
Chapter 6 Remaining Calm and Collected

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"Does it look good?"

Jiang Jing noticed Chen Bin's eyes were fixed intently on her, his complexion slightly changing.

"Looks good, looks good... I mean... Sister, I..."

Chen Bin snapped back to reality, realizing Jiang Jing's gaze was somewhat annoyed.

"What? You think it doesn't look good?" Jiang Jing's beautiful eyebrows raised.

Chen Bin had been mesmerized by the sight, and with Jiang Jing's barrage of questions, he didn't know how to respond and started to stutter.

"Pfft..." Jiang Jing couldn't help but laugh when she saw the foolish look on Chen Bin's face.

She seemingly moved the cardboard box on purpose, revealing an even more stunning view.

"So young and you're already not behaving, do you always sneak peeks at women like this?"

Chen Bin felt as if he had a thorn in his back and could only foolishly smile, "Can't help it, Sister is too beautiful..."

"Really? For real?" Jiang Jing chuckled, "Have you never seen a beautiful woman before, to compliment even an old and faded middle-aged woman like me?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Bin immediately responded with a serious face, "What are you saying, Sister? You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, not only beautiful but also kind-hearted, with a great figure..."

"Alright, alright!" Jiang Jing's face flushed slightly, and she glanced around nervously, afraid of being overheard.

Sweet talk is always heartwarming, especially when it comes from a handsome guy like Chen Bin.

Jiang Jing wondered if she was really that attractive to Chen Bin?

The two carried the cardboard boxes down to the basement, where Jiang Jing directed Chen Bin to place the items on the metal shelves.

As they went upstairs, Chen Bin followed behind, his heart stirred by the sight of Jiang Jing's twisting, upturned bottom.

His compliments seemed to have pleased Jiang Jing; he thought he should compliment her more in the future.

"Sister, how did you meet the boss?"

"Hmm?" Jiang Jing replied with a light laugh, "Just like that."

"No, Sister, what I mean is, with you being so pretty, how did you..."

Jiang Jing stopped, her eyes suddenly flickering as she looked at Chen Bin, "Are you saying, how could I marry your boss, a man not so outstanding in appearance?"

Chen Bin was taken aback.

Then Jiang Jing added, "Your boss is successful in his career, generous, and sweet-talking, willing to pamper me; why wouldn't I marry him?"

"Sorry, Sister, it's none of my business," Chen Bin quickly apologized.

The light in Jiang Jing's eyes faded again, and she turned to continue walking, "But ultimately, men will change their hearts..."

Chen Bin felt a sudden tightness in his chest, wondering if Jiang Jing had discovered that the boss had other women on the side?

The two returned to the study to continue tidying up when Cheng Peng sent a message.

"Xiaoxue says you're bullying her, what's going on?"

Chen Bin hurriedly replied, "No, I just let her do two sets of papers, can't she even handle that?"

Cheng Peng replied, "She's been spoiled since she was young. Having you tutor her is just an excuse; don't make a big deal out of it."

"Oh..." Chen Bin thought to himself since that's what you're saying, there's no need for me to be so serious about teaching her.

Previously, Chen Bin wasn't all that serious about tutoring anyway; he just wanted to discipline Cheng Xinxue a bit, since she was being too mischievous.

"How's your sister-in-law doing? How are things progressing?"

Chen Bin glanced at Jiang Jing, who was crouched down cleaning the bookshelf, her neckline revealing a twinkling glow, and her moon-shaped buttocks taut and full.

"Sister is helping you tidy up the study," he replied.

"What?" Cheng Peng immediately became anxious, "Quick! The third drawer on the left side of the bookcase next to the door has a few things, get rid of them immediately!"

"Damn, she's never this diligent usually, what's gotten into her today?"

Understanding the hint, Chen Bin immediately blocked Jiang Jing's line of sight with his body and gently pulled open the third drawer.

A USB drive and a box of red pills.

Without drawing attention, he slipped these two items into his pocket and sent an "OK" emoji to Cheng Peng.

The red box of pills was obviously some kind of banned substance.

