
Look How It's Calling For Me Daddy.

🥀Happu Reading🌹

Back in the house, Jake had woken up but Dee was not by his side. He tried to turn in bed but he felt the presence of somebody staring at him. Rubbing his eyes to look closer, Fern had already pushed his wheelchair and was in front of him next to the bed. Jake thought he was dreaming and had to run his eyes harder to look at her. What would she be doing in his room at this time yet he is naked and nothing is on his body. The only thing he wanted to scream was Dee's name but he realized that was going to be pointless because Dee might have gone to work leaving him to go in with his sleep. He hated that she did that and wanted to call her to come back but the figure of Fern in front of him was giving him chills that he didn't want to imagine.

"Uh, hi, hi Fern, what are you doing here? I thought you would be sleeping?

Stammered Jake looking at Fern who was giving him some weird look. He feared looking into those eyes. He didn't know why yet Fern was just sick and not a ghost trying to haunt him down. He looked deep ahead at the wall to make sure that he doesn't make any eye contact with her. 

"I was bored Jake, in my bed, I asked the nurse to help me out of my bed so that I can move around more easily." 

Fern was trying to talk and Jake could see she was struggling to talk.  He wanted to jump out of bed and take her to her bed but he realised that his dock was just playing out and he was not in some clothes. 

"Okay, but you know you can't come into my room when Dee is not around, please I need some space."

Jake was trying so hard to reason with her and asked her to leave so he could put on some clothes. Fern was adamant and kept staring at him as if she didn't hear whatever he just said to her. Instead, she pushed the wheelchair further and moved closer to him. Jake feared that the worse might happen but at the same time he knew nothing can happen because Fern can't attempt to do something bad to her.

"Why are you trying to avoid me, Jake, I bet your dick is standing straight right now because of how you are looking at me. Just let it go, plus I am still sick and I don't know how I am going to take you wholly inside me. I have been hearing your moans and I swear it just turns me on. I want you and your whole body, please.

Fern said the last part with a seductive voice to imply how she felt.  Jake raised his brows listening to what Fern was saying. He couldn't imagine a sick person saying all this as if nothing was wrong with her. He knows Fern might just be hallucinating because of the drugs that she was given and decided to dismiss everything that she has said. Jumping out of the bed with a sheet around his body, his brother was standing firm like a spear and waving at Fern. Jake tried to hide it but it was already there and she had seen it.


He watched as Fern wheeled herself towards him smiling. He didn't love the smile on her face because that was not a good sign.

          "Fern, stop!"

He shouted when Fern was already a hundred centimetres away from him. Adjusting the sheet on his waist, he rubbed his seriously looking face and looked at her. 

"You are not in your right state of mind Fern. The drugs might be taking a toll on you, why don't you go back and lie down?"

Jake thought that this was going to help her but instead, she let out one sarcastic laugh and moved closer, trying to stop her. Fern grabbed the sheet pulling it down, all the covering was demolished and his brother was there looking at Fern while dancing a bit at her.

"Wow, I love the view, just see how it's calling me home daddy, just give me this chance. Maybe if Dee comes, we can think of a threesome and it will be fin Like my name Fern."

Jake quickly tried to grab the sheets to hide his body but Fern quickly threw them away. This made Jake worried as his body was being displayed in front of this lady. He quickly grabbed the pillow and placed it under his groins covering his embarrassment.

"For the last time, I want you out of this room, Fern, this is not a place for you to be walking around as if you don't know where you are supposed to be."

Fern was not heeding his words, she was just smiling cheekily while touching herself so seductively to lure Jake into her. He was frustrated and didn't know who to call and ask for some help because Fern was off the line. She was busy lifting her dress off her body and Jake was afraid that she might try flirting with him with her state. He quickly jumped outside the room with the duvet on his waist and tried to locate anyone from the house to help him but the house was quiet. He thought that maybe the nurse had gone to refill some of Fern's drugs and he was all alone. 

Fern wheeled herself out of his room and went straight to hers. She closed the door, climbed to bed and slept off as if nothing happened just some second ago. As if she was not trying to seduce Jake a minute ago and it all failed though she slept with a smirk on her face.

Jake seeing her room door close, breathed a sigh of relief and decided to go back into his room closing the door tightly. 

"This can't be happening. She can't turn me on, only Dee turns me on. What am I doing? This is so fucked up. Let's not overthink this, I guess she was just hallucinating. She has gone back to her room and won't come back here so I guess that's fine. Fuck dude, just stick to Dee who turns you on, if you think Fern turns you on, you will have to choose whom to be loyal to. I am not dipping it in in her sister's warm that is no and Dee will be heartbroken. Stop using Dominic's words, we can't be like Dominic and we definitely can't do this to Dee. I love her remember what's wrong with you? What do you mean I am the one initiating this and you are not initiating any of it? You are the one getting a hard-on not me. Come on it's not my feelings and we all know that. Can you just calm down, I need to shower and ask Dee where she went without waking me up today."

Jake was trying to argue with his brother about who is at fault at this point. His little brother was blaming his emotions as he insist that he doesn't want anything to do with Fern. 

Jake quickly took a shower and had to peep left to right looking to see if anyone was still waiting for him but no one was there, instead, the house was now occupied by a chef who cooks for Fern and her nurse was busy giving instructions.

