
Karl and Fern= Swimming Pool

"Aren't you going to take a subway Dee," asked Edith as they were walking and she saw Dee walking to the other side of the road.

"I need to clear my head a little," said Dee while flipping her handbag.

"That will take you thirty minutes to get home Dee, just get the train Dee," said Edith.

"Not today," said Dee and moved quickly to the other side.

When reaching a tree, she started breathing heavily and stood by the tree to calm herself down before moving in with her journey.

She walked slowly while admiring the beautiful buildings in the city. The tallest expensive buildings, 

"When will you ever afford those buildings, Dee," she asked herself. "If you keep on being lazy, you don't want to work hard, you will always remain at your parents' home suckling like a baby. Look at Fern, at twenty, she has taken a course in catering and she can work for the high standard bakery in the town. She is always driven inside expensive cars every day and different types of men admire her, but you? Which man has ever admired you? Which man? They use you to get to your sister, you think that they love you, instead of when they meet your sister they pick her instead of you." Complained her thoughts.

That was true. Every time Dee thought a man was interested in her, they would always end up looking at her sister instead of her. 

There was this boy, Karl, she had crushed on Karl for a very long time. When Karl noticed that Dee had a crush on him, he decided to seize the opportunity. He wrote Dee a letter and asked her if they can meet. She was excited that night. She wore her best clothing that her parents bought her on Thanksgiving day. She went to meet Karl. Karl took her to Dinner near her house bought her some fries and they had their first kiss. She was excited about the whole thing and couldn't keep it out of her mind. At school, Karl told her to keep it a secret before they come out as a couple. They went out for a while, and then Karl invited her and her sister Fern to a party. She was never invited to school parties. She was excited. She urged Fern to accompany her to the party. Fern eagerly came with her since it was about people from another class thing.

She was excited to see Karl that day, she wore high waist shorts and a crop top. "Are you sure about this party?" Asked Fern.

"Yeah, am sure Karl might propose to me to be her girlfriend today," said Dee excited.

Fern immediately felt anger rush to her eyes and ears and wanted to ditch her sister but decided against it again.

At the party, everyone was comfortable, drinks were served and Dee decided to take a soft drink since she hated alcohol. While people were at the pool partying swimming, Dee quickly walked to look for Karl. She didn't find Karl in the house or at the pool. She decided to swim because the area around was dark and it was only the swimming pool that had lights. She dived deep down into the swimming pool. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Karl under the water kissing Fern. 

She quickly lifted her head, got out of the pool and went home. When Fern came back from the party, she acted all good and lied that she had a headache and decided to come back home early.