

🥀Haply Reading🌹

I didn't know what was wrong with Jake. Why would he push me that far and yet I was just trying to be nice? He just shouted at me just because he doesn't want to be intimate? There is no day he has ever behaved this way. However, when he doesn't want we always understand each other not shouting at me as if I have done something wrong. I wanted to ask him if maybe there is a problem but again I decided to let it be because I dont know what's up with him. I am just tired to argue with him plus I have other one thousand and one problems in my head that can't stop bothering me. Maybe I should visit Mr Kings in Prison and see for myself or listen to what he has to say. At the same time, I still have the fear that Edith will go on taunting me for the mere reason that I have bought up her old place and I want to convert it into something else. Or is everyone mad that I took over WoodCreek and wants to run it into something g else? I don't know what's going on but I want to know what's going on and how I can fix this. It pains me to see Jake shut me. Maybe I might go talk to Fern and know how she is doing but no, I can't do that. She is now asleep and might be resting for the day not like she has the whole time to listen to my rumblings something I don't want her to face. 

Turning into this bed is so hard especially when the person who always holds you is far away and doesn't want anything to do with you. What did I do?

Jake, did I maybe do something that you don't want?

Yeah, maybe I said a word that he doesn't like or maybe I touched on the wrong button.

He turns around not say anything. Don't tell me he is already asleep at this time of the night. He sleeps late and sleeping at ten is not his thing. Maybe he is tired or something bad happened in the office and it's frustrating him. That is the problem with our work. Sometimes you think you are going to get a deal but you end up missing it because some idiot picked some incompetent people to help him only to come back begging you to help join the company because the people they had previously called, couldn't do the job. 

I wanted to put a hand on his waist and tell him it was okay but I couldn't. Maybe he might turn around and throw a punch at my face. You have never seen Jake's face when he is mad at something. It is like he is a burning ball and you can't stop him. He will punch the wall or even punch you in your face. I use the wall where he is angry. He doesn't hit me but the wall above my head will suffer a great deal and he destroys it.

I can't sleep, I have been turning up and down. Maybe use my phone it's going to be if help. Whom am I going to text? Dave, Dan, Claire or Pete? These guys are busy snoring and they won't love the idea of being disturbed. Dave is probably mourning his last round with Nathan while Dan is probably being dan and avoids all the evening calls because I am his boss and I don't usually call him in the evening.

I am left to myself and all I can do is loathe all alone in the dark as if I am some witch whose powers have been bottled up and they can't work. 

Maybe a cup of coffee and some work is good. Maybe I might get tired and sleep on them then and I will be sleeping. 

The kitchen is dark but I use the side lamp to manoeuvre around. The place is quiet and I dont want to wake someone up.

                          "Is everything okay?" 

I hear Fern's voice. Wait, why would she be up at this time? She was supposed to be sleeping and trying to breathe some air into her oxygen tube.

I turn around and look at her. Luckily I didn't have anything in my hand bedside I could have thrown everything down because of fear but no.

I look at her, she is trying so hard to make her head stand straight. She has started to gain more energy and I believe with time she is going to be walking around the place and going back to her normal self again. It is going to be hard to throw her away and ask her to look for her place. I believe if I get her a job that's going to solve all her problems. Maybe she can begin from somewhere before she opens up her business or I can give her a section in the dinner and let her do the baking then we will all share the profit of the baking. If she doesn't like the idea, I can't change anything about it.

       I am having insomnia, I think.

I think? I am not thinking and there is nothing like insomnia, the problem is, Jake has refused to have sex with me. Maybe I pushed him too far, I didn't want her to know what is happening. Insomnia is the best excuse I can give her.

She nods and asks for an extra cup of coffee.  I am not sure about that but I am cautious because she might throw it all from her body. I don't want to see her in pain again this time. Something else can work but not her in pain and suffering for taking coffee.

"Hey, don't give me that face I am doing very fine and that should not worry you, at least I have you here."

I look at her and smile. We pour coffee into our mugs and I sit on the sofa with her in the wheelchair as we sipped the coffee.

We were silent. Awkwardly silent and it was not a good look. I thought it would be okay to just sit down and listen to each other trying so had to come up with a story.

       "How was your day? You seem excited of late.

I wanted this to go in a good way, try to understand what was wrong and good with her because she is my sister and I need to know how her stay here is going.

"It was good. I am not as bad as the first time. I am improving and very soon I will be back to my worst behaviour. Trust me I miss the old me. These bones are making me feel so ugly and  unwanted."

I told you, Fern never changes. So she is still thinking of going out there and getting someone who loves her very much? I can't imagine another thing if all she is thinking is that. 

       What about what you want to do once you are okay?

She looked at me and raised her brows looking at me cheekily. I thought I had touched the wrong button but again she laughed at me and placed his coffee on the rare end. 

"Why would I work when I have my best friend here? You are my saviour so I don't need to work."

What's new, she is supposed to be working and can't just stay behind and wait for me to give her everything. I have my personal life and that is going to mess things up if she can't get a job. I won't be around to give her everything that she wants. Getting a job is the only thing that is going to help her.

Though, it's important to think of a job you know. I am revamping the diner and wanted to know if can give you space there to make something for yourself then we will talk about my per cent later?

