
I Had A Wife And......

"Dee, Dee? Stop it now with the hide and seek, we have to go back into the house. Remember we told the guys we are going to the yacht baby, come, let's go. 

I looked at my watch trying to call Dee. She has spent almost thirty minutes somewhere she can run back and forth for ten minutes if not twenty minutes. I try calling her but she is not responding.

Let's check out, maybe she is at her game of hide and seeks again the way she loves to do it in the house when we are trying to bathe her and she is not in the mood for anything early. 

"Dee, where are you, come out now or I will leave you here."

I call as I climb up the little hill but I can't see any sign of her. Maybe she went up to the gate and she is hiding behind the mango trees or avocado trees.  walking there, I can't see any sign of her. The guards are not around because we don't have any worries about having one on this side. 

When we first came here we were told that no one can walk in through the upper part of the field because on the other side, there is a steep escarpment. Most of the guards usually work around the compound and not far from it. Up here in the field, it was deserted. Plus I didn't feel the need to have anyone guarding this place as we were only trying to exercise with Dee. 

Arriving at the wooden gate, I can't see any sign of Dee. I try to call her but she is not responding. Did something bad happen to her, wait, I look around the area and see a white cloth on the ground. 

I quickly call my guards and they are the first people to arrive at the scene. They pick the clothes and one of them says it has a strong scent. I try to ask them which scent but they didn't tell me. I am worried because, Dee was running up the fields back and forth, back and forth what could have possibly give wrong?

Then I remember the dream that she heard some weeks ago about someone kidnapping her and trying to harm her babies. I am panicking right now, what if that is what has happened to Dee, what if someone just attacked her and kidnapped Dee?

It was no longer, what if? It was, someone has attacked my baby and run say with her because I can't find her in the field. I thought it was safe for her to run around and be free. 

I remember her saying how she won't be sleeping in the house because she was going to sleep on the yacht. She was so excited about sleeping in the sea than on land today. We had great plans for today but she is not around. 

"I need you here Dominic, Dee is not around and I can't find her, we were, I think....."

I couldn't finish my statement, I was blurting out and not saying anything to make sense to Dominic. 

In a five-minute call and my field was filled with guards and men in black with dogs walking back and forth, back and forth trying to locate Dee. 

Fuck! Why did I ask her to leave her watch today? She could have used it to tell me where she is at. I was stupid, I told her it was going to strain her. She never leaves it out of her hand. This is fucked, I just need to find Dee. 

We are trying to look around and all we can see is the large field with grass, nothing out of the usual. There is no sign of entry escort in the upper gate but it was opened. The gate was flying back and forth to mean the person who kidnapped her had walked in from that gate. At the same time, I was not sure what I was looking at.

"Jake, Jake, look at me, you will have to tell me what happened to her. Tell me how you started your day before things went this way."

Dominic was trying to get my attention but I was not even here, I was trying g to think of what Dee must be feeling now. She must be worried about trying to keep the babies safe from any harm. Hell, she might as well just shut up so that she doesn't annoy her kidnapper who is going to harm the baby. This is not sitting well with me. Couldn't someone just let her be? People can't even see she is pregnant and she is due any time or any day? She is six months but her pregnancies are unpredictable. Though I doubt if she is going to deliver before nine months. The doctor said the babies are strong and her body needs to take it up to nine-month.

I look at Dominic. He was holding me while I cry on his chest. Cry? Yes, I was crying like a baby, I had a running nose and it's disgusting now. I can't even focus on the search, my eyes lids are just blinded with tears and I can't say any fucking thing or any word straight. 

"It's okay Jake, take your time, take your time."

Pete together with the team was scouring the upper fields checking everywhere for any sign of Dee. They used the scent of her clothes to check everywhere, the dogs were doing a good job at searching, and I felt like they were going to arrive at her. That was my prayer. 

I wanted to sit down and be calm but I couldn't,  wanted to jump and maybe reach Dee but where is she at? Where did she go to? I know she is out, and probably someone is now making her do something she doesn't want to 

 She is being forced to eat something doesn't want, all because someone couldn't just keep their hands to themselves and let her exercise in peace.  Trying to locate all the guards, everyone was in their position at the time we had a practice with Dee. They said very well they never operated on the north part because they had no worries. 

Claire was next to me,  her laptops were all over the place and the keyboards could be heard tapping away furiously. She didn't have anything to help her know her location but she was trying to look at the recently heated areas in the field. There was none but she wasn't that sure because she said there have been people walking in the field and the place had registered a very high temperature in the past three weeks. To mean the person who is doing this started all these three weeks ago.

"Can someone get Fern right now? She is the one who has been having contact with Dee, trying to please her and even bring  her some cakes, I need to see her right now."

Everyone looked at me, but I wasn't repeating myself. That bitch is the one responsible for her disappearance, who else might want to take Dee away from me if not her?

Claire stopped with her furious typing and looked at me, she shook her head and placed the laptop aside while looking at Dominic. 

"Fern has been clean ever since, she is not in that type of business unless you want to question her, it is good you know but please don't start shouting and yelling at her, okay?"

I nodded but I was not promising anything. It's either I am going to lift her by the collar or she is going to be dead by the time I am done with her. She can't be out there looking all good because I even found her business to not add up. What was she doing out there when Dee was kidnapped, maybe trying to establish an alibi? I don't know but I can't trust that bitch, to be honest. 

