
Silly Nose!

🥀Happy Reading❤🌹

I wanted Dan to be my eyes and ears around the place. I wanted him to tell me when things are not okay around here. I wanted to know what Dee is going on and who she is with every time. I wanted to make sure that nothing happened without me knowing that it happened.  This seems to hit the rocks as Dan was not interested in being my spy around the place. He has his loyalty pledged to someone else and I was not that person. I thought he was willing to do that, no amount of money can make him do that. He respected Dee and I will be lying to say that he will do that for me. 

I don't know why I wanted to know everything about Dee. I just felt like I am missing a lot here. It was never this way when we were together. I would come from work and then we would discuss how our days went. Everyone had their own time to talk about it. If someone had a tough day he or she would have to get some humble time. Right now, we don't have that.

 I come from work and find a lady just sprawled on my bed, doing nothing. It's either she is on her phone or she is laughing with someone on a call. That was what was going on.  I hated it, I wanted to talk to someone and tell them that I had an amazing day, I signed this deal and got this tender. That was what Dee talked about and she was ever a good listener whoever I had a problem with. Fern doesn't understand that. It's either she needs money for her nails to fix the tips of her fingers, or she wants to go out with her friends and won't tell you when she will be back. When she comes back, she is drunk and doesn't even understand herself. She is the opposite of Dee.

I am willing to pay you any amount you ask for. I just want to know she is doing give fine and I am worried for her. 

Dan looked at me and chuckled before focusing on the computer busy typing something onto it. 

"So you think that everything can be bought? Mr handsome, you might be able to afford everything in this world but loyalty can't be bought. You can't go around paying people to be loyal to you. I respect Dee and I know sje she handles things on her own. She shaved her head and did everything today even though she was sore. She carried Jade throughout and played with him even though his mother slapped her and pulled her hair for something stupid. Sje has to stand even when you wanted to throw her down, Jake. I bet you don't know that, she doesn't need anyone looking out for her like she is a chick and you are a hawk. I know you are waiting for a day when she will be fragile so that you can capture her and harm her. She doesn't need that. I prefer to have her all collected and calm and not some man trying to mess her up."

Who said I was even going to mess her up? I wanted to be her guardian. Turn out she doesn't need a guardian and I am just wasting my time trying to beg Dan that I want to be that good person. Maybe I should focus on Fern and make her a good person. 

It's hard to lecture someone who thinks she knows everything in life. She doesn't want to listen to you. That is Fern. She asked for money to pump into her bakery business, now she is boasting about a business that is not working at all.  The profits are some thirty cents that can't sustain her. If she is not asking for money, she is busy complaining about how her sister, 'Dee is a bad person.' I never heard Dee complaining about her. She never said, 'Fern is bad, Ferm is an asshole.' She was quick to defend her sister and now and then she made sure she did that. I just need a break from Fern but I can't.  

Facing up and down in the office, I was waiting for Dee to wake up so that I can pick up the baby. I placed my hands in my pocket to talk to Claire but I ended up meeting with a little treasure that I had stolen from Dee's closet. I know this is illegal but I just want this moment to be real again. I have missed her. I would have kissed the lady who is quiet, gentle and considerate. Look at me, Yousef was right, I am dishevelled.  Turning it up and down, I wanted to feel like I am talking to Dee and seeing her face and body in front of me.  I wanted to go into the toilet but I saw Dee standing on Dan's desk looking all sleepy.

Walking toward him, she stood back looking at me. Her face all changed, she was mad now?  I thought she was just sleeping, why is her face all of a sudden changing? This is bad, or didn't do something very bad? I thought I was trying my best here?

"What are you doing here? I thought we were done and we started ways?"

I watched how her tone was high pitched and her brows lifted and knitted together. She looks scary bat at this part. 

       "I came here to get Jade, her mother wants him home."

Her lips firmed an, 'oh' and she went to the coffee machine making coffee for herself. I thought that she was going to add me to the coffee but she didn't. Instead, she looked at Dan and nodded for him. I followed her into the office and Jade was just awake. He was sitting on the chair looking all sleepy still. Maybe he is just tired. 

Dee looked at him to make sure that he was okay. He helped him wipe his face to make him look presentable and even gave him some water to drink.  

Why are you living in your office, I thought you can afford a home now that you have some free apartments?

"None of your business Jake, that's my life and I dont appreciate you making decisions and giving opinions about it. I think I can do what's best for me."

Damn, she is angry. What if she knows that I picked her panty, she will swallow the shit out of me.  I wanted to keep quiet but I couldn't be. She doesn't need to live next to her work that is frustrating and it will kill her. Though it looks like she doesn't need advice from me. 

She held Jade and gave him to me. Jade opened his arms to get to me but when I went to pick him up, he went back and held Dee's neck. He was playing a game of hard-to-catch and he was not agreeing to come with me. I decided to call Claire who called and asked me to show Jade her face

Jade sat down and held the phone, it seemed his parents had taught him everything. Dee stood beside me as we waited for Jade to finish talking with his mother so that he can be satisfied and agree to go home. 

"No, me not coming, I want Aunt Dee, aunt Dee, No!"

