
See What You Do To...........

🥀Hspoy Reading🥺🌹

"I am so sorry Mr. Templetone I tried to tell her that you have a visitor but he didn't listen to me, I am so sorry."

"Theodore, right now it's not the time, can you get out of my fucking way, I need to pass through. Whatever you think you are telling this asshole doesn't matter. I am the one who is going to punch his face until he remembers who he is! Hey, old man, get out of my fucking way, you can come later and try to be cool to ask for a deal that you are not going to get. This is a family matter so please, you all out.!"

Claire stormed into Jake's office in the morning with a flash in her hands. She was mad as hell. Her face was all red with scorn and her eyes were burning fire, rage wrote all over them. All night she couldn't believe that her brother was this stupid to try and set her up because Dee messed him. To some extent, he blamed Jake for being an asshole. She couldn't believe Dominic at first but when she watched the flash that Dominic showed her, she almost stormed out of the house at night, but she is here, in her pajamas,  her hair all messy, and her eyes red from sleep. 

Jake stood from his chair to look at her. He was worried that maybe her sister confused herself that morning or has suddenly gone mad. The mad part he brushed it off as soon as he saw her all okay. The remaining part was the shocking part he could t understand what was wrong with her.

"Claire, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why would you come here and start throwing my guest away? Wait, you haven't even showered in the first place, all you are doing is cause trouble all over the place, what the fu— "


"what were you saying?"

"Why are you slapping me, do you want to jump on me the same way you did to Dee? Excuse me, I am not going to give you that chance. If she didn't know how to close her legs and got all of you into trouble, don't come here slapping me. Don't raise my anger any further than this. Get out of my office now!"

Claire threw the flash in front of him. It hit his face and scratched his brows a little. Holding the place she had scratched with the flash, he felt blood flowing out of it. This was not the time to feel the pain, instead, he bent down and picked the flash that Claire threw at her. 

"How could you Jake? How could you? You didn't even let my event prosper and the way I have been singing about it for years, your greed led you to think that it was okay to just throw it on my face, let me go down the drain as if I am the one who hurt you! What is your fucking problem? If you wanted to get at Dee, you had a lot of things to do but not at my event!"

"Claire, Claire, please look at me siz, I didn't mean this to happen. I didn't mean to mess things up. I was mad that Dee left me and was lying about everything and she was out there happy and all she was doing didn't involve me."

Claire turned around to look at him. She run towards him and punched him in the face. Breathing heavily, she threw all the papers that were on the table down in anger and stood back watching the reaction on her brother's face. 

"Did you think of the danger that was going to face me? You couldn't let your anger calm down! You had to put yourself first the way you used to do even when we were younger, Jake! When I told you about dad was molesting me, all you did was think I was lying and seeking attention, right now I can see that you are not over that. You want to make everything about you! Do you even care about me, Jake? Do you even care? Of course Not! Why would you care when your dick can't stop standing on every Diana, Fern, and Dorcas that you see? I am so disappointed in you, don't ever talk to me!"

Jake stood at the table looking at her. He watched her shade tears while trying to hold her head. Tears were all over her face making her cheeks wet. Jake felt his heart break seeing her sister like this. As much as she was annoying most of the time, this broke his heart. She was a humble person, charming, not now, all that was gone. Her face was dark and her eyes were redder. She breathed fire standing by the door. He didn't know how he was going to tell her that he had canceled everything but the person who was in there went ahead and placed the flash to play. He figured that won't be important because he had initiated the flash to be played first. 

Her sister was right, he was not thinking about others other than himself all alone.  He didn't care what pain other people went through, he didn't care what her sister would have felt when he played the video. 

"Claire, I am sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't mean for all of these to happen, I was trying to make it stop but it didn't stop."

"To make yourself stop or to make Dee stop? Do you think you are special Jake? I wonder what type of woman is going to be your girlfriend with your stupid behavior. You think Fern loves you because you are special, or she is just there because you have money and she couldn't withstand her sister, Dee, get everything alone?"

Jake listened to her words. He had never thought about anything like that. To him, there was no use of love. To him, the pleasure was everything and after pleasure, he didn't care. As much as he has Fern as his side chick, a girl to please him when he is horny and later give her whatever she needs. That is what he has been doing. 

"I don't want to fight with you Claire, please can we stop arguing?"

"Wait, when you know very well you did a mistake and all you could think of is, you don't want to fight but in the real sense, you are the person who started all these? You slept with Fern, chased Dee away for some unknown reason, and lastly, you decided to take revenge on Dee because of a stupid video and you ruined everything! Don't start crying at me. I am going to fight and I will make sure I carry my best weapons with me. Right now, think about what you have done to my project, just give it a thought and tell me if you are happy with what you have done or not!"

With that, Claire banged the door and went out. She didn't look back, her head was all up like a crazy woman but she didn't care that other people were looking at her. All she cared about was going home and starting what she is supposed to do. 

Back in the office, Jake was pacing up and down in his office, he didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to right the wrongs that he had caused. He wanted everything to be okay. He feared that maybe things are escalating. Everyone will hate him for being so stupid and naive. The media will name him the jealous brother and that is not what he wanted. He stared at the destroyed office and imagined if everything was going down the drain the way it was right now. 

