

"Clean my what?"

She shouted why trying to push me away from her. Good, just good. We have another one. what will she use to threaten me to stop touching her?

I wanted to help her clean up, that's all. But will I manage with the wild thoughts that are dancing on my head every time I think of her?

Maybe I should just let her do it for herself. Buts it's going to be hard for her to do it herself.

"Dee, it's okay, I am not going to," I said in a calming voice to avoid being kicked because the first time she almost threw a punch at my face.

She looked at me and then at herself. Don't tell me she is thinking of asking me to help her wash up. This is going to be messed up today.

If I help her and by any chance, Dorcas find us together, she will look for another gun and shoot her brains out without a care in the world.

"Can you please place me in the tub, I will clean myself then you will bandage me up," she said in a low tone.

I tried to look at her and the bandages that were around her body. There was no way she will be able to clean herself with them.

I placed her in the tub and called Dominic. It's not like he is not human. He is but he is the only one I doubt will be Having some wild thoughts of her. He also has shown concern towards her and I know he will help me up.

Dominic arrived but with a goofy face. I hated that most of the time I have up wake him up.

"What is it, boss?" He asked while placing his hands inside his sweat pants pockets.

"I want you to help me clean her, then change her bandages," I told her and he shot a look at me.

"Why would I do that? " he asked.

"It's just a that she had no one around to help her and she accidentally wet herself," I told him.

He just looked at me like I had grown two horns on my head.

I didn't know he will do it,  but he was the only person I counted on helping her out.

"Okay, let us get to work, am just excited that I will be smashing your nose in the ring, in the morning," he said as he wore some gloves.

I didn't want to get in with him, so I just stood on the outside and waited for them to be done so that I can tuck her to sleep. 

Dominic came out and stood in front of me hands akimbo.

"What did you tell me to do again?" He asked.

"To clean her Dominic," I said in a plain voice.

"Well she has done it by herself and only needs to change the bandages," he said.

Well looks like I underestimated her abilities to work hard and wipe herself.

After a few seconds, he was done. Dominic walked over to me and nodded. I walked back into her room and she was laying there comfortably with a phone in her hand looking at something. When she saw me she quickly placed it down and smiled at me.

This was not a smile but a mean look in her eyes.

"Congratulations on your engagement, you even want to make babies, ha, what a miracle, you don't look like the dad type for one and two you will make shitty husband," she mocked while maintaining her straight look.

So she is also a pretender who is just there but knew what was going on. How did she play the sleeping beauty when a gun was pointed on her forehead? 

"I thought you were sleeping?" I asked trying to look for a comfortable place to sit and I pick the stool and moved closer to her.

"Well, I was asleep until I felt something cold on my forehead and I heard your shitty arguments like babies all over the place but I didn't want to intervene," she said.

"We're you not afraid that she might kill you in your sleep?" 

"Well I don't care whether I die, I know I will be in a better place when I am feet six deeper than being in this work," she said in a sad tone.

Sometimes I wish I was in her shoes to understand her feelings and her pains. When we visited her in the restaurant and my friends started calling her names, she just ignored us and went to call Edith who came to speak to us.

That day I learnt one lesson, some people are going through stuff but they are out here smiling because that's what they know. 

She was acting all okay because that's what she knows and I hated that feeling. She was not like me who can coordinate with people and do what I want, and at the same time throw away something that I don't want.

"Well, I care that you are in this world and I will be devastated if you leave Dee," 

I meant what I said to her. I am determined to make sure she makes a name for herself and to be to the world that she also exist.

She turned her focus and looked at the ceiling. I don't know what she was looking at her, but her silence was defending.

"So when are taking your fellow inmate to church?" She asked sarcastically while facing the ceiling.

"Lawd, that was a scam, I just wanted her to drop the gun," 

"Until she lifts it and shoves it in your mouth!"

I am prepared for Dorcas now. I will just be forced to take her to my penthouse to avoid her drama around here. I am not going to marry her that's the last mistake am going to do.

"Let's not talk about her now, shall we?" I told her as I tried to place my hands on top of her but I restrained my hands and placed them on my lap.

"I have talked to the dean of students and all the preparations are ready, in one month you will be joining the campus, but if you are not feeling well then I will just be forced to make you take an online class,"

"Are you sure that you don't want something from me after getting me an opportunity in that prestigious institution?" She asked while eyeing me with the corner of her eyes.

Leaning forward, I picked her hands, I couldn't restrain my hands anymore, I leaned closer to her, I didn't want to think about anything else. Not her body, not her eyes, I just wanted to tell her the truth.

"Dee, I know I can be a jerk, but this is something I am doing because I want to do. You deserve an opportunity, Dee. You need to have a name for yourself to tell the world that you are also someone. Stand up for yourself. I wouldn't want somebody to be throwing words at you and you are just there because you fear talking, No! I want you to shush that person up because you have something. I know you are a mature person, but please am not using this chance to get to you, I want this to be your breakthrough unless you want to go back to the dinner and dirty your pretty little hands with washing every time,"

"Get out your flirt," she said jokingly.

"They are beautiful, wait here and coming," I left her and went to the study room and picked something before coming back.

"What's that?" She asked as she saw a small bag that I was holding in my hands.

"This," I lifted it while looking at it. 

"This is my sister's she used to love this bag so much. Inside it are some various makeups and nail polish that she loved. Every year I buy her this to remember her. It's like she is always with me when I see this kit. I will be happy if you want it, I know she will be excited if you have it. Here," 

I handed her the kit but she was reluctant to take it. I don't know why she was.

"Hey, I know I am nothing like your sister, but are you sure that I am the one who is supposed to have it?" She asked in a sincere tone.

I sat down next to her and picked her hands. I chose the baby punk that Clare used to live with and started painting her nails. One by one. The paint fitted her so perfectly, just the way I had imagined when bringing the bag.

"Wow! And here I was thinking you won't be a good husband, what else can you do?"


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