
Emotional Suport Human.

🥀Happy Reading😍😍😍🌹

"What do you mean, I cant see her and say how sorry I am, Is that so bad? I know I am stupid for doing bad to her but that doesn't mean that I can't say how sorry I am. I need to see her so I am going to say I am sorry and hear what she is going to say."

Dominic sighed hearing Jake trying to force himself to say sorry to Dee. He was tired of telling him what to do every time. Sometimes he just wants to slap him in the face to make sure he has learned a lesson but turns out, he doesn't need to do that, because this man here has not learned any lesson to make him know when to put pressure on someone and when not to.

"I don't know Jake but I feel like you should give Dee sometimes, you should at least try and access yourself if it's right to go see her right now. I don't know what Claire said to her but I am sure she is going to chase you away if you go near her. Plus, I don't want drama neat my baby. She has Jade with her and if both of you start shouting then I don't think that's a good picture for Jade."

Jake shrugged while looking at Dominic and run back into the vehicle leaning on Dominic all alone standing.  

'Jeez, what's wrong with these people, I thought that they are going to give her a break? Can't they just let someone breathe? This is more complicated than I thought.'

He hailed a cab and decided to go home and see his wife who owe him an explanation of what went down in her office before Dee fainted. He was sure that it didn't have to do with something simple. There is no way he is going to beat his wife, he just wants to make sure that she is learning a lesson from what she did with her. 

Arriving home, he found the house was quiet and there was no sign of people inside the house. Through the guards could be seen outside walking left, right center there was no light in his house. He decided to move to imagine what will befall him. He thought that maybe his wife got mad and decided to sleep and at the same time, he didn't have a clear reason why the lights would be turned off at this time of the day.

Greeting some of the guards, he stepped into the light and opened the door, it was closed. He used his keys to get in and stepped into the living room which was also quiet. Turning on the lights, he found Claire sleeping on the sofa with some soft background music singing.

Claire had waited for him for so long until she fell asleep. 

                     "I am sorry, I didn't come in early."

He whispered into Claire's ears and Claire suddenly jolted from her sleep looking at him. Dominic glared into her eyes and they were all red. She had been crying and he can't figure out why she was crying at night. 

Carrying her, he took her into the bedroom. Claire clung to his body like her life was dependent on it. He settled to get on the bed but she didn't sleep, instead, she sat on the bed still holding him tightly.

"Babe, is everything okay? Stop crying I am sorry if I hurt you please don't cry okay?"

When it comes to Claire, Dominic is always weak and hates to see her all crying and sad. He always makes sure that she is not sad in her life. That is what he had promised her. She will never cry or be sad and watching her sad and shedding tears at this time, he felt bad and responsible for them. To some extent, he knew that she did wrong but seeing her beat herself because of that made him angry at himself.

"I am sorry if what I told you made you cry but babes sometime we must admit to what we did and That is not up for a debate. It's good to acknowledge what you did and say sorry."

Claire removed her hands slowly from him and settled her hands on his.  Caressing them gently she let her tears flow freely while looking down at Dominic's hands.

"Forgive me, please forgive me for what I did. K know I didn't even think about it. I was selfish at that time. I have never even for once pointed an accusing finger at Jake to tell him the type of a douche bag that he is. All my anger and frustration landed on Dee for the video and all I could think is how she is responsible for everything that is happening."

Dominic grabbed her and brought her to his chest. At least she learned her lesson and was trying to apologize. Dominic was relieved when she said those words. He earlier thought that Claire was crying because he had told her she was responsible for what happened to Dee. Right now listening to her say how sorry she is, she couldn't help but hug her tightly.

"Shh, it's alright, don't cry about it, it's all fine. We all make mistakes baby and we don't need to be mad about it. If you realize that you were wrong, it's good to say sorry and you said sorry."

Claire broke the hug and looked at him. She looked across to say something and for once Jake saw the fear that he had seen some years back. The fear of a young girl trapped inside her problem and can't say them all out. He urged her to say whatever she wanted to say without a tear.

