
Ride It.....

The audience clapped as Jake placed the ring on Dee's finger next was Dee. She smiled and looked at Jake though under her veil she was crying and she didn't want anyone to know that she was shedding tears. She didn't want to stammer so she gathered herself for some time while watching Jake place the ring steadily on her finger while everyone had cooled down, the next person in line was her.

"Jake, I will be lying if I say that I have guided you. You have been my teacher too. You took my hands and showed me the direction without any fear for was my tutor in this world and every time I sit down to think of how great of a person you are. I have also learned a lot from you. I have learned that I can everything that I require and patience is the key and you can't get everything that you want at once. The business has its ups and down and we have to work hard. I am grateful for everything. You are my confidant, you are my teacher and my brother and there is nothing more I can say. I want the whole world to know who you are to me and how you make me feel. That's why today, I am happy that I get a chance to be called Mrs. Jake and nothing is going to change that."

The audience clapped and the ring was also placed in Jake's hands. The moment was amazing and everyone wanted to capture the moment but too bad they didn't have an opportunity to capture any of that.

When they were done placing rings on each other's fingers, it was that moment where Jake will get to know what the person under the veil looks like. He gets to know that he has married the lover of his life.

He wanted the priest to say it quickly but it took a long time to say everything. Jake was not used to it and wanted to kiss Dee on the cheeks and that was not happening quickly.

    "I now declare you husband and wife."

The whole congregation went wild as they clapped their hands and They looked at both Dee and Jake. For Jake, he was still waiting for his moment. The moment to crash his lips in Dee's lips. That was his moment. The priest seemed to have noticed that and quickly added to his previous statement.

         "You may now kiss the bride."

The camera guys didn't hesitate, the cameras were zoomed closer to Dee and Jake. They wanted to see Jake's reaction after the two days that they haven't been together, Dee was anxious as Jake who's hands were itching.

He quickly made his way to the veil and gently lifted it. He stopped midway, looking at her face and excitement rushed over him as he saw what was in front of him 

He kept looking at her and the excitement that was coming with it drove his hands tok quick and he didn't hesitate to lift the veil and look at Dee.

Her lips were full and her face was beautiful, just from the natural look. She didn't need one thousand lipstick or any of the lipstick shades to change how she looked like. Jake was happy that she didn't think of putting any lipstick and pecked her on the cheeks. Staring down there, he hadn't noticed jer chest after lifting the veil. Her chest was heaving in front of him. Sje watched how the two beautiful avocadoes were pointing in front of him. This was a bad idea.

His brother suddenly twitched inside his pants and he was trying as much as he can to stop it from twitching any further but it was not stopping. It kept switching severally and made it difficult for Jake to focus on something.

Dee slowly whispered into his ear.

"Hey, don't lose it, I am here and I am not going anywhere, calm down and everything is going to be fine."

Jake looked at her face, he was not sure if everything was going to be okay with the way the dress was attracting him. Her chest was beautiful as her cleavage didn't reveal a lot of her body but it revealed her beautiful standing goodies to him. He didn't want anyone else to see them but he couldn't do that because the audience was behind them and they had to make sure that they don't mess anything up.

He couldn't take it anymore, his brother was twitching and Jake feared that he might mess something up. The whole room will be looking at him and Dee. He looked at Dominic who was sitting in the chair and Dominic looked back at him. He knew what this meant to him. Jake quickly placed the kids on Dee's lips and the audience went on to clap as they watched how beautiful they looked. Jade was still standing next to them and wanted to hug them too but it was too late, his mother grabbed him and made him sit on the chair.

The kissing went on and suddenly the lights were off and everyone was in the dark.

"Don't panic, I can't do well with the boner in me, that's why I wanted the lights off."

Jakes whispered into Dee's ears and Dee almost busted off. She thought of an easy way to make him calm down but he didn't know of any. The easiest way is to make him calm for a second before they bring the light back on. They couldn't start to blow job each other in the holy place. That was illegal and Jake and Dee didn't want that.

After a few minutes, the lights were back and they were fine, the audience breathe a sigh of relief though it was Jake's plan all along.

They were done with that part and the certificate was brought. Both Dee and Jake sighed it. Dee made sure she placed cute calligraphy handwriting and the sign was placed in. As for Jale, hi ls doctor-like signature couldn't go unnoticed,  Dee picked up the certificate and nicely placed it on her bready instead of giving it to Jake. She wanted to be the one holding it. Jake enhanced it and placed his hands on her breast and claimed to be stationing it in place to make sure that it looked nice in the breast without any problems. The audience was full of cheers at them as they did the last ritual of the ceremony. The venue was changed and they had to go to the cake-cutting venue. 

Claiwalkedlke and hugged both Jake and Dee, she knew this was the best day of their life and they did a lot of things just to get here. She pecked Dee and Jake on their cheeks. Jade wanted to be with them all the time, he didn't want to leave them alone or even see someone with them. He would push people away because they were too near them. Even when it comes to kissing Dee, he only allowed Jake, but for someone else, pushes them away. He got the chance to ride in the same vehicle as they did. 

They went to an executive hotel which had been decorated like in the church. The tables were arranged and everybody had a space to sit on. The name of the guests was placed around each table and each was given a place to sit. Jake and Dee had their table at the front while the other family members sat opposite them. 

