
If I Were You, I Would Have Died!

🥀Happy Reading🥺🌹

The time was almost up and Dee became nervous as they were almost being called back. She was still debating with herself whether to just stop it and go home to avoid all the drama. She didn't know what might pop on the table for her. She didn't want to ask the two contestants any questions because she felt that will be stupid to ask them. After all, they had their reasons for doing something. 

She tried to reflect on her life and think of things that might be asked by the contestant and realized that there are a lot of questions that can pop up. They can ask if she was dating Jake and why she was trying to get back at Jake. 

She watched as Fern and the second contestant were talking. She was the only one who didn't have a partner to talk with she didn't want to look at her phone to see what people were saying about the current debate. 

Social media had a lot of debate and anything can be said about both of them. One can be accused of doing something but in the real sense that never happens and they can also think they are trying to support another person for something that they truly didn't do. She didn't know who was on her side and who was against her. All she hoped for was the mercy of the two contestants. They will be willing to give her questions that didn't involve her personal life and prefer to ask about the business. 

She sighed and did a small prayer before quickly doing the sign of the cross on her chest. She might have lost her faith in the church but she didn't lose it in Jesus. She know she still has his protection though didn't understand how it was working.

They were called back on stage and they quickly walked back. Jake was agitated in his seat. As much as he had the power to stop the debate, he couldn't. This was a crucial moment and stopping it will be like, calling for his assassination from the media. They love things like this and will do anything to make sure that they get anything in their hands about this situation.

He watched as Dee confidently walked into the stage. As much as she is confident, he knew deep down Dee has her fears. The fear of being slammed because of the things she is being accused of doing, the fear that Fern might want to overturn this and make it about her.  He hoped that she won't let that discourage her and let Fern win it all. He hoped that this won't let her guard down and crush it. She is tough but a little thing and she will crumble down.

The first contestant was allowed to ask a question. She looked at Fern and they winked. Someone can easily say, they trying to hide something. No one could talk about it since the debate had already started. 

Dee watched their reaction. A reaction and posture that she had to learn well in school about the behavior of several people in business. She knew this was not going to end well for her or any of them. She dreaded the questions that were going to come out of the mouth of the first contestant. 

Tightening her hands on the hem of her dress. She breathed in and then out before looking at the person asking her the questions. 

"Dee, what is your vision? What do you desire to achieve in this world " 

She raised her brows and looked at the contestant. She thought she was going to start accusing her of sleeping with Bob and lying to Jake. Instead, she asked about her vision something she didn't expect. 

Dee gladly composed herself and answered the question. She had great visions and missions all joined together. She wanted to make this world a better place. She wanted to make people happy and grateful for the little things that they have in their life. She wanted everyone to get an opportunity in their life and lastly, she was aiming at reaching the younger generation. The generation of young men and women who want to make it out in the world. 

"You came to this world and found it this way, it's a good place here on earth, you can as well leave it a better place."

That was her slogan before she finished People nodded but she didn't want to look at the expressions. Their expressions will lie to her. 

Fern rolled her eyes, something Dee knew she was going to do and she didn't need to look into her eyes to know it. The contestant turned her gaze to Ferm who was smiling again. Fern winked and there she was going to pop her a question.

"Fern, what do you think makes you an exceptional lady you are than any other?"

Fern smiled and cleared her throat. She tapped on the microphone that was pinned on her dress and looked at the audience. It's like Dee knew what she was doing even without looking at what she was doing. 

She lifted her hands and like someone with some big inspiration she started. 

"I didn't want to boast but everyone will tell you that I am intelligent and have the brain. Jake, baby, can you approve that?"

The camera light was transferred to Jake who was lost in his thought and didn't answer her question. People started murmuring and she was furious about that. 

"I guess, business is eating him up, uh, all  I can say is I am not your ordinary type of a woman. I know when to say no and when to say, yes. My no will not mean a yes and maybe it wi not mean anything to you. I love my boyfriend and I dont lie about it.  I recently launched a channel and he supported my every move on that channel. I see an opportunity and pick it. If you slack, catch me if you can girl!"

                     "The way you took him from your sister?"

One of the people in the audience shouted at her and the others laughed while clapping. 

Fern thought that was applause and it encouraged her to smile and raise her thumb.

"Yeah, like you just said, that's how it's done. If you give someone a piece of meat and she takes it but she is playing with it at the same time what do you do?"

She looks at the audience and smiles, She uses her hands and explained herself.

"You grab it from their hands, put it in your plate, use the fork, pierce the meat, and munch on the meat baby, we didn't have time to slack around. I am unique and doing unique things makes me who I am."

From the audience, it looked like she had convinced a lot of people. They were nodding at her points. Dee didn't know how she was going to convince the audience that she didn't leave Jake because of her.  She couldn't stand the lie. 

