
Chapter 48 Mission Book

Penerjemah: 549690339

Perhaps it was the alcohol taking effect, but Wen Xinyue finally let loose and became more talkative.

She was very satisfied with Chen Bin, who was handsome and had a nice build.

What was mainly impressive was his tact and gentleness when taking liberties; as soon as she indicated she wanted to stop, Chen Bin would immediately cease.

Before, when Zhao Kang had urged her to join the club, she thought the members were just there to vent their sexual desires, but she never expected to meet a high-quality man like Chen Bin.

They continued playing the game, but it was just a taste without much exaggeration, and no excessively bold stations were set up.

By the end of a whole round of the game, the boldest thing that had happened was Chen Bin massaging Wen Xinyue's chest, though there were other similar stations that they simply hadn't encountered.

"I win!"

Ye Qing was the first to finish the course, winning the round.