
Fat Hobo!

"Take care of your little brother now, will you?"

It was not waking up or something, I grabbed her hands and off we moved outside. She had a meshed Jamaican Kimono draped over her bikini to avoid flaunting her body that much.  We strolled on the beach until we saw Claire with her but and a glass of cold martini in her hands. I knew we had a game to play but it was a tricky one and I had to explain it to Dee, I hope she manages it. 

"Can I have drinks today? I mean I am twenty-three so I am legal to drink," she said.

"Not with the puppy eyes, you know very well I can't deny you that opportunity," I said to her.

"Hey lasty, today you get an opportunity to take this cold Martini, no one is going to say a thing, okay?" Said Claire cheekily while handing her a drink.

Dee looked at me then at the drink, I picked it first and took a sip. I had to make sure that it was not strong to knock her off. We are here I have fun not to have someone sleeping off and puking her guts off on the beach.

"Mmh, this is nice, can I have another glass or you can get me an extra straw?" I asked Claire. 

The drink was cold enough for the beach, and the person who blended it did excellent work at it.  

Claire walked off leaving me with Dee all alone.

"Come on, you are going to finish my drink, yours is coming," complained Dee while looking at me. 

It was addictive, I walked to the counter where Claire was standing to get the drinks and grabbed the glass that she was given. 

"We will take t from here," I told Claire. 

"Wow, this is nice, how did you know how to do this?" I asked the bar guy.

He was busy inside the fridge I know he was not even hearing me talking to him. He pulled his head up and looked at us. 

"Fuck, Dominic, you didn't say you are very good at Martini, mmh these are so amazing, can I get more?" I asked.

I didn't know that he was the one in the place. I just thought it was some random guy behind the bar making drinks for their customers. 

"Oh, Dominic hated the way the bar guy was eyeing me and decided to punch him on the face so that ye can make us more martini."

I looked at Dominic. Seriously? He has never punched someone for looking at my sister before, how bad was this? Looks like the guy got on his nerves and couldn't take it anymore.

"It's just some ass, he is there," Dominic pointed at some red-eyed guy talking to some other customers. 

When he had made four more glasses for me and Dee, he placed some cash on the table for the mixologist and we left heading to the coast where there were other guys with their surfboards. We didn't need to have our guards, so we just asked them to wear normally and hide their weapons all way possible and enjoy the day. No one was going to recognize us because everyone is busy eyeing the competition.

"Jake, here is your surfboard, I bet I will kick your ass today," shouted Pete once he saw us. 

"Hell no, I am beating your ass today, just like I have beat it every day," I said to him.

"Make sure you cheer for me, okay? or else will lose the game," I told Dee who was now sipping some coconut juice from the coconut. She looked cute with her silly smile. She is funny at times.

"I would love to see your face when you are beaten at your game, I bet everyone here wants to see you lose and Claire also wants her man to win," she said while pointing at Claire who was busy talking to Dominic while pointing at the surfboard he was holding.

"I Remember, the last time I beat his ass but Claire was not around. I think she watched the match online and scolded him. You know we making bets and today I don't know how much we are going to put down trust me. The competition is big but the three of us are making a bet," I said.

"Okay, I pray you to win, because, I want to use the winning thing against Claire when she will be busy talking trash in my face," she said with a determined. Face.

Jeez, whatever they want to insult others it is out of this world, I better win this war to see how Dee is going to go all hundred on Claire.

The game didn't only involve only the three of us, there were other people lining up and girls cheering on their boyfriends. I feared for Pete who is going to cheer him this time around? I watched as the other guys were planning for the race and they placed reflectors at the finishing point so that we will be able to see the finishing place. I didn't know how the European guys did it but all I know is that when we did this in California, it was full of drama, when we won and some guys lost, his girlfriend went ahead to fuck his best friend.

"What are you thinking about pretty face?" Asked Dee while caressing my beards.

"I just hope if I get defeated you won't go around clinging to some men because I got defeated. It's a game and people are going to boo your man because he is defeated, just don't let that get into your nerves, even Claire won't be on your side, she will be supporting her man. Let the confidence you have with you surface because it's going to get messy here, are you ready?" 

I needed to know what she is willing to do. 

People in these games can be savages. They can throw you off guard and you can even start fighting because of it.

