
The Blue Car.

If you would have asked Dee about Thanksgiving, she could tell you a lot of things about it. She would tell you about a thanksgiving when she would have to curl up in her bed and cry away, a day she would have to be shouted at one million times for doing things in a certain way. The home was not a good place to stay in, that's all she could say in short. It's not like she never loved home, she loved home but when it comes to other activities, she hated being home. 

Today was the thanksgiving day that she got to celebrate with her family members. She left work early and had to pick Jade up from school because Claire was not around. She asked Jake to accompany her but he was busy and promised to meet at the house later,  she had to go all alone and pick Jade up from school.

Jade was on the school swing looking all excited when he saw her. He rushed to Dee and hugged him before pecking him on the cheeks. That was the ritual, peck aunt on the cheeks and hug her then explain to her how the day was.

                     "Any good news that you have?"

Jade looked at her and laughed, he always has news, there is no day he will fail to give her baby tea after all the drama that happened in school. It's either someone just peed in their clothes or their teacher gave them cakes today or he will tell you of how he failed to recognize an apple because he was not paying attention in his class. 

Today, it was not a different day. They stayed In the swing while Jade ate his ice cream, that's why he would always prefer to have Dee come pick him up than his mother. His mother wouldn't bring ice cream, he would say there is broccoli in the house, the ice cream was something his mother wasn't supposed to know about so, they ate the ice cream while Jade narrated the whole ordeal about school to her. He is from a family of storytellers and he definitely won't miss to tell you something.

Sitting in the swing whole jade was eating his ice cream, Dee saw a car parked near the driveway, ever since she came in, that car was there. She wondered why it was not moving and its windows were not closed. She thought that maybe she was hallucinating but that car was not moving and it has been there for a long time. 

"You know any of your classmates with that type of car?"

The car looked a bit old and considering the type of school that Jade was in, it was an expensive school, this was an Elite kindergarten where parents drove posh cars. Students were not brought to school by the school bus because the administration wanted the parents to be there in the child's life when picking and dropping them up.

"No, looks like I don't know the type of car that a parent drives but I can tell you it has been coming here since last week but I didn't pay attention to it. Why are you asking, aunty?"

Dee smiled at him and shook her head. She felt weird that day to see that car in the parking lot. 

"Can you come and stand here I want to take a picture of you and send it to your mum, I know she will need evidence that I am with you and didn't send Dan to pick you up."

Jade quickly placed the ice cream on Dee's hands and stood in front of Dee posing very cheekily while Dee took a picture of the car instead of Jade. Though she took several pictures of him to lure him that it was him she was focused on.

                "Good, do quickly we need to go home."

Jade scooped the ice cream, it was too cold on his teeth but he was used to it. He ate it as it melts in his mouth while Dee tried to focus in the car as sje waited for Jade to finish.

Done with his ice cream, Dee quickly carried him to the car and carefully closed the safety belts. Sje realized that the car didn't have a number plate and it looked too old when she was near it. 

She sat there and wondered what was happening in the school and why no one couldn't see the car except for her. She decided to stay a bit longer in the parking lot while putting some child rhyme for Jade. 

Then she saw the windows rolled down and a figure in a hoody was looking at something, taking a camera, that is what she could see clearly. Looking at who's image was being captured, Dee's heart shattered, it was a kid who was all alone in the parking lot waiting for his parents to come to pick him up.

              "Who is that kid?"

Dee asked Jade. He lifted his eyes and laughed.

"He is the one I was telling you about, the one who peed on himself at school. Then his parents didn't come to peck him up and they left him because he had peed on himself, today was better, he didn't pee on himself I think his parents are going to pick him up."

Dee was worried for the kid and thought of a way to save him from the person who was busy with a camera trying to spy on him.

"Okay, stop laughing, it's not good to be laughing  at someone just because they can't keep their pee, some of them are still not able to control themselves, Jade, so if you laugh  at them, they feel very bad and they will go on crying, don't do that okay?"

"Everyone laughed at him in class and the teacher did nothing."

"Good because you should be the one who stops them from laughing at him and doing something different, okay?"

Jade nodded Dee was left there trying to look between the child and the car. The car was just in front of her, she decided to drive in front and see what the driver will do after all her insurance company will pay for the car but Jake won't allow her to drive the car again.

"Close your eyes, I think the breaks aren't working, okay?"

Jade nodded. He has never had problems with who was picking him from soon and knows at the end of the day he will be home hugging his mum and dad.

Her car went quickly but steadily and it hit the other car from behind breaking its backlights. Dee didn't curse because she knew what she was doing.

       "Is everything okay, aunty, are we hurty?"

Dee looked at the mirror and smiled at Jade who was worried. He was in his seat and nothing was wrong with him.

"I am okay baby, nothing is wrong and, I am not hurt, I am okay. What about you?"

He nodded too and Dee waited for the person from the car to walk out and start shouting at her but no one walked out. Instead, the cat was just pulled forward leaving Dee's where it stood. The baby was still in the parking lot trying to wait for his parents.

Dee called Pete and asked him to come to pick her up, she couldn't go anywhere without making sure that the kid was doing fine. While waiting, they saw the figure from the car sitting silently while taking the pictured of the kid.

"Excuse me, mum, is everything okay, your car has hit this car, is everything okay?

Dee wanted that attention, she wanted the person in the other car to be identified so she walked out and locked her doors asking Jade to stay pit in the van while they solved the issue. She walked out and pretended to be looking at the other car.