                "I fear that you are going to be mad at me."

Dominic chuckled and held her hands, placing a slight kiss on them, he urged her to continue. 

"I am sorry, I just couldn't shake off the idea that both of you had something going on and to some extent, I thought she was trying to throw herself at you."

Dominic raised his broad looking at her. Claire thought he was mad and her heart thumped while waiting for him to say something but he was not saying anything to make her believe that he was okay with what she had just said.

Slowly, she saw a smile form at the corner of his lips and Claire smiled too. 

"Fuck, I thought you were going to jump from here and shout at me."

They both laughed and Dominic shook his head while looking at her. 

"As much as you love being stubborn, I can't just jump out and leave. You are allowed to think how you want baby, don't be afraid to say anything. Though you know very well Dee is a civilized human being and she will never throw herself at me that way."

Claire nodded and remembered Pete's word when he was around. 

"I was told she had these ethics with her that she follows and up to now I think I admire Dee for who she is. I know she is not the type of person to get back at you for anything but I need to teach her how to shout at people and teach them a lesson. What do you think?"

"Hell No, you are not going that. I need one sane girl in this family, I am not ready to pick corpses everywhere because you two couldn't t keep your hands off someone who said a bad thing about you. One of you, definitely you, will start a fight and then, one of you, Dee, will stop it. You see that it's called neutralization."

       "Fuck off!"

Claire poked him on the shoulder and all they were left with was hearty laughter with the two of them happy again and discussing how their day went. 

Claire informed him that Pete was back and helped with cleaning. 

"Maybe you should employ him as the maid, he knows how to clean and do everything that involves the house."

"You think he will agree, I am just tired of getting house help to do the work. Plus I can work from home and be with Jade when he needs me."

"Is that for debate? We know very well he loves Dee as her mother than us. Maybe he can spend sometimes with Dee than spending with us, I would lobe the bonding time with you too "

             "Well come to mama!"

Jake's driver was racing down the road trying to catch up with Dee's car. They were seriously trying to break all the traffic rules but Jake didn't care about any of that. He was trying to call Dee and at the same time telling his driver to hurry up so that they can reach them in time. 

"You know she jas a powerful vehicle than us. So it will be hard to fight her on the road, please can we try and drive normally to avoid another drama?"

Jake sighed listening to his driver warning him about the risk of high-speed driving. He wanted to reach Dee so bad but he has to be patient to get to her.

Arriving at the gate, they found Dee was also lit from the car and Jake didn't even leave the driver to stop the car. When it was going slowly, he jumped out of the vehicle and went after her. She was having a hearty conversation with Jade as they walked into the building's entrance. Today she didn't use the garage because the driver wanted to take the vehicle for cleaning.

             "Dee, Dee, please wait!"

Dee had someone shout her name. She didn't need to know who it was because right now this unique voice was disgusting and annoying to her ears. She walked forwards but Jade pulled her back when they heard the person calling again. 

"Look, uncle, he calling you aunty, let's wait for uncle, let us wait for uncle, please?"

Giving Dee the puppy eyes that she can't deny him anything, Dee stood waiting for Jake to arrive at them. He was lucky that Dee had not arrived at the entrance because Jake would have been banned from getting in with just a command from Dee. 

Acting as a civilized human being because Jade was around, she faked a smile and nodded for Jake to walk up.

           "Uncle Jake, how are you doing?"

Jake breathed heavily and greeted Jade with a smile. Jade in turn looked at Dee who was trying to grin because she hated Jake's presence right now.

"I thought we were talking, why are you avoiding me?"

"We are supposed to keep it on the low Key remember, why are you shouting my name all over the street like a maniac, so that your girlfriend can come back crying her ass at me for being a boyfriend snatcher? Fucking bastard, give me a break Jake, I need to get into the house and hydrate, I don't want to faint again."

