
Welcome Home

Today was another bright day. We have been doing a lot of things together with Jake, taking a walk, going to some of the best restaurants, and eating all types of delicacies that I can eat. I rarely go to the office because I wanted to take things slow with the pregnancy. Jake on the other hand was also not for the idea that is should spend even a day working. He wants me to be in bed or outside trying to stretch and that is what he wants me to be doing. 

Sometimes it's so exhausting just laying in bed and having Andreas serve you some of his best meals. Sometimes it is fun and exciting when you have Jake tickle you here and there. 

Like today, he is beside me, he feels the need to be near me today, I don't know why but he is still holding on to my waist not letting me go. Using his phone, it's already eight in the morning g. He should be at work or in a meeting or better shouting at every employee for not doing something that they were supposed to do some days ago.  I don't know how he does that, but, I can't summon all the energy to lash out at them, except for the one time that I got the chance and after that, they have never messed up again.

          "Hun, don't you think you will be late for work today?"

He groans next to me and cuddles in further with me, I don't know whether it's me or all women feel this. Damn lawd, this is the love you all should be all experiencing, being spooned like a baby and having everything delivered to you on a silver platter. 

Pregnancy feels good but wait, this might be my last days on this earth, so I can't take it slow anymore you know. Let's just focus on being happy, you all are gonna miss me when I am gone. 

"No hun I am here today, I want us to do more practice, get you to do more exercise, and also play with the baby. I hope they start to kick today, what do you think?"

That sounds like a good idea, what do you think? Next time you get expectant, make sure a man is there to hold your hand and walk you through all these steps that I am walking through. It's not a must that you are the second billionaire in the world, use the little resources that you have but also work hard. Right now, I don't feel any pain in spending my wealth, I mean I have worked hard for everything and I deserve every bit of it.

"Sure babe, can we still cuddle in further, I would love to feel you."

That is one way to ask him if he can have his little brother tickle me before I wake up but he is against it because last night I also broke it. I sat on it a bit wrongly, a man should be saying, ouch! While holding their brother and running away. 

Since I can't get what I want, I am only supposed to play with the hair on his chest and feel ticklish with his beard. This is aimed at annoying him. Turns out he can't be annoyed today. Hem grabs me and turns me around so that I can face him.

"Stop being needy this morning. I am trying to process everything it's morning darling."

Oooh, we all know it's morning, who said it's evening or midday? Plus what is he processing this morning that doesn't have to deal with me? I forgot, maybe we are busy planning the baby names. Some stress that I have taken myself off. Seems that is the best he can. 

What can we do to get his attention now, he has been processing for so long. Wait, I can climb on top of him? Too bad, this mountain on me can't allow me to just jump and be on top of him. It is hard you know. If I am, it had to be with the help of someone. If I am sleeping, I have to lay like a dead person in a coffin. Jake sometimes helps by spooning me and when I'm tired, he comes to the other side of the bed to spoon me so that it can be easy for me.  I am tired.

        "What's the plan for today hun?"

I hope he is not suggesting that we take another round of running up and down because that is too ting as much as Claire said that it's good. I have been running for the past week and it feels like hell. I mean you have to run every second to have your muscles stretch and prevent them from being so small.  Who said it's ready, no one. 

"I was thinking that we take a run around the field and today we are going to the far end of the field so you will have to run as I time you. Very fast. You know the fact that I am talking about, right?"

Jeez, he is up with the walking race again. That is what he calls running very fast. I will have to run all those distances and I can't say no. This came after the doctor said it was necessary. I love that she didn't open her mouth about the problem. 

"That's is taunting you know that. Can we take another route, there is always plan B."

"If you are talking about the treadmill then you can use it because that sounds like plan B to me."

Hell no, my friend I prefer using the field.  I don't get, why I would run on something and gets nowhere. That's why it's easy to die on the treadmill than in the field. I see new things and even I can see the whole field, the growing fruits that are ready to pick so that I can make some good salad.

                    "Then running it is."

He pecks me and asks if we can extend our sleep for some minutes. I agree because I am the one who is going to run and no one else is going to do that.  that was not a good idea, I can't sleep after waking up. I want to use the bathroom so I wake him up. 

"Just use the diapers baby, we will change that."

Is he serious now? The same diapers that he helped me wear yesterday? How can I do that? Those things are so heavy and disgusting for one to wear. I mean, who would want to wear them? Please, they should get us something else. What do you suggest? 

"Hun, I can't just sleep and pee on myself like a baby, I need to use the washroom please."

He turns around and looks at me. He is tired too but he would have to be more tired before he sees the light at the end of the tunnel. Right now he doesn't have otherwise. 

He woke up and holds me from the end, walks me to the bathroom, and helped me to the toilet seat. As I do my business, he helps to remove the diapers which are dry because nothing happened to them. 

He puts it in the bin next to the toilet. Unrolling a tissue, he hands me. After we are done, he flashes the washroom and helps me back to bed. 

I told you, get a man who does this. Not the one who will leave you and go leave his life and leave you dying here.

He is not done with his sleep so he helped me back to bed and slides next to me. Still holding me so that I don't run away, he inhales the scent of my hair. 

