
Do You Need More Time?

🥀Hapoy Reading🌹

Dee sat on her desk, her hands shaking as she looked at her laptop. She was adjusting it every second while her hands shake every time.  She kept biting her nails every second and she was worried she is going to destroy them. Her legs were giving her up. Someone would have easily confused her with someone who had killed a person and was looking for a perfect ground to hide the body. She kept looking at the screen and she didn't realize that someone was standing In her office for five minutes. 

                "Hey, so I was asking if y—"


She quickly closed the laptop and started looking up like she was not shaking even a little. Jake had come to her office and wanted to ask if he could take her out for lunch. It has been two months and they were still in their contract. As much as Jake wanted to take things to another level, they have all been busy trying their best to meet the deadline that the government had given for each company to produce their company analysis and profits. That was the work of the finance team but they also had to chop in to make sure that they are giving an honest and complete file. 

Jake shook his head when Dee was not facing him. She was looking down and her hands were tight on her laptop. He wanted to remove her hands and look at what was in the laptop that she was trying so hard to hide but he decided against it.  He sat across the table to look at her face that she kept hiding and moving like a thief. 

"Are you okay? You are acting funny you started this behavior at the beginning of the week, if you want help with the company's financial work, I can chip in and help you where I can."

Jake thought that maybe she was worried the financial statement was not that good and she had to come up with something important. He was done with his company. He sat looking at her and she quickly said, no, to mean that she was okay with the financial records of the company. 

"Did I come at the wrong time, I can go and come back later."

Dee stretched her hands and placed them on his, Jake looked at her and raised her brows, he couldn't understand her at this point. She was nervous, acting funny and her eyes moving like a drug addict. 

Dee placed her laptop in her handbag and sat looking at him. She wanted to give him all the attention but at the same time, she was worried about whatever she was looking in her laptop. 

              "How is work, is everything okay? "

Dee started questioning as if that was an important question to pose to Jake at this time of the day. Jake smiled, he knew that was her way to hide things from him. He went along with her game but played it cool though he knew, she was playing him to avoid answering a question as to why she was nervous. 

"I am good, just wanted to spend some time with my roommate here who is busy but seems you are not busy anymore, you want to grab something for lunch?"

Dee looked at him and shook her head. Making Jake raise his brow again. 

       "I want ed to talk about the surgery."

There she said what she wanted. Jake stood from his chair quickly and went to the door with a frustrated look.

"That again hun, I thought we were done with that. We agreed that it was going to let it be. The surgery is on Friday next week, you don't have to be worried about anything. It will be fine and the doctors are going to do their job. Why are you worried about it and you are not the one doing it? You are not even the one going through the knife?"

Dee has been worried about the surgery with each day that it's approaching. She was looking for every way to make Jake stop and think of other options. Though every option that she came up with, annoyed Jake and he didn't want it. He hated that Dee would consider they get a sperm donor or stay without babies. That is something he hated and felt jealous especially when she talked about a sperm donor. It is like she was going to sleep with another man to get a baby for him.

"Hun, it is not what you think, I am not going to have another man penetrate me as you think. It's going to be artificial insemination and everything is okay. You will be the only one allowed under there, you know that very well."

"You know, as much as I am the only one under there, I am also the only one supposed to plant a seed in you. I don't want to be the bad father who hates a child because that is not my seed. Even if it's from Dominic it's Pete or if I don't know the parent or let's say I don't know the man, I want to be the man who does that, not someone else. Have a good day."

She was left there, in her seat, perplexed by what Jake had said. He had been adamant about changing everything. Dee feared that things might go sideways. She had read how he might end up having, erectile dysfunction, how he might get a disease after the operation, and feared for his life. He wanted him to pick the easy way but Jake was focused on the hard way. She jumped out of her chair and rushed to follow Jake.

He was standing at the front office speaking to Dan about God knows what. Some office members were drooling over him as they pretended to be standing at Dan to pick or drop a file. They winked and smiled at him but he was looking at Jake.

