


Done with my little meeting, I bade Mr Collymore goodbye and walked out of his office only to knock my face on Bob's chest. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked him as I quickly walked away from his tall figure that was positioned in the middle of the hallway. 

I can't believe he followed me, that was so uncalled for, he could have just waited for me together with the others, Valarie and Brian.

He started scratching his head as if he was thinking about something. I didn't want to show my unpleased face to him, so I acted all cool with him.

"I was waiting for....,"

"For me?" I finished his statement as I watched him. He can't be serious about this. Was he waiting for me or he was eavesdropping on what the professor was telling me. 

Why am I even curious about him being here? I shouldn't care but wait I must care because friends don't eavesdrop on their friend's conversations 

"Diana, you don't know some of these lectures, they will act all good, calling you into their offices. They will tell you how beautiful you are and the way they have never met someone as beautiful as you. Later, they will start sponsoring you, lying to you that they will give you a higher grade in the course unit and in return they will ask for payment that involves sex. After they have used you and they are now disgusted they will abandon you for other girls but it will be too late, they will have infected you with diseases or impregnate you," 

I wanted to be grateful for the advice but that is the same thing that Jake and Dominic had explained to me, I know that from the movies. Does he think I am too cheap to go and slide_open my legs for a lecture who wear dentures and removed them every night?

"Why can't you guys be optimistic for once, not everyone who walked into the lectures room, or gets an opportunity to be called by the lectures is in there for favours, some of us got into school late and we heed help with some things, so thank you for your vote of confidence!" I said to him and walked out of the hallway.

He started running behind me but I didn't feel like explaining anything to him. He could have asked me what was so important to be called inside his office rather than speculating about ideas inside his head.

Walking faster to get into the girls' washroom, he caught up with me midway, grabbing my hand he stopped me from taking another step in the direction that I wasn't even going.

"I am sorry Diana, I won't do that again, I am your friend and I had to ask you first," he apologized.

'Wow, he now reasons like a man and not a toddler,' I thought to myself as I looked at him.

"Next time don't be stupid," I told him and we both smiled before walking away to look for Valarie and Brian.

This was going to be another tough part, explaining to them that I won't be around for the discussion. Though I need to act like I am in the same group with them, I know it will be hard to focus on the work and assignments given as a group and my solo work but I still have to focus on them.

Arriving at the two who were leaning on Brian's car, my phone started ringing. 

I answered the call without looking at the caller id.

"I was at the parking lot by one, I cant see you!".

Ooh, girl, Jake was already here, I looked at my phone and it was one-thirty. I am never supposed to be late because this will result in another punishment that I don't want.

Valarie and Brian looked at me with worried faces and they knew that I am not joining them for another hundredth time this week. 

"Coming," I said quickly as I rushed my goodbyes at Valarie and Brian. Bob was behind me in a phone call so I had to tell the duo to explain to him that I had an emergency.

I ran to the VIP section where he had packed his car. I didn't want us to make eye contact because of the tension that was going to cloud the car after I gave him a sketchy reply in the morning.

Too late for that because he was leaning on the hood of his car with one leg crossing the other and his shades perfectly covering his eyes.

"Good afternoon," I greeted as I opened the car's door. 

He didn't reply instead he pushed the car's door closed and stood in front of it.

"Look at me!" He ordered.

I slowly lifted my small eyes to meet his, but I couldn't see the expression that was hidden in them. When he saw my hesitation and fear he opened the passenger's door and told me to get in after walking to the driver's seat.

Whatever he wants to say, will be said here and I guess I won't enjoy the conversation especially since it involves screaming and shouting.

"How was school?" 

Wait, did he just use a soft tone on me? I thought he was going to shout at me for being late and wasting his time the way he did on day one.

"It was okay, normal lessons and I had solo projects to work on," I told him. 

"I am happy that they did that, but you can still work on the group project, "

Look at him acting all nice. Group projects? I don't even have enough time to meet my peers for a group discussion and here he is talking about group work.

"You know that is going to be complicated Jake, I can't work on groups when I have meetings every day," I explained to him. 

I was trying to make him reason with me, but I knew all that I was saying fell on deaf ears and it was not going to happen. I can ding that song, play that guitar but it's like doing that to a sheep, it will neither move nor change direction.

"Theodore is not feeling well, and when she comes back I won't throw everything to you, okay?" He asked and drove us into a fancy restaurant.

I just nodded my head and waited for him to unbuckle the belt before I jump out of my seat and hed to the meeting that was required.

Scrambling in the spare backpack that I usually carry for the afternoon meetings, I couldn't locate the Ipad that I was supposed to use. 

Trying to unbuckle my belt it couldn't unbuckle itself. ', what's wrong with this fucking belt,' I cried inwardly as Jake was already out of the car.

He opened the door for me and easily unbuckled the belt. 

Was this his doing? Fastening the belt automatically then opening it himself?

"At least be happy that I have opened your door and unbuckled your belt," he said as he stretched his hands for me to hold. 

Why is he doing all this? Trust me people don't act all good for a second when they were mad at you a second ago. I looked at his hands again, turning my eyes to see if there was something kinky about it. He might place a thorn on it and be sweet to ask me to walk with him. 

After being impatient, he grabbed my waits from the car and stood me on the outside of the car before closing the door and handling the key at the valet.

"I need my iPad for the meeting Jake," I insisted as he firmly grabbed my hands in his.

"Don't worry about it," he explained. 

Walking through the door, a man walked quickly towards him and did a little courtesy bow in front of him before showing us in a certain direction.

Simple reasons I don't like walking with him, I might find myself knocking over some people or the intimidating eyes can take pictures of us and send themto the tabloids 

"Good afternoon Miss Kings, welcome to your hotel," said a gentleman in black and white clothing.

"My hotel?" I asked looking at Jake who was not by my side. Searching for him, I couldn't find him anywhere, but we were walking with him some few seconds ago into this place.

I turned around but he was not around, looking at the gentleman standing in front of me, he was smiley and excited. 

I wanted to slap his face and make him realize that it was not that moment to smile but looks like it is his job to keep up with the same face a day.

"I was standing with a certain guy, have you seen him?" I had to ask. 

Instead he gave me some documents and asked me to follow him