
Get Jade Friend?

"You will be staring at this window and he will be laying there as we do the operation. We usually don't allow the second party in the theatre if he or she is not a medic, forgive us. We will try our best to make sure that we do what we can to bring him back okay."

Dee was making the final preparation for Jake's operation. To say she was nervous, was an understatement. She was playing with her hands most of the time thinking of that. She didn't know how things were going to turn out. Jake was in the private room waiting for the day which was tomorrow. 

Dee was shown the operating table and she looked all around. She could imagine that he was going to be sleeping on that table tomorrow for hours as they passed a knife through his body. She mumbles a small prayer looking at all the equipment and hoping that everything will turn out okay. 

When she was done with the doctor, she headed back to the private room that Jake was in. He was sleeping and Dee opened the door slowly to avoid startling him. Jake had to go through various procedures. He had to keep his nails short, he was only depending on fluids as his food and he hated it. Dee did want to risk anything and had to join him in the two-day diet that he was subjected to.

She stayed beside him He was deep asleep and Dee wondered what must be going through his head while he is sleeping. She admired his handsome features that were comforting her. 

Jake became aware of her presence in the room and quickly opened his eyes to look at her. He understands how much effort Dee has made to ensure that he is going through everything smoothly. He watched as she gently rubbed his forehead and hands at the same time while humming. 

"Where did you go to, I sat here until I couldn't and I fell asleep."

Jake asked while looking at her. He was weak because of the fluids and Dee could see how he was tired and his face was starting to develop some wrinkles.

"Just walking around the hospital to familiarise me with the place. are doing okay?"

Dee asked the question though she knew he was not doing okay, he was struggling to have him stay put this night. Given that he couldn't eat anything properly until tomorrow. Jake smiled back at him and nodded. He patted the space next to him for her to join him. They have been sharing the bed since it was a VIP room and the beds were much more comfortable than the other hospital beds. Dee walked and got into the sheets, Jake held her tight as they slept. Dee was not sleeping,, she was looking at Jake get comfortable in bed as he tried to get some sleep. With time, he closed his eyes, and sleep consumed him.

The next day, the operation started early in the morning at six am. Dee was up early, she took shower, changed into clean clothes, and made sure that Jake was okay. The nurse had to check his vitals before taking him to the operating table.

They called Claire and the whole family to have a final call before going for his operation. He ask him to fight and prayed that everything was going to be okay. They were talking as if he was going for a ten-hour surgery. It was just a three-hour thing and after that, he will be fine. They were still worried, that anything will happen, so even if it was two hours or thirty minutes, they were asking for him to fight. Anything can happen in the middle of all that. That's why they were very anxious about everything.

"Can we like have a view of how it's going? It will be good and keep us updated."

Jake smiled at them, he knew only Dee would be allowed to see him have an operation and he was okay, as, for the others, they had work to do not sitting around and looking as if a part of his penis is getting chopped off. He shook his head and Claire was pouting when he did that. They had to respect his decision and let him have the operation peacefully.  Done with the call, Jake had to kiss Dee for the last time before he was sedated to make sure he won't be feeling any pain in his body.

"Just two hours without me, okay, two hours of you watching everything that is going on. Don't be afraid, or don't fear that something bad will happen to me. You are tough, I have faith in you that you will stand by as the operation goes on. Okay?."

Dee nodded though her heart was saying something different. She was afraid and didn't want to show him that she was afraid. She smiled and kissed him. 

"Take care of yourself, I will be up there looking at what is going on there, okay?"

Jake nodded. The doctor walked in and he had a needle in his hands. He stood watching as Dee and Jake were inseparable wonderings if Jake was going to leave her hands.

"We are not going to sedate the whole of him, we are going to sedate only the place and area of operations. Then we will have the operation."

Jake nodded while looking at Dee. At least he knew that he is not going to be asleep when they cut through him and he will be seeing what they are doing too.

                  "Ready, Mr. Templetone?"

Dee squeezed Jake's hands and Jake nodded. The doctor places the syringe in his thighs and Dee watched him lose consciousness. He was not saying anything as much as he wanted. All he could see were tears flowing out of Dee's face as he was wheeled out. Standing in the mirror, she watched as the doctors were doing their work. The doctor had to keep Jale in a conversation to measure whether he is not losing him or he is not forgetting anything. 

Dee was soiling when he could answer the questions successfully and watched as the operation started, the doctor raised his thumbs for them. Since Dee and Jake were the most important people in the hospital, they had the board member standing beside her as she watched the operation. 

    "He is going to be fine, it's just a matter of time."

Dee didn't respond, she had her priority on Jake. She didn't entertain having someone else talking to her she didn't even realize a person was talking to her. All her attention was directed to the operating table that had Jake on it. She watched every bit of the situation. She didn't want distractions. 

A tap on the shoulder and she gave out the angry look at the person tapping her. 

"Excuse me, can I have a moment here, I don't want any disturbance, I was told, this is the safest place that I can be."

The board member slowly sat next to her as they watched the operation go on. The guy knew how it is hard for Dee to be all alone watching Jake go through everything. His eyes were not focusing on the body on the operating table, they were focused on the woman beside him. He admired her, he had admired her when they first came to the hospital with Jake to ask for an important VIP room and wanted to make sure that he gets a piece of her the way he never fails to get a piece of the ladies when he wants to. 