She faked a curse and went to the other driver but when they arrived at the driver he ignited the vehicle and went away leaving them wondering who it was. This made Dee afraid that something or someone's kid might be kidnapped from the school. 

They waited for the kids to be picked up but no one was coming. Suddenly a man came in and picked the kid up. The kid was happy as he hugged him and smiled. He was given a lollipop and they went into his car.

Dee made sure to take the number plate of the big car before coming back to Jade who was singing to the music in the car.

Pete arrived and the mechanic drove Dee's car while Pete and Jade and Dee drove in the other car. They had to pass by the mall to get something for Claire. Dee saw the car again. It was parked at the end of the mall. Looking to see if the other man was there, she didn't see a sign of him. She wanted to see who it was but sadly the driver's window was down and there was no one in the sit. She shook a picture and bought what Claire wanted before heading home. 

Today was a thank-giving day, an important day in the life of many Americans who got an opportunity to share and celebrate for the whole year that they have lived. Dee could smell the delicious turkey from the living room, the pie that was baked and was now in the oven trying to cool properly. Jade arrived and she took him to his room, changed his clothes, and helped him to shower before they headed to the table. 

Dee walked to Jake who was making the table with Andreas while the other guys were busy making sure that every meal was I the table. Claire has taken the opportunity to invite everyone to thanksgiving. It was: Andreas and Dan, Pete and no one then Dee and Jake lastly,  her family present. Dominic was beside her making sure that everything was all accounted for. 

      "How are you doing hun, what was wrong with the car?"

Dee then remembered that she had hit the car and needed to talk about it. 

"Well, that happened to cease you weren't there to help me in the brakes maybe next time you will avail your ass and help me.

She was joking all along and whatever she was saying nothing was serious about it. She was joking about everything. Jake pouted while looking at her. 

"Sorry about that, I will make sure that I come in next time when you ask for help."

They sat down to eat and Jade was sitting next to Dee. It was a happy day as they talked, drank, and ate. That was the day they wanted to show that they were grateful for the life that they had.

For Dee, this was the Thanksgiving that she feared, someone's child might be in danger and maybe a parent is facing some problems in the future of their child being kidnapped or something bad happening to their child. She looked at Claire who was eating and talking happily. As much as she was sure it was not Jade they were after, she thought that Jade should be at home for a while before taking him to school. She didn't say that, she let them celebrate the happy day. 

"You seem quiet today is everything, okay, if you are worried about the car I will make sure I drop and pick you up from work every day, I won't want to be in accidents every second."


She smiled at Jake who was trying to console her. She knows very well that it was something didn't need and wanted to achieve something that she didn't achieve.

"Don't worry hun, everything is okay, I was just careless with the car, can I get a new one tomorrow?"

Jake pinched her on the cheeks and nodded. There is nothing she can't get by just pecking her fiance on the cheeks. 

When they were done,  Claire was taking the utensils,  out of the table, and Dee went to help her. Dominic and Dan were washing while rinsing them. This allowed her to snatch Claire and took her to her secret room.

              "Is everything okay"

Claire was stunned by the way she was grabbing her and they walked out of the living room.

"This car was at your child's colon and the driver was not recognized when I picked Jade up from school. It was taking pictures of this child whose parents came late to pick him up. This is the parent's car and number plate. When we went into the mall,  we saw the car there and I am now wondering if you have seen it because Jade was affirmative it has been there since last week."

Claire looked at the picture that Dee took and was trying to look for the same cars but didn't see any other car. They decide to do a quick background check on the child and the father.

"I have seen it there and I wasn't concerned about anything. Should I be worried that there is a spy in my child's school? What do they possibly want?"

Done with the search Dee was surprised to see the baby. It was Christopher's child, that is, according to the birth certificate that was now considered fault because someone else claimed the child to be theirs.

Looking keenly at the picture of the person who claimed the child was theirs it was a different man, he claimed to be responsible for the child and he is the father.

"Maybe Christopher is trying to kidnap the child band takes him back, what do you think?"

They had to dig into the man and find out that he is currently alone and he is not married. They had to contact him and ask him about the baby and why he picked him up late. 

He gave out a response that he was late and in a meeting which Dee felt was a lame excuse. They had to engage him and tell him to be careful with the baby because he may be at risk of losing the baby. 

    "What if I ask my nanny to pick him up, is that okay?"

When he saw the picture of his nanny, they were surprised to find out that Fern, was the babysitter. They had to send a new set of security guards to his house to make sure he was safe. They had no option but to make sure that nothing happens to the baby. Christoper's wife had divorced Christopher. I get asked her to be there for the baby if she wanted to. They agreed on that and they had to relocate the following day to avoid some mistakes. Though Claire felt it will be good to get hold of Christopher if he is the one behind all these.

"How sensitive are your instincts? Trust me I couldn't have even thought about this, plus why is Ferm even involved?"

Dee shook he head but she knew that she was up to no good. Maybe Christopher had lied to her to help and get something for herself. 

"Thanks for saving the boy I know he is not going to know but you have been a hero today."

"Maybe tomorrow I can babysit Jade for you, I am at work but not busy we can hold our mini class there."

Claire nodded and they joined the others in the living room. They were having a conversation with Jade already asleep in Jake's hands.

The following day, Christopher was arrested for trying to kidnap the child from the school. His wife was able to run away with the Father of the child. Though he was a wealthy businessman, he preferred to keep his life low.  Jade managed to say sorry to his classmate for laughing at him and at the same time felt bad that he wa leaving.