Dominic got hold of her and she claimed she doesn't know anything about the kidnapping, hell she even cried and said she was busy delivering her cakes to the other people who loved them. As usual, we had to establish her story and it was correct, she was not anywhere near my fire and all the CCTV footage pins her at various locations trying to sell the cakes.  I still can't discard her away. 

       I sat down trying to think of someone else. 

        "What about Dorcas?"

Yeah, Dorcas was another victim here, but how would she have known that Daniella is pregnant unless someone whispered to her? That can be the only way. I start digging around for every member of the cult who might try to hurt Dee because most of them were trying to show Mrs. Kings that they can be the true leaders after her death. 

"Dorcas is not in the country and hasn't been for a while now, if we start looking for her, we might know."

I didn't want them to start, they should have known where she is by now.

After receiving her location, we headed there trying to catch up with her before anything else.  She was at a man's house having a good time but I was not in the mood for her good time.

       "Jake, what brings you here?"

       "Where is she, Dorcas? Where is Dee?"

She frowns and pouts while looking at me. I am tired and all are the answers that I am looking for. The man she is having a good time with is now tired and wants to start drama. 

"Dress that asshole and throw him out, Dorcas where is Dee?"

"Seriously of all the people, I am the one you are questioning about your wife? Have a life Jake, did you decide to fuck Fern again and she left you, or what happened this time round. The last time I checked both of you were having it all. I walked out. Do you think I am going down on your feet to lick you? Just fucking get out?"

I moved closer to her and held her cheeks between my fingers, raised her on the wall, and looked at her in the eyes. I was not in for her threat right now. She can threaten me later, I need answers. 

"Or what Dorcas, or what? I just need to find Dee, she is pregnant and someone just took her,  I need answers."

She wriggled in my hands, her eyes were showing fear and I knew I need to let her be instead of killing her. At this time, I couldn't control my anger or rage.

"Jake, I wish I knew, but I can't hurt Dee, I left that drama after realizing it was a fraud and nothing was working out. It was just a bunch of males and females thinking they were superior."

         "Anyone you can think of?"

"Maybe visit Mrs. Kings in prison, that bitch can have someone on the outside trying to monitor Dee and you. Who knows. Maybe she sent someone after everyone else backed down. Look here, I am not interested in having the throne anymore."

I dropped her and let her be. I am tired, I am tired of trying to look everywhere but that won't make me lose hope, where can she be? Who might have kidnapped her then? 

Dan said she didn't have any enemies in the office. Everyone loved her. I mean she would offer a little bonus to her workers when the profit of her business increased and have pizza Friday every Friday afternoon l, who would have done that to her then?

Our next ride was to the prison. It was nine at night but I didn't care about that. All I cared about it was getting answers. The answers of who did this, who was trying to take her away from me? Dee had a whole life in front of her. She was happy that she will be a good mother, and she was excited about everything that was happening. Right now, we can't find her, someone just picks her up and decide that it's time to cause trouble. 

Arriving at the prison, Dominic had to do the talking. I was angry and I could cause problems, he had to be the gentle one. He slide a note to the guard and the door was opened. We went to the cell where Mrs. Kings was but we were told we couldn't enter.  The only thing was to use the phone and she was on the other big screen staring at us, her smirk was steady like an amour. 

"What now? I was having my massage and here you are, trying to mess everything up."

I looked at her, I was not going to play her little game, she doesn't know me very well. At some point, I wish I could have killed this bitch and cut cancer out once and for all. This is what happened when the offender is not killed instantly, they bring in more trouble.

         "Cut the bullshit, where is Dee?"

She lifted her right brow at me whole chewing what I didn't know inside her mouth, a toothpick hanging out of her mouth as if she was trying to pick her teeth but she wasn't.  She was trying to make me know that I wasn't worth the time and she wanted to just go back and sleep. 

"Jake, I have been here, so please, I would love to go back and sleep because right now, I am not entertaining your shit. If you can't hold it together, I am not part of that. What would I even have to do with her?"

"She is having a baby and you have always wanted a sacrifice. What if I cut you a deal, I will do everything I can and make sure the death penalty is removed from the table and you are free to walk around and even have some privileges? What about that? Just tell me anything you can.

She looked at me and chuckled sarcastically. She spat on the floor and hung the phone back to where it was. She was out and was never coming back. She didn't look that innocent to me, she looked like someone who is hiding something. I know very well that looks, that looks is not if an innocent person. 

I was defeated, whoever is playing this game is very good at it and if they wanted to break me then they have done everything they can and I am going to lose it all. This is the point you don't see the need to live, you don't know why you are alive in the first place. What is the essence?

I had a wife, and children on the way now, I have nothing,  nothing at all, I am here all alone, lost because the person who gave me the reason to live is not here again. I am all alone and there is nothing I can do about that. There is nothing I can do about it. 

I feel my power leave me, I feel my strength draining away from me, and can't do anything. I see Dee stretching out her hands calling me, calling my name but her voice is faint. I want to listen to it but the noise is making everything hard and I can't hear what she's saying. She seems to be in pain. I can see blood between her thighs as she stretches.