
I Love Dogs

"Are you a happy lady now? I know you want to jump up and down because everything is going your way and I have left here loathing in every way possible."

The meeting ended and both teams were supposed to be happy. The competition between Jake had Dee couldn't be compared with any other competition in business. They both wanted the big cake in various companies they invested in. None of them would settle for something small, they didn't want to share the cake because they all knew the disadvantages of rationing it. 

Today, nothing was different. They both got an analogous stake and Jake couldn't get excited but grumpy. He thought, how could Dee do this? He knew very well he had quoted a reasonable price and still wondered why Dee got the same share as him.

"I thought you would be a happy man Jake, this is not some voting game that makes me rig the test and leave you hanging. I am doing my best and you are also giving your best, be happy now. I am not fighting anyone, am I? I am okay and complacent."

Jake chuckled drastically looking at Dee lecture him about the business and competition. He couldn't believe how the tables were quickly turning against him. He thought today he would have it all and nothing was going to change that.

"Let's hope that you are not rigging this test in any way because I wouldn't fail to mention to everybody what you are doing and your behaviors. So in case you are rigging it, better be careful."

Dee stood and faced him. She walked nearer to him. Today she didn't help him adjust anything in his clothing. She didn't feel concerned with it.  Though that couldn't make her feel any less happy. She loved it when he looks presentable, she condemned her lateness for making him look this way in the office. Without a tie and not-so-great made collar.

Adjusting his collar, Jake wondered what was happening to him. He wanted to throw her hands away from him but he couldn't. He swallowed hard when every time she raised her tiptoe to make his collar. When she was done, she patted him on the chest.

"You know what boy, I love dogs but I don't love dogs that bark around for nothing. I love dogs that bark around and bite. You are the dog, that barks around and doesn't bite. Have you heard me complaining about the disk that you shared about me kissing Bob? No, you come in here with your empty threats and want to act as if you are the man? Sorry to tell you this but, psst, we have big bitches in this too. Sometimes a student can do better than the teacher, so chill, you had your time let your student shine a little, happy?"

Jake was shocked to listen to her words. He couldn't believe that Dee had the temerity to voice that. He thought that she was going to coward and let him be but he was wrong, he made sure that he didn't get any peace in him. Right now Jake couldn't withstand his brother who was yearning to be near him at the same time he hated every moment that he was standing near her. 

'I told you, you are not the big person here. We already have big people here. She is going to give you a nightmare that you won't love. Chin up!'

Jake sighed he couldn't believe his thoughts supported her. He thought that for once they were going to support the little achievement they had with Fern but, No.

Jake walked into her car. Dan was already inside and they were waiting for her to come in. Her door was opened but Jake grabbed her hands before she could get in. 

Closing the car's door, he gently pressed her on the side of the car. His hands gently placed on her back. Jake didn't understand why he was doing this. He just wanted to breathe into her perfume once more.

'Get a grip, Jake. Don't miss this, don't mess this up.'

Opening his eyes he looked at Dee _ who was now shocked by his behavior. He wanted to leave her and get into the car but he couldn't. Instead, he moved too close and their thighs touched, too bad, they had their clothes on and they couldn't feel each other, skin to skin.

"Uhm, you know, if you want me to raise my pantsuit, I can that do that. Too bad the pants can't be lifted. They will not work, if it were a dress, I would have gladly given you a quickie without a second thought. Also, too bad you don't deserve the quickie. It's not yours to touch anymore. Someone else is enjoying all this wealth you are seeing in front of you."

Jake felt something stuck in his throat and he couldn't contain himself any longer hearing Dee boast if how he can't touch her intimately the way he used to. His hands walked up to her waist and Dee flinched but at the same time, her feelings were misleading her so bad. 

Ooh, how she had longed for this touch in her life. She had longed for this and to have Jake do this to her once again. Only if she could have acted so tough she couldn't be so desperate in front of him. She tried to act so toughly to make him think she Downs want anything to do with him but it was failing her. 