That was a lot of No's and this baby was not going home with me, he would rather stay around with Dee than go to his parents. 

         "Jake, can you give the phone to that lady!"

Claire was now angry. I know she thinks that Dee is the one who had come the idea to stay behind and not go anywhere. That was not the case. Jade wanted to spend enough time with her and not the other way round, but we all know Claire with jumping to conclusions without any safety belt.

"Who is that? I said Dee for Christ's sake, not some ten-year-old kid!"

Trust me Dee looks like a ten-year-old kid and Claire is right. I wish she had not shaved. This is not her. She looks so young and chubby.

I wanted to laugh but I had to hold my laughter. Dee didn't want any drama that time. She smiled and went to her sit. Maybe she was hurt by the way Claire was addressing her, but I know Dee, she is calm and well collected.  She didn't say anything. I turned the camera back to my face and looked at Claire.

You need to man up Siz, that is Dee and she shaved her head. Plus I don't think she wants to talk right now. Maybe give Jade some more time and he will come home. Maybe three days I know Dominic won't mind.

"Are you stupid? Three days without my kid for that whore? I am not doing that. Maybe I will tell Dominic to come to pick him up if you can't. Plus why are you friends with her, I thought I said no one whom I know should go talking to her?"

Jeez, H Christ Claire,  I came here to speak with her because you wanted the baby. What do you want me to use, sign language or speak Mandarin? Can you man up for a minute? Plus No, I am not going to stop talking to her. We have a common business. 

Claire didn't respond, instead, she showed me the middle finger and decided to end the call.  She is frustrating sometimes. I saw a text from Dominic suggesting that the baby can stay at Dee's for some time.

"Maybe she can sort out her anger issues meanwhile because I am tired of all her drama for now."

I don't know if Claire has drama issues or the issue is because she thought Dee was the bad person here. She thought Dee wanted to embarrass her. She was not, instead,  she was also advocating for the new shelter to be built and that was in her projects too. I can't imagine their friendship is this messed up at this point. This is so stupid. 

Do you know that I don't know why we broke up with Dee? I just found out one day we are not talking, the next thing, I am fucking Fern and that didn't go well on the first day and that was the big red flag that it was going nowhere. The next thing I know, I am receiving a video of Dee and Bob in the same bed and I feel jealous about it. I wanted to post it but I couldn't. 

Why did you write a check for four million in my office, you didn't even take the phone with you?

I wanted to know some of these things. The cheque and the phone were in my office when I opened them today in the morning. I couldn't help but notice the check and everything.

"I wanted to make sure I said thank you for helping a naive person like me. Wasn't that what you wanted? All you could see was a stupid lady who couldn't do anything for herself, Jake. You lured me very nicely and I must admit you were good. So, the cheque is your payment because you wanted it."

I haven't grasped Dee's accusations from yesterday. Whatever she is talking about is something new. I get she is mad that I cheated on her with Fern. I was not even myself at that time. There is no need to be mad at me.  Maybe I am making that call someone else fault and I need to take action for everything that happened.

Can we please talk about how related we are? This is not going to work and I don't think we can work with both of us so angry at each other. 

"Maybe call the prison and ask Mr King. He is dead to me and I don't want to hear his words at all."

Maybe I can as well call him with Dee in front of me to make sure that these accusations are not just false.

The call was channelled and quickly Mr King was on the phone.  I hated how he is sarcastic on the phone and would do anything to make sure that he brings you down. I don't know what his aim is but I guess he is just trying to intimidate and make us feel like we are the ones in the wrong.

"I see you have already received the news because, how could my son call me without being told who his father is? You know I was waiting for your call but it came late than I anticipated. Anyway, I am here and you can tell me what's bothering you kid."

I wanted to laugh into the phone but I pretended to be shocked

 The way he was trying very hard to make sure that I feel bad, couldn't be explained.

Is it true that you are my dad? I mean I don't know about it but I have been told and my heart has been racing all day, I decided to call you to make sure that I have the right information.

"Yeah, your mum was my mistress and I liked her. It's only that her husband was an asshole to punch her head on the wall and drained the life out of her."

Men, if someone wants to lie, he will use every means possible to make sure that they get at you.  You are going to put more effort into that because they have their ways of doing things. I am not surprised by how his voice is very convincing that he is my father. 

What if your two children have been intimate,  how bad is that?

He chuckled in the call and then cleared his voice.

"That has been my dream, to see two of my children being intimate and giving birth to a healthy baby. I want to make sure I see him with my own eyes before I leave this stupid world."

Dee was busy watching me from the corner of her eyes. I know she was interested in what I was talking about with Mr King. Her face was disgusted and if he had already said this to her then he is a stupid and useless human being in this life.

I ended the call. I didn't want to hear some of his disgusting drama. I don't want to be part of that. There is no way Dee and I are related. Let's just say he won't have time ro torture someone and decided to think that Dee and I are related and he can do anything he wanted.

I am not convinced by him, he just wants to see how mad we can be at each other. Testing our DNA will prove everything, right now, let's just keep quiet and get going with our lives. I will leave the kid here and he will be picked up with his father, meanwhile, I can stay or go if you want me to.

"The door is huge on your way, just take care it doesn't hit your silly nose!"