
Jeremy and Coral

I head back inside for dinner my mother cooked spaghetti.

My mother's friend Shelly has brought over her son for dinner.

I am upstairs changing into something more comfy, as i head back downstairs Shelly's son comes right in.

It turns out that Shelly's son is apart of the football team, he's one of the hottest guys at school.

Every girl wanted him except me, all I would hear at school was Jeremy this Jeremy that over and over.

My mom made me sit next next to Jeremy and share a plate with him, I have no clue why.

My mom and Shelly ate up in my moms room, Jeremy kept staring at me "What" I say.

"You just look so cute" he answers, I sit in silence looking at the plate.

We continue to eat the spaghetti when we caught the same noodle, I was looking the other way at the TV.

We kept getting closer and closer, I look at Jeremy as our lips touch.

He closes his eyes while I start to blush a little, his lips are so soft.

For some reason I can't bare to stop, I close my eyes and put my hands around the back of his neck.

He grabs my waist, we stop kissing and look each other in the eyes as our faces are still close.

I begin to blush, I try to get up as fast as I can but he puts his arm around me.

He stands up and so do I, but I still can't run no matter how much I try.

He ends up putting me on his shoulders, I curl up around his head.

"You scared?" he says "Yes" I answer, after he put me on the front of him.

I try to get down but he won't let me, Shelly started to come down, he finally put me down as she was walking down the stairs.

"What are you kids doing?" Shelly says happily "Eating" Jeremy answers "Yeah" I reply.

"Jeremy we have to go back home now" Shelly tells him, Jeremy gets up and heads out the door with his mom.

I get up and head back upstairs where I lay in bed for a little and watch them leave.

I fall asleep, my mother comes in and shuts off my lights and kisses me on the head.