Jake leaned in, to her lips and She found herself leaning in too. Their lips touched and crushed so intensely. Dan didn't see that luckily, he could have dragged Dee back into the car like her father. 

One, two three, Dee broke the kiss and shoved Jake away, but he was not done. He came back and pressed her further into the car's door.

"I a dog, a big dog, and I bark very harshly. Don't try to think that I don't bark!"

Dee felt his manhood poking on her thighs and couldn't believe that he was hard for her like this. She wanted to be happy but she couldn't. She knew the consequence of doing this with him again. She didn't want to be labeled as a bad person again. 

What were her feelings saying though? They didn't seem to agree with her. They wanted more. Looks like they were connecting with Jake's feelings. Her mid-thigh was throbbing and they wanted to be touched by Jake's. She was trying so much not to wet her whole pantsuit in front of him so that he can use it against her.

He tried to push her but Jake was holding on to her he didn't want to let her go. 

"Until you agree that I am a dog that barks loudly, I will let you go, okay?"

Dee sighed. She was not ready to tell him this. She wanted to tell him how she felt and if he could let this moment last longer. She couldn't do that rather, she let her mind wander off and on at her own pace. Jake raised her chin to face him.  She didn't want to but she has no otherwise but to accept and look at his face gladly.

"You are mine Dee, I might get jealous right now that you are denying that but when the real-time comes, I promise you, you will scream louder than you used to. I miss your moans in my bed and those two beautiful dimples behind your ass. They turn me on like crazy the whole time. Enjoy the motherfucker who is making you happy but tell him that he won't give you what I gave you because you are not giving him what you gave me. So calm down, you don't need to accept that  I am making you feel this happy. Am a patient man, I am not surging. I am waiting for the right moment."

They heard a vehicle screech behind them, Jake quickly removed his hands off her and stood one step back. Dee felt cold. She wanted him to come back and whisper the sweet nothing back into her years the way he was used to but now he was standing one step back. Her hands were itching to move from their original position to touch him but Ferm was out of the car and standing next to him. 

"Babes, it's already late, can we go, I don't want to miss the karaoke night."

Dee felt jealous, she wanted to be the one in his arms. She then remembered they never used 'babes' in their relationship so she had nothing to be green-eyed about. 

"Hello Dee, I didn't see you there, how are you going?"

Dee wanted to answer but the driver quickly moved the door saving her from the embarrassment that was devouring him. 

'You could have said you wanted more and you know, he could have given you more, why didn't you?'

'it's not mine to suck now, someone is sucking the hell  out of him, maybe we should use our hands to make us feel happy?'

Dee was battling with her thoughts. She didn't want to show any signs of weakness but her thoughts were betraying her every second that they fought.

'I don't want hands, you are avoiding everything. I would prefer to have some alone time, I don't want you to bother me again.'

Dee was left looking at Dan who was busy on the iPad.

"That took longer, was he interested in visiting you tonight?"

"No, why would he do that after messing my life up? I am not entertaining that!"


Her thought shouted at her.  Didn't want to express to  Dan that she was backsliding. She was playing the formidable girl though she didn't need to be. Dan evaded the conversation and they headed in the company's direction.

Back on Jake's side, Fern was not happy at all, she was sad and angry that Jake was standing close to Dee that way. She couldn't imagine that they were trying to trifle with each other. 

"What was that about, Jake? I thought you guys had principles in your work?"

Jake watched Fern become angry and very sensitive. He didn't wish to annoy her. He quickly smiled and drew her closer to her kissing her forehead, this was something he is used to doing to her. This way sje would be fooled that he is sorry and feel like she doesn't need to complain about anything anymore. Fern melted into the kiss placed on her head.

