
To Whom It May Concern......Bye!

🥀Happy Reading🌹

Dee's P.O.V 

Dear, to whom it will find;

This is too much, this is too much for me to take. I don't know what I am going to do. In this society where shaming is all that everyone can do, is something that I can't take. I thought that this was the opportunity for me to show the world the work of my hands. I didn't know that my sister will make it look like I am the bad person here, that I am the devil in all these. Why did she use all the events from our childhood to frame me? All that she said were things she did when we were young, I didn't do any of that when I was young, I hope she gets what she wants. 

I have been through a lot. I have been called names, I have been made to believe that I am the one on the wrong here and no single day I have I done something to people. When I tried to do something, they think that I am a bad person. They don't want to weigh things before they ask me about them.

I wish that everything could be fair in this world, too bad, nothing is fair, you try to say something to someone and you are the bad person but when that person says a bad thing to you, they are always considered to be the best people. 

                     Have I learned my lessons? 

The lessons learned are a hard pill to swallow. No one cares what is happening to you. Whether you are getting killed or something bad is happening to you, no one seems to care about any of that. They all care about themselves, they care about their games that they don't want to soil even a bit. I have learned a lot in this, maybe in the other world, I will be b better person and won't have to cry so bad. Maybe I will meet my fairy godparents and ask them how to do things. 

I am still left to wonder where did I get my character from? Was this from my mother who couldn't shout at people but knew how to open her legs widely for another man to fuck instead of my father? Or this was my dad who is quiet and knows how to trick people into thinking that they can get everything they want.

I wish I knew where I got this. I know that Fern got her character from her mother who was noisy and opened her mouth every second and didn't fail to warn you of starvation because you didn't get anything to eat. Too bad no one was there to say that I didn't get enough food for my belly and all that remained of me, was the crumbs from the food they ate. If I was lucky, I would hide a piece of meat in my pocket.  Though I still wonder, how did I manage to gain weight with all that starvation? Maybe from eating a lot of leftovers and some silly junk.

No one in that hall said anything about them. All I have been doing is trying to change that look but no one is concerned about it. They all want to see who you are and who you are not. They all want to see something that is not present.

One thing I know for sure, is I am not a bad person, even though I am trying to say I am bad, I know myself, I am not a bad person, I am trying to be a good person but I know can't be God. I respect everyone's wishes and I am didn't want them to think that  I am trying to bother them.

Maybe I wasn't given enough milk from my mother's breast and I have my way with rice which was overcooked until it turned into a porridge-like substance and I was used when I was young. You haven't seen me complaining about it, I am trying to make sure that everyone's day is spent nicely.

Maybe all this time it has been a sign. Maybe Fern was right, I should have killed myself a long time ago. Maybe I should have killed the person in me that doesn't want to listen to anything that is being told. Maybe everyone will rest. Maybe Fern will get to marry Jake so badly the way she wants and maybe one person will also die because of her doing. 

Will everyone be happy when I am gone? Will they miss me? Maybe I will tell Claire sorry, for all that I did to her. I know I should have been keen on the party and not caused a scandal, I have caused more than enough harm, so the only thing I can do is to tell them how sorry I am. 

Baby Jade, is my favorite person right now in my life, maybe I will miss his songs, his little hands, and the way he smiled and kissed me on the top of my head like I am his girlfriend in this world.

My biggest worry is, will they miss me the same way I am going to miss them, will they say how everything was good with me around? Who will remember my birthday and buy me a cake and tell me that they miss me on my grave tom?. I wanted to do that to my parents this year, but I remember what my mother did and what type of a person my father was, maybe it's not worth the salt. They are probably laughing their asses off watching me turn out the way they turned out, losers! They were losers and that's what I am turning into. 

If they fucking cared about me they could have sent some Holy Spirit to help me through all my days. In the same way, Jesus sent his disciples whom he much love a Holy Spirit who was their helper and someone who could help them. I have never heard the one. The one whom I thought was my Holy Spirit turned out to be monster in a sheep's clothing. I was stupid to trust in them.

Writing this letter to no one in particular, hi, to the lucky soul who will get it and maybe inherit my stupid characteristic and my bad luck, I hope they don't inherit it though, I hope they read this letter out and tell the world that they found it in this hotel because I couldn't take thing anymore. 

This is the only chance that I am going to be a celebrity and make everyone wonder about the type of person I am. My name will ' be celebrated on the lips of many with their words as they stand on the podium will be that of blessing and fallacy that I was the greatest thing in this world.

I have a second opinion of maybe getting cremated and letting things go the way they used to but that won't help, that is not going to help anyone in particular. I won't be the talk of the town, no one will spread my name or talk highly about me. If I let them take my body through the whole process, I guess I will be a celebrity but I am not. 

I have labeled my name on the lips of many but I doubt if they know anything about me. Let's say Jade understands me better than anyone. He was able to detect my sad times and sing me his silly songs, in the end, we came up with some funny songs about him and his family. We always want to put his family name in the song but it can't fit there. I made it look more of a haiku and he can't add more features to it. I love you too Jade. 

I am still wondering how they are going to find me, they are not going to find me, maybe by the time they found me, I will be dead, I will have been covered in molds or maybe some little plants would start to grow on my body symbolizing the new life but that doesn't mean those seeds are going to be the best. 

