
Obsession- Do You Like Me?

Jake's P.O.V

Surprisingly, the ride was not far from the police station, it was about one hour drive and we were at the mentioned location. We arrived at the area but we couldn't get in since the place had heavy surveillance.  I had the Gold and Drip Boss with me but Dominic and my guard had left them behind because we didn't want to attract a lot of attention. Our hidden microphones were neatly put in place by Clara and Pete. They said they won't be visible. I don't know why she carried them everywhere she walks into, maybe I will ask her about that next time. 

"Are you sure you didn't get into a fight with anybody?" I asked Reem. 

He was a young guy of twenty-five years old. Determined to make it in the tech world but he had recently ventured into the gold business and wanted me to be part of his selling team which I agreed into. First, he thought it would be nice to make sure that the other young investors he was working with understood the gold market and everything in it, that was my job but right now, my job was to make sure that my baby girl is safe and anyone caught in between is eliminated. Something I was determined to do today.

"I don't even know what's going on here, before we met you guys, I  couldn't access any mode of transport. My team and I were roughed up by someone we don't know and later we were thrown out and found ourselves near the abandoned railway in Lower Gaza. So whatever is going on is something that I don't know about."

I didn't know whether to believe him or not, when it comes to Dee's safety, I don't believe anyone, I don't even believe myself because I had once fucked up and it was way worse. 

I just wanted to be optimistic that maybe I can solve this and let our vacation go on as usual and not indulge in some stupid people who don't know what it means to have some alone time and be away from work.

We waited for five minutes.

The area was secluded, away from the city and many people who were making noise. Does this excite me? Yeah, because I will make the execution very quickly without creating any attention. It looked like an abandoned site for making something which I don't know. 

"Anything you can tell me about this place, Reem?" I asked the boy beside me.

He looked around the place but was not able to figure out this area, it was like something new to him.

"Maybe this is the place they had established for soldiers to practise in but they abandoned it, I am not sure though," he said.

The big gates were open and the whole area was dark. I couldn't see anything past the big gates opened. Suddenly all the gates were opened and four heavily built men walked out of the dark place and stood at the gate with their guns held tightly on their bosoms aimed at us. 

"What the fuck!" Shouted Reem but something good is that our vehicle was soundproof, no one could hear it.

"Can you get it together, if you start panicking right now and we haven't even walked inside what do you think man?" I asked Reem.

"I can't do this, look at those men, they look Taliban just standing there, I am afraid of this," he said in a panicked voice.

Looking at him, his face was all scared and fuck, he was shitting his pants in my car?

Christ, I just looked at the guards who were talking and I raised my hands, that was the first thing to make them know that we were surrendering and nothing more.

"Just stop it and raise your hands in surrender, they won't kill you. You are the only one with the power to tell us where you get your gold from, trust me, they don't want to mess anything up, so you better man up and be a man!"

I opened the door and the high men stopped us, one of them walked around the vehicle, checking for any surveillance before opening the door for us.

"Check them for bugging, we need to be sure they are not having anything," said the second man standing with his hands akimbo.

He has an American voice, and the only thing I couldn't see was his face because it was covered in a mask. The other guard didn't speak so he was the only one supposed to speak.

"Okay, Jake, I am turning the microphone off and on after they are done," said Claire.

I trusted her in this one. She knew how to work out her ways. 

The guy who was checking us, shook his head to show that we had nothing and when he was done we were pushed inside the dark place. 

Reem was trembling, he had shit his pants twice now and his pants were all messy with some of the urine dropping down. He must be scared to do this.

We walked into the room, after walking through a dark path up to this place. I was concerned about our night vision. I hoped Claire could capture everything so that when Dominic and the team are coming in, they will know how to do everything. The doors are heavily guarded and there is no way they can access them without putting up a fight.

Walking inside the house, we were not pushed or even forced to do anything, we were searched but since we had nothing with us except for our phones, they were collected and placed inside a tray. 

We were then offered seats, Reem with his wet pants found it hard to seat down and be comfortable. I felt this was kinda fishy, how come they want nothing not even shouting, or even telling us to fuck off, they are offering us places to sit and the next thing I saw were drinks being brought in front of us. 

I looked at Reem who was also glaring at me, I was not going to touch the glass, not even raise it unless the person who is doing this is also going to touch the glass and raise it. 

Reem wanted to extend his hands, youth with fun, he can't keep his hands off the alcohol.

I shook my head and he placed his hands back to where they were. This would cost us, I don't know how he behaves while drunk and I was not risking him becoming a news reporter while drunk.

"I thought we were here to speak with your boss and not do some shots of your cheap drinks?" I asked the man standing in front of me.

"Don't worry, our boss is having fun and he will be here in a minute," said the guy in a jeering tone.

"What did you say?" I shouted and quickly stood up to my feet and looked at him directly.

The word Fun didn't seat well with me, that meant something else, he was not going to take advantage of Dee while I am a

just here listening to his shit.

"I want to see your fucking boss right now, or forgive me Lord I will reap all of you apart!" I said to him without even winking.

"And how are you going to do that? Uh, with your hands? Let me remind you in here, I am the one who says everything so there is a no reaping anyone apart, sit your ass down!" 

He had a commanding voice, the authority, but what he didn't know, as I had more authority than he did. 

"Make Me, make me sit down and I will respect you, I know one thing for sure, you are just a lunatic and whatever got you out if your fucking country to come here and start being a criminal will fuck you one day, so get your kicking boss out here and let us have fun with the fucking drinks he has given us," I said.

This guy was not backing down, instead, he removed a gun from his pocket and pointed it at me. The cold metal was placed on my head and all I could feel was the way it was trying to send chills down my spine. I was not backing down, I am going to fight for Dee no matter what.

