
Wear Some Pampers

Dee was not up, Jake had already taken shower and even put on his clothes that she prepared yesterday. For her, she was still cuddled inside the blankets just moaning silently while moving sideways.  She didn't want to wake up from the warm bed. She was still struggling with the swollen feet and hormones that were raging at her and she didn't want to annoy them today. 

Walking out of the dressing room, Jake was not surprised to see her still sleeping. This is her fifth and half month and she is heavy like an eight-month pregnant lady. Jake went and sat next to the bed and kissed her forehead to try to wake her up but she was still asleep. She grabbed him closer but Jake didn't want another, 'story' in the middle of the one that he was already having. He gently shook her. He wanted her to be up before he walks out of the house. Plus she was supposed to adjust his collars and close his cufflinks. 

"Hun, I am so tired, I don't feel like going to work today. I am just t......"

Jake placed his hands on her lips to shut her down because he knew she was. This is the time she wished he can just walk in her shoes, hold that pregnancy for her and keep her away from this pain but she was strong. She works relentlessly and she is done with today's work. For the most important, he can help her handle but for the easy ones, Dan can work on them. 

"I just want you to help me with the collar. Can you do that for me please?"

She smiled and stood up from the huge white blankets and pecked him on the cheek. Adjusting his collar and closed the cufflinks nicely making him elegant and ready to go. 

"You want to join me for breakfast? I can wait for you to come or we can head there together?"

Dee stretched her hands and they walked to the dining table. Nowadays Andreas is available and the house chef makes sure Dee is well served and eats healthy. They share a hearty breakfast. 

            "Will you come to take me to the hospital?"

"Sure, baby, I haven't forgotten about it, plus I will come home or I will ask the guards to bring you and I will be waiting for you. How are your legs today? Can you try and take a walk in the compound, it's advisable babe don't kill yourself by being inside those sheets, try and walk around, get some sunshine and then eat healthily and everything is going to be okay."

Dee nodded while downing the milk in the glass and chewing a whole loaf without slicing it. 

They talked about other things before Jake stands to leave.

"I don't want you to go, I just want you around, can you please stay? Even for ten minutes? I am just tired and I want to cry."

She was already crying and that was not anything different. Jake hugged her and calmed her down. He walked with her out of the house and they followed the path to the field abandoning the flowers that were outside and walking further into the vast field.

        "Have you thought of any name?"

Dee asked Jake. She was not going to think of names. She knew she is terrible with names. Except for Jade they thought by using both her name and her husband's.

"Hey, don't worry about that. We will think about it later. For now, let's take a walk, and see the environment. I know it had been a long since you got up to this point. Look at the mangoes, they are fully grown and by the time the baby will be growing, the fruits will have ripe. Checks the avocado, I know this is what you wanted, a garden of fruits and a lot of other things. It's coming to be. Maybe we can go to the beach and rest there for a week or two away from the house before we come back, okay?"

Dee nodded and stood looking at Jake with raised brows. She realized that she had wet herself without knowing and she was crying while holding her belly. 

         "It has happened again, I hate this"

Jake looked at her and he understood that sometimes she can wet herself without knowing. He had read most of the things and wanted to be knowledgeable about them. She was frustrated by just looking at her face. Claire had told her that the wetting begins at eight-month but hers was here with her in the fifth month.

         "Hey, it's okay, don't cry, come here. "

Jake wanted to hug her but Dee pushed him away and he was now worried that he might be mad for what she has done. He was not mad at anything. He was okay. That was motherhood kicking in and anything that happens is going to be okay. 

"I do want to make you feel my urine at this time, it's really bad and it stinks."

Dee cried while closing her eyes with her hands like a baby. Jake forcefully hugged her. He didn't care whether she poos on herself or if anything else happens to her, he is here for her and he was ready to feel everything.

"It's okay, dont worry,  I will go change once we are back inside the house, okay? It stinks though, damn!"

Dee slapped him across his face and walked away holding her dress. She wanted to get into the house and change quickly. She couldn't withstand the stinks that came with it. It was like a goat's scent which is never good. Jake ran towards her and held her back. 

"You know, there is a secret bathroom nearby, we can ask Andreas to get you the dress and you can take a shower in there while I also change."

"Naaah, I know you want your two hands between me and I am not doing that today. I am going back into the house and then I will change everything and do other things. You should come and change too."

Jake had no otherwise, he did what she wanted and they walked back together. They used the back door to avoid being seen through but the bodyguards were around and they saw her since she had a trench coat on, it was hard to know that the has wet herself. 

Jake bathed her the same way he does and got her some new clothes. Her fitness coach was here and she had to prepare for her exercise.

"So, I will come or I will send Pete, don't panic just do the exercise and don't pee on yourself in front of the coach because it is going to get worse for you."

    "Stop being stupid and go to work already."

Dee pecked him and he was gone left only with her coach. Jake was against any man touching her and the only person who could touch her was Jake alone, even for the woman, who was told to stand one meter away from her.

Heading to the gym, Claire was at the doorsteps. 

"You are ready, she is the best lady who is going to help you. She helped me too. The main thing is to help you feel comfortable and exercise your legs."

She was popping food from the basket that Andreas and the chef prepared and standing in front of Her. 

"What about peeing, because I am peeing a lot and I hate it."