I am thinking of writing letters to everyone but I can't write a letter to everyone. Whom am I even going to write a letter to? Jake or Claire, Dominic or Pete, Dan or Andreas? Maybe the last two. For one, I will miss Andreas' meals and even the smallest things he did were hilarious, Dan because he has shown me how much of a foreman he can be with you even when everyone else has deserted you. Maybe one for Jade and tell him that I loved him and everything that I have is his. 

I can't write one though, Let my memories which will fade in those heads tell them who I was. 

                  Did I have a good stay here? 

No, I don't know the type of stay that I have had here, I have been anonymous for a long time. I have gone with names that don't fit me and the last name that I got was a whore and a loser, maybe that is what defined me but they were wrong, I was a nobody. Fern is right, I am a mannequin trying to walk around it lost trying to find out who she is. If I can find out, maybe I could have been known, I could have a name. Too bad I didn't get to find out who I was. Every situation led me to another maze and a higher rollercoaster ride that made me ask whether I will make it out alive. Isn't it ironic that I haven't made it out of the maze alive? I am still stuck there but I can easily know that it's a maze.

I am stuck here and forever will be stuck here. There is nothing to help me through. 

As I wind up this letter to an unknown person, maybe the detective won't even find it while trying to solve their murder scenes because it will be blown by the wind, I am starting with the two pills that I bought. Yeah, the internet has always been right. You just google what you want. I had to search for a quick way to pave way for the people who want it. I had my search quick as I can. Now looking at the two tablets that are looking at me from the side of the bed, I don't want them to know they are going to end my life. If they found me, know that I took a bridge to put them apart, I had to put this suicidal note aside and my body aside. 

The detective will be arguing with his fellow detective like;

               "Cause of death?"

His fellow will be jumping in and guessing, hands on his or he chin while he looks at my neck like some specialized pathologist.

"Let me check this letter here, but do you think she killed herself or someone else did it, the letter here laid nicely and the body is their foam in her mouth with the foam on his mouth and her eyes dilated."

As much as I have loved the cops, I hate that they always came up with inconclusive answers. The answers that don't make sense. I won't lie to you, this is just my unique way of dying.

Heads up though, no one made me do this, I did this myself and I will take all the blames. No one is to be blamed for this. No one's actions led to this. I hope this won't raise more suspicions about how I died in this place. 

         Any last words? 

No last words because I have penned a whole two thousand words telling people what I felt while living in this world, any names that might have been used in this text are fictional except for Jade, I know he is my good nephew who understood life even though he was young. 

Times up, and my pen still has enough ink. I hope I get this unique one in my next life that I will use to write my life events.  I admire someone who came up with this idea of making them, they left behind a Mark, if this is what they meant by the term mark.  I don't have the last comment either, just to tell the next generation not to fall victim to what I fall for, they should love and respect each other. Probably they won't do it because why don't they even care? I bet this generation will be worse than mine. 

I know we will never meet because I have lost faith in the meeting. I know I will be born in another person's body and this someone will take care of me again. Just pray that I get good new parents this time round, I don't want to be raised by another bunch of wicked parents.


Claire was scrolling through the documents on Dee's laptop while Jake was still doing his baby thing not minding his mother who was busy in the room.  See watched the way she had arranged her things in order on the laptop. You could easily confuse her with someone with OCD, she didn't have any of that. She was a normal person with Normal behavior but she loved to be orderly.  The pictured they too together were placed in one folder., the pictures of Jade ever since she was pregnant. She didn't have a lot of these pictures but Dee had all of them. She didn't know what her aim was but she knew this was going to be a bigger plan than she had.

Scrolling through her email., there were a bunch of emails on her laptop. She only had two accounts and then with a keen looking, she saw another folder that had Jade's name on it. Looking at it clearly, he couldn't help but feel the tears in her eyes as she watched the pictures that Dee had directed to Jade. There were his pictures even before he was born. The picture of her, pregnant with Jade. The first time she announced that she was pregnant, Dee had documented everything in them. Up to his latest birthday that she had edited to make sure there are all directed to Jade. She wondered when she was going to send the pictures. All that she hoped was for her son to grow and see the type of amazing aunt he had.

Focusing on the other documents in other emails, she show a peculiar email that had larger storage than the others, she clicked on it and started watching it.  She keenly used her headphones and grabbed Jade to her lap to make sure that he doesn't go anywhere without her knowing.

This was the same video that had Jake confessing how he got Dee just to waste her and leave her for Fern. Luckily Jade couldn't listen to any of that because he was sleeping in her arms. She clicked one thousand and one times with the tears flowing freely after watching the video.  She couldn't believe her brother was a scam to Dee. She hated him, he cursed him while removing his headphones. He threw things down, startling Jade.

Her phone rang and it wa the devil,  Jake, she didn't pick up the call, instead, she let it ring all she wanted. After some time, it was Jake again this time around he was video calling her but she didn't want to pick up the phone. Immediately after it stopped it rang again, she was now irritated and wanted to throw the phone away but it was her husband, Dominic.

She raised her brows trying to figure out why Dominic would call her immediately after Jake has finished calling.

She picked it up and listened to his heaving sound.

                         "Baby, are you okay?"

Dominic took a long response and it made her fear that something had happened. 

"Dominic, is everything okay, why are you heaving on the phone?"

"We can't find, Dee, she left the debate that she was attending and now we can't locate her, can you please help us we are stuck in the middle."

Claire place the phone on a loudspeaker she entered Dee's phone number. She quickly searched but it was taking a long to load. When she didn't locate her phone, she decided to enter the watch code because she never fails to wear it in her hand even if it's a special occasion, it's always in her hands.

"Fuck, come one, load quickly!