
Claire's Syndrome.

            He looked down at me, he was not expecting that from me.


Maybe we changed the game a bit and I was not the one begging him now because I wanted him to beg. I was not going to forgive him until he does that. Don't take this the wrong way, I don't need him to go to his knees and start saying sorry, but he knows how to do the begging and going to his knees is going to be a must. I don't need to show him how to do this.

"Come on hun, is it a must for me to do it right now?" He asked shocked by what I said.

I think he got the wrong idea, I wanted him to 'beg me,' seems he didn't get it.

I threw my hands on his chest and slowly let them roam on his body secretively because I didn't want anyone to see what we were doing. I could feel his body reacting to my touch and his hitched breathing, he wasn't expecting that. My hands were now roaming on his waist, trying to find their way deep into the V line and he couldn't take it anymore, I felt his hands abruptly holding mine in the act and I couldn't move it anymore, the rain made him wet and his clothes suck on him. His rigid stick was popping out and looking at him, he was helpless, he groaned but the rain muffled it. 

I still wanted him to bed me but the rain abruptly stopped and the sun shone brightly as if it was not raining just some seconds ago. 

"You are barking on the wrong tree sweetheart, this will earn you some very bad punishment," he whispered in my ears and grabbed my hands, walking me into the house. 

The coastal rains are never that serious. We were dripping here but right now the sun was out and our clothes started to get warm and we were not dripping anymore.  The manager had not yet arrived with our key, so we had to take our shower on the second floor because I was feeling kinda weird. 

The small balls inside me were threatening to come out and Jake noticed that my walking style was changing. He quickly carried me to one of the master bedrooms on the second floor and closed the door behind us. 

Prisoning me to the corner, he gently parted my legs and removed the stone, maintaining eye contact with me he didn't say a word. He signalled me to use the shower because we still can't access our room. 

What's with him, I thought he was even going to touch me, tease me a bit because I was yearning for that. Sadly, he didn't, I don't know what he is aiming at because I am just frustrated right now. Removing the balls from my vagina, felt like leaving a hole in there because I could feel a breeze of air passing through it. I stood straight, leaning against the wall trying to imagine what was happening but I couldn't get hold of it. 

Why is he frustrating me this much? Am I this anxious to on with it? Or I am the one here forcing things? Do I need to take it slowly or I am just getting ahead of myself and all I want is to have him in me. 

Is he afraid that much? Does he still think I am a baby and will shout all over the place because of this?

He needs to know that I am not the baby anymore. He is twenty-nine now and I am twenty-five, that doesn't mean I am any different and I can do anything a lady my age is supposed to do. 

I get to the washroom and there is a hot shower and at the same time cold shower, I opt for the hot shower. I know I need it after being rained on. Though it was still hot outside, I needed to get this cold off my body and get warm after being rained on.

Standing in the shower, the water hits my body as some of it flows down on my body, hitting every part of me. I felt the urge to touch myself, place my fingers in between my thighs to feel exactly how Jake made me feel but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I have never tried masturbating by myself.  I would be lying if I say that, I know what I was doing. 

Comparing my hands with Jake's, mine looked more like baby Jade's. They were small and I couldn't bring myself to raise them in my thighs, I let it be. Though I still wanted to be touched, I tried to do so by myself but I couldn't do anything, all I kept imagining was Jake's touch on me, his mouth on my neck, teasing me, up and down as his hands roamed on my body like a lost cub in the forest.  I picked up the showerhead and sprayed the water on my body after I couldn't withstand not feeling anything.

I wanted to be angry at this. In movies, I have seen people, touching themselves to feel good but look at me, not able to feel good from my touch because I need Jake to do that for me. 

                   What am I even thinking?

I quickly turned the shower off and let out a big sigh as I picked up the towel. This was not going to help if I keep being frustrated and expecting Jake to do this now and then. I just need to calm down and wait until the right time comes. 

Is this why Claire can't keep her hands off Dominic's body? Her hands are always roaming from one place of his body to the next. I think I am getting Claire's syndrome. I don't know if I should feel bad about myself or embrace it as a good thing? 

Then it dawned to me that maybe Jake doesn't love to be that intimate in public but why can't he?  It was just touching.

Walking out of the bathroom, there was a red dress placed in the mirror just out of the bathroom door. 'Wear me,' it read. 

I looked at the dress in front of me. The emoji at the end of the words made me want to cry all over again. The dress was beautiful. It had a V-neck shape and the satin material in it was so satisfying when I touched it. It had some slim straps and it was open on my back meant that there was nothing on my back but just a mere back. 

I have never worn anything like this. I was worried you know. It had been a long since I wore some tight-fitting clothes. After trying to do some work out with Claire and deciding to change my shape, I didn't know whether I will fit in the clothes because Jake has never seen me in my new shape. I also don't know how I will look because I haven't been in anything tight myself to help me know whether I achieved the hourglass figure or I was still having meat all over my body.

Claire said I was fit and it doesn't need me to have a size eight to be sore about that. She refused to tell me whether I maintained the hourglass figure because that was not her job. She said for a fit person, she needs to be able to run over the place without getting tired at least and not about having a figure. Not all who have figures are fit.  Some of them are facing different problems and they are just pretending to be okay but deep down they are suffering a lot.

