

I just couldn't understand what was happening here, as much as my CID's have gone through everything and made their conclusions, I still don't get it. 

Dee believed that Kim was a good person, but how would he be a good person if all he did was a spy on her? A good friend and neighbour listens to you and always tells you what is going on, like her friend Edith, who stood up for her when my friends were shaming her.

I started forming my hypothesis. But I couldn't come up will any strong hypothesis. They all ended in "what if......" And I hated it when I can't solve anything that is within my power.

"Dominic, can you please call Detective Dais and ask him to come and do the investigation, don't tell him what you know, we do our part they do their part," I said to Dominic as I turned around and left them behind.

I was not going to stay any second in here. I had some bad and demonic images running in my mind that I didn't want to stand around this, it was nauseating.

I walked out of the place, both Dominic and Pete followed me out. The cleaners had done a good job with the house and it was looking clean again. But this wouldn't look good if the officers found out.

I turned and looked at Dominic who was dialling his phone, "wait," I said to him while snatching the phone from his hands.

"Hope you haven't told inspector Dais anything?" I asked him while dangling his phone in the air.

"No, not yet," he said while lifting his hands to get his phone back.

"Good, because we have done a very big mess, we have cleaned the area and only the basement is left uncleaned. What if the officers open an investigation and they find some fingerprints in the areas?" I asked Dominic and Pete.

They both laughed while looking at me. Seriously? This is all a joke to them? They can't be serious even when in a bad situation. Previously when we were looking at the body, they were joking around it without respect for the dead. Right now am trying to warn them about being caught in an investigation but all they are doing is laughing like it's not a big deal.

"Hey big man," shouted Pete. "We are no fools!" He said and looked at Dominic who winked at him.

"Why did you wear your gloves in the first place, why did we give you some headscarf? And if you think that was a cleaning agency we brought, then am disappointed that you don't know how we do our thing," added Dominic.

I had already forgotten about our cleaning protocol. They did everything without leaving a stain behind. I brushed all the bad thoughts out of my head and we left using the back door just like we came in.

"Any news about 'kim'?" Asked Dominic while we got into the car.

"No," I said while checking my phone for the hundredth time. 

"Sir, do you think the woman we saw earlier has anything to do with this?" Asked Pete while he was driving.

Come to think of it, why didn't she call the police when she came from the house? Maybe she was afraid she will be accused of murder or she is involved with the murder herself.

"That is Dee's mother," I said and Pete accidentally stepped on the brake and the tyres, screeched into a halt.

"What?" They both asked with shock plastered on their faces.

This is bad. They might think Dee is tied to this and probably she knows what is going on and is acting the good person here.

"You know that is a bad picture, way badder than it looks like right?" Asked Dominic while unbuckling his safety belt and turning to face me.

"I know but what if Dee is just not in that story, what if she is the little blemish sheep?" I asked them.

"Have you thought something like, what if she is the wolf in a pig's clothing?" Asked Pete while turning on the incognition.

I knew that they will start this! At the same time, I couldn't do this without involving them. 

"As a friend Jake, just let Dee go, cut all the ties you have with him. If you want a girlfriend or someone to keep you company, we can get you one, but Dee, she is bad news," said Dominic while buckling his safety belt once more and we hit the road.

I tried to internalize their words. They can be true. I mean she knows what goes on in their house. Like what her parents are doing now that she is grown up.

She understands everything very well and would know if her parents are up to something bad or good.

"Do you think it will be wise for me to ask her about her parents?" I asked my security team who were now against the idea of me being close to Dee.

"I don't think so, she will feel like you are confronting her and trying to bad mouth her family, let's see her reaction when the news has been spread on the Tv, " said Dominic.

Pete agreed with his decision. We decided to anonymously call 9-1-1 and give our complaint. In twenty minutes I know the police will be there and the news will be spreading in channels like a wildfire in the Savannah.

"Are you sure of what you are saying? How is she doing? What is her state?" Dominic kept questioning the person in the other line with so much authority and command in his voice. My attention was caught when he talked about a "she," I tapped him on the shoulder and he looked at me but again shifted his focus to the call. "I will be there."

"Is everything okay?" I asked him when he was done with the call. 

"It's Dee, she was attacked when she was closing up the dinner," said Dominic. 

"What? Whom and when," I started shouting and throwing questions here and there. 

I knew she was in danger, but why would someone attack her in dinner? 

I urged Pete to drive faster and he increase the speed while passing all the vehicles and breaking the road sign rules. We almost bumped into a heavy truck bit thanks to his reflexes we escaped it.

"Josh has taken her in your place just as you asked and our 'Kim' has hone rogue!' Said Dominic as we alighted the car.

I was not even listening to his talks right now. I rushed into the house found my bodyguard all standing at the door.

" where is she?" I asked while pushing through them.  Anger was dancing in me, but I didn't want to move and find another home good for it. It was taking me to the wrong path, and here I was following it like a blind man. 

I wasn't thinking of anything. My eyes were only seeing red whenever I went. I just wanted to get that little boy in my hands and squeeze the life out of him until I see his orbs turning white and her body dangling helplessly in my hands.

I pushed through the door and Dee was lying in the bed, groaning in pain. The doctor couldn't allow me to see her and that added to my anger.

"Sir, just one minute I will be done with stitching her cuts and nursing her injuries," said the doctor while closing the door on my face. 

I don't know what type of injuries Dee had because she is all I want to see now. I want to make sure she is okay, I want to make sure that her beautiful face is not hurt. 

I was at the door pacing up and down. I removed my phone from my pocket and dialled a number.

Stranger: Hello Sir,

Jake: Dint, just don't, I gave you one job, just one job, where we're you? Where were you when all this happened? Where were you?

Stranger: Am sorry sir, but I had to follow all the protocols, sir.

Jake: Fuck protocols! I told you to be disguising yourself somewhere and wait till everything is done, it seems you don't live this job so much.

Stranger; sir, am sorry it won't happen again.

Jake: I wish sorry was able to make her feel better but sue a groaning in bed from her again asshole.

I ended the call abruptly and threw it to the floor more caring about a damn thing.



Thanks for reading, 

I love you.

Please follow me on Instagram: coffee_ciggarette