"Claire, can you please come here for a second?" Dee called Claire, I didn't know what she wanted to tell her but I know it is going to be hard.

Claire looked at her and didn't come instead, she was standing by Dominic. I knew she was not going to walk back here because this is a war people are fighting.

"Claire, Dominic and Pete can you guys come here for a minute?" I called them, they are the only ones who are going to explain to Dee what is going to happen.

They looked at me and moved closer.  

"Dee is new to this thing, can you please explain to her what is going to happen to her?" 

"Are you ready to be insulted? To have things thrown at you? For example; you are a fat asshole, I know your boyfriend doesn't love you! Can you handle that?" Claire shouted.

Dee looked at Claire with a shocked face. I knew she was not prepared for this. 

"That's how it's a happening sweetheart, so, if you are not ready, you better let some other girls take your man."

"Fuck you, hell no, I can withstand those insults but not a hand on his body, fuck no! Because you are a dick head!" 

"Whoa, it was not that serious we were just talking to you about the game," said Claire trying to calm her down.

"Okay, so it will be an insult after insult? Can we cooperate or something? Like, make sure our team is amongst the top three?" Asked Dee.

"No one here is going to sit and look at their 'team' everyone wants a present that comes out of this and it has cost us money to register for the last minute. My answer is, no, there is no team, if you want to be cool, this is not the time, you will be cool if your man wins."

Claire was now lecturing her while for us we were just watching as they were staring at each other.


"Pete, who is your cheerleader?" Asked Dominic.

Pete throw his head around and his eyes came to stand in some dude with a lady's bikini and red hair.

Damn that dude was determined to make sure that Pete wins the game and nothing more.

"Good we are all set, so Dee, this is how it is going, you will be placed in the place where your man's number tag is, it's your work to prepare a drink for him when he comes back, and wave his t-shirt when he is racing, throw words at people however you can. Don't let other people let you down or belittle you, your man needs that support during the race."

Dee was silently tagging on my clothes pulling them, I knew she was nervous but was trying not to show it. She looked at Claire and I bet she was wondering how she will make things work. 

Claire left us alone as we waited for the preparations to be done. I looked at Dee who was throwing her eyes here and there trying to look everywhere.

"Have you taken anything, maybe you should have something to fill your stomach before the race. When is it supposed to start?" She asked?

"In thirty minutes?"

"Do you think that is enough to get some snacks or maybe a burger and some coffee?" She asked.

"If you want to put something in your belly before the race, I am okay, just dont mess up. I don't want you to lose because I am trying all my best to make sure that you win."

She is thinking a lot. She doesn't need to. I mean, it's just a game and after that, we will be doing some other things. 

"Let's get something then," I told her. 

Dee was busy looking around, pointing at some men with whom I was to compete within the game. I didn't know how well these guys are equipped but I didn't want to mess either.  The US is known for being good surfers. We didn't carry our flag because there were other people here representing us, we are just substitutes. To say I wasn't worried is an understatement, I might chicken out.

"You know I can step down and let Dominic and Pete compete in the game," I told her trying to get her attention that was lost looking at other people.

"What, no? I can take defeat, you are not obliged to win the race and I won't beat you for losing. That doesn't mean you don't win the game or don't anyhow, make sure you do your best as if it was the business deal you wanted to go well for you," she said.

"Then, avoid giving other competitors the eye and focus on me," I told her.

She has barely touched her burger and her coffee is now cold. I know she hates her coffee warm which means we will need a refill which will mean another ten minutes of sitting down.

"Do you know what, I think I am going to put this for safekeeping and take them when the game is over? I don't think I can stomach something right now."

I knew she was panicking and I don't want to make her do things she can't do. She doesn't want me to leave the game and at the same time, she doesn't want to take the meal. I nodded for her and we asked the waiter to put the food safe until we came back which I know they would do at an extra cost. 

"The other half is yours if I find it okay," said Dee giving the waiter some cash.

"I can't believe these are those times that Claire doesn't even look at me and Dominic and Pete are acting like we are strangers," said Dee.

"It happens but when the competition is over, we are going to be a family again."

I had to assure her. Trust me, competition brings out a lot of indifference. That's how a game goes. 

"So, what do you want me to do and what should I avoid?" She asked once we arrived at the starting point.