      "Excuse me can I discuss this with you?" 

Jake wanted to know how Fern was doing and this nurse was going to give him the details to keep his worries at ease that Fern was just hallucinating and not the other way round.

       "Morning, how is Fern doing?" 

The nurse looked at him and started smiling.  He didn't understand why she will be smiling at her at that moment. All he wanted to know was about Fern's progress unless today he is just confused and sees everyone is trying to smile at him.

"She is perfectly fine sir, she can evens stay in the wheelchair without anything happening. She has started taking some solid food and within no time she is going to glow on every part of her body."

The last word made him twitch and felt his member harden. He quickly bid her goodbye and jumped into the elevator. Why was he having these ideas in his head though? He thought that maybe its because it was early in the morning and the only thing he is seeing is Fern and not Dee in front of him.

His bodyguard was ready to take him to work. First, he thought it will be good to see her baby's face but he decided against it and asked the driver to take him straight to work.

In the evening, the table was set, and Fern wanted to join everyone at the table so that they can have a meal. Dee was a bit late but she found that Jake was not in too. She decided to take a shower to remove the sweat as they waited for Jake who walked to the door when Dee was done with her shower. 

Dee sat next to Jake while Pete took the other sit and Fern was sitting comfortably in the other opposite seat.

"Siz, how was your day? I didn't see you this morning. I only saw Jake around."

Jake almost chined on his food but a glass of water came in handy and no one noticed his widened eyes. He feared that Fern might be hallucinating again and she will blurt out about the sheet and his hard brother.

"I was held up today but I promise to see you tomorrow before I go to work. Plus you are getting better day by day I think it's a good sign you know."

Fern nodded and smiled giving Jake a discreet stare and Jake only narrowed his eyes.

"I was asking if you can help me dye my hair blond? I want it to look spectacular like yours, please."

Jake was worried that Ferm might decide to steal her sister's identity so that she can get him to bed. Though no one knew how he felt, he kept quiet and went on with his meal. 

Pete was trying to comprehend what was taking place in front of him but he couldn't. All he saw was weird-acting Jake drinking water in the middle of the meal. This was something he never does even if he was chiming in his meal. He would prefer wine over everything. He dismissed the thought that maybe he is just not feeling comfortable with the two sisters in front of him. Though he couldn't understand why he couldn't be comfortable yet he was the one who suggested that Dee be brought in.

          "So, Fern, anything you have planned after you are well?" 

Fern looked at Dee and narrowed her eyes. The smile that was on her face was replaced by a scornful look and started at Pete with mad eyes. She didn't want to be noticed so she replaced the scorn with a smile and looked at Pete.

"I heard Dee is developing the old Diner and I can't wait to ask for a chance so that I can display my good baking skills.  You know I love making dough. Squeezing it nicely, turning it in and out and squeezing it again and again until it's so hard."

Everyone watched as she gave her explanation and they wonder if Fern was still talking about the normal dough or if it was just some stupid idea that filled her mind. On the other side, Jake was already hard and he hated it. Maybe it's just his head thinking about Fern when she started jumping in front of him.

After her explanation, Fern excused herself saying that she was going to sleep because she was feeling drowsy.

Everyone nodded and they let her go. They were quiet after she was gone. Jake went on to eat without any problem. Dee didn't take much instead she excused herself and went to the kitchen before going to her sister's room.

     "What's wrong with you today? You have been behaving weirdly during dinner."

Pete asked immediately Dee was out of sight. Jake looked at him and shook his head though he explained that he was okay and nothing was wrong with him. Pete didn't take it lightly though. He feared that maybe something bad might have happened when they were not around but he didn't want to press any further about it. They all needed to rest and be ready for the following day.

Dee stepped into the bed. and Jake was busy on his phone. She didn't know what he was doing but she knew what she wanted. She walked to Jake and placed her hands on his waist to touch him but Jake weirdly turned around leaving Dee all shocked by his behaviour. There is no day Jake jas ever done something like this. He would be the one initiating the movements, not trash, things can get and he was but giving her anything she wanted.

           "Are you okay hun?" 

Dee had to ask him to make sure she didn't do anything wrong. 

Jame realised what he had done. He didn't know what he was imagining but all he thought was Fern trying to touch him. Only that it was Dee on his pants. He quickly composed himself and told Dee that he was sorry about everything.

         N"It's okay, you don't have to say sorry.

Dee wanted them to get in here and maybe pick from where she had stopped. Inside the blanket, Dee placed his hands on Jake's. Lower groin trying to excite his little brother but nothing was happening. Jake was not feeling any of those emotions. He concluded that it might be because he is overthinking about Fern a lot today, and he needed to stop it.

        "Stop it, I don't want to have it today!"

Jame shouted for her to stop abruptly and Dee was stocked with what was happening to him. She didn't know if Jake was okay and he was frustrated.  

"Take, is everything easy? You look tensed, what happened to you?"

Dee ass looked at him and raised her brows. There is no day he had ever refused to have sex come what. Today was exceptional and Dee felt like he went through something. The way he was behaving told her all. She decided to let go of his brother and slept off leaving Jake to think of the best excuse to make to her.

Jake breathe a sigh of relief and went to sleep. Outside their door, Fern was excited that Jake didn't want to have sex tonight. She wheeled herself back to her room, climbed the bed and slept a happy woman.