Jake raised his brows listening to her lash out in a low tone into his ears. Dee was trying to calm down not to upset Jade who was playing around with some doves who were at the building's entrance

Folding his hands, Jake looked at her and wondered what had gotten into Dee within such a short period. They were a friend and even had sex.

    "Sex? Are you saying the sex that meant nothing to you?"

Dee laughed out loudly before slapping him across the face.  Everyone around looked at them and the guards who were around all escaped to their position escaping from them. Jade looked at them and raised his rows.

"Is everything okay, what was that? It was loud."

Jake was left scrubbing his cheeks while looking at Dee who was mad furious but at the same time masking her emotions with a smile at Jade.

"Nothing is wrong baby, it was a fly on your uncle's cheeks that needed to be taught a lesson. You doing fine?"

Jade nodded as he was throwing the doves some food, Dee was once again left with Jake to torture and punish him for what he did to her.

"That was a rebound, we all know that very well. Probably recorded so that you can also upload it for the public to see. Right? You can't just rest until you see me go down the drain, what did I do to you? Stole a slice of meat from your mouth before you could chew it? You disgust me, Jake. To think that a man like you will go ahead and show a picture of the girl that he's once admitted to loving in public so that he can shame her, don't you think that is stupid?"

"Fuck, she told you that? That was before I decide to let go and asked the guy I had assigned to remove it. I don't know what happened but someone else decided to put it up, that's what I am doing and if I get that person, I am going to make sure that they pay for it, Dee. That's the truth an I a not lying about it Deeg"

Dee wa not listening to his words. His eyes were busy looking at Jade who was helping the doves here and there. She was into the kid that the man beside him who was trying to make sure lures her until the end of the world.

         "Dee, you are not looking at me."

"Ooh, you wish? I wish I could you could have looked for me about months ago before your dick found its way into my so-called sister's things and fucked her in my bed. Too bad, he has my attention. If you will excuse me,  I have my emotional support human to deal with."

Dee went to Jade leaving Jake all frustrated at the entrance. 

"Look, look, aunty, they are eating, and look at the fish in the pond, they are moving, can I get one of these for my birthday?"

Dee sighed listening to him talk about his birthday was some weeks ago. Though she knows that she can get him one of those if he is ready to take care of them.

                "Sure baby, we will get you one, don't worry okay?"

Jade nodded then looked behind dee and saw Jake standing towering over her. 

"Uncle Jake, Aunty Dee has said, I can get my fish, I am happy what do you think about it?"

Dee turned around and saw Jake behind her. She didn't know what to tell him but she was irritated. Dee carried the baby to signal to Jake that they wanted to go. 

Jake offered his hand a picked Jade from her. 

"Please listen to me. Jade, convince your aunt to listen to me please."

"Aunty, what is conv, convi_ "

Dee sighed in frustration after Jade couldn't pronounce the word that Jake asked him to say to Dee. 

"Stop it with the stupidity now. Jade, your uncle wants you to go with him, please tell him that we are going up the penthouse and he can stay behind?"

"Yeah uncle, you can come up with us to the house, it's beautiful. I love the music and we play games with aunt Dee, you want to come?"

The two of them lowered their heads when they heard, Jade changing the statement because that is not what he was supposed to say.

To Jake, that was a win for him, because, Jade wanted him to go with them. 

"No, he is not going anywhere,  we have a place to go. Jake baby, what are you doing here, I thought you said someone was in the hospital sick. What are you doing in this building? Dee, what do you want from him?"

Fern had already arrived in the area. Looks like she was following Jake where he was going to na finally decided to stop and talk to him because this was not a hospital.

"Seriously Fern, can't you let someone breathe?"

"Who are you, I don't know you!"

Jade was now angry at her and wanted to shout. Dee held him and hushed him to keep quiet. 

"Jade, don't shout at people, let's go and leave them to talk, okay?"

Dee and Jade went upstairs leaving Jake and Fern alone.