
Chapter 9: Why sweating so much?

"Solve what?" Chen Bin's heart skipped a beat.

Cheng Xinxue chuckled, her eyes narrowing like a little fox.

Her cold hand slid through Chen Bin's clothes, elicting a shiver from him as goosebumps erupted all over his body.

"Are you crazy!" Chen Bin was more terrified of being discovered and losing his job than he was excited.

Cheng Xinxue giggled, "Teacher, you have the hots but not the guts, huh?"

"Of course, if we're caught, you'll definitely be fine, but I could lose my job and then my whole family would starve to death. Go back!"

Chen Bin thought to himself that the boss was a hot-tempered man. What if he found out his own daughter and Chen Bin were involved? Wouldn't he flay and debone him?

He didn't consider himself a saint capable of resisting temptation; it was just that his parents relied on his job to support them.

He immediately tried to push Cheng Xinxue away but ended up grasping something soft instead.

"Mmh..." Cheng Xinxue moaned softly, a hint of seduction appearing in her eyes, "Teacher, you're so strong..."

Chen Bin grew more and more flustered, anger building inside him, "Get going, quick!"

Cheng Xinxue, biting her red lips, said, "Help me finish this round and I'll go, okay? I promise not to bother you anymore."

With no other choice, Chen Bin snatched the phone and turned to play the game, only to find Cheng Xinxue clinging tightly to his back, her softness making it hard for him to breathe.

He wasn't an altruistic person, not afraid to take down this crazy girl, but he feared being discovered and ruining everything.

"Wow! You really are a great teacher!"

Seeing Chen Bin continuously reaping heads, Cheng Xinxue became immediately happy.

"Hit him! Yes! Kill him!"

Cheng Xinxue wriggled on Chen Bin's back, annoying him to no end.

He dared not make a sound, always feeling like Jiang Jing was just outside the door, listening and waiting to burst in to expose them.

And there was Cheng Xinxue's cold hand, touching his abs, counting them one by one.

"Stop moving around!" Chen Bin snapped.

Cheng Xinxue laughed mischievously, "Oh come on, Teacher, just let me touch a little more... ei!"

Suddenly, her body trembled.

Her own hand, guided by Chen Bin's, firmly gripped something, and her eyes widened.


Chen Bin finally exploded, "Hold tight!"

Cheng Xinxue, lying on Chen Bin's back, felt the daunting object and was startled.

She had only meant to tease Chen Bin, not expecting him to actually get angry.

"Teacher, I..."

"Move it!" Chen Bin reprimanded quietly, "Weren't you going to 'help me out'? Like touching randomly? Then you get to really feel it!"

Cheng Xinxue, her heart in disarray, retorted stubbornly, "You really think I'm scared of you? If we're moving, we're moving!"

A sensation of discomfort, tinged with naivety, came over Chen Bin, who smirked to himself.

Kid, you're getting too wild not to be put in your place.

Cheng Xinxue's face grew redder, after all, it was her first time being so intimate.

Initially resistant, curiosity quickly took over, and she became even more diligent, not wanting to seem inferior to Chen Bin.

After all, she had been posing as a rebellious girl all along.

Soon, seeing Chen Bin continuously take down enemies, her excitement grew and her motions quickened.

"Penta kill! Is there a penta kill?" She pressed her face against Chen Bin's, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Chen Bin, breathing heavily as he played the game, felt the stimulation intensifying.

"Penta kill! A real penta kill! Yay!"

"We won, we won!"

"Teacher, you are so amazing!"

"Teacher, you..."

As Cheng Xinxue reveled in happiness, suddenly her charming face changed color, and she froze.

Chen Bin's face turned red, "Damn it..."

He had held it in for two days, not expecting it would be Cheng Xinxue who would make him lose control.

Cheng Xinxue, coming to her senses, said shyly, "See! I'm not afraid of you at all!"

Chen Bin said helplessly, "Go back quickly."

Cheng Xinxue knew she had annoyed Chen Bin and spoke softly, "Sorry, teacher, I was just teasing you..."

Seeing Chen Bin not speaking, she tiptoed out of bed to leave.

Then she came back, leaned in close to Chen Bin's ear and said, "Hehe, actually, I kind of like it when you're rough with me, see you tomorrow, teacher!"

