

Arriving at the private warehouse, Jake and Dominic walked and find Sam already tied to a chair. They didn't need to hit him or ask for anything from him because their boss had told them that he was there for a peaceful talk.

They had done a sweep on him but there were no hidden chips on his body. That was a clear indication for them to go on with their chat. 

Jake took a seat and sat opposite him, he studied his face for any signs of mischief but he couldn't see any so he decided to go on with his interview. 

The only thing registered on his face was fear and worry. He avoided looking into Jake's eyes and he would focus his head on the ground as he traced something with his leg.

"Sam, it's me you can now see my face," Jake talked to him in a soft tone. He wanted him to be comfortable around him. 

Sam shook his head and didn't look at him. Jake knew this was going to be harder than they thought. 

He didn't want to use the painful method of extracting information from him, he knew he was an innocent man. 

Jake looked at Dominic who was standing in front of him and shook his head. He left the seat and Dominic took charge. 

Dominic had been the man in charge of getting information from people, he knew just where to pinch you right before you sang all the songs to him without any beatings or skin grafting.

"I guess they promised you very expensive things Mr Sam," Dominic said as he pulled the chair closer to Sam. "I don't mind, we all love promises and we love when they are fulfilled to us. Tell me what did they tell you, that your children will live safe and you will be getting some cash transferred into your account for keeping quiet after what you discovered in the cemetery?" asked Dominic as he played with a hand lash in his hand. 

"You think, you guys are going to get any information from me? You are thinking wrong, I don't have any information for you. Plus you are not the first people to kidnap me for information," he mocked Dominic as he grinned at him.

Dominic chuckled and pulled a tablet from his bag, showing him some pictures, "I guess those people didn't tell you about this," he explained as he scrolled through pictures of two children and their mother in every photo. 

Sam laughed and lifted his head. His face had scars, some deep and some had healed completely. There was an inverted cross marked on him. Dominic wanted to conclude that he was one of them but he decided to push further to get at him.

"That sign on your forehead, it is a symbol but you haven't been told its meaning correct?" 

Dominic didn't know the importance of the inverted cross either, he just wan5ed to scare him to talk.

"Those are fake, you think I am foolish?" He asked in a light tone. 

Dominic noticed that he was trying so much not to break in front of them until he showed him a live feed, "this is your wife, doing some grocery shopping, and this other one is your kids playing in the secret hideout." Dominic zoomed into the videos and showed him, " you see that that is a secret gun pointing at the two of your kids, and this man here is following your wife everywhere she goes and when we give orders they are going to be shot in the head any minute. The decision is yours, your wife and kids or just some information and you go your way,"

Sam looked at him with anger burning in his eyes, he tried to break from the rope that was toed on him but they were too tight that he couldn't. 

He pointed at the tablet without talking and then looked around and when he didn't find something else that he was looking for, Jake decided to fish out his more book and a pen and handed them to him. 

He nodded his head and Jake wondered why he wouldn't talk and just asked for those things. Having placed them in his laps, Dominic went ahead and freed his hands before giving him the materials that he and requested.

He scribbled something in them and handed it to Dominic. Dominic read it and raised a questioning brow making Jake come to a tool a look at what he had written.

Turning the lights off, they realized that his body was illuminating like a shining diamond. The light would be shining and then dim itself from his body. 

Scribbling something for him,  Jake showed him but he wrote back. 

Jake asked him if it was painful and He said that whenever he is far from his station, or when he is far from the suggested perimeter it's paining and can blow up. 

Jake and Dominic looked ad each other. The quickly carried him into the theatre room that they sometimes used for their operations when someone is injured during a fight and treat him there. 

Jake write for him in the paper, 'I am removing it forcefully, you don't have a choice!' 

Sam wanted to protest but he couldn't because as soon as he opened his mouth to talk, he was knocked to the ground and his host was lifted on the operating table before him.

Jake didn't need to put any anaesthesia on him since the glow was on the outside part of the skin. He knew this type of glow very well, sometimes people use them as a chip to lure their baits into keeping quiet, lesson learn from, Dominic.

After ten minutes, he had removed the glowing chip and it was a fake, it was not even working. Jake cursed and stepped on it. 

He then forced Sam awake and he was all fusing about nothing. "Your stupid chip is a fake, start speaking or I will order for their death, do you want me to start with your wife as an example?" Shouted Jake as he slapped his face.

He lifted his hands in defence and looked at him, "No, it's was just this time a family said that their grave we empty, and I covered the story and u had many other people opening up about their family graves too, people were claiming that the bodies were the only thing missing. The clothes were left onside the coffin and jewellery," he said In a worried voice. 

"Any names that you have?" Asked Jake as he pulled him from the table and stationed him on the chair he was previously seating in.

"The Mendoza's, Washington's, those are the main makes that I remember. Trust me the people involved are so powerful that you can't defeat them. They ki...ll.....ed my son before giving me protection from the other members, all I do is write some silly articles and post online but I shouldn't write about the loss of anybody or any cemetery." He cried.

Jake lose the grip on his neck and looked at his wet eyes. He knew that he was saying the truth. He has three children but only two of them are remaining after one of them disappeared never to be seen again. 

"Has any of the contacted you in the recent days?" Asked Dominic.

"I don't but sometimes people do call me and share the same information you shared and I end the ca because they said they will be calling disguised as normal people. That's why I did that you, ending the call," he explained.

Dominic and Jake looked at each other. They knew whatever was happening here or what type of deal Dorcas and her crew has was something dangerous. 

Walking out of the room, Dominic asked Pete to take care of him. 

"Martin had said he will speak to us when things have calmed down, they are not suspecting him but he claims things are not well on the other side because they were threatening to cause a rampage," said Dominic as showing Jake a small video of what is going on.

"A rampage? Are they planning to kill someone else?" He asked Dominic.

The video was blurry but the threats that were made by the group could be heard. 

"I guess, but what is this ritual all about? Do they take a random person or do they mainly pick someone from the group to sacrifice him or her?" 

Jake threw Dominic a look, he also didn't know how it was done, that is why they needed Martin to give them some little insight about the cult. 

"We will know when Martin talks, all I want is to keep Diana safe, we will be low key and most of my business will take place in the hotel even the calls if someone wants to let me that's when I will be going to the office, just talk to our it guy and ask him to strengthen the firewalls," said Jake.

"It's her not him," insisted Dominic. 

"Okay, your girlfriend to do the necessary. Meanwhile, let the man lose and monitor all his calls whatever he posts online and for the magazine that he works for," 

After their little meeting, Jake and Dominic drove back to the hotel, Dominic drove back to the mansion leaving Pete in charge of the penthouse. 


Thanks for reading🤗

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