

"Dave!" Shouted Dee as she walked outside the washroom.

Dave was startled and shot a glance at Diana who was standing behind him. He wanted to shout but he knew who she was. 

He quickly moved and hugged Dee tightly but when he heard her squirm he had to let go of the hug and give her a questioning look. 

He slowly shifted his eyes towards his belly pointing at it in surprise.

"You are pregnant?" He asked as he moved back. 

Dee was confused with his action. Why would be moving back and pointing at her belly as if it was a bad thing?

"What?" Asked Dee in a sharp voice anger evident in her voice. 

Dave realised that he had done this the wrong way and had to brush off the weird face of shock and face her like a friend, not an enemy. 

"Sorry I thought that you know, I have huge you and you didn't want it to last, so I thought maybe you are pregnant," said Dave.

"What? No, Daves. I am not, I am hurt not pregnant," said Dee letting out a sardonic laugh. 

She has never thought about having a baby let alone being pregnant. Those are some of the things that have never crossed her mind.

All she ever thought of was, how someone is going to love her first without showing pitty towards her, without being sympathetic to her.

Though she knew Jake wanted them to have something that wasn't close to anything hopeful. He is a businessman, anything can happen and they might part ways. 

Dave even thinking of her being pregnant was just way out of her mind.

"Sorry," he apologised and hugged her back before kissing her cheeks. 

Diana nodded and offered him a seat on the sofa before getting him a glass of water. She hadn't seen any food around while getting water so there is nothing she could offer him. 

They sat there, as the angel of silence did her happy dance around them.

Dave didn't know how to start a conversation with Dee. He was guilty and how to remedy the situation was harder than he had thought.

Dee on the other hand was torn between explaining to her long time friend what had been going on with her life. She didn't want to go back and encounter all the things that have been coming to her life, most of them negative and some positive things.

She saw Dave as a different person. Though he had his sassy nature, talking girlish, cat walking while walking and being a focused young man. 

For six years, she has done nothing but this young man in front of her has done his diploma he works for a very powerful person.

She lifted her eyes to speak but Dave beat her to it.

"I lost my mother," he started in a low voice full of emotions. Someone would have thought he was giving the news of a person who had just died. 

Diana looked at him with shock all over her face. She knew his mum very well. The young vibrant lady loved her son even when her husband left her for another woman because he was not happy being around them. she supported Dave in whatever he does.

Diana walked and hugged Dave once more, soothing him. He knew those were the hardest days for him, losing his mother.

"It has been three years now, but I am happy she is dancing with the angels and watching over me," he said and hugged Dee back.

He had always wanted someone who could do this to him to show him the same affection as his mother but he knew it will be hard for him to get that love, meeting Dee today he realised that this is the love he has been missing all along.

"I am sorry Dave," told Dee as she moved away from the hug. 

When they completed high school, Dave had to move away to Barbados because her mother wanted to be near their home. She didn't have anything apart from the pictures to remind her of their friendship. 

"How have you been after the incident?" Asked Dee looking at his face. 

His eyes are always brightly shinning. He has never lost that. 

"I have been good Dee. I am sorry I never called you. The last time I called the house phone I was told that the number was not in use. I had to change everything when I moved to Barbados. Life there is fun, being in the bitch, some little weed here and there, party life but you know, I made it."

She was happy that he had a good life after their high school life.

"I am sorry I never called you, when you guys left we had gone to my uncles for his birthday when I came back I couldn't find you, asking around they said you guys moved," she said in a sad tone while playing with her fingers.

Dave placed her hands on hers, " I am the one who is supposed to be sorry Dee, I didn't tell you in advance though it also came as a surprise to me," he said. 

Diana nodded and went on looking at him.

"So, to the tea, I need the tea, where you didn't fill my cup by telling me that you work for the main boss!" Shouted Dave.

She laughed at his statement. She felt like she will be this happy if he is around. 

"I am just an assistant helping out today, Theodore is the main secretary here," she said. 

Dave looked at her with the eyes of, ' you are lying bitch, give me the juice,' she knew she has to tell him every detail. 

"Okay, we met at the diner, I was working there, it has been a week but someone's son has offered to grant me a chance in Rice University, I am going to take a business course," she said to him trying to be as brief as possible. 

"The famous Rice?" Asked Dave in shock. 

Everyone knew Rice was like Harvard or Yale, for Diana to get the chance it was like collecting a star from the sky, something no one has ever done.

"Yeah, I am supposed to begin my course next month," cheered Dee.

"Wait, I thought you were to go to college when we finalised our high school six years ago?" Asked Dave in an amused voice.

"I didn't get the opportunity, my dad has cancer and we had to save money for his treatment," said Dee in a low voice.

Dave caressed her shoulder to calm her down because he understood what her family meant to her.

Dave moved in to hug him because she needed comfort from him today. 

"It's going to be okay Dee, just step at a time," said Dave while rocking her like a baby.

"What are you guys doing? I thought you were supposed to be talking," shouted Nathan from the door. 

He was already bored with Jake's tricks inside the office and was itching to see what his secretary was up to with Jake's secretary.

Diana and Dave quickly moved away from each other.  

"Sir," said Dave standing up and walking towards his boss.

Nathan rubbed the bar of his neck as looked at his secretary. 

"I thought you guys were here to talk, why are getting intimate with each other?" He shouted as he avoided eye contact with Dave.

"No, she is my former classmate boss and nothing of such sort," defended Dave as he lifted his hands as if in a surrender mode.

Diana was starting to doubt the look in Nathan's eyes. 

Why would he do defensive of Dave and question his actions? 

Dave is his secretary and has a private life too. But seeing the way Dave was acting was a sign enough that Dave was having some hard time with him

While his boss was in the same situation as his boss. Maybe he had feelings for his secretary or he just don't like him mingling with other people's secretaries.

"Be ready we are going back to our office," ordered his boss as he banged the door in frustration. 

Diana observed as Dave's shoulders drop in relief. She walked up to him quickly.

"What's with your boss?" She asked while lifting his face to see his face.

His face was unreadable. He had a lot of emotions running through them and she didn't know which emotions he was displaying.

"He is just that way, he hates it when I talk to people," said Dave.

Diana doubted this. Why would a man be jealous when his secretary talks with anyone? He is a man first of all.

"Are you sure that is the issue or there is something else apart from that?" Questions Diana making Dave raise his eyebrows in a questioning manner. 

He didn't get what Diana was saying.

"What do you mean? Are you insinuating that maybe I have to fall for him and I seduced him to make him hard on me?" Asked Dave in a furious tone. 

She realised that he has done something bad, she rubbed the top of her head. Sue wanted to use her situation and explain it to him but she decided against it.

"He has a girlfriend for fuck sake, I don't even care, I am just focusing on my job," he shouted making Dee fringe.




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