Jake was left with thoughts of Dee haunting him. He was focused on the legs that he saw. Those legs shake a little when he is always near her. They don't shake when Fern is near him which gave him a different vibe. He was here to make sure Fern doesn't run mad and go shouting at Dee and calling her names. He cared about Dee too. These two people were making him find it difficult to focus. He was lying to himself that he can make everything possible with both of them but he couldn't. He knew very well he can't play with Dee's feelings because she is someone special to him. What about Fern, can he mess her up? He didn't know about her. He was still cautious about her, her behavior was throwing a lot of questions at him. He wanted to believe that she was someone good or changed person but the more she does something right,  the more he kept on questioning her allegiance.

"So, Edith has said she won't mind partying till late because she wants to have some good time too."

"Mmmh, that's nice I won't mind, at least it will help me to release the steam that is surrounding me."

"Wow, at least we will have Edith, we can have a threesome you know if you want that. We can involve a third party, I know a good place where we can go do that."

That made Jake raise his brows further. He has never heard someone suggest anything like that. Not like he has ever done that because, before he met Dee, he was the one deciding what he wants for the lady he got. This one presenting itself to him without any problems made him raise his brows. 

            "Sure thing."

He was mostly using the mono reply because his mind was either concentrated on Dee or some wild thought of them together. He knew the threesome will help Fern get another form of enjoyment.

What he couldn't understand was how it was easy for him to allow Ferm to go ahead in the game but he couldn't do that to Dee because he hated to see her with another man. Even when she said someone else was enjoying what he once enjoyed, he felt jealous and wanted to hit her vehicle but he restrained himself.

He sent a text quickly to someone. This was important for him. Done with it, he made sure the party went on as planned with Fern. The only way he was going for that threesome was to get drank, he couldn't do it while he is sober.

The bar was packed at the entrance of the Downtown joint. The music was up and loud. Jake could think of the last time he went to the club It was like a century ago. He felt like this was a new place for him to be in. They didn't see Edith, so Fern had to call her to make sure that she was not working late. 

                      "Over here!"

Edith shouted and they moved in her direction. Jake didn't find out if the things were fun. The thrill was lit there. He was here to support Fern the way she wanted to be supported. Fern on the other hand was busy enjoying her life the best she can. She was making sure that she gets all that she wants this night. As much as it's hard for her, she is enjoying the little celebrations that come with it. 

Edith was dressed in some small shining dress. It had glitters and it married with the disco lights in the place. Fern had changed into some black velvet dress that she couldn't help but pull down every second that she got. Both girls had their lips painted red and minimal jewelry to match the occasion.

Jake guessed this was a new joint because he had never been to this place before. He didn't have Pete to check everything for him. So he picked one of his security guards and asked him to check everywhere before they get noticed by anyone. 

When he was satisfied that no one around here knew who they were, they went ahead to start their spree of drinking. Both Fern and Edith were heavy drinkers. Not like they cared. They loved drinking ever since. Jake was worried that they might look for a plug that supplied some white substance and start taking it because Edith has a history of drug addiction. He wanted to do was make sure that none of them does anything they will regret today.

                         "Let's do some shots, I love shots a lot."

Edith was shouting and Fern gladly agreed to it and they went to the bar. They were served with fourteen shots. None of them cared. Jake cared though. He felt like this was not going in a good way. The way they wanted to get drunk off their assess was as if they had lost someone or as if they had hearts had been broken by someone. 

He took three shots which meant nothing to him. He was used to alcohol and this didn't make any difference for him. All that bothered him, were the girls beside him. They were drinking anything that came their way.

"Loosen up, why are you acting as if someone is going to take your picture and show it around. They can shove it in their asses because I don't  care."

Edith was talking to Jake, moving too close to him than Jake could imagine. He thought maybe its the alcohol working and didn't worry about it. Fern was winking at some dude at the bar and Jake watched how they were mingling together. 

Edith started getting comfy and placed his hands on Jake's chest.

              "Can we get out of here, I am spent!"