

The car shop was a big area. It was located on the outskirts of the city. The cars we neatly arranged in rows according to the types.

I noticed that after a car has been bought or rented then another car was brought in to race it. This made me wonder, how do they get sick types of cars in such a short period. 

The workers were all dressed in red with a customized cap, 'Wee Ride,' on the top. 

I walked past the gate into the front office. A lady dressed in heavy make-up was smiling and beckoning me using her middle finger.

"What the heck?" I swore as I looked around at nothing in particular.

"Go to her and act the good handsome mN you are, you can get a quickie I get Dorcas is not doing a good job at that," moved Dominici via the earpiece.

"Rick you, I am gonna reap you apart tomorrow in the gym, I promise," I talked to him while walking towards the Lady.

Dominic chuckled but I ignored him and focused on the lady in front of me.

A that I prayed for was that, I don't lose my focus and concentration on Dee's image. I might just break loose and mess up everything.

The lady walked out of her sitting position and came to welcome me as if I was some important guest.

"Hello darling, welcome to Wee Rides," she said seductively while her miniskirt moved up above her thighs as a result of the little demonstration she was giving me.

"Thanks, I am looking for a particular brand, I want to take my crush on a date and I lied to her that I am from a very important family, I want something that screams money, what can I get?" I asked as o stood near the desk while she stood in front of me wrapping her hands on top of the other.

She looked at me and started playing with the tendrils of her hair.

If it was just another normal day, we could have been inside the washroom and done with her but today is not a normal day, today I don't want her, I don't fancy anything about her. I don't like the way she is licking her lips, they are thin for my liking not like Dee's. 

"Hold up, not Dee, focus!"

"Come, I have some that might interest you," she said while grabbing my hands playful. I had no option but to play along like a little boy running after his mother.

She showed me through various Audi's and Mercedes but the better we're more lavish than these other types. I walked closer to them and tok a look at them.


"What did you say?" The lady questioned while looking at me. 

I got out of my trance and realised that I had shouted that word loudly.

"Sorry, I was reading something from my phone," I said quickly trying to sound normal.

She laughed and looked at me, "thought you were saying they are fake, these vehicles are brand new and they just arrived some few hours ago from the manufacturers," she said.

"Trade carefully little girl, I am not a fool," I thought to myself while looking at her posture while talking to me.

What she didn't know was that I own fifty per cent of the Audi shares and I know which vehicle is real or fake.

The Audi she just displayed to me was a fake one. I bet all vehicles around here are fake, the reason they get replaced easily. I wanted to get Dominic to the surveillance area but I couldn't because the lady here wanted to show me every rode they got.

I can as well go ahead and enjoy every ride I am shown around. 

"Can we take this one for a ride?" I asked the lady and she gladly agreed. 

"Let me get us the key," she said and I excused myself to use the washroom which I wasn't going to use because I just wanted to look for the CCTV.

Walking around cautiously, I saw a certain room with the name 'Backroom,' on it. I walked and opened it up. Luckily there was no one inside but there was a sleeping guard who had just finished smoking a cigarette and had dipped it in the glass that was before him.

"Time to use the karate and Taekwondo that Dominic taught me. 

" don't do anything stupid, just move near the cameras and place that thing there after a few seconds remove it," shouted Dominic.

I moved closer, the guard moved a little in his sleeping position and I thought he would wake up but he did not, I placed the item below the chair and stood looking around when I saw the sales lady going back to the car.

"Are you done? I need to get to my drive testing," I said to Dominic but he didn't give me any answer.

"What are you doing here?" Shouted someone from behind me.

Lawd, not today, not now.

"Pretend you were going to the washroom," whispered Dominic.

"I...I was looking for the washroom," I stammered while removing the hacking done from the table.

"You thought this is the washroom?" He asked while moving near me. 

"Stop being an ass and kick his ball, he is fat and he can't run anywhere that is why he is placed in there," shouted Dominic once again.

He was walking near me, I thought of kicking his balls but that pain of being kicked there, ouch! But I had no otherwise, I run towards him pushed him back and threw my leg between his legs.

I run toward the parking area, the lady was checking the vehicle and I had to push her inside the vehicle and runoff. This is going in a bad way. 

"What are you doing? You haven't bought the vehicle," she screamed in my ears but I don't have time for her jokes. I placed my fingers inside her mouth and she seductively licked them and kept quiet.

I had to act as I wanted her so that she can keep quiet and avoid any havoc that might erupt as a result of us fighting.

I pushed my middle finger further into her throat and she kept licking them, she later removed my hands from her mouth and directed them to her breast where I was forced to massage her before she lives her miniskirt up and slid her legs, Holy cow, no panties!

Is this how they lure customers to buy their fake cars? Those customers must have been wrapped around their little pussies to having them purchase these types of vehicles.

When she was dropping my hands down to her pussy, I quickly removed it and threw my hands to her throat and caged her to the sale with my other hand busy on the steering wheel.

"Listen, young lady, I don't want you or to do anything to you, but I need a favour," I said to her.

"I thought you wanted to fickle, that is what everyone wants," she crowd as she struggled to let out words from her mouth.

I loosened my grip on her throat.

"I need you to share some information about your company and I will pay you handsomely, I will even give you a free ticket to Hollywood, I just need information," I told her.

"I can't do that, we are always monitored, there is no way I can share anything not even documents." 

That security must be tight around the place. 

"Ok," I removed my grip from her throat and made her shirt before taking her picture and sending it to Dominic.

"I want you to go back, I will hit you on the face then you will tell them that I hit you on the face and raped you," I said to her.

This didn't seem to make sense to her as she looked at me with a confused face. 

"Why would I say that? You have not sla...."

I didn't wait for her to finish her statement. I launched a slap on her face and it suddenly turned red while my hands were left with a huge lump of make-up.

"Aiiii," she shouted while touching her face.

"I have now slapped you but not raped you, d you want me to rape you too?" I asked in a kicking tone.

She touched her face and seductively looked at me while spreading her legs, "you look handsome, I wouldn't mind having your cream in m.....," 

I launched another slap on her led cheek and took the cable that was lying around the car and whipped her thighs and she cried. 

"There, go and say what I told you, we are also monitoring you, anything funny or sloppy and I will kill you, Rebecca!" I shouted and she shrieked.

"How do you know my name?" She asked.

"I know a lot about you, do what I said," I opened the door and walked out of the car.

"I thought you wanted a quickie, why did you punch her though?" Asked Dominic.

He has irritating questions now and I hate it when he is in control. I just want to punch him in the face, throw him in a hole and open it for him the following day.

I removed the earpiece and fold it inside my hand and walked towards the direction we parked our car.

"Why the goofy face, you've just completed the mission, be happy we are going home," shouted Dominic.

I punched him in the face, and threw him into the back seat and started driving the car.

"Ouch!" He cried while holding his bleeding nose.

"You keep talking too much, just shit it for a minute dude, I need to focus on driving now,"  said and ignited the car and left him with his grunting.

I checked my phone for any texts from Dee. She was the only thing that I wanted to hear from right now. Her voice or just her text.

Instead, I found annoying texts from Clara informing me of her visit tonight. Something I was not anticipating for. I wanted to be alone, or maybe to look at Dee when she is sleeping. She is worth watching while asleep.

I didn't have many options but just to agree to her request.


Thanks for reading.

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Follow Me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette