
Walk The Talk

Dee wanted to cry, to laugh but she wasn't sure what she could do, she looked at Jade who was trying to tell her some sort of thing but he was just a baby he could tell you anything to make sure you are not sad or you are happy and at this moment, she felt like, Jade was telling her something to make her smile and stop crying. She held him tightly to make him stay in her lap. There were several pictures of her. The most beautiful scenes were shown, the day they were first met was shown in the middle. Dee was surprised by them, she couldn't believe that was her some years ago.

She sat there looking at all the videos. They were a lot of them. They showed her weakest moment when she was happy and when she was sad. How they bonded with Jade how they went on trips to Egypt and around the world there was nothing that was not covered on the screen. She wondered when did Jake take some pictures, and when did they compile several pictures and videos to make this amazing video that people were now watching. She was happy and at the same time, she was crying uncontrollably. All she could see was a beautiful girl who was dreaming, she was dreaming a lot but when the dream was over and it was a reality, it was a great picture being shown in front of her. 

The video fast-forwarded and Dee was now crying making people wonder why she was crying. They were all happy and excited, anyone would have been excited to have the video of them showcased but Dee knew the way the journey looked like. She has been on that journey and if someone is showing the journey they are clearly showing her how she has been doing, how she has been fairing on. They showed what she went through, and the hard time that she endured were all portrayed in pictures and videos. 

Suddenly the song in the video ended and the last part of it was Jake standing in front of a field, it was a vast land, she knew it was a coast because she could hear the ocean waves. She quickly tore her eyes from the ground and focused them back on the screen.

"There is never a right time, a right time to tell you that I love you, the right time to tell the world who you are, the right time for my heart to accept that you are the one he jas chosen, the time to bring you into my house, the wife you, make you bear me children, Dee. You are always positive and saying that when the right time comes we are going to have whatever everyone is having. To me this is the right time, do you still remember this contract? I bet you still remember it, it has been three months and we are living with this contract, we did everything apart from the two mistakes that we made, actually let me look at it, it was only one mistake or one rule that we broke. I don't want to live by this contract anymore. It's an amazing contract, but what if I tell you I want to live by it, do everything that it says but not a won't where I have to watch you do everything without you driving me crazy? When it started, this was not the plan, the plan was to bring you to bed, and forgive me for saying this, but that was the plan, but that is not the plan, everything changed, you changed me, you made me see things, a lot of things that I was blind to see. You are my person, you understand me, you built me and this is the man you shaped me to be. I am happy and excited to be that man Dee. So allow me to say that this is the right moment, this is the moment that I would love you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

The last part was a bit nearer to her and she wondered why was it near her. Then she realized that he was standing beside her with the microphone doing the last part, asking her to marry him 

She raised her head and looked at him. This is usually the best day of every woman's life. This was Dee's day. She smiled at Jake who was beside her with a ring in his hands, shining in front of the audience and Jade looked at Dee who was holding him. He quickly wriggled and Dee had to let him go. He stood in the middle between Dee and Jake. He looked like an intermediary. 

           "Jade, baby, come here."

His mother called but he was not moving instead he was there watching as Dee kept on smiling at Jake. He picked the ring from Jake's hands and placed it on Dee's thumb. He did it the wrong way and everyone laughed at him. Dee had not even said yes to anything. She was looking at the ring that was now on his thumb. 

Her tears were washing all over her face and she needed to stop crying and give the waiting Jake an answer. 

"This is the right time, hun, this is the right time, we can do this and it's  A, YES!"

People clapped and Jake couldn't help but shade a tear. He leaned forward and held Dee tightly. Later, he changed the ring and showed Jade where to put it. Jade placed it on the tip of the finger and asked Jake to push it down.

"Jesus, you are so cheeky, what have your parents been teaching you?"

Jake said when the ring fitted perfectly on Dee's hands. She wasn't sure if this was the bright thing but she raised her hands and showed her finger while shaking it.

               "I am gonna get married!"

She shouted and everyone clapped. She kissed Jake's lips and Jake couldn't help but kiss her more. 

Jade had to interfere with them and removed Jake who was now too much on Dee's cheeks. He climbed on Dee's lap and started sleeping 

 That is all that he wanted. Jake smooched Dee's lips and sat next to her.

They were congratulated by everyone there. Dan touched the wrong in her finger. 

"Did you know, I measured Jake but he said he knows the size of your fingers? I still wonder how he did that, I couldn't have found the right one for you."

Dee slapped him out of her face. He was so nosy and wanted to start his drama right now, Dee was not taking any of that. Andreas walked and kissed Dee's hands. 

"This is blessed, trust me, you are an amazing woman, Jake, I am jealous that you found her. You still remember when you thought I was going to take her from you, maybe I should have tried that."

"Maybe you should have found yourself drowning in sewage and when Dan saw the news, he would have cried of how such a beauty went to waste."

Dee had to slap Jake on the shoulders for him to stop. They both laughed because he was just joking and he wouldn't do that at this point. Dee had taught him a lot of things and when he sees men admiring her, he knows he has done a great job in making her look beautiful so that other men can admire her.

Claire and Dominic sat beside them trying to get a look at her hands. Claire was going to touch her hands when jake's hands stopped him.

"You just touched Dominic have you washed your hands because I feel like they are not good at all."

