
Stop With The Hypocrisy!

"Can I get a last hug before you throw me off to the den of lions?" 

Dee and Jake were standing on a murram road that led to an unknown destination. This was the agreed meeting point. They were waiting for Jake's father, Mr Daniel so that they can finalize the deal.

The atmosphere was tense, Jake and Dee have not talked since yesterday. After Jake left, Dee closed herself in the bedroom until this time, when she was supposed to be handed over to the group.

Jake went to get drunk and was only saved by Dominic who we looking for him before he could get himself in trouble at the club again. He didn't give Dominic enough reason to suspect anything will be done today, he blamed his dad for wanting to take away everything from him and Dominic knew it was about Dee. 

When the time came, Dee opened the door to the bedroom, dressed in black Regina from head to toe as instructed by Jake through a text message, no part of her body was supposed to be seen, not even her face. 

Jake watched as she walked past him and went to the door, he thought that Dee will even talk to him, tell him that she loved him and wanted to fight for their love, and like yesterday, things didn't go as he expected instead the silent treatment went on and Jake assumed it too.

Hearing Dee asking for the last hug tore him apart. He didn't know how he was going to do the hug because once they began, all he will think of is wanting her to stay and that proved to be difficult for him.

"I think it's a bad idea, let's just wait for them to come," he said and focused on his phone.

Dee felt rejected, and the disappointment washed over her face. She wanted Jake to even show her love for the last time but he couldn't. She thought that all he was thinking about was himself, his wealth and when it was about somebody else, apart from that, he didn't care. 

She jumped on his waist and gripped it tight, forcing herself to hug him even when he didn't want to. 

Jake was caught off guard but he too went ahead and gripped her back tightly as he hugged her. They had the same need for love, that was the only deficiency they lacked. Someone needed to tell them that they should fight for each other but seems their ego was too high to allow them to talk about it.

They were not honouring the agreement they had, 'always talk about it even when you feel it's stupid,' but right now they were not doing that, instead, they were thinking of each other as selfish.

Jake thought Dee was selfish that she couldn't fight for them, whereas Dee felt Jake was only interested in his wealth and not their love.

After some seconds, Dee withdrew her body from Jake and moved away, the warmth she had brought with her, escaped from Jake's body and it was replaced by a coldness that couldn't be explained leaving Jake to hug herself.

"Dee, can you atleas—"

"I think we should wait for your dad to arrive," Dee cut him off before he could complete his statement. 

She didn't want to hear him talk anymore, his voice was giving her second thoughts that she didn't want to think about. She referred to the silence and the tense atmosphere that was dancing around them.

Jake was surprised by her words, he thought he could ask her for a second chance but this was not going to happen, she had made up her mind and nothing else mattered.

They watched as the black SUV waded through the dust and left a trail of dust behind, Jake was suspicious about seeing only one vehicle but he knew his dad will never use only one. vehicle, the money from his job is enough to get him several black SUVs and other security details added to his list.

This didn't bother him, what shook him was the fact that he might try to raid him and take the two of them in and betray the agreement they had. He dialled something into a small tablet and he saw the red signal that he wants to see.

Dee watched as a large looking man, with a bushy moustache walked out of the car, 'definitely the bad guy from my romance stories, he tries to make the two lover birds break up,' thought Dee as he watched him try to make strides to reach Jake but he was taking too long to get at him because of the big protruding stomach.

Dee tried to compare him to Jake but she could see anything related to them, not his physical features that were different from his son, not his looks which were only identical to his mum and sister. There was nothing that someone could see and say they have a relationship apart from the blood bond they shared.

"Son, I see you have adhered to our agreement, where is the 'lamb?' Indeed to it's a wonderful day to be here to receive the blemish 'lamb' and offer sacrifice to the Ye!" Said Mr Daniel as he used air quotes when talking about the lamb.

"Enough dad and she is not a lamb, she had a name, Diana Kings, that's her name! The fact that you guys want to sacrifice her makes me sick," Dee heard Jake talk and she was excited that at least he was trying to defend her. The next words though made her feel like a toy being passed from one person to another.

"But, who am I to get in the way of finding your true wealth and desires of the wealth? That's why I am giving her to you. She is all yours, just make sure she doesn't feel the pain when they are going to insert the knife in her body," told Jake. 

Dee felt as if a knife has been forced into her chest, the words hurt her and she felt she was already on the table looking at the tip of the blade that was being lifted.

A part of her heart made piece with the fact that this was going to be her last suffering in this world, the last knife that was going to be inserted deeper. She couldn't compare it with the suffering she has been through the other months. Where she had glasses piercing through her skin on every part of her thigh, those marks are still visible and every time she looks at them they reminded her of that time someone almost took something from her.

'Maybe I could have given it to Jake, look at you going to die a virgin,' she chuckle with her inner self. That was the only thing funny to her. 

"Maybe it's not as sweet as we thought," said the voice in her head.

"Do not even start me on that, I see people from movies love it, it's like a drug, once you have it in your system, you will always want to have it no matter what," Dee explained to the voice inside her head.

"It's not late, you can ask Jake to give you some time before the night ends and you will have the opportunity to experience it," said the voice inside her head.

"Don't be silly, that man, he doesn't even love me. Look at him making a deal so that he can save his business instead of me, are you convinced that it's worth giving it to him?" 

"Don't be stingy," the voice in her head mocked.

"I am not, it will not make me happy that, after tonight I won't be able to get the action again, so I think I will be okay if I don't know how it feels like than to kill myself with curiosity," she explained while looking outside to see Jake walking back to the car.

She looked at him but he was not focused on her, he was busy on his phone before he opened the door for her to walk out.

Dee didn't have any option but to walk out. She forced her feet to lift themselves towards Mr Daniel who was now picking his teeth with his fat fingers.

"Are you happy now?" Asked Dee once she got near him.

"I don't care, as long as the committee sees you, I am okay. Whatever is going to happen to you is none of my problems. I am here to make sure the chosen lamb gets to go home safe and the sacrifice is made," said Mr Daniel in mockery.

"I see, is this how you used to toy with your daughter so that every man could have a taste of her?" Asked Dee sarcastically.

Mr Daniel couldn't control his temper and found his hands flying towards Dee's face, but before he could place them, they were held by Jake.

"I gave her to you like a lamb, not your slave, don't you dare put your hands on her because if I find out, you are a dead man," told Jake.

Dee laughed at him, "how ironical, yet you have already told them they can do whatever they want with. Stop with the hypocrisy, dude and focus on your business. Make sure it flourish the way you want it to," mocked Dee before getting inside the vehicle that was opened for her.