
A Contract!

🥀Happy Reading🌹

                Is this what she came to do? 

It's raining and I don't know if this is the main reason she came here at this time of the night. She could have even talked to me over the phone or said anything when she first stepped inside the house. Maybe she is afraid of what I would say to her, or she didn't know how I would react to her being at my place at this time of the day. 

I place her on the bed and we eat silently. The only thing that can be heard is the gnawing of food and sipping of coffee, it's not noisy but it's a settling noise one can use. I want to ask why she is here but I can't bring myself to ask that question. Maybe she couldn't make it home because the house is nearby to her house in the city. I take that assumption. She doesn't mess with food, she finished what is on her plate and finished the coffee that I made her. I pick up the plates and take them to the small kitchenette that is in the room. 

I am still worried, maybe she is here for the night and after tonight she won't come ever, maybe she had this dream or she realized that our clothes were together and will go home tomorrow like nothing ever happened.  I want her around, I know I am an asshole but I want her around. Is that too much to ask? 

         "Can I use your washroom?"

She asks while standing by the bed.  

Of course, this is your house too, you don't have to ask me whether you want to use it or not. You can do anything, go pooh or take a piss without asking anything from me. I will be excited if you do anything. 

Well, I wanted to tell her that but I couldn't. I nodded for her and she walked off to the washroom, she stood by the door and looked at me, waiting to hear from her she disappeared back into the bathroom again. 

She took almost ten minutes and I was worried that maybe she fell off the toilet and couldn't stand up. I wanted to go in there but decided to compose myself. She is okay, she has two eyes and she will see carefully or she will call my name if anything happened.

She walked out and sat on the bed with me, I was calmly waiting for her to say anything. Anything to make me know why she was here. She cleared her throat and then I was ready to listen to her. 

"Sorry, it was raining and I couldn't make it home. I decided to tell the taxi guy to bring me here. All I could remember, was we argued before I moved out two weeks ago, I thought I could come to say sorry and ask for a place to sleep for tonight. I know it is stupid but if it's okay with you I will stay, but if it is not okay with you, I will just leave."

Damn, she remembers the argument that had me look all stupid in front of her. She got mad and crippled away from me. I don't know how to tell her she is welcome. Trust me, I feel small in her presence and I feat doing anything. 

Would you ever forgive me, Dee, I did so many stupid things but what I know, I didn't ask for a reason from you. I messed you and I am sorry for all that. If it's in your power to please forgive me for all the things that I did. I will be happy. 

I was talking like a dog who has been rained on and was at the mercy of the master. I was ready to accept anything she says anything she tells me will be okay. I have acted like an asshole and I heeded to be punished. 

She was walking slowly towards the bed, I was standing next to the side of it, watching as her eyes looked at me. It's hard to know whether she is happy or sad. Does she want to hit me or does she wants to spit at me for being so stupid?

She stands one some steps away from me. She looks down and then looks at me. Smiling and her chubby cheeks could be seen turning pinkish.

She moved again and at this point, I am startled as to why she is smiling at me. I know I was stupid to do something to her but this is freaking me out. She holds my hands and I can't help hit feel the warmth in them. 

"What if we make a deal? What if you promise me to be a good person for a month, just a month? Be a good man, a good husband, a good boyfriend. No touching me and I will be sleeping in your bed, I will be doing everything with you. No sex and I mean no sex with me for that one month. Would you do that?"

Was I hearing her right? Is she drunk or something or the coffee is working on her? I mean she can as well just say we start over the same way we were previously. If I spent almost four or is it two years without touching her sexually, what about now? I can do this, after that one month, man I will take her all I know. 

                    "Why are you smiling? Is that an easy task for you?"

Very easy, Dee, I mean we stayed together for two years without me touching you, and it's just one month now, trust me, you are going to lose this game. 

"Wait, I thought you said, you used to fuck some other chicks when you were with me?"

I know that was in the video but it was a lie, I didn't even have time for that.  She was everything to me and I couldn't leave her to go fuck some girls because she didn't want me to touch her, that is so stupid.

I shook my head and squeezed her hands. I know she doesn't believe me but she will have to because she is the lady I love.

No, I couldn't, it was just what I said to make them feel like they could believe that.

She smiled while looking at me, damn, why are her eyes like this, they are so soft and inviting me in. Wait, no I am supposed to be away from her for one month, I can't be lured into doing anything stupid. 


I shake off the idea of her lips on mine and look at her. Maybe this is her trick to make me mess with her so that she can cancel the deal. Trust me I am not falling for that. Maybe she can try something else. 

"When I say, no touching, I mean it. Plus you are not supposed to touch yourself. Keep your hands to yourself and be a good man."

Don't you think this is too much? I used to touch myself or else you want me to have blue balls all over the place? They are painful you know. 

"survive it, I can't have my man trying to milk himself, you are not a cow!"

Hun, that is not fair, you know, what about you, how are you going to survive if I start my deal? Because I am also going to give out my idea. I will be removing clothes in front of you and doing all sorts of things in front of you.

She laughs and looks at me. I don't know why she is collected and doesn't want to accept that I will challenge her. 