The contestant had two more questions for both of them before Fern can take over. She looked at the small piece of paper that was in her hands and tapped on her mike looking at Dee.

             "What is your ideal type of man"

Dee didn't understand why this lady can't ask serious questions related to the main reason why they are here. She was beating around the bush asking dome unnecessary questions she wanted someone to talk about business because it was more important than someone talking about some silly things in life. She hated this. She looked at her.

'Looks like they want the wild side of me and that's what I am going to offer them.'

"Baby girl, I think you are asking the wrong questions. What does that have to do with anything about me being here? I am not here to decide on the type of man I want. We all love making things about men. We love it when we say that man is hot and oh that one is skinny he won't satisfy me in bed. Some will say I will date the other man because he has money. Maybe I answer your question, how will that benefit you? What if I say, I like your man and what to spread my legs for him. Will you feel happy and allow me to go ahead because I can see with the wrinkles on your forehead and the way you are biting your tongue, that you will kill me this instant. So sweetheart, ask me a question that is going to benefit another lady here or that is going to help a man to help his woman grow. Not every question is about men and women spreading their legs!"

The whole audience was quiet. No one moved or opened their mouth to say anything. Instead, the keenly, watch as the drama was about to unravel itself, in front of them. They watched as the real Dee opened her mouth to talk. She talked about everything and left nothing behind. She talked about what she wanted to say and didn't smile at you to tell you that it was time to beat you up. 

The other contestant was not having fun the way she thought. She squeezed the paper in her hands and stamped it on the ground. 

"Lady, don't think I am your sister here whom you want to get at for taking your fucking man away. I love my man very much and all I can say is at least Jake got someone better than your pathetic weak ass. You can't shout at anyone, you can't say anything Dee. You are always quiet and that's why everyone here thinks you are a loser. If you think you can get my husband, sorry."

"The way you are shouting at me, explains a lot about you and your man. Probably he is sited down there, trying to flirt with the serving lady who got him some beer on the table, perhaps on his phone he had another lady waiting to be fucked tonight and maybe you are the other project that he is waiting to shove his dick into. If you loved him that much and deserve him, we wouldn't be fighting about anything stupid. What do you fear, that if I walk up to him and show him some little cleavage he won't nod and want to shove it in my warm? You are afraid because you don't have what it takes to have him by your side. It's your time though, Who am I to say no, enjoy baby girl, and don't be fooled. This is business and if you are his other project sweetheart you are dead!"

                   "Yeah, drop that bomb baby! Bring it on!"

Jake widened his eyes as he watched the furious Dee walk out of her shell. He knew she was not the silent person she seemed to be. She always has that angry side hidden in her. The bad bitch in her that is like a dragon's fire and he feared, she might make people fight here today. He watched the man being talked about and for sure, he was flirting with the service girl. He hasn't seen him focused on the event for once. It's either he was on his phone or he was busy looking here and there. 

           Was he worried?

Maybe a little or he has a lot to worry about. He has to worry about Dee slapping the shit out of everyone's face. He has to worry about Fern losing everything and starting to throw, tantrums.

The moderator watched in disbelief as the girl whom she thought was quiet, and like anyone can talk and burst out like fire. She was the real deal of someone who has been taking blows and now her stomach has hardened like steel, if you throw a blow at her, she takes it because she is used to it.

She didn't call the argument off, she wanted to see how she is going to quieten it. She wanted to see if she had the brains to shut up all of them. She wasn't seeing that happening anytime soon because the two were still on each other's necks.

"What about you, Dee, what about Jake leaving you for your wild sister whose aim is to finish each of you? Have you heard her speak? It is like she didn't get enough hugs while young. What about her, aren't you mad about anything? Why are you letting all your anger at me?"

Fern jumped out of her chair and walked to two ladies furiously. She couldn't believe that this lady here was trying to sabotage everything that they had planned. They had a deal and now she wanted to tell it to the world. 

                 "Excuse me?"

"Excuse you, you told me backstage, you want to finish your sister off. This is the deal. Am I wrong? You said she can't argue back, look at the devil that was revealed itself right now!"

Dee watched the way they had hit the wrong rock and were turning against each other as they wanted to fight. She smiled inwardly but she knew that was not over. l. She had to calm down and let this cool off. 

She walked back to her seat and left the two looking at each other. 

"Maybe we should focus on other things, maybe, the other contestant can ask questions."

The normal Dee was back. She was calm now and the rage and rage in her hand cooled off. She was talking normally and she didn't have the red eyes that were burning with anger when she spoke.

"You know what Dee, I have a question for you, How does it feel not having Jake now, everytime you look at him, it's like you want him back and even want to suck his dick?"

Dee smiled and looked at her. She wondered what was up with her. She knew that she was irritated and wanted to start a fight.

