

'Is the smell that worse to make her wash her hands?' He wondered as he adjusted his coat and settled on his desk. 

Dee was all smiley while washing her hands, she didn't even know what got her smiling like that. Was it his member? Or the fact that he just helped him from the situation?

On second thought, she found it strange that she didn't get excited to see his member. She was supposed to be scared when he saw something like that. The huge monster was neatly hidden inside its cage.

Maybe it's because he was in so much pain that she didn't focus on what he saw and wanted to help ease that pain than seeing what he was blessed with. 

He dried her hands and walked out of the room, acting normally as usual. The image that she saw erased in her mind and she was ready to start her work. 

Jake thought that maybe she will be shy to look at him but was surprised when she courageously locked her eyes with him as he was talking to herm 

He felt his heart contract out of anger and jealousy. 'How many has she seen to make her immune to his dick?' He thought as he went on explaining to her about the roles she was to assume today.

"Do you talk so fast while in the meeting? Or I can understand most of the things?" Questioned Dee with curiosity in her voice.

She was eager to learn how everything operates inside the office.  The quench she had to satisfy her desire to learn and to get more knowledge was unfathomable. 

Jake wondered what has triggered her to want this much. Most girls she has come across nowadays just want to be treated to an expensive restaurant, east expensively, have their fingers decorated with expensive jewellery and relax inside the house as they wait for their husband to provide for them.

But this was Dee she was looking at, the woman whose beauty was like a radiant perfume. When you wear it, everyone wants to smell you. She had beauty, and brains altogether.

"Dee, you can use the voice recorder also, we don't rap in there. We are not Jay Z or some nick Minaj or the famous Cardi B to have you get stranded In the middle of the meeting. All I want from you is your undivided attention. I want you to get lost in the meeting the same way you get lost inside the novel and marry the character, that's what you will be doing today."

'Does he know what I do when I am reading?' She asked herself as she looked at her fingers. 

"Are we together Diana?" He asked.

Dee was startled from her train of thoughts and nodded to his speech. She knew it either, she is going to show her prowess or she is going to fuck this up. 

When she thought about fucking it up, chills of fear ran down her spine. She didn't want Jake to hate her, also she wanted him to retain his superiority and name among his business partners.

Though she had this confidence in her. She was not sure if she will be comfortable around those important-looking people inside the room. Bravery is not an armor that you wear at once. It takes time for you to build that confidence up.

'Step by step,' she thought as she arranged everything in order. Jake handed her a new more book customised with the company's name and her small name beautifully laid below in capital letters. 

"Wow, this is amazing Jake, how did you manage to do this in such a short time!" Exclaimed Dee as she admired the book that was presented to her.

The priceless expression, the naive smile of a baby when she gets a lollipop from her mother, is all that Dee displayed. Jake enjoyed every bit of it. 'Simple things make her happy,' he thought. Not a 24 carats diamond or a golden neckless hanging on her neck.

Still lost in his thought, he received another hug from Dee as she murmured 'thank you,' for the millionth time today. 

"Okay, time to go, Dee," said Jake as he led the way. He carried everything for Dee as they walked through the conference room. 

When Dee arrived, luckily there was no one around. This allowed Jake to give her a tour of how the room operates.

He pointed to the projector that was illuminating its mirror towards the wall, there was a board where someone can write and lastly the tables were neatly arranged, drinking water on the sides and black pads with electric pens were in each space where someone was supposed to sit.

"Look at them carefully because next time you might be the one who arranges this," told Jake as he pointed at the neat designs on the table. 

"Is there next time?" Deee asked shocked.

"Depends on how you do your job today. If you do your best am going to consider you helping me sometimes out but if I see you don't deserve it, that's it!" Warned Jake.  

Dee sensed a tinge of strictness in what he was saying. She hoped that she doesn't mess anything up today. She wanted all to go well so that she doesn't have to disappoint this fine-looking gentleman.

After some two minutes of waiting, the members started to pop in. All Dee could see was money, as much as it was not stamped on their forehead but the aura they emitted shouted money.

Jake was at the door welcoming each one of them as they said their hellos.

Suddenly Dee's smile dropped when she saw someone. All the events played in her head. He was among the men who called her names when Jake and his friends walked inside the dinner.

"Alfred, what a surprise!" Jake started as he moved forward and hugged him. The Alfred guy hugged him back and they exchanged their little talk as Dee became nervous as time went by.

Jake was surprised that his father had allowed him to attend the meeting. He didn't know if this is going to affect Dee's performance.

Jake watched as he walked down to the far end of the table. He hasn't seen Dee, she was busy working on the projector, and arranging the slides for Jake. 

'Diana Kings, assistant secretary' was a badge that was pinned to her dress on the side of her breast. Pretending to be busy with arranging the slides and wiping the projector. She knew what she was avoiding.

She finished arranging slides and the budget that was supposed to be submitted during the meeting.

Standing up from her corner she walked towards Jake's seat. 

'Puuuh!" She hit her face on a strong but soft feeling surface. The laptop in her hands closed. 

"Sorry," she murmured quickly before heading her way. 

"Not so fast," said gentleman's voice. 

Dee didn't look up and to see who the person was. She threw a glance towards Jake's direction. He couldn't come to her rescue because he was busy talking to a man with some grey hair. 

"Jake, please look in my direction,' she silently prayed. 

Then the man standing in front of her lifted his hands and placed them on her chin. 

"Alfred!" Came Jake's voice. Anger could be depicted in his voice as he said his name. 

Alfred shot a gaze at Jake and threw him a devilish grin. 

"Let her be, you can talk to her after this," said Jake while holding Dee's hand and leading her towards the seat that was reserved for her. 

"I am sorry," said Jake. 

Diana didn't reply, she handed him the documents and sat at the corner where other secretaries were seated wait g for the meeting to commence. 

Her head held down, she walked quickly and sat next to a gentleman with huge spectacles 

"Morning," greeted the man. 

"Good morning to Dave," she replied while looking at the badge on his chest.

"Dave?" Dee called while questioning. She only knows Dave her classmate back in high school.

Diana had to look at his face again to be certain that she was talking to the one and only Dave Chords. The shy guy in school. The silent partner and the romance lover partner. 

Dave looked at her and he had to remove his glasses to see her face. 

"Diana Kings, is this you?" Whispered Davie while letting out a smile.

"How small is this world? That I had to meet you here today after going MIA on me for over six years?" Questioned Dave. 

She wanted to reply but the secretary next to them threw them a piece of paper telling them to shush it. 







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