


Jake and Dominic, were having their conversation inside the mansion.  He rarely comes in here but this was the base of their operation. Deep below it, there is a big dungeon that is usually used to store prisoners before they spill everything. The dungeon has another passage that makes it hard for someone to know the way they came in and the way out. It's hard for people to know whether there is a beautiful house on top of it.

Jake sat on one of the metal chairs in the dungeon and was looking at the pictures that Dominic had brought for him. He knew many of the people from these pictures, most of them, he declined their business offers but some he didn't know them. 

Some were leaders from important countries and he couldn't believe that many people believe in this stupid cult to have them join in. 

"Mask is to hide their identity, so clever," said Dominic as he showed the design of the mask that we're taken in for evidence. 

They looked scary from far. It was like a pig's mask and the main symbolism of a pig is that it's a dirty animal but for this cult, they believe that, the pig is the type of creature loved by their god and they used it daily.

"How do they survive inside this mask, I mean I would have suffocated," complained Jake as he tried to get the idea of the mask. 

"You want to ask me about that and the way your dad gave me a blow job?" Asked Pete as he handed him a video recording that he had secretly stored when he joined the members. 

"What?" Chorused both Jake and Dominic while looking at Pete in shock. 

"Why the faces, that's what happened and it was so good to some extent but the dude in front of me, ughhhh, he didn't wipe his ass very well and I couldn't complain about it, though the other session was so nice," said Pete.

Dominic looked at Jake who then looked at Pete as if he had gone mad. They started feeling that maybe the act got into his head and might want more. 

"Are you sure he is okay?" Asked Dominic in a low voice while looking at Jake.

"Lord, I think the ritual caught up with him, let's hope he is okay?" Said Jake in a worried tone.

"Imagine, after we climaxed, we applied the cum from the person you were blow jobing on the statue of the female god and it just melts into her body magically," said Pete while showing them the skit of how it happened. 

Dominic and Jake were hooked and wanted to know how it happened. They knew it would be better to listen to the story from the mouth of a horse than to watch the tape without sound. 

"And how did you guys do the blow job?" Asked Dominic. Jake chuckled a bit and bowed his head after the question.

Pete was eager to tell the story. He walked forward and pulled Dominic from his seat, he instructed him to lie on top of him with his groin almost popping on his mouth but Dominic quickly jumped from the ground when he felt Pete's mouth on his groin.

"Dude, not cool, not in my dick, please," Jake was watching the process and took a snap sending it to Dee, he needed someone's day to be made. 

"You said I explain it to you, why are you mad while I am trying to explain it?" Asked Pete in a raised voice.

"You were almost touching my dick and I could feel it in your mouth even though it was not out of the trouser," said Dominic trying to defend himself.

"Jeez dude, have a grip of yourself, what makes you think I will take your cock inside my mouth, you don't even taste nice I bet," said Pete in his girlish tone. 

He knew this was the tone that annoyed Dominic the most and he was going to use it. Pete never hides who he is, he loved his identity very much and would prove anyone wrong if they tried to tell him otherwise.

He was grateful for Jake, that he employed him despite him being gay, most companies didn't hire people like him and it broke his heart when people scanned him for being who he is.

"Jake, can you explain to this grown-ass man that his dick doesn't taste better than he thinks," added Pete as he looked at Jake to support him.

"Wait, what?" Asked Jake when he was done digesting the question that Pete had asked," have you two ever tasted each other because you can't be mad at each other when you haven't."

"Hell no!" Pete and Dominic protested.

"Well, then I am asking Dominic's girlfriend for an opinion because she knows how it tastes."

"Okay, wait, what has my girlfriend got to do with my dick? It's her property and she doesn't need to tell you anything about it you two freaks, whatever she feels about it, it's hers, not your problem, so fuck off and no one is calling her!"

The two saw the side of Dominic they have never seen, overprotective. 