After giving Chen Bin a gentle kiss on his face and giggling, she left, leaving him with a helpless expression.

After changing into a new pair of underwear, Chen Bin lay down in bed with utmost helplessness.

If his boss found out about this, he certainly couldn't escape punishment, he must find an opportunity to put an end to it.

But recalling the friendly exchange with Cheng Xinxue just now, Chen Bin felt refreshed and couldn't bring himself to stop.

"This girl has been ungoverned since her parents divorced when she was young, I didn't expect her to turn out like this..."

"But the one taking advantage is me, what am I being so prissy about?"


He slept soundly.

It was Jiang Jing knocking on the door that woke him in the morning.

"Bin, are you awake? Get ready and come downstairs for breakfast."

"Got it, sister-in-law."

Chen Bin hurriedly got dressed, his mind briefly wandering when he saw the disheveled pair of underwear, fearing that Jiang Jing would see it, he tossed it in the drawer and put on a new pair.

As he went downstairs and saw the sumptuous dishes, his appetite surged.

"Sis, what's the occasion for cooking so much?"

"It's like this every day, it's just that we didn't call you yesterday because we figured you were tired."

Jiang Jing and the maid Sister Su were bustling about in the kitchen, dressed in casual clothes, emitting an intellectual beauty.

Cheng Xinxue, sitting at the table, called Chen Bin over, "Teacher, come sit."

Chen Bin, recalling her cold little hands from last night and seeing her looking normal, felt his own face turning into a weird expression.

The three of them sat down to eat, and after a while, Jiang Jing asked, "Xiaoxue, how's the teaching going? Are you studying well?"

"Of course, I am!" Cheng Xinxue giggled and said, "The teacher is amazing, he taught me a lot of knowledge I've never seen before, really useful."

"Really?" Jiang Jing was surprised to see Cheng Xinxue so fond of a teacher for the first time.

Cheng Xinxue nodded earnestly, "Definitely! The teacher taught me about derivatives last night, which is college-level knowledge, totally overpowering when applied to high school math!"

"What derivatives?" Jiang Jing was puzzled.

Cheng Xinxue seriously said, "Derivatives, you know."

"Pfft..." Chen Bin almost spat out his food, thinking that Cheng Xinxue was really bold. What if Jiang Jing understood what 'derivatives' meant?

However, Jiang Jing just smiled and said, "That impressive? I didn't see it coming, Bin."

"Cough cough... no, no, just a trivial bit of knowledge," Chen Bin sweated profusely.

But Cheng Xinxue shook her head and said, "Trivial? It's a 'huge' bit of knowledge, a super huge bit of knowledge!"

Chen Bin knew this little demon was implying something and instantly felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Treating Cheng Xinxue like that last night, with her personality, she was bound to find a way to get back at him.

He had intended to discipline Cheng Xinxue, but she had become even more intense instead.

However, Jiang Jing seemed very happy, "I've never seen Xiaoxue enjoy studying so much, Bin, you're a natural-born teacher!"

Chen Bin could only spout nonsense to get through.

But he felt Cheng Xinxue's little feet exploring the nape of his foot, cold as ice, immediately causing goosebumps to raise on his skin.

He glared at her, while Cheng Xinxue seemed utterly oblivious, instead getting bolder by stretching her foot straight to Chen Bin's crotch and rubbing it provocatively.

Chen Bin felt a toothache coming on, thinking he might not be able to stay here much longer.

After finishing the meal, Chen Bin was already sweating profusely, grateful that Jiang Jing didn't notice, or else he would be in big trouble.

"Bin? Are you feeling unwell? Why are you sweating so much?" Jiang Jing asked with concern.

Chen Bin was even sweatier, "No, sister-in-law, it's just a bit hot, I'm going upstairs."

Jiang Jing watched Chen Bin flee and thought it was because he felt guilty about masturbating the night before and didn't dare to face her, she smiled softly, not minding at all.

Being experienced herself and having a good impression of Chen Bin, she wasn't going to get angry.

If it had been someone else doing that, she probably would have kicked them out already.

At the same time, thinking of Chen Bin's impressive "equipment," Jiang Jing felt her heart flutter, hoping only that Cheng Peng would come back early today to soothe her ardor.