I wish I had shown him how I look previously because it could have been easier to get my size right but if this is not going to fit I don't know. 

I lifted the dress and looked at it, surprisingly it was not the large size. Then who might have picked the clothes for me? He didn't know anything about me changing my shape. I guess Claire was also involved in picking the clothes because she is the only one who knew how much weight I have lost and I wouldn't fit in something bigger.

Putting on the dress, I didn't know how I will look. I closed my eyes as I put it on. Maybe I was over the fact that people shamed me over my body, I took a chance to lose some weight but how was I going to look in this dress. Done with wearing it, I couldn't get to the zip because it was below. Fuck! I will need to call Jake to help me with the zip. He is the one who does this though so I have nothing to worry about.

I wanted to look at the motto and appreciate the lady who I had become but I was still afraid of it.

"Hun, are you there? I can't get to the zip," I shouted for Jake to come help.

"You know that is my job baby, I am coming right away okay?" He said back and I heard the footsteps heading towards me.

The door was opened but I couldn't hear anybody walk in further. I was waiting patiently trying to close my eyes to avoid seeing the transformation.

"Jake, are you there?" I asked because I was now becoming nervous.

"Dee, what happened? What did you do to your body?" Asked Jake standing at the door? 

That was a clue for me to look at the mirror, looks like he didn't sound the transformation.  I panicked and slowly opened my eyes. The dress was fitting perfectly and it hugged my body like it was meant to be there. Claire had done a good job but looks like the man who once lived what I was not happy with the transformation. 

I watched his expression on the door as he was still shocked by what he was seeing. 

"I am sorry, I was just not comfortable, people were throwing words at me and I couldn't say anything, I am sorry I know you said I was okay but I couldn't feel anything like that Jake. I felt like this girl who was being looked down on, I felt like a pig and as long as I stayed in that shape, everyone will always be commenting on how I looked and they will even try to prove that I am not worthy of being your girl," I said amidst my tears.

Jake left the door and walked in, standing behind me, he placed a wet kiss on my shoulders, grabbed my neck and made me bend backwards to look at him and then placed another kiss on my lips.

"Sorry I was not noticing any of that, I am sorry I didn't step up to any of that baby. I just don't care what you like because, for me, you are okay the way are. You are allowed to look the way you want to and I am happy with your new look, the ass is my biggest thing on you, just looking at it pop out, I am turned on," he whispered in my ears and the tinglings were back now. 

I couldn't help but feel my legs give up on me but I had to keep strong this night. I was not going to just let them give in.

Jake placed another kiss on my back before zipping my dress. 

"Let me guess, Claire chose the outfit for me," I said looking at him through the mirror.

"No, I did order for them and it was her job to make sure it arrived, turns out she made some alteration along the way to make it fit you," he said.

"Wow, she just got it all right, I am grateful for this," I said to him.

"I am grateful too, I know I am not the perfect man but I am happy with the woman you have become hun," he said and kissed my neck.

We headed to a restaurant that was just adjacent to the villas. It was not that big. Just enough to fit in the place. Most people ordered their beers here and for some, they took their moment to admire the coast from their sit. 

Surprisingly, we didn't sit at the hotel, Jake removed my chunk heels and he remove his shoes. We were now walking barefooted along the coast. 

From afar I could see some lights coming from a certain section of the beach. I didn't want to imagine much because those are the light used by the bay watcher to check if there are any illegal activities taking place.

"So if you were not a businessman, what else would you have done?" I asked Jake.

"I would be a bay watcher, maybe I would have done mouth to mouth and some CPR for you after seeing my handsome body," he said.

I hit his hands and pushed him away. He in turn pushed me away and we started running. He was chasing me and I run towards the light that was now becoming more visible as I moved near. I could see some four structures erected on the coast. Looks like a couple will be using the place. I stood abruptly and Jake caught up with me. 

"I got you, what were you trying to run away from?" He asked hugging me from behind. 

"No, you didn't, I don't want to spoil a dinner set for someone there, we need to go you know," I said as I took a back turn. 

"What if that couple is us, what if I want you to enjoy the beach? The dinner was at a beautiful place. Sorry, I didn't get to become a bay watcher but I am this man who wants you to enjoy a meal with him at the beach and die for him."

What is he talking about? So he was chasing me on this side to take me to dinner? He sure has weird ways of surprising people. What else is in store for me? Is this night going to end?

"Shall we? You should try some of the lobster and crabs, they are so good trust me," he said startling me from my trail of thoughts.

I nodded and he held my hands as we walked into the four erected wall. He settled me down and some people emerged from out of nowhere and were playing instruments coming up with a tune to set the mood for our dinner.  The waiters graced our presence and the appetizer was served.  Jake picked a wine but said that I should take a non-alcoholic drink which will be good for me. 

🥀Author's Note🌹

Hello loves.

Thanks for keeping up with Jake and Dee and the whole Templeton!

Please share the book. 

I love you guys so much for being there for me 

All I can hope for is your locality and please jeep those stars coming.

Please feel free to reach me and give me your suggestions😍

WhatsApp: 0776060970

Instagram: coffee_ciggarette