be so mean to him at this point. The man has been serving her for one and a half years now and no one has ever had a problem with that. Right now, Jake has a problem with him. What was his problem?

"Why are you not asking for a drink? Or you will ask later?"

"I am not interested, I am interested in you, telling me, what that man has been doing in your plane, for how long has he been serving you or working for you?"

"Jake, wherever you are going with this one, trust me you are on the wrong road, just focus on the plane, focus on the tide maybe you can ask me about him when we are done. Stop acting like a baby right now.

"I am acting like a baby, is that what you see? How would I know that he has been fucking you the way he is smiling at you every second when you guys lock eyes? Maybe he has been fucking you when you used to be alone, I now wonder why a certain week you were not in the office with a claim that you were in Paris for one and a half weeks?"

She was rubbing her temple, she couldn't believe that Jake wanted to start arguing about the man who is serving them on the plane at this moment. She was tired and just wanted to sleep in. Jake's rant and jealousy were just not for her at this time. She sat back in her chair and rubbed her temple. Jake went on granting about everything that could come back to his mind. She knew this was the surgery frustration that was eating up on him. Maye the fear was kicking in and everything he saw was a danger to him. Afraid that a man will take over the life that Demands him had, afraid that a man will snatch Dee and run away with her. He was ranting and Dee was not getting to it, she was tired.

The topic of discussion was back on the plane, he knew very well, the way Dee was resentful when it come to flirting with people. If she didn't like the way he looked he could have never hired him. Dee chose him because of his personality. Yep ability that he had to speak four languages, perform first aid and maybe do other things.  After some minutes, he heard both teams were quiet and no one was talking. He was busy tidying up the area when he felt a figure behind him. He was afraid that maybe the man standing behind him was going to harm him.

"How much doe she pay you to dance in front of her because lookbook like the type of men to give women an also dance before the wedding? How much, because I will double that to make you disappear or I will make sure you disappear in front of me by throwing you off the air. Now, how many does she pay you?"

The man was afraid, he was afraid that Jake was maybe going to do something harmful to him and he has to defend himself very quickly.

"We don't do that, you can check all the cameras. She doesn't entertain any of that. When she hired me, she asked me to be obedient, to mind my own business, and be respectful of her space and everything. I had to do my job and had other skills. My boss is not someone who winks at you or spreads her legs for you. I swear, no day has ever happened."

Jake asked for the CCTV footage and he was given every detail.  There was nothing he wasn't given.  The man had to take him through everything as he told him of their every flight and every move.

          "I need the day that you going to Paris."

The man gladly opened the file for him, it was the whole truth and Jake now felt frustrated that maybe he had jumped to the conclusion to annoy Dee for nothing.

"Any favors you have ever received from her? I know she favors her employees,  what has she done for you?"

"There was this time, I asked her if my family could use her jet because my mother wanted to go to Israel before she passed on from cancer. She did everything for me, she paid for my hotel room and everything that we needed. My mother was happy and even she made sure we took a couple of days to tour another place that I thought my mother would have loved. I respect my boss and I can't lie l, she is pretty and even the pilot admired her but we can't go against the boundaries that we have between us."

            "If given an opportunity, would you date her?"

The man wanted to smile but he realized Jake was serious with his questions. He cleared his voice and said No.

"Why no, every man wants her, I always wonder why she stuck wi my dumb ass every day."

"She is fierce, have you seen how she argues with someone? She rolls her eyes and if she gives you a warning, you better be serious about it, because you don't want to mess that up. That's why, every man who wants her, can't handle her, she is above them. Did you know you fear her but she loves you? She would sometimes mumble your name while we were on the flight to Paris, she even cried to some point. I don't know what happened to her at that time but I hated seeing her cry at that time."

"I messed her at some point and I didn't appreciate who she was at that time. She is an amazing woman and sorry that I yelled and said something bad at you. I just can't keep calm, I have an operation this Friday and  I feel like if things are going to go wrong, every man who is around her is a threat, I am sorry, I talked shit about you. I am Jake."

         The young man smiled at him.

"It's okay, though you need to tell her sorry not me, you were nervous and every man is allowed to be, just know,  respect her and there is no day I am going to try and mess what I have with her. I am Sander and it's nice to meet the famous billionaire, though I heard she beat you at it."

             Jake smiled.

"She was my student but turns out she was a better student than anyone who has been under my wings. I just accept she had defeated me, she is now number two after Elon Musk. I bet she will beat him soon."

They both chuckled while having a conversation. Jake learned that he has a girlfriend who is also an air hostess and they are going to meet later that week. 

"Can I maybe take a picture and brag to her that I met you? She envies me that I work with the most important woman in the world. Though we don't tell people who we work for."

Jake agreed to take pictures and even made a video for him. They had to send the video to Claire who made sure no one recognized his real voice before it was sent to her girlfriend.

       "It's Nice again meeting you, Mr. Jake."

Jake went back to his seat. He found Dee sleeping and he felt bad for yelling at her. She was lying gently in her seat. Jake had to transfer her to the seat near the window to make her more comfortable. He adjusted the seat and covered her up in a shawl before kissing her forehead.

         "I love you."

          "Love you too."

Dee mumbled but she was not awake.  Jake sat opposite her, monitoring her sleep until he couldn't keep his eyes open anymore.