
As Long As They Dont Mess My Man.

Jake stood up to stop her but decided not to, she was not crying or keeping quiet, he watched as words flew out of her mouth and settled on Fern's side. He wondered when did she know all of these? Was this the reason she came back and decided to save her from all the bullshit that Fern had laid in front of him? Was she the guardian angel that was sent to save him? He was lost for words and as she quickly tore Fern's maternity dress and pulled the fake plastic out of her stomach. Revealing the lying person she was. How did she know? He couldn't wait to ask as people were taking pictures of what was happening in the restaurant. He didn't care that pictures were taken. He was proud of Dee, she was not keeping quiet and letting people walk over her like dirt. She was standing up for herself, lashing words like the strong woman she is, her words, carefully picked to suit the situation.

"This is not fair, this is it fair at all. Who knows, maybe you are the one who told me to wear it so that I can come and lie to Jake to get money and share it between us!"

Fern was lying, shedding fake tears to convince everyone that it was a deal between her and Fern. The audience's jaw dropped waiting to hear from Dee. Seems like she was not done, she wanted her hands to fly across Fern's face but contained herself.

"Sweetheart, I am contented with the amount I got from the competition after being the second person, why would I crawl back to make you lie to a man to get money? Are you that desperate? Or let's say you don't know how to spend money and you run short of it with your stupid behaviors?"

Dee walked out of the site and stood akimbo, letting Ferm drink from her. She flaunted herself at Fern and let her feel jealousy for all the goodies that she had. Seems today was not the day to keep quiet and let drag her name to dust for accusing her of something she didn't do. She smiled at her. 

"Look at me, and you look at me very well, the last time you threw me off the cliff, it almost cost my life. It made me feel useless, you had a pretty reasonable to make the audience hate me for something that I don't know about. Fern, you do that today and try to throw me on the cliff? Maybe whisper to me and tell me to die the same way you said earlier, wait, should they be given cups and plates so that they can throw them in my head and make it bleed, or do you want me to get them water and throw at me to and I feel worthless, you are still waiting for them to start their drama so that I can cry from here in shame of what you have put me through? Hahaha, sweetheart, I have learned my lesson and the only time you are going to make me feel stupid and ashamed is not now, not ever, maybe you should start to reexamine yourself and look at your behaviors, aren't you tired of lying all these years, Fern? Aren't you tired to hide and ride on people's husbands, cause if I were you I would admit that the lying is weighing you down and you can't think of anything else if not to destroy your 'elder' sister?"

Fern looked at her, she raised her hands and wanted to pass them across her face but Dee quickly caught it. She was tough and wriggle her hands down making it painful for Fern who was wincing in pain. 

         "You are hurting me, this is painful Dee."

Dee smiled at her and threw her hands down, wiping her hands on the napkin that was on the table.  She didn't know what to do with Fern. Fern can't agree that she doesn't have a place in her life and move away, settled down, and focus on her life.  She has already asked Jake to open a business for her, she could take that opportunity and make it big. Now the only thing she can do is think of how to lie to people and get favors from them. She depended on their sympathy to save her from her misery. Dee wondered when she will ever learn. The security guards walked in place to remove her but she didn't want to walk away freely. 

"It's not like I don't know the way, leave me alone, I will walk out of this place that she thinks is important. Make sure you check your back before I stab you to death. It seems the one that you imposed on yourself didn't teach you a lesson. Maybe you will learn the lesson when you are six feet down!"

She thought Dee would chicken out, she smiled and waved at her as she walked out of the place. Dee was not bothered at this point. All she felt was happiness. She felt relieved and didn't want to look at Jake's face. She was not sure of what he will say, the audience took a picture of her as she sat down avoiding Jake's face.   She didn't know why she was behaving like that. She knows very well, that Jake had been the one to defend her but today she took another turn, she broke the rules and decided to stand for him, was that a bad thing or it was good for him? She didn't know. 

The audience returned to their table, Jake tried to look at her face but she was holding her head down. He cleared his throat and gently placed his hands on top of hers. Dee slowly lifted her head and looked at him. All she was happy in the face of a man opposite her. 

"You are fierce, remind me not to mess with you again in the future. You don't get to slap but those words were a big blow in her face. I don't know how you went from being quiet to this fierce but trust me, I love the new Dee in front of me. How did you even know of that? How did you know she was lying?"

Dee smiled and placed the other hands on top of his. She didn't know what to say but she was going to say it anyway, she didn't want their second chance to be full of shit and drama. She wanted them to try everything they have never tried. 

"I know this is Claire's profession but, for the past week after walking out of your house, I had said a lot of unworthy things ro many people. I blamed Pete for some stupid thongs like how he stupidly stood there and watched me suffer, I blamed Claire for beating me up and I hated you for everything you did to me. To some point, I felt that all the misery I went through was well described but then I looked back and remembered the reason I was lying in that hospital bed for three months. The reason I almost take my precious life was that someone decided to hate me and forced me to die. I humbled myself and decided to ask for forgiveness from the people I had falsely accused. Claire was forgiving and so was Pete. It was hard to come to you. I wanted to hate you for creating an alliance with Fern and messing this whole thing up, but every time I hated you, the more I felt attracted to you and I didn't want to lose you again. I gave us another chance, a chance that I hope will work this time round. Forgive me if I am stupid but I can't just let the feelings go and say that I don't love you anymore because I do love you every day, I hate seeing your collars hanging, I hate to see your beard all bushy, they are cute but I love them trimmed, I hate to see your bare chest, I mean when you are in official clothes. I love it with a tie on it every time, not that I want to choke you or something,  I love it when Adam's apple is moving up and down while talking and with a tie on your neck I can see where it disappears too."