She looked at me and shook her head. Please don't tell me that she is not thinking about work at this time. Maybe I should give her some time to rethink it. Right now she doesn't even think about a job after she is healed. Her pussy will be throbbing wanting to be drilled badly. So let us save our interest for later.

"What about your day? I heard you were doing great with Woodcreek? Please tell me if I will get a free unit or apartment at that place? It's going to be amazing and I will be having my big parties there."

Lawd, is she thinking about that? No, I am not going to give her a free apartment. Those are for people and not hers. She will destroy everything. Unless she pays her rent every day and becomes a hard worker, maybe she can get an apartment for free.

You know I can't give you an apartment for free, you will have to pay for the rent. 

She frowned and looked at me.  This was for the best. I start giving her things like a red cross charity case, but then Everything is going to fail. Maybe she can pay the half rent every month instead of the full rent. That will make her more responsible than lying around. 

"I will take the second deal of paying half of it then j will need to work very hard to buy the second. I think that job will be important."

Now she is talking some sense in her head. Unlike when she was thinking of something else that was not going to help her at all.  

We stayed silent for a while after finishing one thing. At least that was a good talk where I got to know that she wants a house and a good job to pay for her rent. Maybe I might secretly give her an apartment for free to make sure she is saving the rent money for her.

"So how is your little marriage life doing? You should be in that bed trying to hold that stick and making it rigid you know.

         Fern, come on that's not how to talk about it 

She was making me embarrassed when she talked about it like that. I was relieved that she came to that topic without me asking or ranting about it. She is my friend and sister, I can as well relay everything about what's. I needed a second opinion, the way Jake behaved tonight was so discomforting even for me.

We are doing fine, but we are not married just co cohabiting hoping to take it to another notch. Though sometimes we have our problems. 

Fern looked at me and raised her brows when I talked about my problems. It's like she knew what I was talking about. She has been in a relationship she might have ideas. These are the times I wish Claire was around so that I have nothing to fear.  

"Which problems? if he refuses to have sex, that is big. Unless both of you have decided to call it off for a day or two because you are in the resting period."

What is she talking about? I haven't talked about us not having sex. Isn't that obvious? I thought that these things can't be detected because our room is soundproof. Maybe it's because I came out here and wanted to make some coffee. 

       How did you know about that?

She chuckled and lifted her hands in the air excitedly. Was she a god and knew that Jake and I didn't have sex because she was right that we hadn't had sex today?

"I knew it. You haven't had sex today. You couldn't be out in the open. When a couple is disagreeing about sex trust me, you will find one of them outside frustrated because she or he could be trying to think of what they wanted. Were you the one who refused or it's him?"

He doesn't want to have sex today, so it's him.  Plus it's a normal thing not to want sex you know. Or am I wring?

"How stupid of you? If you don't want something then both of you shouldn't want it. Are you sure he is not cheating with someone, or he didn't see anyone else today?"

Hey, Jake won't cheat. He is a gentleman Fern and giving out those allegations, is so serious. Remember we don't have any evidence against him so nothing is going to tie him down.

Maybe I am over my head to see what Ferm is saying is true. Who knows whether he is a gentleman. Dominic said that men fall for anything. Though they might be tough sometimes they slide to something. I don't want to imagine that Jake slid into someone's pussy and fucked her. I could feel anger pounding up in my body but I didn't want to show that to Fern she will take advantage of it though she knows that Jake and I didn't have sex today?

"Stop worrying yourself, you've said he is a gentleman, that's is something good so maybe he is just having some problem at work and everything is hard on him. That can be our second theory. That's his relationship works. Sometimes you don't have to trust too much Siz, maybe the other person is cheating and you are here obsessed with him thinking that he loves you but there is another pregnant wife somewhere."

She was saying the truth, only that Jake doesn't have the power or the ability to make women sire children. Maybe I will rule out the second part but what's making me feel worse is him fucking someone today at work and we are sleeping in the same bed. That is bad. I didn't know which theory to pick because I won't be able to engage with him if he fuvks another girl and let me be. I am going back to the second theory.

"You are not allowed to feel bad about anything Siz, those are opinions and whether you pick A orB any of them can be true. You are still good to confront him and know what it is that he is hiding. "

Maybe he will come out and tell me on his own I don't need to confront him that is the last thing that I want to do Jake.  We said that we will always talk about our issues like two grown-ups and not fight over them like babies.

Fern let out one sadistic laugh and covered it up with an isp of coffee. Why is she like this? I thought she was going to support that idea and tell me everything is going to be okay. I know Jake is going to speak so I have nothing to fear about that.

"So you expect a man to say that he is cheating on you? Maybe that girl knows how to ride him until he cums his brain off, so you know any of that? Maybe she spreads her legs widely for her to take him and he can't just dismiss the site in front of him. Trust me, better ask the question before you have a co-wife. "

What is fern trying to say? I have never heard of any incident where Jake would fuck someone. He always worships and adores me. There is no way he is going drown in some lady's pussy and fuck it because she knows how to spread it.

          "So are you ready to be defeated?"

                   Ready for what Fern? 

                                      Co- WIFE?

                                                        FUCk ME!