"Please, next time when you are expectant, let it be just one child, I never heard Dominic go through this trouble. Yours came with a lot of power and anger issues, so whose anger did the baby inherit? I ain't having any."

Shut up Mr. Grumpy, he is the angriest person I know. I mean he will growl and everything will stand still. Then he says that he is not angry. I hope that child who is angry won't end up like him. Men, I would fear that child. Girls would fear him or men would fear her. I hope they will all grow up good citizens and considerate.

              "Do you know it is likely one of them might be gay?"

He rolls his eyes at me and tells me to shut up.

"Some tell me, are you homophobic now? Which type of human being are you? I bet Pete would love any of them if any of them were to turn gay. So if you won't love them, prepare to lose them if not one of them."

He holds my belly and that soft side of him is there with him again. 

"You three, are welcome home, whether you are trans, bi or gay I don't care. I, your dad is queer so be happy that you have me as your dad and your mum here is soft and will give you whatever you want, so just make sure you put come with all types of cravings, all types of behaviors because we are going to sort them out here."

Wait, that doesn't sound like he is welcoming them here, it sounds like he is threatening them. I mean the last part looks like it. I can't tell my children that they should bring their behavior so that we can sort them out here. They will be afraid to even break glass in my house.  Who cares for china anyway? They are just glasses and not gold. I hope his punishment won't be that bad and it would be good for the kids.

So far, do you think he will be a good dad? I think he is gonna make a super dad to me. He is okay mad parenthood suits him.

"Anything we can add today apart from the exercise? I mean we can go for a walk in town or any other place. We can even take a boat across the sea if you don't mind."

He smiles and takes out his phone, I think that' trick is working. I think we are going to take that boat then. I hear him tell the other person that we will be there for the evening. Seems like I am not going to sleep here today. Hallelujah!

"Done, you have a boat ride, today and tomorrow, it's a yacht so don't worry everything is catered for. You have medical on board and some chefs too. You know, today Andreas needs to be in the restaurant so, we won't have him. Is that okay?

Hell yes, that is more than okay. What else can I ask for if not a trip to the sea when I am pregnant? I mean I would take everything right now. Nothing is going to bar me from getting what I want. 

"What are you waiting, for let's start the day hun,  want to be in that yacht very early than the said time."

He jumped from the bed and gave me a salute.

              "Yes ma'am!"

That's my boy now. Who is going to make him happy when I am gone though? I don't want another woman to touch him the way I do. I know he had a lot of women before me but I don't want anyone to hold him the way I did. I want all my kids to get all his attention and nobody else. What about we forget that now, we might get another time to think about that. 

He prepared a shower for me. Right now I get everything done for myself and I rarely do anything for myself. He helps me out of the nightgown and leads me to the bathroom. He joins me in and slowly lathes the sponge with soap and places it on my body to wash me. I hope can do the same for him but I can't do that. It's because of this huge belly. I remember this is going to be the last. I hate it you know. I wish I can get more time to do that. I wish I can get time to do this for him rather than just him doing it. 

All in all, I am happy,  I got to be the one who does his cufflinks and collars. That is something no one can do. Maybe after I am gone, he will resolve to polo shirts because they are a bit better and easy.

Done with our shower, we take breakfast from the dining table. Andreas and the chef prepared some before they left and I was happy because it's delicious just the way it is.

"Hey, why are you having the watch with you? It's going to strain your hands,  plus I am going to time you today. So don't place the watch on your wrist. Just be free."

Ooh, so I don't need to stress myself and I can as well walk the way I want without the watch. I place it on the table and settle to take my breakfast. Done with it, we decided to place the green juice into the special caps with lids and start our running journey. 

The sun is out and its beautiful rays are illuminating beautifully. I love this day. Ooh, what a day that the Lord had made. In my small running shoes and a huge hood with some maternity dress,  am ready to start my run. 

I am excited because I won't be doing it tomorrow. I will be on the yacht. He won't be having a treadmill I'm the yacht, hell I will cry.

We start together and he helps me run through the normal race that we usually run. The normal run. 

"Jeez, I am sweating here, I need to wipe my sweat out."

"Ooh here take my towel, we didn't get you a towel today."

I don't know if it is his huge hoody or if it's just sunny today. I think I will sweat a lot today. 

"Okay, the next round, you are running from here up to the north part, I will be waiting for you here okay?"

I look at him and frown, which north part, we have a lot of north in this field.

"The Wooden gate baby, then you will come back. I will be waiting."

Why do I even have to fear anything, it's the last day I am running, I can as well run then be done with it before I do some yoga. He sets the time and tells l me to start running. I start with slow steps but catch up with my running quickly. The north is a bit hilly so I take my time climbing the small hill until I can only see Jake's head. I don't give up and get here. At the North, the wooden gate is closed, I have never reached but here I am. 

Wait, is that a rabbit? I look around for some guards but I can't see any of them. I try to call for it for a bit it's not moving. Then I hear the sound of a baby crying and I move close to take a look at the white thing. Who is on their right mind to leave a baby here? Moving closer it's nothing but then I feel a hand behind me and a cloth on my nose and my world are dizzy.