"Back to work or I fire both of you!"

All eyes shot at the source of the voice.  The ladies rushed out and Jake was left widening his eyes at her. Dan sat on his chair and looked at her. They thought that maybe something and happened to her because her skirt was torn a little bit from her rush. 

                 "Boss, are you okay? "

Dan asked when he saw her skirt. Dee quickly nodded and grabbed Jake's hands from the board and led him to her office. She kicked the door closed in front of Dan's face and other colleagues who were walking through Dan's working space. 

She threw Jake to the corner and acted the possessive girl she always is around him, placing a hand around his neck, she used her other hand to forcefully bring his face down to her. She didn't think about this, she placed her lips on his, and threw the eyeglasses that were in the way of preventing her from having a good time.

Kicking her heels out of the way, she struggled to stand on her toes to get a perfect opportunity. Jake seeing an opportunity, turned tables against her, threw her to the wall, and kissed her lips senselessly. Like a maniac, like a victim of hunger who has seen food for the last time and can't help himself. 

Dee moaned to his touch. She wanted more, and the more Jake's hands went in through her thighs, the more demanding her emotions became. Jake lifted her skirt and touch her thighs gently while kissing her.  They both didn't mind the moment, all They wanted was to feel each other. Jake quickly directed her to the sofa that was in her office. Placing her gently in it, he opened the buttons of her shirt staring deeply into her eyes. He thought that she was going to stop him but she didn't, instead, she was also busy opening the buttons of his shirt and didn't care that they flew all over the place because she was frustrated with the Chinese buttons. 

"Jeez, next time, please don't wear these shirts with Chinese buttons they are complicated. I am sorry we will have to fix the buttons later, okay?"


"Don't be stupid, they are buttons you can as well throw them all out."

Dee's hands rushed to the belt, she knew how to work her way in there and within a second, the belt was thrown off Jake's waist. 

                "Damn, hun, are you that deprived?"

"Talking like that is making me wetter, plus dont talk as if you are not deprived like I am, you are kissing me like a greedy hyena. So let's keep the deprivation to ourselves."

 Jake sealed her lips on hers again kissing and messaging Dee's chest. Her breast was pointed and sharp at this point. They were standing in front of Jade. He couldn't imagine that for the first time in almost a year, he was seeing the precious things in his eyes again. He had longed to see them but he couldn't. He kneaded them, while Dee moaned bringing his lips to her lips, crashing them.

"Dee, ho— what the fuck guys, Jade, close your eyes baby, close your eyes!"

Jake and Dee quickly stood up from the sofa. Dominic and Claire were in the office to see Dee but turns out they came in the right place but at the wrong time. Dee had even forgotten that she was supposed to be hosting Claire and Dominic this afternoon. 

                "Jeez hun, you didn't close the door?"

"I thought I kicked it and it was closed, what the fuck?"

       "You kicked and closed are two different things!"

Jake and Dee were both scrambling to get something to cover themselves up. They quickly put on their clothes and sat down welcoming Claire and Dominic back into the office.  

"Do you guys need us to give you some time, because, I think Jake wore your top Dee, and your buttons are not closed up, look at Jake's flare, I can still— "

"Jeez, Claire, you could have said you are coming, Dee can you come here?"

Dee quickly followed Jake into the inner room with her face all red from embarrassment. She didn't think it would end up like this.

"Please, save the big deal for later,  don't rub your disgusting while we are here."

Jake and Dee quickly exchanged the clothes. Jake had to look for an official shirt from Dee's but only found the sweater that Dee had stolen from him. He put it on and placed a coated top of it. Dee had to change into another top after Jake accidentally tore hers while trying to rush things up.

             "I will punish you for this."

                  Jake said while pinching her cheeks. 

"Sorry, I forgot they were coming and I didn't know that they will come this early. Maybe we can quickly talk to them and come back before everything gets cold?"