Dominic slapped Jake's hands away from Claire and she had to place her hands back on Dee's hands. 

"Her hands are clean when are you this overprotective, she not going to steal it. Though I feel like stealing it now that it looks beautiful in Dee's fingers."

"When is the wedding I want to see how Jake will be shitting his pants. Dee makes sure that day you make him wait for his whole life. Then he will shit his pants just doing that."

"Now you see why I will prevent you from coming to my wedding, you are trying to give Dee the bad ideas as to why she should run away and leave me in the aisle all alone? If you make her late, I swear, you won't see the light of the day."

Dominican and Dee left the two people to shout at each other while they spoke of how beautiful the ring was. Dominic gave her some tips on how to be good because he knows Claire will give her some wild ideas on how to be a good woman and make her marriage work.

"Are trying to tell her to be calm in the house, Dee doesn't, that is a trap, don't be calm, if he tries to slap you, make sure you slap him don't run out, don't let him slap you."

"Baby, can you stop, Dee here needs to know one or two things or you know what she can do when he has blue balls too, slap his balls and run away?"

Everyone laughed and Pete Joined the conversation. He stayed beside Dee and threw Jake off-guard by taking his initial position in the sit. He was holding Dee's finger while admiring the ring. He loved it and kept Dee's hands in his. 

"You see these two, don't follow their advice, just be who you are and everything will be fine. You know you are our last born and I follow you. These guys here going to ruin you if they advise you. Look at how they are talking you would think they are arguing about who is supposed to pooh and who is supposed to hold the other while pooing. You are an amazing woman, Dee, don't let these guys here define who you are, I know you will figure everything out the way you've always figured it out. You are great. Look at where you are now, many women just envy you, they envy your hard work and that should be what they do. They will never get to where you are because all they think is how to make their men happy and spread their legs."

Dee hugged Pete, this is one of the honest opinions he gave her tonight. She didn't expect him to come up with something meaningful as this one.

"You will also get someone one day and I will be happy for you."

Pete smiled looking at Dee,  he knows that when that time comes he will be happy but right now all he wants to do was focus on himself, the way Deep had previously asked him to.

"That deal, how is that project coming up, you know I won't just sit around and watch my money go to waste, is the business good or we are having problems after problems?"

They had recently started a motor company. Pete Is good with cars. He had good taste and knows when the vehicles are good and when they are not. He can modify a vehicle how you want it to look when you don't want it the way it was brought, that is what he has been working on. He nodded and told Dee that everything was perfectly fine and she didn't need to worry about anything else.

"Which deal was that, I also want in, I thought it's your day to keep business aside hin, why are you talking about money right now?"

Dee and Pete looked at Jake and smiled, she was trying to be calm, and speaking business was the only way to make her calm than anything else.

"Nothing I was just telling her that, the ring was a good deal and maybe he should get more good earrings for his ears. He looks good with them what do you think?"

"Hell no, he is not spending another fortune on the earings. He has already spent most of his earrings, to get the latest design. Did you know that once he had a lip job done and he was just, I don't want to talk about it? Trust me, hun, you don't want him having another gold wasted in his ears. Maybe you guys can share the earring as long as he is not infected with anything."

"No, Pete, we are not sharing, I don't want you near mine, those are mine. Though I can lend you the ones that I am not suing but at The same time, no."

The night was almost over, jade was sleeping peacefully on Dee's lap and had a shawl on his body. Dee wanted to get to sleep and was afraid to tell Jake because he seems to be enjoying himself very much. He sat on the chair and when it was not comfortable, she went to the sofa quietly with Jade in her hands. She was happy, she looked at the finger where there were now two rings.

'I am proud of you. Maybe this is the moment. I am proud of you ever since this journey began. Do you remember when we used to think it was a bad idea to date him? When I would kick you and tell you that he will never choose you. Do you still remember that? Maybe he loved you, after all, you stole his heart.  This is the man who didn't seduce you to get at Fern or another lady. You have grown Dee, you have become this important person that you wanted to be. Maybe you hated learning when you were young but right now, that is what you love doing and I am happy for you. As you go on to the next chapter, that's when you are done with the wedding, I am here for you. I am not the perfect guardian angel or a fairly Cinderella Godparent but all I am saying is that life had ups and downs, life has a lot of things in store for you but don't let that bring you down, kick everything in the ass because you are going to be a good mother than anyone,  it doesn't matter that you never had a mother to look after and take care of you. You will make it because you have an amazing family out there to take care care of you. Now, sleep tomorrow is another day for you to be happy .'

Dee was satisfied with the small voice that always talks to her in her head,  she knows that it has been a hard journey. Trying to believe in herself. She never for once believed that she will be the person she is right now,  all she thought was how she was going to be in the future,  she was sad every day of her life, and she crowd herself to sleep and read a romance ebooks to imagine herself in them. Running her finger around the ring, she was happy she got her prince charming but it was not like a Cinderella movie,  not like a beauty and the beast movie, it wa nothing like that. It was unique. 

'Life will never be easy for anyone, life will be hard for everyone. You will think you want something but sit, down think of what you want, hard work is all that it takes to get what you want. That is the mantra you have to sing every day. Life is not all about movies, life is believing that you can get it then you go for it. Walk the talk.