
When Did This Start?


Dee was up but Jake was still turning in his sleep, she smiled as she watched him frown in his sleep, 'wow! Such a hottie,' she thought to herself and quickly took a snap before walking out of the room to prepare herself for the job. Taking her shower, she picked her clothes, she didn't remember to prepare them as Jake had kept her up late with stories of his childhood, both happy and sad memories, making her admire his childhood, though he had most of them the hardest and saddest, she had to admit that he had fun while growing up unlike her who had to keep up with her sister Fern.

Picking a royal blue suit from her closet, she smiled as she remembered the Pinterest she had watched and ordered the suit to try it up, she knew it was going to enhance her beautiful figure that's why she has to in her a must wear. Pairing it up with a light blue shirt with an ice-cold watch and silver jewellery both on her neck and ears she screamed of class and couldn't stop herself from shaping a picture on the mirror.

"You are glowing, being loved must be amazing," said a voice in her head. 

Dee smiled at the voice and nodded with it, she knew if it was not for this opportunity she wouldn't be able to accept herself, though at some point she tends to feel lie about it, most of the time she has learnt to embrace who she is. 

Picking some black heels that Dominic picked for him, she walked to the living room avoiding Jake who was still in bed, she had to check for one or two things about the subject she is having today for exams.

Jake was turning in his sleep when he stretched his hands to look for Dee but was surprised that the bed was empty and no one was beside him, he opened his eyes and tried to scan the bedroom but unlucky he couldn't see anybody. 

"I thought we had a good day yesterday, where is she," he thought to himself as he quickly jumped out of the bed and started calling her.

"Hun, hun," he called but Dee had her ear pods changed to her ears as she focused on the notes on the textbook with a cup of coffee beside her. 

Sneaking behind her, Jake wanted to startle her but he realized that it will be fatal given that she was in a suit and coffee was beside her.

Smiling at her figure, he gave her a peck on her cheeks making Dee go all pink from blushing.

Dee removed the ear pods and looked at him, she still find it hard to concentrate when he looks at his figure in front of her. He was well built and his sweatpants were hanging loosely on his waist. 

Jake watched as she admired his body and he couldn't stop himself from look g at the button that had escaped from the hole showing her perfectly cupped breast. 

Drowning some coffee from the cup, she swallowed hard and threw her eyes down and saw 5hat her button we out, she quickly fixed it and Jake threw his glance away pretending that he was not looking at her. 

"Morning handsome," she started while tapping her pen on the book.

"It took you long, didn't your parents teach you some manners, ?" Asked Jake as he walked to get himself a cup of coffee.

"Sorry, I hate greetings in the morning, you will have to hear with that meanwhile," said Dee as she placed her cup on the counter and Jake once more closed it as she watched her ass bounce left-right awakening his monster that was calm and sleepy.

'Did you have to pick this time to be angry?" Jake asked it as he pretended to be looking for something from the cupboard. Instead of just being calm he started throwing rage by pressing itself in front of the sweat pants.

Sitting on the counter, Dee real7sed that Jake had been standing on the counter for a while and she thought something might have happened to him because he was neither moving nor picking anything from the cupboard.

She left her seat and went to check on him. Jake could feel her walking closer and the embarrassment was crawling slowly on his face, he has been trying to distract himself when he gets an erection and now it was bad for him because the blue calls had caught up with him. He was feeling intense pain and he was stationed in his position for some time.

"Hun, are you okay?" Asked Dee as she rubbed his back. She didn't know what was wrong because she never focused on reading male problems. Though, she knew rubbing his back will help him a lot more than just assuming it.

She had not seen Jake's face that was trying to hide the pain she was feeling. 

Jake didn't want to show her the pain he was going through, 'how could I explain to this innocent soul that I am having blue balls?' He thought to himself as he was trying to stand properly.

Dee was now worried, she lifted Jake's face and saw discomfort in them and it scared her. She decided to slowly guide him back to bed hoping that everything was going to be okay.

"Do you need anything Hun?" Dee asked and Jake just shook his head without saying anything. 

Dee didn't know how to talk to him because he was just using signs to talk to him. Walking out of the room she quickly called Dominic explaining to him that Jake was not talking and was using signs. 

Dominic didn't even reply to her instead shouted that he will be in the penthouse in a sec, she walked back and found Jake had closed her eyes and was squirming, she quickly walked to him asking him to open his eyes but he didn't, looking at his body for anything wrong, Dee didn't experience any problem with him, touching his forehead to feel the temperature, it was mild so she decided to bring a wet dump cloth and placed it on top of his head to reduce the temperature. 

Dominic rang the doorbell and Dee opened the door, "what happened?" Asked Dominic as he rushed to the bedroom since he didn't find Jake in the living room.

"I was having tea and he walked over and went to stand at the kitchen, I thought he was looking at something in the cupboard but after some minutes was just there, motionlessly, not walking or talking," explained Dee in a worried voice. 

Dominic walked to the room and looked at him, he had his eyes closed but on a second look at where his hands were, Dominic asked Dee to stand aside as he looked at him. 

"Why? Is everything okay?" 

"It will be, just give me a moment," said Dominic closing the door on Dee's face.

After the door was closed, Jake opened his eyes and Dominic busted into a laugh. 

"It's so painful dude," he complained and Dominic had to make his water in the bathroom.

"How long?" Asked Dominic. 

"Four months I think, I have just been trying some cold shower and distraction but today it backfired and I couldn't control it,"  complained Jake.

Dominic walked him into the shower and just him inside without even removing his sweatpants.

"Why are you looking at me like that? You didn't expect me to remove your clothes?" Mocked Dominic before closing the door.

He walked outside and found Dee on the door with a worried face. 

"Don't tell me you want to cry because he had some fucking blue balls?" Asked Dominic as he watched her moist eyes.

"I am not crying, I was just concerned," said Dee as she walked back to the table but stood midway looking at Dominic, "he was having what again?" 

"Blue balls? They are normal and he won't die," said Dominic in an unconcerned tone. 

Dee was left with a raised brow since she has never heard of those in her life. 

Focusing on her book, Dominic sat on the kitchen stool looking at her, he wondered what had happened at night, 'I thought he was having some good time, so what was it if he is still having some balls?' 

Watching the concentration Dee had in her books, he shared a picture and sent it to his girlfriend who has started getting interested in her life out of the blue. 

Dominic: Trust me, this is a rare breed, I have never seen any of her girls this serious with life.

Girlfriend: I wish you could get the whole view, I love her dressing can you maybe hook us?

Dominic: (eyes rolling emojis) never, she is an innocent soul, I don't want you to mess her up with your weird ideas. 

Girlfriend: a virgin? 

Dominic; yeah, her behaviour tells it all, she wasn't getting that rigid stick you know (winking emoji)

Girlfriend; trust me, your boss will have trouble with her, but I thought they spent a night together?

Dominic; I am here because he had some blue balls, he won't be having those if they had a good night, 

Girlfriend: mmmh, he is taking things slow, why do I feel someone is getting married soon.

Dominic: Bye girl.

Dee heard the bedroom door open and focused her eyes on the person walking out of it. 

"Hun, I thought you were already done," said Jake.

"Hun? When did this start?" Asked Dominic with a shocked look on his face as he watched Jake place a kiss on Dee's lips.