The cake was white with what will look like pillows and it looked amazing. The next thing on top was a model of both Dee's and Jake's faces. The camera was brought in the middle and they were called in front by the Mc to take part in the cake cutting.

Dee placed her hands first and Jake placed his hand on top of hers and they slowly sliced the cake.  Dee fed a piece to Jake and Jake fed him another piece too. He then kissed Dee on the cheeks licking the icing that was on her cheeks. Dee smiled and kissed him to remove the little frosting on the cheeks. They knew who needed to be fed the cake next but they had to calm down and take a bottle of champagne first.

The champagne was poured into the flute champagne glasses and Jake and Dee clanked the glasses together while looking at each other.  Jake made Dee sip after two sips, he didn't want her to get tipsy, he drank the remaining part of it.  She smiled when he finished what was in her glass. 

The cake was cut into slices and Dee fed the first piece of it to, Jade. 

He opened his big mouth and had to ask for the biggest piece from the pile and Dee placed it in her mouth. 

"It's so sweet, I love it, can I get more please, aunty?."

Jakes got him another plate of pieces because he was the one who made today count and he wanted to thank him for doing that. Though Claire was glaring at Jake for giving him a lot of sugar they knew that Jade rarely has a sugar rush, unlike other children. He does well with sugar or without sugar.

Dee fed the cake to Claire, who smiled and thanked her. Next was Dominic and Pete. 

Pete wanted a big chunk and Dee had to stuff his mouth with a big chunk.

"Is that how you open it for someone who wants to give you something sweet?"

Pete has to slap her hands away and eat the cake that was in his mouth. Dan and Andreas were also fed the cake and they thanked them. Each table had a plate of cake there and they were grateful because the cake was shared equally.

The meal was brought in and everyone got a chance to share what they had. Jake and Dee got to meet and greet various people. They were congratulated as some of them brought presents. They had a lot of things with them. Most of them won't use them because they already have them in their house. They still asked them to be taken into their house and they will take a look at them once the ceremony was over. They didn't want to start checking everything on the pace. 

"Okay, so the two newlyweds, will you bless us with a dance, a good dance, we will be happy. We want to share in this."

Jake looked at Dee. They had been having dance lessons with Dominic as their teacher. Though he charged them expensive. For each lesson, they got to have to file his work and make they were good and at the same time, they had to buy him an edible newspaper. 

Jake didn't hesitate, he was sure that they were going to nail this. They listened to the song and held each other's hands. Slowly moving to the tune of the song. Dee loved the slow rhythm that came with it. She got to at her head on Jake's chest. 

"I am grateful for this wonderful day, I can't lie it has been magical and I can do anything to have this day over and over. You are an amazing person to be with Dee, you've made it great and if I can do anything to make this more great please tell me. I want to make sure you are doing fine and nothing is changing that."

Dee looked at Jake's eyes. Tears were flowing down his cheeks and she had to admit,  today he has cried a lot more than when he was sad. It seems joy had more tears than sadness. She smiled at Jake pecking his lips and went on with the dance. 

"Just be you, hun, I don't want anything. Let us blossom like the flowers in spring. I don't want to feel like I am lost,  want to feel loved and wanted every time I see you. You are my support human and I want you to go like that. I want us to help each other grow, both physically and mentally."

       "your wish is my command!"

They went for a very long time until they thought they were the only ones in the room trying to have fun. They were startled by Jade who was giving them puppy eyes. Jade stretched his hand out and Dee took them. He was short so it was hard for Dee to dance properly with him but she was doing her best.

"So how are you feeling dancing with your girlfriend?"


Dee asked and he laughed at her. 

"I am happy and excited and I won't change you for anything. You are my person."

Dee smiled, she knows Jade loved to use some words that they use with Jake and she knew he is going to be a good boy with good behavior. He talked to her and promised to call her even when they go on the trip. 

"Why can't I come with you for the trip? I want to be there too."

Dee pinched his ears before turning around in the dance.

"It's far away and it needs people who can jump from the sky to the floor. There is a very big monster that we are going to kill and come back."

Jake had been insisting that they take him too with them on their honeymoon but Jake was adamant about it. Dee, she can do anything to make sure that Jade goes with them, Jake said it is a bad idea since they are going to do a lot of activities on their honeymoon and it wasn't suitable for him.

He was sad but had to understand that some days he might not accompany them and for some days he will gladly be part of the trio.

"After, I will come and take you to the ice cream booth. You will eat each type of ice cream and play all kinds of games. Okay?

Jade nodded and agreed with her. 

The night was growing old and the ceremony was almost over. The master of the ceremony asked Dominic to give a vote of thanks before everyone was allowed to leave at their pleasure. They could stay in there till morning because breakfast is going to be served to everyone. They were allowed to dance and enjoy the music. Some beds were also put in place for those who felt they cant head home at that time to ensure that everything was okay. Music was on a blast and everyone was enjoying it. 

Dominic also extended his message to the couple and wished them all the best in this world as they were going on their honeymoon. Dee and Jake looked at each other, they nodded before standing up. They were to travel that night. They used the room that Dominic had booked another room there. Dee didn't know where they were going, but Jake promise it will be fun. She wore light clothes because Jake suggested so. Claire higher Dee tightly.

"Please, ensure that you give all your best, do that thing I told you to do, okay? Plus, ride that' thing like there is no tomorrow.