"Sweet sister, what is the need of swallowing the vomit that you had already puked out? Isn't that disgusting? I know it's disgusting but, Jake and I are business partners and you didn't expect me to leave him just like that. You took her, it's not like you possess him or what. He has the power to talk to me, to walk to me and say, what ideas he has to say about business, are you worried that he still has feelings for me?"

Fern chuckled and sarcastically looked at her. To some extent, she knew Dee was right. Jake has never forgotten about Dee. He has all her clothes in his closet and all her shoes get wiped every day. Even when there is a little speck of dust he wipes them. Sometimes she wondered what type of power did Dee have over him to make him this obsessed and possessed with her 

"I have nothing to fear, dee, maybe you have everything to fear. You are weak, you are stupid, and even after all these, all that handsomeness in him, you went ahead to sleep with Bob them man who ha kids?"

Everyone in the audience was awed. They started whispering but, they were soon cut off by Fern's voice. 

"Jake loves me and can do anything for me, Jake adores me and he makes sure he kisses my forehead every day. I have nothing to fear for a pathetic woman who lied her way to him. Do you still want me to reveal all the medical papers of how you lied about your virginity? How did you get an abortion, or how you lied about the innocent killings?

"What are you talking about? I don't understand Fern, what are you trying to say? Which abortions, which killings which medical reports Ferm? Can you please elaborate?" 

"You sure don't want me to do that big sis, you don't want me to shout that to the audience?"

Dee didn't know what Ferm wa talking about. He didn't know which abortions or which killing she wa implying.

"Wait, are you trying to use your sins against me, Fern?"

"Ahaha, no, no, your own pathetic doing, sister, your way of doing things to make men run to your feet, why are you trying to turn that on me now? That's how you used to be when we were young. You used to do every bad thing then make sure that mama and papa think that I was the one who did it? Tell the world, Dee, what did you do? Lied your way to the top of the world. You used to be the bad girl, you hurt me when I wa young, and now you are out here telling the world that I am the nad person.  You tried to make Jake believe that I am bad and you are good. You want this so that he can support you?"

She couldn't believe that  Fern can try to lie about her. All that she was saying is that she did when they were young but she didn't have any evidence to prove that it wa indeed Fern and not her. She remembered when her mother had to pay for an abortion after Fern got pregnant because they didn't want to be ashamed and looked down on. Watching the turn everything against her, hurt her a lot.

"Trust me, this lady here is no better, we have been made to believe in something that doesn't exist. This person does not exist. She is just a mannequin trying to impose as a person here. She might have been who she is but can't fool people of where she came from. We all have demons but her demons keep calling her back. That's why at one point,  she acts like she is quiet and at the next, she acts like she is going crazy.

No one was stopping this, no one was doing anything to make her stop. Jake wanted to go there but someone held him down and warned him. He decided to let it be. She watched the way Dee coiled and looked so small.

"If I were you, I would have killed myself a long time ago. Listen to people boo at you once more Dee. My plans work all the time. Don't worry you were right, he still thinks about you every day. He still dreams about you every night and it pains. I don't know what you have behind your back but he thinks I have it, he tries to turn me during sex to look at it. Maybe you could swallow him wholly but I can't, as much as he is blessed, I am not interested sweetheart."

Fern smiled while looking at the audience that was waving back at her 

 They were applauding her for making things known. They cheered while Dee was just looking wondering what she was going to say. She didn't know how to defend herself. She wanted to cry and tell everyone that everything was coaxed She tried to lift her mouth to open it, but nothing came out of her mouth.

Dan on the other side wanted to jump and come to his rescue but he was denied entrance by the guards who were standing there. They didn't allow anyone. Everyone believed that whoever joins the competition comes for the debate, they know what they are doing and what they are going to say. It's usually a heated debate and it's hard for it not to end up without a fight. Maybe for the men's side because they don't have anything to fight about.

"Speak then, say something you bitch, why don't you fucking say something if she is lying, you fucking asshole."

The audience started shouting and booing her. 

"Yes, you always pretend to be the good person, talk about it now. We are waiting to listen to everything that you have to say."

"I bet she was even part of the cult and she is here pretending that she was the target, We all know them, their lies!"

The audience was rowdy as they both threw things at Dee. The waters were thrown at him, phone cases got her head and her bald head was wet with everything on it. Except for things like ice cream on top. Fern didn't care. 

"This is the win I wanted sweetheart, this is the win that I was supposed to get. You look at your ex-boyfriend and watch the way he wants to cry in his seat. I don't care about him, he will probably be six feet down and want nothing to do with you. I am just imagining the way your investors are going to withdraw from the company. How your business is going down the drain and you will be sad your whole life. Why don't you fucking die, drown in the river and die, no one wants you, Dee. You thought that having a nice ass and an hourglass figure was going to help you at this event. You neither read the guideline nor watched the previous shows. They are important in this. Thank God, you don't have any hair on your head,  could have grabbed it and thrown it down!"