"Damn, she's got you hooked to even protect her like that, we are not asking then," said Pete raising his hands in surrender.

"Good, because she knows it tastes better than honey,"

"Don't start this, I wouldn't even dare taste it, maybe the big boss'," that statement made Jake shoot from his chair as he looked at him. 

"Have you been masturbating using Jake's pictures?" Asked Dominic as he busted into a laugh.

"That's illegal and I will fire you!" Said Jake.

"Come on, stop feeling special, I have a special dick in my life and you all have nothing special about it, it's only that I once had a crush for you but nowadays, ughhh, nooo!" Said Pete without feeling ashamed.

Jake wanted to get somewhere to hide his face while Dominic just laughed at the idea. 

"I can't believe he has been thinking of this during the first month of his employment," said Jake as he sat on the metal chair facing the chains that they use for their jobs.

"Dude, you are fucked up, wait till your girlfriend here's about this, she will freak out and even slap him," said Dominic.

Jake looked at Dominic," are you sure?"

"Don't mess Dee, even though she is quiet, she is a roaring lioness and will kill someone who dared touch you, don't play with her," said Dominic.

"Then don't tell her," said Jake but he knew Dominic won't assume the issue and will go ahead and tell her everything.

"Zipped, and thrown the zipper, just know sometimes the zip comes out on its own," said Dominic.

They walked back into their mini office and Pete was busy looking at the picture, the fear they had that maybe he was absorbed into the cult was thrown down the basement. They believed that maybe he is obsessed with the fetish ways of the people and he might be planning to tell his boyfriend about it.

"Don't tell me that you are thinking of doing this," said Dominic.

"Aha, already planned, and it will be happening, boss, can I have an off next Sunday please," begged Pete.

"Jesus, all week if you want to, maybe you can have the fun you need. Do you want me to book a hotel for you? They have big hotels with spacious rooms as long as you cater for food, I want to make sure you have all the fun you need before resuming your work, plus you did a good job," applauded Jake.

"How does he get a week off while I can't even get a day off?" Asked Dominic. 

"You have a virtual girlfriend, you can as well have virtual sex bro," said Jake as he walked past him to look at the other documents on the table.

"Sorry," said Pete and walked to join Jake at the table. 

"Fuck you all," he said before walking back to the table.

"Minus me, I hate your dick," said Pete.

"Me three, not interested," said Jake before throwing a document on his face to make himself busy.

They were focused on the job, they were trying to come up with a piece of good evidence against the group. The main problem was they didn't know who was in charge of their organisation.

It's free to worship who you want, this was not like the times of King Edmond Tudor when people were only allowed to worship in the Roman Catholic Church, but the main issue of this cult was that they were using people as ritual. Human sacrifice was against the law and everyone wanted to make sure that they were prisoners for what they did.

"Did you guys know that Cain was supposed to be sacrificed too?" Asked Pete as he show them the picture of Cain.

"So it's not an accident that the knife caught his throat?" Asked Dominic.

"No, the thing is, he had two chances two take Dee but he had already lost the two chances, so the last chance was to wrap him in the sacrifice because he was considered a failure and Dee was the warrior. There is no way they could allow that to happen. So it's like when you want to neutralise acid what do you do?" 

"Add base into it," said Dominic.

"To make it neutral," added Jake.

"Yeah, so that's how it was supposed to happen. The sins of Cain were washed with the purity of Dee's then it would have been a neutral thing."

"Wait, what if Cain was inside Dee?" Asked Dominic.

"That was the idea, once he gets inside of Dee them the sword was to be immersed into his neck then dipped into Dee's neck, that's how it was supposed to happen," explained Pete and the two were shocked with those revelations.

"These guys are sick with this idea, I mean how can you do that to a live person?" Asked Jake.

"The same way we do to them down there," said Dominic.

"Because for those guys, they deserve it, but tell me, why would Dee be sacrificed? Because someone wants wealth and to neutralise their sins, that's fucked up," explained Jake.