
Family is.....

🥀Happy Reading🌹

The debate was held in a huge conference room in one of the big halls in the city. The candidates were nicely fitted in their cubicles. Though they were not real cubicles, they all had their space and their micro tablets. She had not arrived, she was still behind the stage looking all nervous, Dan managed to get her a very beautiful dress for the occasion and all she could say was, thank you and nothing more. She was happy to be in the dress. As much as she didn't want to come here, she had to cone. She has competed and it would be rude not to participate in the debate after all.  She quickly adjust her dress as the other stylist helped to retouch her makeup. 

        "Hey, give me a minute,"

Jake walked past most people to get to Dee. She was standing gently on the line ready to walk into the crowd any minute but she was stopped by a hand. She looked at Jake who was holding her hand and wondered why she was here in the first place. She didn't want to shout at him, she wanted to be gentle with everyone, and her patience was deteriorating with every second.

The pain of Jake showcasing the video that claimed she was kissing Bob in some hideous clothes is still tormenting her. She knew why Jake was standing in front of her. She was not told to do anything, she somewhat knew why Jake was standing in front of her. She picked the tie from his hands and quickly adjusted it on his neck after that she gently took the buttons of his shirt and closed them. Making sure he looked presentable, she left him and stood at the entrance of the room.

"Why did you block me again? I can't call you or reply to your emails."

Dee chuckled waiting for her name to be called. She was not going to tell Jake anything because there was nothing to tell. How do you explain to someone who doesn't understand that he is wrong and keeps disturbing you every second with the pretense to help you?

It's hard to deal with those problems. Dee listened to him as he asked the question again. She tried to distance herself from him. She stood next to the girls who were making sure she looked good enough for the cameras. They were making sure her smile captured everyone. Behind her, there was Jake who hated that people's eyes were going to rape her live on stage. 

The silver dress was shining all over the place. As she walked some little bell-like noise could be heard from them.  She smiled alone, avoiding the stares from Jake behind her. It looks like she was the only single person in the group. Every other contestant had their hands in tow as they walked down to the audience. She wanted to call Dam but there was no need to call him to the podium, she can do this on her own.

Their names were called and Dee stepped into the stage but a hand grabbed her and gently clasped her hands into his. She looked beside her and it was Jake. Looking at Fern's side, she was alone with tears in her eyes.

"What the fuck Jake, what are you doing why are you doing that?"

Dee was furious that Ferm might use this against her when they start the interview and she tried wringing her hands from Jake's hands that were tightly in hers.

"I dont want to choose anymore, I don't want to choose anyone but you, Dee. Ferm can do anything she wants but you are not facing another day with people looking down on you. I am going to walk you in that event like the man I am because that's what I am to you, your gentle and loving man. I want to prove that, you can still believe in me Dee, don't fear me for I am also here trying to make sure that the whole world knows that."

Dee looked into his eyes, she was irritated with Jake's behavior. she wanted to remove her hands but it was hard for her. Jake's grip was so tight on her and if she tried to forcefully remove her arms or hands from his, he would harm her. She left it be.

"I am okay the way I am. You don't need to walk next to me and tell me what I a supposed to do. I am not some twenty-three-year-old who was shy behind the dinner, I am old Jake l. You don't need to walk with me to show me that you chose no one but me. Hope you respect me and tell me to let me walk in this all alone, I can try and not trip but in case I trip, I will ask the stage manager to come na help me. You can hold Fern's hand before she starts to cry and cause drama right now, please."

Jake looked into her eyes and raise his brows. He could believe that Dee didn't want to hold hands despite leaving Fern's side to come and stay next to her. He didn't know why she was acting tough, though he knew she is tough and nothing is going to let her down. 

The only fear that he had, maybe Ferm might use their relationship against her and that will kill her. He wanted to have a debate free from all drama and the celebrity media news but what is the point of this debate without the celebrity media, groups creating memes about people to make them laugh at it?

He gently let go of Dee's hands. He watched as she gently swayed her hips left to right and walked into the audience. Before she could get in, she turned around and managed to see his sorry eyes.

Jake nodded at him. He wanted to move ahead and touch Ferm's hand but he couldn't. He didn't want to touch anything again. He thought it will be good for Fern to walk all alone into the debate. He didn't want to be included in the silly debate of women calling his name here and there. 

The second contestant walked through with his husband and Jake admired them. He didn't know how he was going to make sure that Dee comes back to her without any problem.

Fern walked and stood next to him. She has wiped her tears and the makeup helped in hiding puffy eyes. She stretched her hands to Jake and he gave her the tow to put in her hands. Fern didn't say anything, instead, she was walking gracefully as she watched the floor that sje was stepping in. It was a bit slippery and she didn't want to slide and embarrass herself.

Jake didn't want any of these, he had resolved to just hold her hands because she was dramatic.

People cheered for her and called her name, she was excited to have a huge crowd that was supporting her. Deep down she couldn't imagine the type of person she is. 

'If I can afford all these guys, it is me will be good to give them some silly jobs where they get three dollars or five dollars in a week. I will be the biggest and greatest person right? They will love it, right?. Just wait till I am done, Jake is going down, six feet under and Dee's head will follow too I don't care.'

She smiled back at her audience and sat comfortably on the chair. They were welcomed with a speech from the moderator who made sure that they were all comfortable. 

The question-asking session started. Everyone was saying what he or she is doing currently.