"Do everything I would do, shouting, calling people names when they start to call you and chant my name I will be excited, oh, normal excitement and wave my t-shirt higher, the drink that I love will be on my lane, so when you see me come closer pick it up and call my name, just don't pass the line that will lead to my disqualification., make sure you are not pushed to the line, that will also mean I am disqualified."

"I can see why Claire was against the team, and everyone for themselves, you've got this hun, all the best," she pecked my lips and I stood at the line with my surfboard. I am just happy Claire is on the far end and they won't be calling each other's names.

Besides her was this lady, petite eyeing her. She folded her hands on the chest and looked at Dee, I needed to focus, I don't know if Dee will manage given that she was recently bashed with Cathrine. 

Dee's P.O.V

I watched as Jake held the surfboard in his hands. The strong masculine hands that hold me at night when I am asleep, the same hands that held my waist when I was relaying my problems. I believe in those hands. They are strong and can do anything.

"I have never seen a mother supporting her son, that is good, I like him," said the girl next to me whom I hadn't noticed was busy eyeing Jake too.

"Fuck off bitch, that's my man, you better be cheering your man," I told the lady beside me. 

Is this girl seriously eyeing Jake and thinking that I am his mother? She is starting to get into my nerves now and I will lose it

This is ridiculous, she better don't start this because I will squash her face into some little juice. 

"He can't be your man, you fat hobo! I bet you are clinging onto him because he doesn't love you, he didn't even look happy while standing with you!" She shouted.

This is just starting and I don't want to be pushed into the red line that was looking at me in the front. The game had started and I had to start cheering on Jake, they had to make a one-kilometre run and back, if I don't start cheering the way Claire is shouting her man's name, he might lose focus.

"I respect you and I don't want to argue with you, this is a game you are engaged in, cheer your man and let the handsome man win, shall we?" I asked while lifting the glass I had in the air to toast.

"Brad! Brad! Baby make it make it!" She was shouting, turns out I was not going to have to fight with her.

"Jake, Jake baby, hun, focus baby!" I was shouting too, cheering Jake's name. 

But Claire's voice was swallowing mine and the others were shocked by how she was so energetic. Looks like she was prepared for this.

Seeing a certain man walking around who sells various equipment to help me shouting, vuvuzela and whistles. I knew I had to make this happen.

"Hey, how much for a vuvuzela and a whistle?" I asked while the other girls were looking at me.

"Twenty pounds," he said.

I wasn't even thinking about anything right now. All I wanted was to make sure that Jake win this game. I got the vuvuzela and the whistle. Turning back to my lane, the other girl was trying to walk into It. She is not going to win the race with her jealousy over the roof. She better stick to her lane.

"Can I have my line please, you know Brat will be happy if you dont ruin this for him," I said? I was sarcastic. I knew her man's name was Brad, not Brat. 

"You want to start fighting you bitch? See the way that bikini is leaving your meat all hanging like some sick cow, get to the gym before you come talking to me, sucker?" 

She just started again. I could see Claire's eyes focused on me but I was not going to call for her help. 

"You know what? Bitches like you are so sick and I am tired of your stupidness. You think I am fat, what about your skinny skeleton walking around here with a face full of makeup to hide your fucking ugly face? Fuck off."

I walked at her and blew the vuvuzela on her face.

"You are not going to push me from my lane, I will make sure you suffer and your man will be a loser," she said trying to push me behind. 

The good thing, I had my left leg fixed deep in the sand, the embarrassing thing was that our flight was being aired on the screens. They were waiting to see who was going to be thrown off the lane.

She decided to come near me, trying to throw me from my line, but I knew the deal, don't be pushed on the red line in front of you!

I looked at her, she was not going to do this to me. People can be good at insulting and bashing me but they are not going to do this the second time.

"And you think you are going to push me, bitch?" I jumped in front of her and pushed her towards the red line where her foot stepped on the line, disqualifying her and her man from the game. 

"Whoa!" Said the other girls in surprise. 

I knew this was just the start, I bet others are here to see me go down the way I am going down.

"Make sure she goes down!" Shouted the girl to the other girls.

I knew I have made enemies now. I better watch out.

First, let us blow this vuvuzela so that my man can know I am here for him.