"Aha, girl, what's wrong, first your belly is too huge, looks like you are carrying g triplets in there and the continuous peeing is going to kill you. Dominic used to wear a mark every time I peed on myself and it was hard for him."

If Dee thought things are going to be better, she wasn't prepared for the worse. She couldn't understand why Claire felt like it was abnormal for her to pee right now.

They walked into the gym, Dee put on some maternity trousers and was ready to start this pregnancy fitness journey. 

"I thought you were going to join me, what are you doing?"

"No, it's your turn, I am not here helping you. Focus and do everything on your own."

Dee stood in the middle, familiarize herself with the trainer, and was ready to start some serious training herself. 

She was taken through various things, a lot of them were about keeping fit, and helping the baby stay well in her belly without any problems. About peeing, that was tough even for the trainer, but she told her to try holding it.

          "She can as well wear pampers, seriously?"

"Hell, no, I am not doing that, if that is what you want me to do, I am not sitting down and asking Jake to come in with pampers and help me put them like a baby."

The trainer and Claire laughed and Dee realized that she doesn't have a choice apart from wearing the pampers to help her. She is not ready to be peeing on herself every second with that. 

"Okay, I will get one today, is it a must though?"

"Mrs. Templetone, the baby is pressing your bladder, you must do that. You must wear it if you want to be safe, but if you don't want, it's okay."

The choice was to wear the fucking pampers like a baby once more. Done with exercise, they sipped some juice and talked about other things with the trainer and Claire. 

"So, I was telling her, she should consider checking because I feel like she is carrying twins or triplets. What do you think?"

The trainer looked at both Dee and Claire. 

"Wait, I thought you are due any day from today? Your belly is huge though, you should probably get checked up because that is going to be the main reason why you are peeing. What month are you in again?"

"She is five and you might think, she is eight or nine."

The trainer advised her to get checked, maybe they haven't been serious about checking which is why they don't know. See assured them that they will check the baby today and make sure that she or he is okay.

Claire had to bid her goodbye because she was going to check some work with Dominic who went to drop Jade in school. The trainer also left and Dee had to start preparing herself for the visit. She had a shower and Andreas got her some food to take before she leaves. 

"Why are you moody? I thought you are supposed to be excited?"

Andreas lay next to her on the bed while she was holding the towel in her hands. 

"I am scared Andreas, I am scared, I mean it has been difficult and it doesn't seem to be any better soon. I don't want to know the gender of the baby and at the same time, I don't know whether I have Twins or just one chubby baby inside me. It's really difficult."

"Don't worry, you are a fighter and you are going to fight this. B gentle with yourself and everything will be finely done stress the baby or anything, okay."

Dee nodded and they were told that Pete was downstairs waiting for them. 

She was ready with everything and Andreas helped to carry them for her inside the car. 

"Damn baby, looks like you are carrying the whole America there, come here.

Pete hugged her and placed a kiss on top of her temple 

"I am just carrying a baby and soon you will be babysitting and taking him or her to the park, is the car ready now?"

"Very ready little siz, can we go now?"

They headed to the vehicle and Andreas helped Dee inside the car. They drove off. They found Jade standing at the entrance and stopped touching his phone and looking at them.

He walked quickly and held Dee while Pete held the bag for her. They walked into the doctor's office. 

         "You want me to help you into the bed?"

        "No need I will help her."

Jake held Dee carefully and placed her on the bed while Pete was busy looking at them smiling. The doctor handed the gel to Dee who gave it to Jake because he was like a lion who didn't want anyone to touch Dee or stand next to her. He applied the gently and started drinking Dee and she has to push his hands away.

"Pete, I think am going to you to throw this out?"

"Hun, come on, there is nothing wrong with that. I have stopped now."

They settled and waited for the doctor to start the examination. Dee had asked Jake to ask the doctor for more checks like how the baby was doing and if they were having twins. This was the second check-up they were going to see the baby inside Dee. For the other check-up, Dee was against it.

Jake was directed on how to do scanning on Dee. Gently. He moved it. 

"Wait, have you been doing this, or have you just started."

Dee looked at her then at Jake them Pete. 

I want to know if the baby is okay because I am peeing on myself and it's not good at all.

       "Okay, the babies are okay?"


Pete left the handbag down and rushed to Dee's side while Jake gave the doctor the instrument as they watched the screen. 

"You see that one there, then there is another one, they are laying opposite each other. Wait, I can hear the third heartbeat, there is a third one."

Dee was not focusing now, her heart was going so fast and the doctor on noticing it stopped the scanning.

             "Are you okay?"

She couldn't speak, tears were flowing out of her eyes, and Jake rushed to her. He hugged her. 

"We are having three of their darling, three of them, don't cry, I know it's hard for you but please, dont cry or do anything. You are going to be okay."

Dee nodded and Pete placed his hand on top of her forehead. 

The doctor went on with the scanning and they were told the babies were in perfect condition and they had nothing to worry about.  

"She should have a lot of rest you know, she shouldn't be working herself up and, Jake,  no more ebony, just missionary okay?"

Dee burst laughing and Pete couldn't help it anymore. 

"Dee, I am out, you are going to find me outside okay?"

They nodded and Pete left Dee Dee and Jake alone in the place. Jake was listening to the advice from the doctor and wanted to make sure that he follows them to the latter.

"What about the point where she sucks me but doesn't want me to touch her."

"That's her right,  it's the hormones talking Jake so don't bother her.