
Darling, Are You Going. ......

🥀Hapoy Reading❤🌹

Done with our meal. We still had a few minutes to ourselves. We made sure we arrange the meeting room proper though we had everything in place and there was nothing that we had misplaced. I couldn't but be afraid that we might end up missing anything. Venturing on my own has been something difficult but at the same time, it's a very big achievement. You get to decide for yourself. Though I didn't need to make them on my own because my secretary here has been a good person when it comes to making some. He helps me, day in and day out. Though you have to pay him very handsomely to keep him. Dan never says anything unless he feels it's good too. As for me, I always make sure I have involved him in my decision-making.  I can't go to a meeting without consulting him. If he were able to divide himself, I could have employed him in various sectors in my office. Too bad he is only himself, I don't want to kill him. So he is only my special PA.

Assured that everything was okay. We waited for our guest. We had four chairs. One was mine and the other three were for my associate who is expected to join me anytime. My security told me it was time and some of them were already there. We went to stand near the elevator to wait for them. When they walked out of the elevator. It was just two men. I thought I was informed of three. I greeted them. Though I didn't like their posture or the way they were looking at me. 

      .."Where is your boss, we want to deal with your boss."

That is the first thing they talked about. We had taken them to the conference room and I was all alone with them. I had asked Dan to take care of the last associate because I had to entertain the ones who have already arrived. 

I didn't know how to shout to these two people that I am the boss. I never wrote to my company that I was the one managing this business. All they know is that my business is managed by a man and he is all feisty and wants nothing to do with two teeth. Too bad because they have to deal with a lady who doesn't show her thirty-two and breast to every Tom, Dick and Harry. It's either they flaunt to me some check or a contract that suggests I have some fifty to sixty per cent share. 


I am starting from somewhere. I don't ask for a hundred per cent or ninety per cent. I am trying to make everyone feel comfortable around me.  Giving them such a high amount is going to kill me. At the same ti, I am not allowing anyone to stentorian me. 

For WoodCreek, I have ninety per cent. I had made sure that I kill myself and get in that. I dont have any bills to pay because most of them are being catered for.  So the money that I had was all poured into that business. 

I didn't want to think that I am rich yet because I am sure it takes time, and if someone wants to be rich they got to be patient.  

Sorry sir, but my boss left me in charge. I will have to say everything on his behalf. 

The two men looked at me with shock on their faces. I don't know what they were waiting for but I hope that we are going to have a good business meeting.

"Don't tell me that your boss took this as some joke. This is something big and he should be in trying to make sure that everything goes on well. I mean who gives a lady like you the authority to make the business decision on her own?"

I hate people who don't think before talking. Whatever trash this man is talking about I didn't understand. He is speaking as a woman there is nothing I can do. 

The same person gave them the authority to weaken men by their bodies and made Adam eat the apple. So it's either you want to be part of this or not. I am not here to beg your nasty that a lady should make a decision. Plus I am the boss, so if you have anything against a lady, out, the door is open before we start the meeting.

I can't have arrogant people in my meeting. Plus, how will they be good people when it comes to doing a meeting. I hate their arrogance very much. They are not helping at all. All they are doing is belittling a lady who is in front of them.  I wonder if this is how their wives feel plus in this generation and you can't show any respect to your wife? That is so stupid.

The two men looked at me with their eyes popping. I was now irritated and if their business is this arrogant then I feel like I am going to throw all of them out. I have nothing to do with them. Plus I had done my investigation, their boss is someone important in the UEA. If he is like these douchebags then I have no use to be around them.

I thought they were going to keep on talking, instead, they were on the folders that I had put in place. That was better than staring at me and making me feel a little less than who I am. 

I checked my watch and it was already thirty-minute past the normal meeting. This was irritating and I felt like I will have to start the meeting without their boss. Thirty minutes and someone like that is not here. I fear that we are not going to have this meeting. Even though I was the one in need of it, I know this is going to be hard. You can't sit with lazy people in a business. That's one vice you should learn. Those guys tend to take you down with them. 

Excuse me, didn't your boss say when he will be coming I am starting to feel like this is not going anywhere. 

The duo looked at me and then at their watches. They raised their brows at each other and then at me. It looks like they were also in doubt about this person. I thought I was the only one having a problem. If they are also not sure then looks like we all have a problem about the person coming.

Then I saw their eyes looking through the glass walls. The conference room was made of glass walls. This was easy to know people who are coming in. 

         "Fuck, not him!" 

I heard one of them curse. I wanted to look at the person they were talking about then Dan stood in front of me with worried eyes looking at me. What's wrong with him? I thought he had a problem then he placed his arm on mine and wanted to tell me something but then a voice beat us to it.

"Ssup little bitch, so I see, you have taken Jake from me and managed to make something good for yourself. How nice of you? Darling, this is the bitch I was telling you about "

Dorcas? For Christ's sake? What is she even doing here? So when she has realised out the prison, the first person she can come and see is me instead of concentrating on her life? This is so stupid. I wanted to chicken out and maybe feel sorry that she was here but instead I didn't. Instead, I smiled and looked at her with my eyes as shiny as ever. 