Chen Bin thought to himself that with the boss having so many women outside, he must have relied on such drugs to deceive them often.

"Bin? What are you stealing there?" Jiang Jing suddenly asked.

Chen Bin was startled and quickly replied, "No, just getting something for the boss, I'll hand it to him later."

"What is it?"

"Just a little trinket..."

"Take it out, let me have a look?"

Chen Bin's heartbeat thundered as he took out the USB drive, "Just this, I don't know what it is either."

Jiang Jing's expression paused upon seeing the USB drive, and she said seriously, "I thought it was something else... This USB drive is very important; don't peek, and deliver it to your boss as soon as possible."


Chen Bin let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Jiang Jing hadn't seen the box of medicine, or everything would have been exposed.

However, Jiang Jing's odd look when she saw the USB drive did stir Chen Bin's curiosity, making him wonder what was inside.

After tidying up the study, Jiang Jing said, "Go upstairs and check how Xiaoxue's doing with her exercises. Sister Su and I will go prepare dinner."


Chen Bin went upstairs and, before he even entered, he heard the sound of a video game's voiceover.

Upon opening the door, Cheng Xinxue was playing "Honor of Kings"; she had only done two questions on her exercises.


"Ah!" Startled, Cheng Xinxue almost bounced her ample bosom out, waves churning.

She had scared Chen Bin like this before but hadn't expected to be startled herself.

She quickly put away her phone, sheepishly saying, "I can't do the exercises... not a single question."

With his boss having spoken, Chen Bin naturally couldn't be bothered to insist. He reached for Cheng Xinxue's phone, "Yo, 1-9! Bad at studying, and even worse at playing games."

Cheng Xinxue's breath hitched, and she said through clenched teeth, "Teacher! Don't push people too far!"

Chen Bin found this amusing and changed his tune, "Actually, that's not too bad, at least you're pretty, so there's that."

"Hmph!" Cheng Xinxue immediately brightened up at those words and said with a coquettish tilt of her chin, "Of course, glad you noticed!"

Chen Bin handed her phone back to Cheng Xinxue, "Keep playing."

"What's going on?" Cheng Xinxue looked up with wide eyes, "You're not making me do the exercises?"

"You've already complained to my boss; can I still force you?"

Cheng Xinxue giggled, looking apologetic, "Sorry, my dad didn't give you a hard time, did he? I get dizzy seeing all those words, and you were so fierce..."

She thought to herself, if only Chen Bin had been nicer that morning, she wouldn't have felt the need to complain.

Chen Bin said, "It's fine, I might as well enjoy my freedom, right?"

"Hehe!" Cheng Xinxue grinned, revealing a cute little tiger tooth shining in the light.

"Don't worry, teacher, as long as you don't make me do exercises, I'm up for anything!"

Chen Bin's heart stirred at those words, and he couldn't help but give Cheng Xinxue a once-over. At such a young age, she already had a full bust, which was truly astonishing.

"What, want to touch?" Cheng Xinxue asked with a mischievous smile.

Chen Bin said, "Are you trying to get me fired?"

Cheng Xinxue chuckled, "So what? I won't tell my dad."

"Is this how you are at school? Letting anyone touch?"

Cheng Xinxue raised an eyebrow, "Of course not! I'm letting you because I think you're handsome, and you have a nice body."

"To be honest, I've always wanted to have a boyfriend just like you. A military brother, you don't even know how appealing you are to girls."

Seeing Cheng Xinxue's eyes sparkle, Chen Bin felt slightly overwhelmed and repeatedly waved his hands, discouraging her.

Cheng Xinxue continued, "It's okay if you don't want to touch, can I touch your abs then?"

Her cute little face looked up, her plump red lips glistening under the light, and Chen Bin felt an urge to lean down and kiss her.

He quickly regained his senses, "Stop talking nonsense; it's normal to be curious about these things at your age, but you're still young. Don't take risks with your body."

Cheng Xinxue looked at Chen Bin with new respect upon hearing those words.

"I didn't expect that, you can really hold yourself back!"

Chen Bin responded with a wry smile.

He was plotting to bed the lady of the house, what did he know about holding back?