Dee was lost, There was nothing she could do. With all those things said about her, something she knows very well was not her doing. She wish she could get a breakthrough but she didn't get any. She laughed at her inner self and watched it weep, deep down knowing that everything she ever wanted to be had gone down the drain, and there is nothing she can ever get. She was ashamed to lift her head. She knew everyone was taking pictures of her, everyone hated her now and no one was going to believe her. Everything was going down the drain. She felt the wetness in her heel and decided to remove them forcefully. They didn't hesitate but did the same, left her quickly the way everyone else left her. She wanted to cry but she couldn't cry. 

With a tight grip, she grabbed her dress, a fistful in her hands. She didn't look where she was going but she didn't want to spend another second. She took one step and the second step led her to take a sharp corner out of the hall. No one noticed her gone, except for Dan and Jake. They both watched as she run. 

Fern sees that Dee was not there, and didn't know what to do, she was excited about the big breakthrough that she wanted so bad. she smiled at the audience who threw some flowers at her.

Jake and Dan jumped from their seats and walked towards the exit door, they were aiming to meet Dee. They bumped into each other at the door. 

"Where do you think you are going? Where are you going to?"

Dan was angry that Jake was following Diana outside and pushed him off. 

"Please don't start this right now dan, let's not fight, she needs us now. She needs us more than ever. I fear that she is going to do something  dangerous to herself"

Jake was trying to reason with Dan but Dan was not taking any of it. He was blaming everything on Jake. Jake had every opportunity to stop what Fern was doing but he didn't do anything. He sat there like nothing was happening. 

"You let her down, you let her down again. First, your sister beat her almost to death, and now, you just let Fern humiliate her all she wants. You were just there Jake."

"Did you read the rules? You cant interrupt anything going on there, you have to make sure that everyone does what they want to do. I couldn't do that! You wanted me to view it as personal?"

Dan looked at him and shook his head. He knew very well that this was not going well. He didn't understand why Jake was not putting any effort if he truly cared.

"Yeah, why do you even care? You want her back for what reason then? You just want to hurt her over and over. You don't care, you don't fucking care, Jake. All you want is to be right always. You can't admit that she is the person who made you feel respected, you are afraid to admit that she changed a lot about you. She was the person who made you who you are today. Accept it or deny it right now we see! Deny that you always ask me to send you her pictures because you miss her so much.

Dan was charging toward him with anger and his hand in a fist. He walked towards him. Jake was trying to avoid him but not today. Dan jumped and punched him in the face making his nose bleed. 

"If you didn't help her when your sister was trying to harm her and now when Fern, a mere person you don't even love trying to hurt her you will never  help her ever!"

Dan left him there and ran after Dee. She was not in the parking lot. He looked around calling her but there was no response. He looked around for her car but it was there. Looking for the driver, he didn't see any of them. He walked around and found the driver sitting by the hall's entrance. 

             "Have you seen Dee?"

The driver stood quickly looking at him.

        "You mean, The Boss?"

Dan nodded quickly but the driver said he hasn't seen her. They walked out and started calling her name but they didn't know where she was gone too. She was not in the visibility. Dan feared that something had happened to her.

In the mansion, Claire was sited on her laptop, and Jade was beside her singing his songs while playing with the ball. She was clicking the keyboards after every second and didn't know what to say every time she clicked the laptop and nothing was visible. 

She picked Jade and they headed to the attic. The room was full of computers trying to load some information It looked like a tech company. Though this was, not the industry. This was her haven, where she would get lost and do  what she loves doing,  coding,  hacking, and tracking crucial  information She placed Jade in a chair and gave him everything that he needed while looking in the computer 

She clicked on it and typed some letters but nothing was happening. She clicked again and it brought the same thing it has brought some ten minutes ago, 'the wrong password.'

'This is wrong I don't need to access her password, I don't need to know what she has hidden in the laptop. She can hide anything she wants. Why is the password not working today? Before this, I had everything at my fingertips, today, I can't get anything right. It was all wrong.'

Claire was trying to crack Dee's password for the first thirty minutes she didn't reach it. It had a lot of firewalls, breaching them, was hard, and removing the bridging took time because she had done it like a pro. She remembered she was the one who taught her how to put passwords right now she doesn't know ho crack to crack it.

She heard Jade singing and looked at him. She then remembered that song, it was a song that Dee was singing to him during his birthday before he went to sleep.

She joined Jade and he was excited about it. They played for a while then jade looked at her.

            "I want aunty Dee, where is aunty Dee?"

Claire looked at Jade and then at the laptop, She didn't know whether to type in what she was thinking about?

She quickly typed into the computer some keys and it didn't take long and the passwords were accepted. She looked at the kid again.

'She really used our three names as her password plus our dates of birth, how did she remember that?'