

A little earlier:

Jake was busy struggling with the shackles on his hands. He was trying all his best to make sure that he doesn't get hurt, which was successful because he managed to pull them but they didn't bruise him badly the way Diana was bruised. Jake thought that probably Dee had very soft skin to have anything bruise her that badly. 

"Dominic, where are you?" He asked himself as he tried to look everywhere for anything to help him but he failed to get something helpful. Instead, these shackles were checked every year to make sure of their durability, which he confirmed when he saw that a part of it was made up from new steel, unlike the other parts that had rust metal.

Throwing his glance at Dee, he knew she might have just passed out but when he steadied himself and looked at her, she was not breathing, he couldn't see her body moving to indicate that she was alive. 'Please don't die how Dee, not now you can do that some other time, not today, please.' make lamented as he looked at her lifeless body.

He saw a figure walk into the room, he acted like he was unconscious and waited to see what this person is going to do. 

The man walked closer to Diana, lifted her head and pressed his head to her body.

'What the fuck are you doing?' He thought to himself as he looked at him with a side glance.

"Poor Dee, I know you are now asking yourself what did you do to deserve this treatment, all this punishment? Are you sweetheart? Everyone wants to get their hands on you. I know Dorcas wants to make sure she gets the throne and today, she is going to slice your skin perfectly and wear it in her next inauguration, though I disapprove of that," he said as he walked in circles looking at Dee's helpless body. 

He lifted his hands and stretched them but they were falling back on their own without any push or pull. 

"You know, people have lied to you for a very long time, sometimes you need to know the truth, you need people who love you, unlike douchebags who lie to you. I wish you could ask your dad, Nicholas if he is your dad and between you and Fern who is the firstborn?" 

Jake raised his brows when he heard what the man in front of him was saying. Why would he tell Dee all this even though she is unconscious and can't hear anything? 

He also remembered that he hasn't talked to her about the pictures that they discovered in Kim's house. He knew that was a delicate matter and it will kill Dee ro know that her parent was planning to have her killed and spied on. 

The man walked closer to Jake, Jale tried his best to act all dead so that he can hear what he has ro say about him but he failed. His hands were strong on the shackles because if he let them lose the shackles will bruise him the way they have done to Dee.

Looking at him, he had this wicked grin on his face, his body was not built to mean that he rarely worked out. 'Though the Chinese don't work out they know some Kungfu and Karate,' he told his inner self as he looked at this man in front of him. 

He knew this was the point where he acts like a good man he is not and promise to wear money into his account so that he can let them go free.

"Why is Dorcas obsessed with you?" He asked Jake. 

Jake laughed and looked at him, he didn't want to boast about hos handsome face because if he uses it, he might hurt him. 

"What's your name, please?" Jake forced out the last part because he wanted to be nice. 

'Nice? Fuck nice if I am free from these shackles someone is going to die from my hands and I don't care,' he lectured his inner self before flashing this man in front of him a smile.

"I am Martin, the second name is not important," he brushed off while looking at Jake. 

Jake nodded his head as he looked at him. He wishes he had asked Dominic to do more investigation on Dorcas's phone, now he regrets letting her go. He thought she won't be dangerous as she is. 

"You've asked about Dorcas?" Martin nodded his head and stood next to the pole that was near Jake to listen to what he jas to say about Dorcas. He wanted to make sure he gives Jake the real story before Dee is taken away.

"I met her at the runway, she was modelling for a certain fashion designer. At first, I like her, just like so I took her home do what people do and that was it. But to her that was not the end of the road, she started calling me every day, wanting us to hook up and being a busy person who rarely gets to call women, I decided to pick her as my main booty call and until now I am here, in shackles like some motherfucking slave!" Jake gritted his teeth as he said the last statement. 

Martin chuckled inwardly, he knew Dorcas was aiming for his wealth. Though that is going to be hard since she also wants to be a godmother, ' how greedy of her?' 

"Don't worry Jake, shot happens and we don't get what we want but for some get exactly what they want," said Martin.

Walking around him, he stood behind Jake, clearing his voice, " what if I get you out of here, what will I get in return?"

Jake didn't know this was going to be easy. Seems everyone has their breaking point. 

"Whatever you request for Martin, I will give you," he told him. 

"Six-figure money is all I want, nothing more, just get me six-figure money now and I open for you and even for this girl whom I know no one wants her but she is special," told Martin wickedly.

"Baseball this number," Jake told him quickly. 

Martin without hesitation removed his phone and called the number that he was given.

The number only rang once and was picked. Dominic could be seen on the screen. Martin didn't speak instead he placed the phone's camera on Jake's face to let him speak.

"Dominic, I need one million, cash right now, right now, it's urgent," 

Dominic knew what his job meant, if he repeats a word when speak speaking, that means they should start tracking him but at the same time do as ordered. 

"Drop the money at the subway, someone will pick it and come pick your boss," said Martin and he ended the call. 

Jake looked at him, he has never been captured before but he jas been asked for money in favour of something. He knew that whatever money this young man is asking for he probably needs to work on something.

"Are you tired of all these rituals that you need to run?" Asked Jake. 

Martin laughed and looked at him, "not really, I just want to make sure my mother is safe, my younger siblings are not skinned. Have you seen how we dress here? This girl is supposed to be the next piece of clothing for Dorcas's ceremony, I don't want my family to be the next!"

He moved and removed the shackles from Dee's hand. Jake didn't want him to know that they had something so he was calm the whole time.

"Why are you letting the lady go? I thought she is the main sacrifice tonight?" Asked Jake. 

"Not her, not her Jake. Entanglements people are just weirdos and they want to revenge against this young girl for nothing," said Martin in anger as he placed Dee down carefully.

"That's sad," 

"I know that's why you are going to carry her with you and make sure she is somewhere safe," ordered Martin. 

Jake wanted to ask about Dee but Martins phone rang and he picked it.

"Wow, your men are so fast," he told Jake.

"Hey Dominic, tell me you are at the cemetery because I am releasing your boss and a young girl, just don't shoot your guns aimlessly and kill them because I am not getting out," said Martin over the phone.

Martin looked at Jake, he noted his head before moving closer to open his shackles.

"Don't even try ro hit me because I am not the enemy. Today you can't fight the enemy but I will keep in touch and explain to you how we do this, okay?" Asked Martin

Jake nodded and Martin helped to remove the shackles. Jake wanted to beat him but he decided to let go help Dee out of the place. Martin showed them a safe route and they walked out. 



Thanks for reading😍

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