'is this all worth it? I know very well I didn't need to do that at all. I could have just been gentle with everything. Asked Dee about the video before airing it out there. Now look at me, I am here, silly lonely, and thinking that I am doing good. The truth is that I am not doing any good. I Am just a hopeless sick mother fucker without any future. I have messed people up. Dee is in pain because of Claire's beating. Claire is mad at me because I couldn't let my jealousy be, I don't want this to happen and I don't know what is going to happen after this. I am just hopeless, I need comfort but what have I done with the girl who first showed me what love is? What a real warmth is but I let that go because of something I was told about her that was not true.'

"Have you seen Claire? She is not in the house, I have just woken up and she is not there, has she been here?"

Dominic was busy shouting at Jake who was not listening to anything that was being said. He was lost in his thought to even think about that. He had his head all blocked, his ears were not listening to anything at all.


Jake suddenly turned around and looked at Dominic standing in front of him with Jade in his hands. He raised his brows watching him standing in his office this early morning. They have their activities which are always done at home but seeing him with Jade who is still in his pajamas, he was shocked.

"Dominic, is everything alright? Why are you here like this?"

"Jeeez Jake, have you seen Claire, I can't find her in the house!"

"She just left some minutes ago, I am sorry, but she is mad at me, she finds out that I was behind the video but she didn't want to listen to anything that I was saying."

"Yeah, I don't want to hear a thing about your stupid ideas, Jake, man up and be a man, stop acting like a baby. Do you see what that has brought? First, you are mad at Claire now Dee is in pain because you guys couldn't just calm your tits and dicks before airing something to the audience!"

"You are norm understanding. I told the guy not to air it but he did, do you think I am the one to be blamed here!"

"Yeah, and who is to be blamed, Jake, Dee for being framed? You are so stupid, you can't even accept a mistake for once. You know very well you did that but you are here acting all good but deep down, you know you are responsible. Why didn't you talk when the video was aired, you didn't even stand up for Dee in her state, instead you watched as Claire beat her up now she is in pain, though she is not showing. She is trying all she can to clear her name, Jake, at least man up and stop being an asshole. I just hope that you didn't do another wrong thing because, I will disown you, Jake. The way you are claiming to be a good man here, pray nothing bad comes out about you!"

Dominic didn't wait for his reply, he walked out of the door and went to the elevator with the baby. They were trying to follow Claire. 

"Mr. Temoketine, someone is here to see you!"

Theodore walked in and find the room a mess. She didn't want to say anything, instead, he talked to Jake and walked out welcoming the visitor who wanted to see Jake. 

Looking up it was Dorcas, she was dressed in a gown and her hips were swinging sideways. Jake swore under his breath as he assumed her and went on with collecting the papers that Claire had thrown down. Dorcas walked all over the office letting Jake do whatever he wanted. He admired the picture on the wall as she touched each one of them. She let her hands stroll over the paintings slowly as she moved. 

Jake was done with his cleaning and sat down focused on his work. He didn't want to talk to Dorcas at this time, there was nothing to tell, Plus he didn't understand why Dorcas came in at that time. 

"I didn't think we had any appointment here Dorcas, plus I don't know why you brought yourself in here!"

Dorcas didn't reply, instead, she went on standing in front of Jake, raising her legs so that her thighs could be seen clearly. 

"Shut up you big baby, we all know that, if you didn't want me here, you could have thrown me out the same time I stepped a foot in this place. So tell me, honey, you want me to pull it up further or to lower it a bit down? I won't mind doing any of that."

Jake's head was down.  He didn't want any distraction at this time. As much as he had the power to throw her out, he didn't have that energy. He was focused on his work to even think about it.

"Now you are pretending that you don't want me, I can imagine how you used I'm to beg me to be on top of you so that you can see what you do to me, how you used to make sure I hold that dick nicely and suck juices in it. Right now, you are pretending, let's see for how long you are going to pretend!"

Jake was not interested. He clearly doesn't remember any night with Dorcas at this time, though one person still stands in his mind like a sharp arrow on an animal's skin. See was dominating him. For Dorcas, he can't remember anything. 

Raising his eyes to pick a pen that he needed from the other edge of the table,  he was surprised to see Dorcas all naked, she was playing with her boobs and sucking them while looking at him. 

"Theodore, Theodore!"

He quickly called Theo into his office, Theo walked in quickly and stood by the door. Jake pointed at Dorcas who was standing naked hiding her private parts. Theo exclaimed and closed her eyes. 

"I don't want to see that thing in front of me, make sure when I lift my eyes again she is out of this place. Tell the guards to ban her from ever getting into this building or any other building with my name!"

"You think you have gotten rid of me? No, you haven't, I will make sure I ride you till you fucking die, you moron. Plus why do you think Fern is in your house? She wanted Dee gone because that was my idea. The day I will get my hands on you, you won't love it."

Jake stood up from his seat and walked to Dorcas who was still standing at the door. He heard him talk about Ferm and he wanted more details about it.

What did you say about Fern again? Do you think, you two can get at me? You are fools to even think about that. "