Jake grabbed her they' both went back to the office. Dee found Jade already sitting in her chair, making himself comfortable. His parents were sitting in the chairs opposite him.

"Guys, make yourself comfortable. You can use the sofa. You shouldn't kill yourself on those hard seats."

Dee offered them the comfy sofa but they decided against it looking at each other.

"Maybe even you cummed in the chair, we are comfortable here. You two can take the sofa, we will look at you from here."

"Claire, we didn't even do anything, plus you found us— "

Jake shut Dee up and took her to the unoccupied sofa. He was aiming to finish this meeting in time to serve Dee a meal before it was cold. Looks like that was not Claire and Dominic's idea. 

           "So how are you guys doing?"

"You can as well ask that on the phone than coming here, is that why you came here?"

Jake was not in the mood for small talks. He would rather be kissing Dee and having his hands all over her body, appreciating God's beautiful creation but not answering claire's stupid questions.

Claire cleared her voice and looked at Dominic who looked at her. Dominic removed an envelope from his pocket and handed it to both Dee and Jake. 

"What's this now, send off a letter, or a contract for the official rules?"

Dominic chuckled listening to Jake talk. He knew that voice. That was the voice of frustration after the deal that you wanted is off and someone interrupted you before you put it in the warm. 

"This is my conclusion from the report given from prison. King is dead and his body was buried in the prison cemetery. His wife and some of the congregation who he was jailed with attended the burial, but the DNA results is the important thing, you guys are not— "

                "Related? Thank lawd, I was almost dying."

"Dying, you two didn't look concerned that you were related when we walked in here? You were shoving each other's mouth and sucking it. You were not worried."

Claire wa being dramatic. She wanted to piss the two off and hated that Dominic told them sooner that they were not related. It looks like she had other plans up her sleeve. 

They both opened the letter and they were happy with the conclusion that came from it. They both knew that Mr. Kingb was trying to mess them up am get into their heads for no reason. At least they could smile and shove their disgusting each other without any problems.

"Though Dee your father was King's stepbrother, so that doesn't mean they were related, they were adopted from a children's home. You have nothing to fear. Though in the children's home, all the records were destroyed, it seems somebody or anyone didn't want you to find out about him."

Dee nodded as she was satisfied,  though she had wanted to know something about her parents. Looks like everything is going down the drain as she had thought about. 

"Are you guys done now, you can as well leave us to think about this. Or do you have anything for us? I don't think so, thank you we will meet another day, bye."

Claire and Dominic sat looking at Jake who was trying to send them away even before they finish what they came to do here. 

"No, we want you to look after Jade, we are going to a funeral and we will come back later. If that is okay with you, Dee."

"Seriously, you didn't have to ask, you can always leave him here with me. I will ale sure intake good care of him. Is that okay Jade?"

Jade nodded his head while playing on her computer. Dee knew he was trying to tap on the keyboard but nothing was going to help. She had to change the setting to make it accessible to her. Jade climbed down from the chair and run to her. She opened her tablet and gave her something to look at. Jake was now frowning looking at both Claire and Dominic for ruining his special moment. The special moment that he was to receive after two good months of waiting. Claire grabbed Dominic and they both rushed out of the office before Jake's eyes could kill them.

            "Bye baby, we love you."

Claire popped her head to say by to her son who was now busy disturbing Dee on the tablet. Jade raised his hands and waved to her parents. He settled himself in between the two adults and forced their eyes to fixate on what he was watching. Jake had no otherwise but to order some lunch for Both of them while they watch whatever it is that they were watching.

It's' pizza Friday, my employees, need to be given pizza for Friday. It happens every end month. Dee called Dan who said the deal was done. He handed them pizza and Jade was the first in to grab it. 

"So, we are going to act as if we haven't left our food to get cold?"

                   "No, pizza is warm and I love it."

Dee and Jake rolled their eyes at the kid.