I can see they gave you a nice treatment in prison. Tell me how much did you pay to have your ass thrown out of that place? Did you have to lick another pussy or let your home be filled with double dicks so that you can get your fucking freedom?

There is no way Dorcas has been released because she has done something good. It's either he has bribed someone or she is out after spreading her kegs. Plus she has a very powerful man beside her who is as lost and confused as his girlfriend. 

"Can we please stop arguing, we need to work on this business."

The man she was with talked. I wonder what he was doing with her now that they are this late. He is the son of the guy I was expecting. I don't know if his father behaved this way but too bad he will have to find out because I connected his phone through the line. 

The man was trying to look at me. I dont know what she was starting ay when he has Dorcas by his side. Is he not treating him well? I am also not in the middle of treating him with any niceties.

"Excuse my lateness, I know my dad will disown me if he finds out that I am late."

"You bet I will, the meeting was supposed to start some forty-five minutes ago. What were you doing? Shoving your little prick in some ditch that you don't know about?"

His dad startled him and his face was pale. Looks like he was afraid of his dad. Dorcas didn't seem bothered by anything. She was all clingy in his body as if that was something she needed to survive.

          "Dad, I am sorry I promise this is going to be the last."

"Darling, are you going to listen to that old douche again! I will leave you."

Dorcas was giving the young man some hard time. I bet he is even younger than she is and all she wants to do is waste him. The man looked at him and remove her hands from his shoulder. He took a seat next to me while the other men took seats opposite us. The young Man's father was still in the line. He wanted to be included in these negotiations. 

"Kilayan, please take us through some of the objectives of the company.

The boy was told. So he is known as Kilayan. He doesn't look like a killer though. I don't know what he sees in Dorcas but I hope he has nothing against him. Not that I want him but we all know, nothing good happens with Dorcas. 

He gets hold of the folder and reads through it. Explaining everything to me. I didn't want to give them any hope that I might take the business. That was something I had learned. Give them the doubting face to make them feel you might not be interested in their deal. That's what I do. 

When Kilayan was done, he looks up to me and explain all the details and how the ring is going to be operated. I had read everything and gone through with Dan in every part of the business. My mind was not even there, I was thinking, why would Dorcas come back here and want to start her little drama? She is irritating with whatever she wants, I am not going to sit down and let her take over. I want to turn around and look at him but Kilayan startles me. 

          "Are you okay with the deal?"

 He is trying to sound nice. I was not buying their necessities, they were all sugar-coated to make me think they are going to consider me like a lady but the arrogance of the two men who came in first was still playing in my mind.

     What's your name again sir?

I knew what his second name is, but I was just asking him for his sake. 

     "Mr Kilayan Ahmed Yousef."

           So, your dad is Mr Yousef?

He nodded and looked at me with worried eyes.

So, Mr Yousef senior does this deal also represent respecting ladies in this because trust me, I am not going to have my name disrespected all-around some big-bellied men staring at me. 

"Who are you to demand respect? We all know this is Jake's company. Why are you trying to get so high on yourself? You are just a mere secretary and whatever you applied on your butt and waist to make it look better, is lying to you."

          Guards, I need her out, this minute.

I thought I was acting all nice. Looking at her calling me names and wanting me to act all nice is not going to work.

            "So you are mad that I am saying the truth?"

No, I am not mad, it's just frustrating how a dick head like you will be frustrating. Where did you pack your brain, in the prison cell before coming here? You should probably go back and pick it up. This is annoying and you are making it even much worse. 

       "Okay, you want me to shit up, I am doing just that."

I told the guards to let her be as she sat down and became silent. 

Kilayan was now looking at me with worried eyes. I am not some baby that he wants to lure with those eyes. 

"Miss Diana, we are not going to allow that. I was listening to my partners talk to you in and we are sorry. You can launch your complaint and have them arrested."

Turns out I am not interested in that. I don't want to launch a complaint but I know how I am going to do this business.

                   No, but I have a request. 

They all nodded as I was trying to explain to them my plan. There is no way I am settling for less.

From the shares that the two have, I am taking ten per cent of their shares then my other forty per went. In total, I have sixty per cent. So for you, you will have twenty and these two men here are going to have ten per cent each.

"What? That's impossible, we can't do that. You know very well that we have been in the business ss for almost twenty years and Mr Yousef that is going to be hard."

Looking at them, I had already won the battle and there was nothing to address. I was not going to give them any other chance because I needed it. Unless they give me another choice I will not reconsider.

"What about you take fifty, my dad will take twenty and these other guys will take fifteen. That way it will work better for everyone. If you take the sixty that is not going to work in favour of the others."

Nothing works in favour of someone in the business. It's either you are having a deal or you don't have anything at all. I am not here to sympathise or show any empathy for someone. I show empathy when sometimes he is hurt and not in busne.ss. that's one of the stupid weaknesses and if you go through that then it's going to kill you. You have to decide when you have that. 


A quick question, are you with her because you owe her something or because you love her?

Kilayan looked at me and shook his head. 

             "You know, I would rather be with you instead."

See how he is a fucker. I won't be dealing with him.