
Where Are Her Clothes?

🥀happy reading🌹

This can't be arising. Did I hear everything right? I mean what did these two little rats think of me? All this was just a plan and nothing about it was all right? I spent my days thinking that Dee was the disastrous person, now look at me all this time they had launched a plan to destroy me rather than help me. On my end, I ended up messing with someone. As much as I wanted to be the bad person, I must blame it on someone. What part of Fern's statement is true? I don't even understand anything right now. I mean, Fern was proving. What else was she lying about? Her sickness and Dee's lying were all false? I need to get her and she must tell me what she did. I can't be disturbed here and the woman I am fucking is a snake that wants to convince me of the type of apple that is better for me!

Walking out of my house, I found Theo sitting on her chair lost with the office work. I know I am going to burden her today. She will leave the office late because I have some business to take care of. At least I will have to give her an overpay for making her stay here all day. 

I am headed somewhere, mind keeping a look in my office. Make sure you print everything and place it in my office, for the urgent ones, just email them to me, I know I will receive them in no time. Please make sure everything is in order. 

I looked at her nod at everything without saying anything. She didn't complain or shout about anything because she knew what she came here to do. 

"Mr. Templetone, you have your nephew's birthday tomorrow are you ready for everything?"

I had even forgotten about it and now look at me, I would have missed that. I smile at her and ask her to put it in my reminder folder. This was urgent so she had to email everything. 

I said goodbye and headed down to the garage to get home. I wasn't sure what I was going to tell Fern. Maybe Dorcas has already spilled what she talked about their deal and she might have escaped from the condo. I don't know what she is supposed to do today. I quickly dial my security team and ask them to look around the house and make sure she is in there and doesn't walk out, I didn't inquire what' she was doing. I have to act like I know nothing so that she can relay everything to me without forcing her to do so. I highly doubt that she is going to do that. She might start acting up about her stomach or her head aching the way she does when I tell her to focus on her life and answer me. 

At the garage, I wondered whether its good for me to pass by Dee's office or should I just head home and confront Fern. What am I even going to tell Dee in the first place? Am I going to tell her that I was wrong and the person who cause all these is taken care of? That is so stupid and I don't know if it can change anything about our situation.  Maybe I should let her be and focus on finding a reason why Fern and Dorcas were plotting against me. 

My driver quickly drove on my order and we passed the busy town. I didn't know what I was feeling, I just feel emotionless and at the same time, I want to punch someone in the face and start chaos. I want to slit someone's neck and pull it out. I wanted to punch someone in the chest until he can't breathe and also I just want to curl up and cry myself to sleep for being foolish. Maybe this is what Dee has been through. This pain of being betrayed by her system, the pain of me messing up the little thing that we had. No, it was not little it was something very big and I hate how everything had been ruined. There is no way I can make up for the lost time.  Maybe if I just focus on my mistake and try to rectify them than talking about a hundred reasons why I shouldn't be blamed.

Arriving at the Condo, all I could hear were laughs here and there. I don't know if this was the right time to start questioning Fern's loyalty or if I should let her be. Maybe I am jumping to conclusions yet she provided us with evidence of what was happening. How Dee was lying about everything. The only thing that remains was footage of Dee walking into that hospital which was erased and can't be found.

Maybe I should calm down and talk to her like a grown-up. I just want to know what it is that they have been talking with Dorcas. 

Walking into our bedroom, I hate the word, 'our' because she is nothing to me, she doesn't mean a thing, instead, all she is to me is a girl who would do anything to get my attention.

"Sir, she is inside there, do you need anything to drink?"

Ever since Fern was sick, which I don't know if it was true or she just wanted to get at me with that, I had employed some important people to take care of Fern. Fern decided that she needs to keep them, even though she is doing Fine. I don't even understand any words anymore. You don't know if someone is fine or they are just joking around to have people pity them. 

Now they are like her little minions who have to make sure that her heart beats better. She engaged in a competition just to fight with her sister in the first place. Secondly,y she didn't even bother to say sorry to her sister when she was beaten, instead, she was encouraging everyone to go against her. I dont know how I am going to convince her that she needs to work hard to get where Dee is. 

Opening the door, my eyes caught a shitty mess in the place. There were things all over the place and some ladies were surrounding her. What will they be doing inside my room at this time?  Who permitted them to enter my house looking like this? They are not supposed to be here!

There was loud music while they surrounded Fern. I don't even know why they were surrounding her. I hope there is no other event that they are going to the same way she did while we were going for the launch.  She had thirty people just to make sure she wore a simply made dress and placed on some manicured in her nails. 

I noticed the speaker and had it closed. At least they got my attention as they looked in my direction. 

"Who the fuck switched my music off?"

Who the fuck said that women are allowed in my room Fern? At this time of the day, what are five women doing in the bedroom,  all of them surrounding you? 

Fern looked at me and raised her eyebrows as if she had some authority over me. 

"They are getting my measurements for the event the competition, that will be held next month. I want my dress to be ready by that time. Is that wrong, babe?"

Excuse me, can you all get out! Get out right now, she will call you later, not not in my house, you both have a place where you can meet with your customers not in my motherfucking room. Fern, sit down!"

