
A Prestigious School?

"I kept everything to myself, I never said anything. My brother was eleven at that time and was always in school. I didn't know who to turn to. We were never introduced to any aunts or uncles we didn't have any relatives. Don't forget that my mother had passed on one year earlier so I was left with my stepmother who is not here because she escaped to Egypt after swindling Mr Daniel's money.  

My stepmother was not a go zone, she had a son with her and everything was given to her son. I was left helpless. I thought that maybe my dad didn't mean any of this to happen and the knife just slipped from his hands. 

He has never shown any signs of being an abusive person. When my mother was around, we used to enjoy everything and even my brother here can attest to that. If we wanted to go for a vacation, we all used to do it and it was enjoyable. 

The following day in the evening, I decided to hide in the studying room closet. It was usually a huge place where my father would keep his things like books, the ones he doesn't want to use and some other important items. I didn't want him to find me. The warning he gave last time was loud and clear and I was not going to sit there and wait for him to kill me though I didn't do anything wrong. The only place I could hide was in that closet. 

That's where I found some tapes. They were labelled the names of girls in alphabetical letters. If I am not wrong the videos are about two hundred and fifty. 

I didn't touch any of them, I just made a good place for me to sleep In, using my Mp3 gadget to listen to music to pass the night.

I couldn't sleep, so I was just gazing around in the dark, seeing nothing in particular. At around midnight, I heard someone open the study room door. Remember I was inside the closet, if he was to get inside, and would have to open the door and look for anything else the first person he would have touched would have been me.

Luckily he didn't open it, but instead, I heard a conversation, on the other line, he was arguing with someone, if I am not wrong, he was asking for more time to be given before he settle his debt. In the middle of their conversation, I heard him saying that their community was waiting for the right time to come so that the young lamb in his house could be given out and later he would have a lot of money. 

I ignored that because, at that age, all I thought about was a lamb, a young one of a sheep and the idea that the lamb might have been me was not in my head.

The only thing I prayed for was for him to walk out and avoid seeing me.


At five in the morning, when I was sure no one was up, I walked back into my room, left the place, the same way it was and slept in my bed as if I was there the whole night. 

My dad woke me up and said that we needed to head out to a certain meeting with him, the meeting was to be held away from home and we were to spend two nights away. 

My childish mind was excited about it but when my step_mother started complaining that my father was not considering his other child instead of me, he told her that maybe he would be taken on the next trip. 

That's when I started to fear, because, on any trips after my mother's death, my stepbrother would be all9wed to go either alone or with his mother and my father.

At the same time, I shook all that idea off my head and thought that maybe daddy might have felt sorry for what he did and wanted to apologize for it.

How stupid was I, he never wanted to apologize, but instead, I was going to be shown off, like a cow in the market, my price was going to he negotiated for.

It didn't even take long when we arrived in Moscow Russia, a place is didn't imagine we would be going to. I thought maybe my dad was taking me to New York, or even Canada but I didn't imagine he would take me to Moscow.

He left me in the care of a certain woman. 

Later that evening, I was dressed up, if you call being given matching pants and bra as being dressed and application of some lipstick until my lips couldn't hold onto each other, then I guess I was dressed. 

The woman who didn't bother to speak to me accompanied me to a car and ushered me inside, my father was there, all quiet. He spoke in Russia, but I came to realize that he didn't know the Russian language that much and was struggling to let out some words. 

The woman nodded and we started our journey.

I was this type of silent girl while growing up. I never used to talk and my mother would say, "Claire sweetie, you need to learn how to speak, even if you are a loner. Speak anything and make people listen to you."

Maybe I didn't understand why she wanted me to speak, but within time, I have come to master the art of speaking and talking to people.

At twelve I couldn't speak, even in the car, I didn't speak.  Lipstick was heavy on my lips, and the fake eyelashes were hurting my eyes. The huge coat covering my body was so heavy that I felt I was drowning and covering my existence in this world, the only thing that I wished was to die down and never resurface. 

I looked in my father's direction. 

He didn't look at me, instead, he focused on his phone, avoiding my existence. Thanks to the huge coat, I slipped in and dozed off because it was too warm.

The next time I opened my eyes, I was dangling from something. My body was inside a cage, and the cage had been hoisted up. 

I felt the Russian cold piercing through my body. I didn't know what was going on. 

"Daddy, daddy! Where are you, daddy?" I was screaming but no one came to help me.

I looked at the other sides and saw children my age, though I am not sure because they said I looked seventeen. I think my make-up might have lured them into thinking that I was older.


When I asked their age, most of them were fourteen, fifteen and seventeen. They were not adults and from the look of things, most of them were forced into this place.

"Why are you not crying for help, I don't want to be here," I said to one of them who was just quiet.

"I don't even know how to shout again. This is my fourth day here, people bid for your price and you are gone. What should I cry for again?" She said in a Russian accent.


I started to question myself, why should I be sold off with my father's consent. Was he stupid to sell me yet I have a brother who is waiting for me every time the school closes.

I just hoped no one was going to choose me from that place. I accidentally induced self-harm and even broke my toes so that my toes would be ugly and have a wound on my face. That helped because no one chose me, but I marked the face of everyone who was taken and the people who took them. I don't know why I did that but maybe it helped me.