Jake laughed at her words. He couldn't believe all that was bottled somewhere and she didn't say them sooner. He admired her, she was special in her way. She didn't think of herself only, but of others as well. She proved to her that she can be a bitch but a good bitch. A bitch who makes sure you don't touch her man and that is who she is. 

"Lawd, what will I do without you hun? You make me want to break all the laws at this point and crash you on that wall, with my lips on your tongue, your hands scratching some love notes on my back to tell me how much you love me. You are nothing like Claire, she would have plucked her orbs off, she doesn't think with her brain, her brain is good when it comes to hacking, but when it is just normal talk, her hands do the working."

They all know that was true. Andreas walked in while smiling at them. He knew Dee did good work today at placing Fern in her position and he was happy for her.

"Well, my darling, darling Diana, it will be my honor to serve you, queen. Jake, you saw that next time doesn't test her, I am even afraid she might throw me out of the window, not literally but her words can kill, meen."

"Okay, you two stop it, babe, isn't there anything special on the menu because I have not come here and asked for the menu?"

Jake smiled and turned to Andreas, waiting for him to answer the question. 

Andreas smiled and looked at the other side for the men who were standing beside them. The trolley was rolled in and in a minute the table was set. A nicely fried lamb, all Dee could see was hunger now, her eyes dilated looking at the meal in front of her. Her hands went to the fork and Jake hit it off.

Not so fast, at least, wash your hands, you just touched a 'fake womb' it is advisable to wash your hands darling.

        "Argh, Jake, what with you, we are using the forks and knife!"

Jake knows Dee when it comes to food, especially some nicely made meals. She would abandon all the necessary tools for eating and do it with her hands. He gave her a warning look.

"Okay, Fine, I am washing and you too are washing while Andreas monitors our meal."

Dee did it quickly and rushed to the table. She didn't even speak to Jake the moment she was at the table, she picked up her fork and sliced the meat, and placed it in her mouth. Closing her eyes and she munched on the food, she couldn't imagine how it was soft and tantalizing in her mouth.

"Mmmh, Hun, this is heaven on earth. I mean they did a good Job. You should try a bite."

Jake took a snap while she was busy closing her eyes while taking the meal. He loved how she looked while eating. It was something he had missed and cherished all of it.

 She sliced the meat and gave Jake a taste. munching on it, all he could do was want more but Dee pushed his hands out of her meal. At home, he had a very stake with rice and some salad. Wine on the bottle for Dee she had a non-alcoholic drink, Jake didn't want drama at the end of it

They were enjoying their meal while talking about random things.  Jake talked about the beach house they had built and told her the progress and everything that she was not attached to. 

"I am having my operation in two months, it will be in Canada."

Dee was slicing her meat when Jake suddenly decided to jump in with that. All the things fell on the floor and she looked and Jake who was still eating as if that was not any big news. 

Dee stared at him and wondered when he was planning on telling her about this. Jake was busy eating that he didn't realize that Dee had stopped eating and was staring at him.

"Baby are you sure about this? I mean how are you feeling plus you don't have to do it, I mean we can do without the kids, it's not a must we have kids or we will ask for Pete's help when it comes to this."

Jake was playing with some vegetables in his mouth and immediately stopped me and looked at her. He was not going to do such a thing and if he is willing to do the operation then he is going to do it without anybody's help. 

"I will do it. I will be healed after this hun, I mean it. I want babies with you. Maybe two if they are too many. I mean look at Claire, she has Jade and he is already dramatic. Do you remember the pooh night, I can't manage that every day. It's not that I want to make you happy, that is part of it but I also want to make sure that we have what to call our own okay?"

Dee hugged him and she was moved that she considering that option.  They ate their meal and Dee went ahead to ask him about the process which Jake didn't think was a big deal. Deep down, Dee was worried about everything.  she prayed that maybe Jake will have second thoughts about operations. The stories of operations she has heard of didn't end well. Maybe this might mutilate him. That's all she feared. She watched as he openly talked about it as if it were not a big deal. 

"Hope they are not going to reduce the size of your brother because I will sue them for that!"

Jake choked on his wine.  Dee had to quickly give him a glass of water to make things better for him. 

"Jeez, it's an operation to rectify things not to cut my dick. I think I am going to choke again, please help me refill the glass. I will appreciate it. "

Dee laughed at him. She knows very well that it wa nothing associated with Dick or anything. She hoped that they were not going to mess her man up.

"I love every part of you and they must do what they want specifically. Wait, is it going to be a man or a woman?"

Jake rolled his eyes at him. He knew a man was involved but he wanted to make her feel angry and jealous.

       "No, a woman, she is going to touch me, and make sure I am fine."

"Hell no, you better stay at home or you are not going there. She will be jealous and might chop it off or I will be there to make sure that she doesn't touch you inappropriately."

"I lied l, its a man. Lawd, you can as well kill the women for nothing. Plus you will be allowed to see through the screen what is going on. Don't panic okay."

"Good because even that doesn't make me calm down.