
That Kid......

                                   He can't be serious?

Does he want to kill me even before we begin the real thing? How am I going to beg him when I don't even know how to beg or what to beg? I wish I had listened to Claire's stories back then that could have helped me more right now I am lost and I don't know how to do anything he is asking.


"Sir, everything is ready," I heard the security man tell him. 

I wish I knew where we were going for our vacation, but I don't know,  we are just at the airport grounds and haven't even gone through any checkpoints. 

"Do you own an airport?" I asked looking at the beautiful vast grounds. You could count some jets and a few aeroplanes. It didn't look like a normal airport. Not that I have seen with my own eyes. Airports usually burst with a lot of activities. For one, you will see a lot of workers around but here, there are no workers you just see people coming and leaving and it's also quiet.

"Hey, come on babe, what do I look like?" He asked pinching my cheeks.

Still wearing the gown, I didn't want to remove it until we arrive at our destination. I decided to hide I decided to hide my embarrassed face inside the gown.

"You have never told me anything like this hun, I wish I knew," I said. 

He had never said. Maybe he bought it just recently but I don't know about it. 

"No, it has been here, but I am still trying to develop it. One thing with my airport, you don't need to be checked at the airport. The checking begins from the time you book your landing or departure from this airport. We try to access your background and where you are going, we bring people who help you with parking from your home and that's where the tracking begins. By the time you arrive at the airport, we already know you and if we feel like we want the government to do its job, we let them. It's always expensive using my airport because you will have to pay double the money. You see there are no delays, tight security snd some of the jets parked here are owned by other wealthy businessmen."

He insisted on the term 'wealthy,' to let me know that, no one can occupy the space if he or she is not smelling like money all over him.

It was a beautiful place, it didn't look like a plain wheat farm. There were some important docks. You could see some planes going through special services where they use drones and some workers were keen on the engines of the plane. 

"So, like for us, the tracking began when I was on the graduation grounds, I believe so?" I asked trying to be cheeky.

"Why do they need to check the owner, you are my VIP guest you don't need any checking. What would you try to sneak out of the country anyway, apart from the two small balls inside you, darling?" He whispered the last part just to give me a rush.

Being rich is something else trust me, ever since I started riding in this, it has been good. Okay, chill, I am not a gold digger just enjoying the moment, I pray you also get your own money and enjoy these things. 

For now, I am not travelling with other people, because inside this small jet, it's just me and my hun, the two security guards are in front of the cockpit trying to cheer up the pilot. There is champagne and other drinks on board but I don't feel like taking one, I am mesmerised by the view.

"Wait, why didn't we use this when we went for trips previously?" I asked.

I don't remember using these fields but what I remember, is using another private jet that is bigger than this one.

"It was still under renovation, you don't want me showing other people useless grounds as an airport. If they see nice, clean things of high standard they are assured that they are dealing with high quality stuffs okay?"

He was right, that's what rich people do, they always want to see things that shout standard and not some skimpy places.

Today he helped me adjust my safety belt, sat next to me and held my hands while the plane was taking off. I was not scared like the first time when I was almost shitting my pants. He was more of a gentleman than last time.

He looked at me and smiled, I didn't know whether to smile back or slap the stuck off his face, but my smile just voluntarily came out. 

            I was excited, at the same time, I was nervous. 

Today is the day we get to have our lone time together. In the other moments, Claire would burst in with her drama, Pete will start cracking jokes and Dominic will be throwing glances but today, we are only the two of us. Not that I hate them, I love them to the core, but today, I am here enjoying all the quiet and lonely time.

I don't know what he was thinking but I hope he not thinking of crippling me today. I guess I will have to text Claire and confess that I can't walk anymore so that she can prepare me a special wheelchair that will not scream how I was crippled though.

Then I remember I didn't bring my phone. Fuck it, hun is here, we will use his phone, I don't need to worry about anything. Who is going to call me anyway, apart from wanting to see baby Jade's cute face every evening I don't think someone else will be calling me today.