"You are brave to have stood with him through everything. Women nowadays dont care about anything but you do. They will just leave you there and your family will be the ones responsible to take care of you. I admire your spirit in motivating and encouraging Him."

Dee still didn't respond to him, she listened keenly to what he was saying but didn't want to say anything. She understands that he must be motivating her to be patient and hope that everything is going to be fine.

The doctors in the theater were focused on Jake as the doctor tried to hold a conversation about nothing in particular. Jake was buying telling him how he had an amazing woman by his side helping him throughout. 

"She must be amazing, that's what we need in life. I mean it's hard to find someone who fights for you and makes sure you are fine."

Jake nodded as he listened to the doctors explain further. The nodded.

Back on the screen, Dee place his hands and watched everything her eyes were on Jake and the other eye was on the clock on her wrist, hoping that the two or three hours were going to pass by very quickly.

Simeon handed her a cup of coffee in front of her but Dee shook her head. One thing she couldn't do was take a cup of coffee at this time. She feared that someone might spike her drink to lure her.

"It must be tiring, staring at the window and looking at him go through all that."

"What do you mean, he is trying his best to be done and here you think how tiring it must be, I am not tired of waiting,"

The man raised his hands and excused himself. He stood by and understood, that there was no way he was going to get her. He thought that maybe she was frustrated because of everything. He had read the wrong report. Jake had been having some malfunction with his body since Monday and he knew how lonely Dee must be feeling. He thought that the only way he is going to make things okay is to try and seduce her by every means possible.

"I'm sorry for that I didn't mean to annoy you, I just thought how frustrated you must be and wanted to help."

     Dee looked at her and chuckled sarcastically.

"Maybe if you try and keep off, I don't want you in this room anymore and I will appreciate you leaving me alone please."

The man nodded and left. There was no way he was going to manage her. Turns out she was more tough-headed than he thought. He decided to let go and leave her alone.

The clock was ticking and as the operation was almost up, Dee was becoming anxious. She looked through the window as the doctors were making the final stitching. She knew that everything was okay and they were finally done with it. The only thing remaining was Jake's recovery and she was more than happy to be here and take good care of him.

The doctor looked up at the screen and saw Dee still standing in the same place. He raised his thumbs and Dee smiled.

"She is special, she has been there for the whole time and she hasn't moved. I am proud of you. So you will take about two to three weeks to recover after that we will check the stitches to make sure you are fine."

The operations were done, cleaning was done and Dee quickly jumped out of the screen and went to him. He was being wheeled out of the theatre room back to his VIP Room. 

He was not fully conscious and kept drifting and waking in his sleep. His words were slurry and they sounded like a drunk person.

She stayed beside him until he was awake. He turned his head and saw Dee sleeping next to him on the chair. She don't climb the bed as she usually did, instead, she was bedside him sleeping. He feared that maybe she might be tired from all the working and making sure that he goes through the operation successfully. 

He caressed her hair which was growing. It was now more curly as was grew. He was excited because he couldn't see how they grew. He must admit they look cute when they are short and the way they grow becoming bigger, the more they are curly.

Dee was startled by a hand in her head, it was making her feel ticklish. She opened her eyes and they were met with Jake's sleepy eyes.

      "Hey you, how are you doing?"

Jake smiled at her and nodded. He was doing fine, there was a bit of pain but he could manage it without any problem. Dee smiled and placed a simple peck on his lips.

"Why don't you sleep next to me, I will be happy that you are here, I don't want to see you there all hurting your back you know."

See appreciated the call and quickly joined him up in the bed, they slept through the afternoon. Jake was happy that finally he was done with the operation without any difficulties. He was happy that nothing was going to hinder him from giving Dee the babies that he had always dreamt of having. He smiled knowing that his dreams were coming live. He smiled, his stars were aligning themselves finally, finally, he would have to be happy. Looking at their beautiful baby's face hers, he was happy that she didn't leave even when she could, she stared at him and made sure that he was okay. 

When they finally managed to wake up, it was late in the night and Jake was asleep, only Dee was up, she looked over him all sleepy. She could see the way his little brother was finally up and standing with force in the blankets. She looked at it as it waved, she knew Jake will be okay, they will have a chance to pick it up from where they left it. She smiled and took a picture of it, up in the blanket. 

Jake was startled and found her being sneaky. 

"Uuh, what are you doing, are you trying to kill me, I am still painful, what are you doing?

Dee chuckled at him, he let him see how raging his little brother was. He widened his eyes at her and then at his brother, he wanted to close it but Dee gently told him not to, it was trying to be normal for once. Jake was excited and he was sure as hell that things are going to be fine. He kissed Dee on the cheeks and this made his brother even happier, dancing up and down. They calmed their family and they were happy that Jake was I'm at now, they were grateful that the operation went through successfully and they had nothing to worry about now.

Jake had to stay in the hospital for a week before he is slowed to go, Dee stayed with her, and she asked for some of their clothes to be brought to the hospital so that it would be easy for them to change and wear near clothes. For Jake, head to be in his baby hospital clothes to avoid moving back and forth. He finally could way solid food. He was happy, and Dee was happy.

"Maybe we should make a friend for Jade now, I can't wait "

Dee looked at him,  Claire had told her how painful it is when delivering a baby, but she thought it will be worth a try.  She nodnoddedile kissing him

         "When should we start?"

"Today, only that the doctor won't approve of that, maybe next month, okay?"