"Mine can make you go wild in a day. Do you know how we yearn to know how to make food for our men in the kitchen? This is crucial for every woman. My boyfriend, Jake, loves it. I mean what will a woman probably do if she didn't have these skills?  That's how I got my idea,  wanted to be a baker. I would bake cakes, doughnuts, and pizza to make sure that everyone has something to eat. I don't want to see people all hungry in a place. No one deserves to stay hungry yet we can bake. Establishing my bake I wanted to ensure that show my talent to the world. Show them what I am made of and what a woman like me can do. If you look at me right now, my business is picking up nicely and I have a lot of things to yell to you about it.  I don't want to brag about my business but the bakery has my heart a the time."

Fern was answering the first general question about who they are and what they loved to do. It was a mandatory question and no one could miss it. The next contestant talked about her life and business. They all had lucrative ideas. After her idea, Dee was the last to speak. 

"I don't way to say that I have everything figured out every day. I don't want to say that I am the biggest champion in this. Being here today has taken a lot of patience, endurance, and perseverance. I had a donation from a well-wisher who offered to give me a second chance after five years of staying home without any degree, working in the diner, and getting something small for myself. The moment I walked into the well-wisher's house, I was interested in various books that educated people on how to have that ability to change things. Nothing was easy, I can't say I got everything right. If not for my passion, I know I wouldn't be here trying to make sure that I tell another young person that life doesn't end at twenty-three, to some, life begins at twenty-three. My sponsor could enroll me in a university but it was up to me to do the other things. I used to read books and engage in class and most of the time I had a lot of presentations to make. I didn't cry about anything it was stupid to do that. All I wanted was to make sure that I complete everything before I walk home. My business is mainly about investing and creating new ideas all about money, good habits, and focusing.

Everyone clapped at Dee and her idea. She was trying her best not to break down in front of everyone else. She knew it was not easy to stay calm but she had the power to say them without any trouble.

Fern rolled her eyes looking at her and she didn't understand what Dee had spoken about to make the audience all thrilled to listen to her. She thought that maybe she was trying to make herself feel like she had everything but she didn't have anything. She was planning her deal very well without disturbing anyone around the area.

Next, it was some crucial questions. Fern adjusted herself and smiled at the moderator who was trying to ask her several questions. She smiled and answered them keenly. 

"Miss Fern, what defines you?  Who are you apart from the business?"

Fern shook her head a looked at the lady again. There was no way she could answer that. She has several things behind her that she can't talk about. She wanted to excuse herself but her ego couldn't allow her to do any of that. She quickly looked at the lady and smiled.

"I am a daughter to two parents, a sister to none, and a girlfriend almost to be a wife, that's me."

Dee looked at her and couldn't, understand why she would answer that question skeptical like that. She started well off and listening to him become skeptical made her wonder what she was planning.

"Miss Dee, what defines you?"

"I am a humble person, respectful and driven by ambitions. I hate being lied to and being looked down on. I'm a chilled girl who loves a great conversation."

The moderator nodded her head as she listened to Dee answer her question. Dee was good at answering questions and questions and could answer without any problem.

Fern was getting irritated with the moderator's questions. The next question was to talk about family. Fern had to speak about her family and how Dee was responsible for taking them to jail. She took the responsibility because she knew to some extent that was the truth. She took them to jail for the bad things they had in a dome.

"Always remember, loyalty makes you family but blood only makes you related. To me, I have a big family. A family that accepted me for who I am. They didn't care about anything. All they were concerned about was my wellness. So to me, family is people who are concerned and make sure you are doing fine, you are well fed and they don't care whether you are young, old, or have anything. They are ready to provide, that's the family."

Dee gave her answer, clearly without any problem. Fern thought she was going to talk about how they were sisters but she didn't say that instead. She talked about something she didn't think she could talk about.

"Miss Dee, I hear that you and jakes are brother and sister, and the fact that you are related you have engaged in sexual intimacy. Would you live to clarify those allegations here? Previously you stated your principles but all those things you said are not per what your actions are saying."

All audience was shocked. They widened their eyes as they heard what the moderator talked about.

Jakes was surprised by that question and wanted to jump out of his seat to go and stranger the moderator but that will be another mistake that he will be jailed too. He sat down and gently tried to calm himself. Ferm was looking at Dee feeling nervous after the question. 

"We are not sure about that. It was just an accusation made by someone who thinks he is our father. We are not sure yet. Plus before that time,  no one takes about it. So I doubt if we are related. People  have various imaginations and maybe this man wanted to think that he can be our father to mess us up."

The questioning session was over and the three contestants were given a break. She removed her mike and couldn't help but breathe heavily. She wished that no one knew about the relationship. She wanted to question Jake and ask him why he talked about it to the whole public. She figured that maybe, someone who knew what they were investigating Kings.

She got a pat from Dan who was smiling at her. She smiled back and hugged her tightly.

"I thought I was going to die in the middle. I mean I didn't imagine that I will make it this time."

Dan smiled looking at her. He knows very well that they are just questions aimed at messing her up. There was no hair game in this game and everyone had to fight for the best.

"Take heart, you will answer them whole, any question you have for Fer?"

Dee shook her head because she didn't have any questions for her. She offered to let him speak about what he wanted to speak about. She was supposed to have a question but she didn't have one. That will mean that she was going to stare. He quickly fished a notebook and scribbled three questions and gave them to Dee.

This will help you. You might have other ideas when they are speaking.

Dee picked it up and looked at Dan. She was grateful to have him by her side.