"But sir, we have to finish the measurements so that we can order the material. It's going to be hard to get a material when we are not done"

I looked at the lady with a tape measure on her neck, trust me if I had that opportunity to tie that tape measure around her neck and squeeze the life out of her, I would have done it. She better know when to keep her mouth shut.

No, sweetheart, I think you might not get your head if you keep talking to me like this, plus I don't think you need to make a dress now so, fuck off!

She didn't look at me twice, she quickly gathered all the things and. she had and walked out of the room leaving Fern all alone sitting on the chair that we in the middle of the room. The maid was beside her holding a plate of various fruit giving each to Fern. 

You too, chop chop, this is not the time to treat her like a queen. She has her two hands to pick the fucking apple slice and mango so get out!"

She quickly held the food platter that she was holding on her chest and run out of the room. 

I mean which type of person behaves like this? I don't know but I need to know who acts like this in a house that is not even hers. Simply because we fuck and have fun, doesn't mean that she can as well dictate whatever she wants in the house and who she wants. She better man up and be responsible. She can't be doing whatever she wants. 

Closing the door I walked over to the person who was sitting in the chair, her face frowning and she had her hands on her chest, I don't owe her anything. She can as well be mad at me until she burst cheeks. 

I saw the door of the Closet opened and I walked into it, and there was nothing in the closet. There were no clothes in there, Dee's clothes were not there and the whole place was a mess only leaving my suits which were not arranged according to colors. Dee had them arranged in color and she knew which to pick but looking at the closet, everything was a mess. I felt anger walking over me, I clenched my fist and it hit the door of the closet breaking it down. 

Where are her clothes? Where are Dee's clothes? I need them right now!


Fern, do you know what, as much as I enjoy your little drama, I would love it if you would just tell me where you took Dee's clothes and shoes. Those were not yours to take. Plus who even allowed you in my closet?

Fern jumped out of her seat and walked to the door. She wanted to escape but too bad she has nowhere to go. I had closed the door and there was no sneaking outside. As much as I am mad at Dee, I loved her clothes in my closet and I didn't tell her to remove them. If I wanted them out I would have drugged them out myself and not have her remove them. She better be having them and hasn't sold them out! I will kill her, I swear if she has thrown anything out! She was supposed to make sure that they are all in order and that none of them is missing.

"Jake, the clothes are in my former room, I didn't do anything to them! Why are you even shooting at me about the clothes that were left here? If she wanted she could have taken them with her. she is a fucking bitch who lied to you but you still want her clothes? I thought you loved m—"

You? You are stupid, Fern, what do we have to love about you? There was no day I opened my mouth and talked about loving you. it's either you made this up and now you are trying to just come up with ideas in your head that are not going to help you. There is no love Fern, there is only sec that comes with pleasure and you get money for your needs, that is what you need, right? You want to misuse my money on some stupid things in life, you want to get a dress worth three thousand dollars and later make hands worth, five hundred dollars but have you even made that profit in your life to enjoy that money. What did you do to your business, because, I am not seeing you in your place of work? You are here trying to please some tailor, that you have it all. you want to make a dress that you won't even pay for. Maybe you make sure you pay for it because no amount of money's going to get out of my pockets for you to spend. On some stupid clothe that mean nothing to me.

I don't think she understood anything that I said because her face was all red and she was crying for nothing. She ruined her makeup. She is looking at me thinking I am going to change my mind about anything. She was wrong. There was nothing I was going to change. It's either she starts working hard to get the money for her bakery business or I am not going to buy anything. 

Now, tell me where did you throw  Dee's clothes because I need them this instant, I need them to be inside that closet?

I forgot she said they are in her former room. I hit the intercom and asked the manager to bring in the clothes. She needs to learn a lesson in her life. She doesn't need to cry over something that is not hers. If I am here which I ray not, we will be.

"why are not doing this to me? Why are you hurting me like this? Don't you think I deserve some little respect? I am also a victim here, Jake, you treat me like I am a bad person but the person who hurt you is Dee but you haven't bothered to ask her anything, to me you talk to me like I don't deserve any love or sympathy. I am the bad person here. Have you thought about yourself that maybe you are being unfair to me?"

You've got to be kidding me, what does she think I am doing. What have I been doing this whole morning? Selecting my life and imagining what I did wrong, everything about her was wrong but I can't say that because she will be shading tears like a baby who doesn't care even a bit. Now between me and her, who thinks about herself a lot more than me. She is dramatic and needs favors every second. You can't tell her that because has doesn't care at all. All she thinks is she knows the best. 

Maybe you tell me, Fern, have you accessed yourself lately? Because I feel like you have a lot to tell me about your stupid little deal with Dorcas. A deal you made and wanted to use against me, you couldn't withstand Dee having it all so you had to risk everything to make sure Dee falls before you can ride to femdom! Is that all you wanted? Which kind of a good person doesn't give her fellow woman a chance? It's called feminism Fern, but you didn't understand what that term means, right? All you are thinking is how you are going to take everything from me. Sorry I have all my answers, plus your friend came to confess her crime to me, so just a simple question, were you even sick or you are just good at pretending that I can't understand?

"so you think I was lying about I sickens?"

The same way you lied about your sister, there is nothing you can't act out Fern, very nicely without me knowing, so shut up and tell me the truth. I need to know whether you were sick or I asked for all my money to make sure you get what you wanted?


I need an answer or you get out!