"Sweetheart, I have seen pretty good chest for almost two months or four months, let's keep out the period I was in comma. I didn't fall for any of that. You must be stupid to think I will be dripping wet and asking for your help."

I know she is good at this. I just hope she is not going to defeat me. She grabs a pen from the side bed and scribbles some things quickly before giving me the note. 

                   Why should I sign this?

"It's an agreement, if you fail, I go back to my hole, if I fail, I go back to my home still but if we pass then we have another chance of doing great things together."

This was ridiculous but I had to do it. There was no way I am letting an opportunity pass me like this.  I can let other things pass but not her challenging me to this game, I am going to pass everything with flying colors like the hardworking boy I am. 

I didn't even look at the contract because I know what it entails. Signing it, then I saw two funny requirements. 

'Take me to the job every day and didn't fail to pick me up in the evening, try food in different restaurants every Wednesday and Monday, go for a road trip at the start and the end of the month can be adjusted but should be twice every month. Get your baby girl some presents.'

Hun, don't you think this is too much? What if I am busy? 

She grabbed the paper from me and wanted to tear it but I grabbed it back and quickly signed it. I will make sure that I do everything because she is my prize at the end of it.

             "Okay, stand straight as we shake hands."

We took a selfie and it was stored on her phone. I wanted to have a copy of it and she quickly sent the picture to me. Should I smile or be sad? This is exciting for me I don't know how I will make this more fun. She agreed we are starting tomorrow and I can't wait to look for new restaurants in town and even some good places to go for a rod trip. I am not supposed to milk myself or touch myself a check because I have been trying to be a celibate for some time now.

We sat on the bed with the bedside lamp lighting the room. She was beside me trying to be cozy I couldn't help but cuddle her. She still had the shower scent with her. Her hair was growing slowly though  I wanted it to grow faster, you will know the reason later not now.

               How is Dan doing? I haven't seen him for so long now.

"He is okay, and doing great, I had to let him be during the meetings because he had an issue with Andreas, they had to sort it out, and bringing him to the meeting was going to be hard, you dont know how Andreas is important to him."

At least I get to know why she didn't show up with him. They always make a great pair though. When the other one is giving out a point, Dan is always busy writing everything.

"What about you, how have you been? It's been a long since you were sincere. I had wanted to ask you about this while making your tie but you were quickly asking me questions that don't make sense at all."

Why did she hate when I asked her something? All I wanted was to make she is okay.?

I have been wanting you by my side every day. I didn't know how to say this but, this has been my dream, to have you here. It's muck because I won't be walking around looking stupid with my collars hanging out like a dog on a leash. Plus my hair will be trimmed always and I will be looking good.

She smiled hiding her face in my embrace. I don't know how to make this last forever. She is amazing you know, just that smile and her fingers holding onto my chest makes me want to do bad things. 

"Maybe you should start paying for the services, look like I am a very important person in this. Pay for it."

Haha, are you sure about it, I will gladly pay anything to have you do it daily. I am a generous man and I would like to extend my generosity to you.

She smiled a pecked my cheeks. Man, I can't keep myself away from that kiss. I need to do something. I look at her and our eyes connect. I know deep down there is this feeling of me wanting to hold on to her tightly, kiss her all over and do bad things to her but that will mean that I break the rule of agreement.  Lawd, why would she come up with those ideas? Sh? knows very well that I can't deal with them. I am better off without rules, but at the same time, I want to make sure that I use them.

I look at my bedside and want to close the lights but I can't. Her hands prevent me from doing anything stupid so I hold her tightly hoping that am going to behave and don't touch her the way my mind is thinking of doing. 

Fuck, this is wrong, holding her tightly, proves to be bad. She is close to me, breathing down my neck and my raging brother can't keep it to himself. He is already trying to jump out of my pants with rage as he looks for his little sister. 

Not now please, go inside, just give me one month and you will respond to her in all ways that you want, you can't make me like this. You can't make me fail, or I will chop you off. Can you at least be calm?

This is going the wrong direction if you keep persisting, there was no way I could calm this raging in me. It wanted to jump at Dee. Looking at her, she is asleep. Maybe I can jump and go into the bathroom, and look at many pictures of her as I milk myself to death but she might wake up in the middle looking for me and the contract will be terminated. I gently put her to sleep as I try to lecture my raging brother. It's either it's going to stand down or I lose this. How much torture am I going to pass through because this is so not going to work?

I turn to the other side but her hands follow me, it's like she wants me to be by her side and spoon her. I try to make her comfortable but I can't.

 Maybe take a cold shower or go cool me in the fridge. That will work. I gently wake and opt for the cold shower, maybe this is what I needed. Showering, all I can think of is her, there is nothing bad running in my head apart from her beautiful features.

I try my best to keep it cool but it's not happening. I remember an incident between her and Bob but after being told that was fake, it doesn't help me even a little. Maybe I can't do this, maybe this is too hard for me to do, maybe I am not too good for her if my mind keeps thinking of how to get her waist and slam into her. Maybe I should terminate the contract.