"What are you thinking about?" Jake startled me from my thoughts. 

I looked at him, I wanted to snuggle in his chest you know, but that is not happening turns out he doesn't have sofa's inside here and that just sucks. We have to use these chairs though they are way comfier still they are not sofas.

"Just wondering, how you are not telling me where we are going? As long as you are not kidnapping me, I am okay." 

He chuckled and started caressing my hands, it helped a little. We were trying to be cautious because there were other people on the plane too and if we started acting up, trust me they are going to be uncomfortable. 

Tell that to Claire and her man, they don't care, in most of our trips with them, they used to hide behind the kitchen or some small sleeping cabin until its landing time. You still wonder how she managed to get baby Jade, they couldn't get their hands off each other and even now, trust me, Jade will start escaping that house as early as three just seeing them like that.

"For starters, I am kidnapping you, but congratulations, your kidnapping is going to be a joy riding session and not sad, it's going to be filled with pain and pleasure at the same time, going through all the dirty places but to me, they all seem clean, don't you think?"

"Hun, come on, we are in the plane," I said trying to hit his hands that were now busy climbing on my thighs. I don't know why he is obsessed with my thighs but trust me, they are already red because of him touching me every second.

"Don't worry, no one is coming for your help," he slid his hands up, and he was inside my pussy, just fumbling with the two flowers at the opening, reading me, he placed his head on my neck and all my hands flew in his head. Parting my legs, slightly but enough for him to get his hand in, he slid his fingers and started doing some little pumps in and out, slowly.

My eyes were dilated as I felt the intense pressure boiling up, I let out some small gasp, hiding my moans because I didn't want the guard and the pilot to hear anything.

                  "Uh, yes," I moaned.

Do these words just come out on their own or it is just me imagining my things because trust me, I wanted to scream, wanted to shout Jake's name but I was trying to avoid screaming and shouting. Fuck me, I wanted Jake to do this all over again. 

He lifted my head and watched my face as I whimpered and moaned, suddenly he stopped.

'Why did he do that? fuck?' I thought to myself as I watched him search my eyes. What was he looking at?

"You are enjoying this too much, aren't you?" He asked trying to sound cocky.

I hit his head slightly and luckily the guard walked in and alerted us to be in our sits and put the safety belts on because we are a most landing.

I nodded at him and Jake just signalled him to go. 

I couldn't see the area that we were going to land on because we were still in the sky. I looked at Jake who was trying to look out but there was nothing I could see. 

He fastened my best and held my hands again. 

"Look at me!" He ordered. 

He pressed his lips on mine and suddenly placed a blindfold on my face. I couldn't see anything, it was just dark. Is he making this so difficult for me to look at because I wanted to see the view so much while we are landing?

"Don't be afraid okay?" He whispered.

"I am already afraid, can't I see the view," I said. 

"Don't worry, one week is enough for you to see everything, right now, I want you to be surprised with what you are going to see so, be calm I will make sure everything goes its way, okay?" 

I nodded to his words. I believed him. There is no way I was going to say no because all he wants is the best for me. 

If someone asks me today how I can thank him, trust me, I didn't know-how. He has been with me through thick and thin and all I want to do is be the supporting girlfriend. I felt the ring on my finger, it had my first name and Jake's first name engraved on it, sorry I forgot to say. This is a promise he has made to me and I want to make sure that I live up to it. 

It's not like he is pressuring me, no, he is not. We are going into another step of life, I believe this is the courting period before someone starts to make up their minds. I didn't want to feel like I am living a life that I am not supposed to. 

I also want you to see that this is my forever after. I love being with this man, I adore him just like he adores me. He is everything I ever wanted for a man and I am happy that finally, I have it. Just pray that things go on well because I can't imagine losing him.

I heard the tyres screeching, to mean that, we are on the grounds.  The guards said they will assess the area first before allowing us to get out.  

After some minutes, they said that the area was okay. I felt Jake stand up and he placed his hands on mine 

"Dont worry, I am going to lead you very well until we are home, okay?" He asked.