When we were going back home, my father was furious. He was shouting at how ugly I was like my mother that's why I couldn't get chosen to join some prestigious school.

He was lying to me, that if I was beautiful, I would be chosen to join some good school. The people inside the room were breathing lust. Their tattoos all over their bodies made them scary. Their faces were scary too. Tell me how I was going to be given a prestigious scholarship for being pretty?

The following school term, I was taken to boarding school. I didn't go to the same school as my brother, though I wanted to be in the same school as him. 

My brother was eleven. There was no way I would tell him that my father wanted to sell me off to some strange people and make me disappear from this earth. 

Instead, I made sure that he was doing okay. Even between the breaks I urged him to keep doing some tuition classes so that he doesn't come home, I applied for the same but my dad was against it. 

Holidays were the days I got to be mistreated by my father, and the only time I enjoyed school was the terms without holidays, which were none. They all had holidays.

After graduating high school, I asked my brother to apply for his college outside our home town. 

I didn't want him to go through the same thing that I was going to.  He asked me why I was asking him to do that, I told him it's because I hate this place and if I pass my exams I would also go into a bigger college and outside this place. 

He agreed and soon I was alone. 

I knew I was going nowhere and after high school that was the end of it.

I wanted to escape, but the guards in the house were authorised to keep me in the house, I was not supposed to get outside, even on my balcony. 

This one evening, my stepmother and dad asked me to join them for a party. I was excited because I thought this was going to be my time to escape from these people and go far away, but no, it was not happening. 

My father confined me to a room and someone walked in, forced themselves into me without care and said that this was the only way for my father to pay them.  It was horrifying, they beat me up and I broke my two front teeth.

That day we went home, and I didn't want to speak, my dad said that it was my duty and that's all I was meant for.

The truth behind all that was to prepare me for sacrifice. Something they have been waiting for all their lives, and nowhere it was coming to be. 

That holiday, I remember my brother calling me, saying that he had got a dealership and was surprised to into some shipment that was coming from China and wouldn't manage to make it home for the Christmas holiday.

He always wanted to own his business, the only way was to look at the shipment and then he was to see if he can buy shares from the company using some little cash that my mother had left for us. 

I knew I had nothing. Nothing to lose or nothing to fear. I asked my brother to take all the cash and do whatever he wants with them. At first, he was surprised because there was a time he wanted to throw a party for his birthday but I denied him the money. So he had to write a letter but my father intercepted the letter. 

Thinking that he was going to get the money that was meant for me and my brother, I asked My brother to use all the cash and he went blindly and bought some shares from the Chinese company. 

That angered my dad and he told me that he would sacrifice me to get what he wanted. The following day he took me to the shrine by force, had me cuffed and the only time I was let loose is when I wanted to take something.

We had various things going on in the shrine. They would check if you have any disease, or any problem and I even heard them ask my dad who took my virginity and he mentioned. 

The two people who asked those questions are Mrs Kings and Dorcas.

 They were the head in charge of that operation. Then I heard them saying that I might be used for the time being as they wait for Dee to become of age. 

I wanted to know who this Dee was, but I couldn't be allowed to know anything apart from the questions asked.

After two months I was back home. I decided enough was enough. I was going to break free, I was going to run and if I am going to run then the running better be good. 

All my plans failed because I had a monitor in my room and everyone knew my moves.

On my brother's birthday, I had thought it would be a good time to escape, but when I walked out of the compound, I was taken back in.


I brought my brother into the bedroom and explained to him what had been ha0oening. He was hesitant and thought I was just mak8ng things up. I didn't blame him. He escaped most of these. Books were his friends and numbers his girlfriend. 

He already had thirty per cent shares of a business owned by the Chinese, he had started a small company for steel business. Buying and selling. He had one per cent of shares from Japanese arsenals, I knew he would be better good without me.

At the same party, I met a guy whom I would call my boyfriend. He would listen to me and that's when we hatched a plan. I set my dad's office on fire and pretended to be dead this whole time. 

The main reason I did that, was after watching the tapes that I found on his board. The videos of him and the whole gang gathered here, butchering people, secret meetings of weird behaviour. My dad engaged in sexual behaviour with other men in masks. 

I have videos from the shrines, of everything they have been doing. Especially, assaulting small children. Beating them up and threatening their families.

The good thing I can say, is they don't need to deny being in the videos because they are. The poor thing is, most people here have gone through many problems. Their loved ones were dug from the grave and later sold out to people. They steal some organs from the morgue and even kill people for it. 

They lie to people that they are a very big respected group in the world. They pose as people with money and wealth, this whole time they are poaching organs and draining people of their wealth.

I saw a report, and I know my mother's heart was plucked and her lungs removed. She only had one kidney, when she was born and that made her special. That was a kidney that could fiction properly and it was expensive that was removed and sold. 

Imagine that type of husband, who kills his wife even when she is dead. The kidney was given to my stepmother who had kidney failure and their relationship with my dad has been there only that the son was not his blood. 

I am sorry bro, but most of her body parts were removed, the expensive coffin she was married in was sold and now she is just bare in the ground with nothing. 

I know many people who are in hiding because of these groups. Many slices of meat that have been sold to them from their family members to keep them quiet, we all want to make sure that justice is served and let's hope it is served!"