

They met when they never should have. Pushed together and then pulled apart by the world. Catrina and Alex's worlds collide. Her dark, tortured soul was born in secrets and lies. His ruthless, eccentric personality protects what he forged with lies and deception. After losing everyone she has ever loved at the hands of a manipulative, ruthless psychopath Cameron 'El Demonio' Navarr, it becomes Catrina 'Cat' Banning's mission as an Undercover CIA Agent to seek revenge against him. At all costs. Her life takes an unexpected turn when, eight years later she comes face to face with her past. Alexander Michael James Knight has had a tough upbringing. His story may read like the typical 'rags-to-riches'. But he has had to sacrifice his dreams and true self to raise his family legacy - Knight Inc to new heights. A new device made by the company catches the attention of 'El Demonio' that has the power to destroy the world in the wrong hands. He has to protect all that he has built. At all costs. Even if he has to stand up against his past. Will they ever be able to uncover the secrets and lies between them? Will they ever find out about the other's deception? Can they overcome their past to reunite?

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150 Chs

Revenge, the sweetest morsel to the mouth that ever was cooked in hell - WALTER SCOTT

Cat made a mental note to keep an eye on the wily old coot, Shore as she found his attitude toward Alex stemmed more from something other than the disagreement they'd just had in the meeting. The company would have had to make a new adaptation as a whole in these trying times and she agreed with Alex on this one thing.

But Alex had other ideas as he grabbed her arm and started to steer her to the end of the hall towards his office. Moving swiftly with his feet gliding noiselessly on the ceramic lined tiles, she was forced to semi-jog to keep up with him in her high heels and tight skirt.

"Alex, dammit slow down. Why are you rushing so fast?"

"Keep up, Catrina. I don't want any more of your admirers stopping us to chat."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Cat tried to step away and force Alex to slow down but he just tightened his hold on her arm. Short of causing a scene in front of Claire and the other office staff she kept up her ridiculous semi-jog. As soon as they reached his office Alex suddenly pulled away and she staggered a little regaining her balance. He'd closed the door and turned around to face her.

Cat crossed her arms over her chest and gave him a pointed look.

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To tell you to keep your flirting restricted to your exes and outside the office. I don't really care. But here, you will behave in the manner expected of a Knight Inc. employee."

"My flirting? With whom…exactly? Are you being serious right now?" She asked totally flabbergasted. "And what about my exes, does that mean you?" 

"Have you reconsidered last night's offer?"

"Are you looking to repeat that experience?"

She stopped when Cat saw a guilty gleam enter his eyes. Alex hadn't really wanted her to meet this Mr. Shore character for some reason and the abrupt way he'd pulled her into his office and started in on this nonsensical tirade proved it. Never one to let anything go by, she lit into him.

"I don't care for your attitude and if you really didn't want me to meet your Mr. Shore, you shouldn't have bothered to introduce me to your precious Board. I know I can do whatever I want outside this office but I don't really need your permission for that, so thanks."

"You will refrain from talking to anyone here without my presence. If you want to go anywhere in this building or outside it you will be escorted by Jason, my trusted chauffeur. Also, you can direct any questions and requests you have through my office. Got it?" Alex moved behind his desk.

He was being ridiculously high-handed and spoiling for a fight while also ignoring her. So, she chose to do just the exact opposite of what he wanted.

"Yes, Your Arrogance. Any other commands? For as sure as I draw breath, I live to serve unto thee," She dropped into a graceful mocking curtsy. For added effect, of course.

"Damn it, Catrina. For once in your goddamn life, just do as I say," Alex belted out haughtily.

"Hmmm. Let me think," She pretended to think it over and leaned against the visitor's chair tapping her lips with her forefinger.

"Nope. Well, if you stop behaving like a chauvinistic egocentric jerk from the fifteenth century, maybe I will. But on second thoughts, nope. Not even then."

His gaze dropped to her mouth and flicked to her eyes as quick as a lightning flash. But she noticed his distracted tone, "I am not in the mood for this."

"Neither am I," Cat's tone was adamant.

"I am telling you to do as I say for the last time, Catrina. It's for your own…sake."

His voice had grown chilly and as soft as a leaf flying in the wind. She knew he had been about to say something else. But what? She knew only one way to get that information. By provoking him.

"Why in hell would I listen to anything you say?"

"Because you're here assessing my company's viability and that makes you my responsibility and I always fulfill my obligations."

"For fuck's sake, I am not anyone's responsibility and certainly not yours. In any way, shape, or form. So if you still feel any perverse obligation, I hereby release you from any and all responsibilities toward me. I'm a big girl and perfectly able to take care of myself."

"You are mine. Make no mistake about that or whatever else you may think about me," He came back equally haughty and adamant.


He'd meant to say that I was his obligation.

Nothing else.

But Cat still couldn't stop the surge of heat that arose in her or the way her pussy clenched at his words.

"Now stop being facetious and listen to me. I want you to be safe and it will be easier if you follow my instructions."

Safe? Of all the things she had expected him to say, that wasn't it. Safe from what or more accurately… whom?

He had started issuing orders like a power-crazed Southern plantation owner after the meeting. Had this anything to do with the Board? With Rick Shore? Did Alex also suspect Shore of something? His slimy lips and European charm must've successfully dazzled others but it was the man's predatory vibe and cold eyes that had stirred up her instincts.

Not about to let Alex get away without explaining, Cat fired back, "As you know Alex, I was never good at taking orders. So you can command all you want. But I'll do as I see fit. Thanks for the chat. Bye now."

She'd taken one step towards the exit when Alex's whispered drawl stopped her, "I haven't finished with you yet."