"Go ahead, try your shot man, one thing I know for sure, is you aren't going to kill me because you need me, you cant try anything. I know you are weak and you fear. A stronger man doesn't stand in front of a harmless guy with a weapon," I told him.

The more I kept on agitating him, the more force he applied on the gun and placed it on my head, I felt like he might try and shoot but suddenly I felt his fingers trembles, a drug addict!

The only reason someone's arms will tremble while holding a gun at someone's head is that they are afraid or they are a drug addict.

 This man is not afraid to hold the gun on my head, but maybe is an addict and he is in the withdrawal stage but it is not working for me.

I took the advantage and quickly grabbed the gun from him and now pointed it back on his head.

"Anything you want to say to me you fucker? Or you need some fucking heroin to make your hands stand form.

while holding the gun?"

His eyes were dark when I talked about heroin. I knew very well that he was on drugs, and people on drugs never want to be identified. I wonder if his boss knows anything to do with this. I can't employ someone who is drowning in drugs without making sure they have a clean shot at it? They all need to be clean. This must be a whacky boss.

He spat down and walked out of my face, I was not acting a hero here the way Reem was looking at me, I was trying to make See and be done with this drama. 

Whatever they want, I don't know, we had a fucking business meeting not to come to some kidnapping.

The guard walked out and looked at me, "you can go in he is ready to meet you," 

I was not going anywhere, it was either he walks out of this place or I was going to do this my way.

"Tell your fucking boss to get out here or I am going to flicking turn this place into a sizzling fire you don't want to," o said.

"Jake, why are you so timid brother?"

"Jamesone? "

What the fuck is Jamesone doing here? I thought he was in New York doing his things, what the fuck does he want now and why would they kidnap Dee in the place? 

Was he not satisfied with bullying Dee in the restaurant and calling her names? Shorter at her and ordered her a meal? You got to be kidding me, this can't be happening.

"You better have Dee in one piece or I will kill you, right now!" I screamed at him.

"Aha, what? I didn't hear you," he put on the joker's face and walked towards me. 

Is this a joke to him? 

Does he think I am here to joke? 

"I said, get my girlfriend out here right now!"

I hated repeating myself to him. 

"Ugh, you still the ill-tempered Jake I knew, I thought you had changed and maybe Dee had changed you, what does this bitch have on you anyway? You even ditched my sister for this asshole here and thought that she will satisfy you?"

I fired the gun on the glass that was on the table and Reem was now screaming like a woman in labour, "just shut the fuck up Reem, or you can go home, looks like this is not your war!"

Reem jumped up and wanted to run but his way was blocked by the guard. 

"Ty, throw that skinny twink in the room and order some food for us, this is going to be a long day," said Jamesone.

"That's a good idea, Jake, make sure you keep him on toes until we get the food deliveries to them," I heard Claire's voice.

"Jammy, you've got me the asshole who left me?" 

"Christine? What the fuck? So you guys were the ones in the Meeting and you were busy acting like a secretary but you just wanted to get hold of me?"

This is fucked up, so Christine decided to pamper her face up with make_up and act as a secretary in front of me, that's why she was talking about how I didn't look on her side?

What are they even doing here? They were supposed to be far away from this place? 

But what do they same about Egypt?

Home of slaves who needed to be freed and go to Canaan.

"You know, I was wondering, after you dumped me and couldn't afford to marry me, you said that you were taking a break from all these relationships, then you chose Dorcas, I was not mad that you chose her, I mean she had an hourglass figure and was popular at that time, but again I heard that you've left Dorcas after buying a wedding ring and chose some pig, Jake, since when do you close your eyes and pick any lady you want? Why do I feel like your bed is a place for bedbugs and riff-effs like that bitch behind that door?"

"She has a name for fucks sake, she is Diana, and if you don't call her by her name, I swear I will lose my shit and shoot the fuck out of your big heads!" 

Catherine is still Cathrine, after dating for two months because we had a one night stand and she thought it was just serious.

Sometimes we do things because maybe we are lost, we don't know what we are doing. I remember those days I was just frustrated with everything around me, nothing was working anymore, and things were just going south, even though I had a good business, I ventured all my time and effort there. In the end, I didn't even care who I brought in my bed, the only person who made sure that I woke up okay was Dominic. He would never allow the ladies to go before checking if I was okay.

Catherine wanted me to marry her so that her brother would be part of my business, that was never going to happen, they even wanted to drug me into a fake wedding after spiking my drink. Right now they are here asking for what? Why I decided to choose Dee over her, that's so ridiculous, someone can't just walk in here and start claiming for some stupid answers that I don't know about and I am not entitled to answer them!

"What about your brother, is he your purse that you have to carry him here and there?" I had to know what they were doing here.

"No, he is here for you, he wants the share of the stupid boy, 's company. That's what we are here for. You see we have wanted to invest in that company but he doesn't want us I don't know why, so in exchange for Dee, you are going to leave the company alone and walk out but if you insist then I am going to fucking kill Dee and maybe you too because I don't fucking care!"

"Looks like you care to have you taking my girl so that you can make me feel my pain when I come back begging you to give her back, don't you think to do?" I mocked her.

"That, I don't care, I enjoyed it while it lasts because I don't want it anymore, we have a deal?" She asked.

I don't care about the company, they can have it all they want but for Dee, they won't need to touch even a strand of her hair because I will shoot her eye even before they place a hand in her.

"Just bring Dee out first before I agree to your shit, and if I realise that you have done anything bad to her, I will fucking slaughter you!" I warned.

"Good, because I am not in the mood for her, you can have her all you want."