Home? What does he mean by home? It's been a long since someone said that we need to go home? I mean which home will we possible go to? We have left home some miles away and then gone home? I am lost.

"Where exactly are you talking about?" I had to ask.

I heard him let out a sigh and stood up, he guided me through every step until he said we are on the last step.

"We are now nearing our vehicle, it's not far, just keeps on walking," he said while letting me take some small steps into the car.

"Maybe you should have given me flats because I might fall in this," I said trying to make some steps but I felt I might break my ankles anytime. 

We stopped and he asked me to hold his shoulder. I placed my hands on his shoulder and he gently removed my shoes. Good, now I was stepping down. But no, I felt my feet being placed inside these soft shoes.

"Are you making me wear your shoes?" I asked as I felt them loose on my feet.

"You should see how you look?" He said laughing.

"How do I look? Don't tell me that they are bad, you know I wear number thirty-six," I said.

"Haha, you look like froggy_two_shoes, you know my shoes are customised for me because I wear number fourteen, I can say, have the longest feet," he said.

"Just don't take a picture, and send it to the WhatsApp group, Claire will make fun of me the whole day," I begged.

"Too bad, already sent."

"Hun, you are supposed to be on my side, what the hell?" 

"Don't, we were supposed to get into the car, shall we?" 

He held my hands and guided me into the car. After making sure I was comfortable and my belt was okay, he walked to the other side and closed the door.

Pouting, I don't want to hear any of his words anymore. How could he do this to me? Looking like froggy_two_shoes is the worst character. I mean I would look like an old granny in his shoes how does he even fit in this, I feel like my legs are not wearing anything and I will drag them down.

"You still holding that grudge?" Asked Jake.

"Hell yeah, you've made me look bad and now, I won't beg for anything!" I said with finality.

He moved closer to me, placed his head on my neck and trust me, I was already leaning forward to his touch. Maybe I should take back my words and say that I will do whatever he asks. 

"Are you sure, because your goosebumps are saying something different hun,"  he said.

"It's because it is cold, and you are trying to make things worse," I said trying to be timid.

"Aha, it's seventy degrees outside and you are talking about cold, which cold is that?" He mocked.

"Stop being silly, I am not begging, maybe you should delete that post already," I said.

"Sorry, but Claire has already placed her laugh emoji and some weird stickers, Ops, Pete also has dropped his comment and Dominic is typing, what do you want me to do now?" He asked.

He is trying to act all cool but we all know that he was the one who did that. I could have t.just used my shoes even if I was to break an ankle it's not like I dance but men, breaking an ankle would have meant missing the golden opportunity after my graduation and I don't want that.

"What if you be a gentleman and don't embarrass me to them, I didn't want to be the laughing stick in the group this month, let's make Claire the topic or Pete," I said.

Jake and I have this tendency of playing pranks on people in the house so that they can be a topic and right now if the frog thing comes out I am going to be the topic for a whole month we needed TI to fix that.

I didn't get a reply from Jake though, I tried to look at him on the other side of the seat but he was not there but my door was open and he touched my hands.

"Missing me already?" He asked as he helped me get down.

"Don't flatter yourself, I am missing Jade already," I said to irritate him 

"That kid better not take up my space hun, because I will take him back to Claire for that," he said with a hint of seriousness in his words but I knew it was a joke.

He helped me out and clapped his hands. I don't know what cue he was giving out but I hope I am not going to stay in this blindfold for long.

"Ready? I want to remove the folds," he said.

I nodded quickly because I was dying to see what was in front of me.

He gently removed the folders and let me look at the surprise in front of me. 

The island?

🥀Author's Note🌹

Hello loves.

Thanks for keeping up with Jake and Dee and the whole Templeton!

Please share the book. 

I love you guys so much for being there for me 

All I can hope for is your locality and please jeep those stars coming.

Please feel free to reach me and give me your suggestions😍

WhatsApp: 0776060970

Instagram: coffee_ciggarette